def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) kc.copy_cache_or_repo(self.package, cache_dir=self.installer_cache_path, arch='noarch') self.clean_up_failed_install() Execute('unzip -o -q %s ' % (self.package)) Execute('mv %s %s' % (self.package.replace('.zip', ''), params.installation_dir)) # Execute('rm -rf %s/jb*.Final' % params.installation_dir) try: grp.getgrnam(params.service_user) except KeyError: Execute('groupadd ' + params.service_user) try: pwd.getpwnam(params.service_user) except KeyError: Execute('useradd -s /bin/bash -g %s %s' % (params.service_user, params.service_user)) Execute('chown -Rf %s:%s %s' % (params.service_user, params.service_user, params.installation_dir)) import glob if not len(glob.glob(params.JAVA_HOME)): raise ValueError("Could not find JAVA_HOME in location : " + params.JAVA_HOME) self.configure(env)
def install_storm(self, env): # install ZeroMQ which is prerequisite for storm user_exist = os.system('grep storm /etc/passwd > /dev/null') if user_exist != 0: # zeromq no longer needed? # kc.copy_cache_or_repo('zeromq-2.1.7-1.el6.x86_64.rpm') # Execute('yum install -y zeromq-2.1.7-1.el6.x86_64.rpm') Execute('groupadd -g 53001 storm') Execute('mkdir -p /app/home') Execute('useradd -u 53001 -g 53001 -d /app/home/storm -s /bin/bash storm -c "Storm service account"') Execute('chmod 700 /app/home/storm') storm_dir_present = os.path.isdir('/usr/local/storm') if not storm_dir_present: # download storm kc.copy_cache_or_repo('', arch='noarch') # Execute('unzip -o -q -d /usr/local') Execute('mv /usr/local/apache-storm-0.10.0* /usr/local/storm-0.10.0') Execute('chown -R storm:storm /usr/local/storm-0.10.0') Execute('ln -s /usr/local/storm-0.10.0 /usr/local/storm') Execute('ln -s /usr/local/storm/bin/storm /usr/local/bin/storm') storm_home_dir = os.path.isdir('/app/storm') if not storm_home_dir: # Creating local directory for storm Execute('mkdir -p /app/storm') Execute('chown -R storm:storm /app/storm') Execute('chmod 750 /app/storm') storm_log_dir = os.path.isdir('/var/log/storm') if not storm_log_dir: # Creating local directory for storm Execute('mkdir -p /var/log/storm') Execute('chown -R storm:storm /var/log/storm') Execute('chmod 750 /var/log/storm')
def install(self, env): import params import time import json env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) Execute('mkdir -p %s ' % params.install_topdir) kc.copy_cache_or_repo(self.package, arch='noarch') Execute('unzip -q %s' % (self.package)) if os.path.exists(params.install_topdir + params.install_subdir): Execute('rm -rf %s' % (params.install_topdir + params.install_subdir)) Execute('mv apache-archiva-2.2.0 %s' % (params.install_topdir + params.install_subdir)) if os.path.exists(self.package): Execute('rm -f ' + self.package) archiva_dict = json.dumps(params.archiva_admin_dict) curl_command = ( 'curl -H Content-type:application/json -d' + " '" + archiva_dict + "' " + 'http://' + 'localhost' + ':' + str(params.archiva_jetty_port) + '/restServices/redbackServices/userService/createAdminUser') self.start(env) for retry in range(3): try: time.sleep(60) Execute(curl_command, logoutput=True) break except Fail as ex: print "the curl command met with failure this time,,,trying in another 60 secs" print ex
def install(self, env): import params import time import json env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) Execute('mkdir -p %s ' % params.install_topdir) kc.copy_cache_or_repo(self.package, arch='noarch') Execute('unzip -q %s' % (self.package)) if os.path.exists(params.install_topdir + params.install_subdir): Execute('rm -rf %s' % (params.install_topdir + params.install_subdir)) Execute('mv apache-archiva-2.2.0 %s' % (params.install_topdir + params.install_subdir)) if os.path.exists(self.package): Execute('rm -f ' + self.package) archiva_dict = json.dumps(params.archiva_admin_dict) curl_command = ('curl -H Content-type:application/json -d' + " '" + archiva_dict + "' " + 'http://' + 'localhost' + ':' + str(params.archiva_jetty_port) + '/restServices/redbackServices/userService/createAdminUser') self.start(env) for retry in range(3): try: time.sleep(60) Execute(curl_command, logoutput=True) break except Fail as ex: print "the curl command met with failure this time,,,trying in another 60 secs" print ex
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) kc.copy_cache_or_repo(self.package, cache_dir=self.installer_cache_path, arch='noarch') self.clean_up_failed_install() Execute('unzip -o -q %s -d %s' % (self.package, params.installation_dir)) Execute('mv %s/jb*/* %s' % (params.installation_dir, params.installation_dir)) Execute('rm -rf %s/jb*.Final' % params.installation_dir) try: grp.getgrnam('jboss') except KeyError: Execute('groupadd jboss') try: pwd.getpwnam('jboss') except KeyError: Execute('useradd -s /bin/bash -g jboss jboss') Execute('chown -Rf jboss:jboss %s' % params.installation_dir) File('/etc/init.d/jboss', content=Template("jboss.j2"), mode=0755 ) Execute('chkconfig --add jboss') Execute('chkconfig jboss on') self.configure(env)
def install_storm(self, env): # install ZeroMQ which is prerequisite for storm user_exist = os.system('grep storm /etc/passwd > /dev/null') if user_exist != 0: # zeromq no longer needed? # kc.copy_cache_or_repo('zeromq-2.1.7-1.el6.x86_64.rpm') # Execute('yum install -y zeromq-2.1.7-1.el6.x86_64.rpm') Execute('groupadd -g 53001 storm') Execute('mkdir -p /app/home') Execute( 'useradd -u 53001 -g 53001 -d /app/home/storm -s /bin/bash storm -c "Storm service account"' ) Execute('chmod 700 /app/home/storm') storm_dir_present = os.path.isdir('/usr/local/storm') if not storm_dir_present: # download storm kc.copy_cache_or_repo('apache-storm-1.0.2.tar.gz', arch='noarch') # Execute('wget') Execute('tar -xvf apache-storm-1.0.2.tar.gz -C /usr/local') Execute('mv /usr/local/apache-storm-1.0.2* /usr/local/storm-1.0.2') Execute('chown -R storm:storm /usr/local/storm-1.0.2') Execute('ln -s /usr/local/storm-1.0.2 /usr/local/storm') Execute('ln -s /usr/local/storm/bin/storm /usr/local/bin/storm') storm_log_dir = os.path.isdir('/var/log/storm') if not storm_log_dir: # Creating local directory for storm Execute('mkdir -p /var/log/storm') Execute('chown -R storm:storm /var/log/storm') Execute('chmod 750 /var/log/storm')
def install_jce(self): import params # cache this download so that this can be redistributed on restart of the service kc.copy_cache_or_repo("", cache_dir='/etc/kave/cache', arch="noarch") kc.copy_cache_or_repo("", cache_dir='/etc/kave/cache', arch="noarch") # need to think of some protection against recursive softlinks for javapath in params.searchpath.split(':'): # print "this is javaPath"+javapath if not len(javapath): continue # Does the top directory exist and is it a directory? if os.path.isdir( os.path.realpath(os.sep.join(javapath.split( os.sep)[:-1]))): for dir in glob.glob(javapath): dir = os.path.realpath(dir) if os.path.isdir(dir): # print os.listdir(dir) for folderpath in params.folderpath.split(':'): if not os.path.isdir(dir + '/' + folderpath): Execute('mkdir -p ' + dir + '/' + folderpath) if '1.7' == self.java_version_installed(dir): Execute('unzip -o -j -q -d ' + dir + '/' + folderpath) else: Execute('unzip -o -j -q -d ' + dir + '/' + folderpath)
def install_storm(self, env): # install ZeroMQ which is prerequisite for storm user_exist = os.system('grep storm /etc/passwd > /dev/null') if user_exist != 0: # zeromq no longer needed? # kc.copy_cache_or_repo('zeromq-2.1.7-1.el6.x86_64.rpm') # Execute('yum install -y zeromq-2.1.7-1.el6.x86_64.rpm') Execute('groupadd -g 53001 storm') Execute('mkdir -p /app/home') Execute('useradd -u 53001 -g 53001 -d /app/home/storm -s /bin/bash storm -c "Storm service account"') Execute('chmod 700 /app/home/storm') storm_dir_present = os.path.isdir('/usr/local/storm') if not storm_dir_present: # download storm kc.copy_cache_or_repo('apache-storm-1.0.2.tar.gz', arch='noarch') # Execute('wget') Execute('tar -xvf apache-storm-1.0.2.tar.gz -C /usr/local') Execute('mv /usr/local/apache-storm-1.0.2* /usr/local/storm-1.0.2') Execute('chown -R storm:storm /usr/local/storm-1.0.2') Execute('ln -s /usr/local/storm-1.0.2 /usr/local/storm') Execute('ln -s /usr/local/storm/bin/storm /usr/local/bin/storm') storm_log_dir = os.path.isdir('/var/log/storm') if not storm_log_dir: # Creating local directory for storm Execute('mkdir -p /var/log/storm') Execute('chown -R storm:storm /var/log/storm') Execute('chmod 750 /var/log/storm')
def install(self, env): import params # intelligently choose architecture import kavecommon as kc el = {"centos7": "el7"} self.package = self.package % el[kc.detect_linux_version().lower()] self.install_packages(env) env.set_params(params) kc.copy_cache_or_repo(self.package, cache_dir=self.installer_cache_path) if params.use_external_postgres: Execute('sudo -u postgres psql -d template1 -c "CREATE USER ' + str(params.postgres_database_user) + ' WITH PASSWORD \'%s\';"' % params.gitlab_admin_password) Execute( 'sudo -u postgres psql -d template1 -c "ALTER USER %s CREATEDB;"' % params.postgres_database_user) Execute('sudo -u postgres psql -d template1 -c ' + '"CREATE DATABASE {} OWNER {};"'.format( params.postgres_database_name, params.postgres_database_user)) Execute( 'sudo -u postgres psql -d template1 -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm;"' ) # reset the password with set_password method # cretae SSL certificate Execute('rpm --replacepkgs -i %s' % self.package) if params.use_external_postgres: Execute('gitlab-ctl reconfigure') Execute('gitlab-rake gitlab:setup force=yes') Execute('mkdir -p /etc/gitlab/ssl/') country = "NA" state = "NA" locality = "NA" organization = "NA" organizationalun = "NA" if len(params.hostname) <= 64: commonname = params.hostname else: commonname = params.hostname.split(".", 1)[0] email = "*****@*****.**" Execute( str.format( 'openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048' + ' -keyout /etc/gitlab/ssl/' + str(params.hostname) + '.key -out ' + '/etc/gitlab/ssl/' + str(params.hostname) + '.crt ' + '-subj "/C={}/ST={}/L={}/O={}/OU={}/CN={}/emailAddress={}' + '"', country, state, locality, organization, organizationalun, commonname, email)) self.configure(env) self.set_password(env) Execute("rm -rf " + self.installer_cache_path + self.package)
def install(self, env): import params import kavecommon as kc Execute('yum clean all') self.install_packages(env) env.set_params(params) # no need to install if already installed ... does not work behind firewall after restart if self.kind == "node" and (os.path.exists('/etc/kave/toolbox_ok') and os.path.exists(params.top_dir + '/KaveToolbox')): return True # configure first before installing, create custom install file and mirror file if necessary self.configure(env) if len(self.sttmpdir) < 4: raise IOError("where are you using for temp??") # Set up temporary directory for download/install Execute("mkdir -p " + self.sttmpdir) Execute("rm -rf " + self.sttmpdir + "/*") topdir = os.path.realpath(os.path.curdir) extraopts = "" if params.ignore_missing_groups: extraopts = " --ignore-missing-groups" kavetoolbox_path = '/KaveToolbox/' + params.releaseversion + 'scripts/KaveInstall' instscript = params.top_dir + kavetoolbox_path # no need to download if install script already exists if not os.path.exists(instscript): os.chdir(self.sttmpdir) kc.copy_cache_or_repo('kavetoolbox-' + params.releaseversion + '.tar.gz', arch="noarch", ver=params.releaseversion, dir="KaveToolbox") Execute('tar -xzf kavetoolbox-' + params.releaseversion + '.tar.gz') # try to cope with the annoying way the tarball contains something with .git at the end! import glob for gits in glob.glob(self.sttmpdir + "/*.git"): if os.path.isdir(gits) and not gits.endswith("/.git"): Execute('mv ' + gits + ' ' + gits[:-len(".git")]) instscript = './KaveToolbox/scripts/KaveInstall' commandlineargs = "" if params.command_line_args: commandlineargs = " " + params.command_line_args Execute(instscript + ' --' + self.kind + extraopts + commandlineargs, logoutput=True) os.chdir(topdir) Execute("rm -rf " + self.sttmpdir + "/*") Execute("mkdir -p /etc/kave") Execute('touch /etc/kave/toolbox_ok') Execute('chmod -R a+r /etc/kave')
def install(self, env): import params import kavecommon as kc super(Twiki, self).install(env) env.set_params(params) kc.copy_cache_or_repo('', arch='noarch') Execute("mkdir -p " + params.install_dir) Execute("unzip -o -q -d " + params.install_dir) Execute("mkdir -p " + params.install_dir + 'authtest') kc.chown_r(params.install_dir, "apache") Execute("cp " + params.install_dir + "/bin/LocalLib.cfg.txt " + params.install_dir + "/bin/LocalLib.cfg") Execute("chown apache:apache " + params.install_dir + "/bin/LocalLib.cfg") self.configure(env)
def install(self, env): import params self.install_packages(env) # protect against client downloading behind firewall if not os.path.exists(params.sonarqube_runner_install_directory + '/current'): kc.copy_cache_or_repo(self.package, arch='noarch') Execute('mkdir -p %s ' % params.sonarqube_runner_install_directory) Execute('unzip -o -q %s -d %s' % (self.package, params.sonarqube_runner_install_directory)) Execute('ln -sfn %s/sonar-runner-2.4 %s/current' % ( params.sonarqube_runner_install_directory, params.sonarqube_runner_install_directory)) self.configure(env)
def install(self, env): import params self.install_packages(env) # protect against client downloading behind firewall if not os.path.exists(params.sonarqube_runner_install_directory + '/current'): kc.copy_cache_or_repo(self.package, arch="noarch") Execute('mkdir -p %s ' % params.sonarqube_runner_install_directory) Execute('unzip -o -q %s -d %s' % (self.package, params.sonarqube_runner_install_directory)) Execute('ln -sfn %s/sonar-runner-2.4 %s/current' % ( params.sonarqube_runner_install_directory, params.sonarqube_runner_install_directory)) self.configure(env)
def install(self, env): import params import kavecommon as kc kc.extra_redhat_repos() super(Twiki, self).install(env) env.set_params(params) kc.copy_cache_or_repo('', arch='noarch') Execute("mkdir -p " + params.install_dir) Execute("unzip -o -q -d " + params.install_dir) Execute("mkdir -p " + params.install_dir + 'authtest') kc.chown_r(params.install_dir, "apache") Execute("cp " + params.install_dir + "/bin/LocalLib.cfg.txt " + params.install_dir + "/bin/LocalLib.cfg") Execute("chown apache:apache " + params.install_dir + "/bin/LocalLib.cfg") self.configure(env)
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) dlname = 'jenkins-' + str(params.download_version) + '-1.1.noarch.rpm' kc.copy_cache_or_repo(dlname, arch='noarch', alternates='' + dlname) Execute('rpm -qa | grep -qw jenkins || yum -y install ' + dlname) self.configure(env) # wget all requested plugins for plugin in params.plugins.split(','): plugin = plugin.strip() if not len(plugin): continue extsources = ["" + plugin + h for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] mirrorsources = [] for mirror in kc.mirrors(): mirrorsources = mirrorsources + \ [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch', repo=mirror) for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] intsources = [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch') for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] source = kc.failover_source(mirrorsources + intsources + extsources) dest = params.JENKINS_HOME + "/plugins/" + source.split('/')[-1] Execute(kc.copymethods(source, dest)) File(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', content=Template("config.xml.j2"), mode=0644 ) kc.chown_r(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', params.JENKINS_USER) Execute('chkconfig jenkins on') self.start(env) # using curl to create username password for jenkinsl curl_command = ('curl -d "username='******'&password1=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&email=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_EMAIL + '&password2=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&fullname=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN + '&Submit=Sign%20up" "http://' + params.hostname + ':' + str(params.JENKINS_PORT) + '/securityRealm/createAccount"') try: Execute(curl_command) except Fail as ex: print "the curl command met with failure the first time,,,trying in another 60 secs" print ex import time time.sleep(60) Execute(curl_command)
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) dlname = 'jenkins-' + str(params.download_version) + '-1.1.noarch.rpm' kc.copy_cache_or_repo(dlname, arch='noarch', alternates='' + dlname) Execute('rpm -qa | grep -qw jenkins || yum -y install ' + dlname) self.configure(env) # wget all requested plugins for plugin in params.plugins.split(','): plugin = plugin.strip() if not len(plugin): continue extsources = ["" + plugin + h for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] mirrorsources = [] for mirror in kc.mirrors(): mirrorsources = mirrorsources + \ [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch', repo=mirror) for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] intsources = [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch') for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] source = kc.failover_source(mirrorsources + intsources + extsources) dest = params.JENKINS_HOME + "/plugins/" + source.split('/')[-1] Execute(kc.copymethods(source, dest)) File(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', content=Template("config.xml.j2"), mode=0644 ) kc.chown_r(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', params.JENKINS_USER) Execute('chkconfig jenkins on') self.start(env) # using curl to create username password for jenkinsl curlCommand = ('curl -d "username='******'&password1=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&email=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_EMAIL + '&password2=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&fullname=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN + '&Submit=Sign%20up" "http://' + params.hostname + ':' + str(params.JENKINS_PORT) + '/securityRealm/createAccount"') try: Execute(curlCommand) except Fail as ex: print "the curl command met with failure the first time,,,trying in another 60 secs" print ex import time time.sleep(60) Execute(curlCommand)
def install(self, env): import params # intelligently choose architecture import kavecommon as kc el = {"centos7": "el7"} self.package = self.package % el[kc.detect_linux_version().lower()] self.install_packages(env) env.set_params(params) kc.copy_cache_or_repo(self.package, cache_dir=self.installer_cache_path) if params.use_external_postgres: Execute('sudo -u postgres psql -d template1 -c "CREATE USER ' + str(params.postgres_database_user) + ' WITH PASSWORD \'%s\';"' % params.gitlab_admin_password) Execute('sudo -u postgres psql -d template1 -c "ALTER USER %s CREATEDB;"' % params.postgres_database_user) Execute('sudo -u postgres psql -d template1 -c ' + '"CREATE DATABASE {} OWNER {};"'.format(params.postgres_database_name, params.postgres_database_user)) Execute('sudo -u postgres psql -d template1 -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm;"') # reset the password with set_password method # cretae SSL certificate Execute('rpm --replacepkgs -i %s' % self.package) if params.use_external_postgres: Execute('gitlab-ctl reconfigure') Execute('gitlab-rake gitlab:setup force=yes') Execute('mkdir -p /etc/gitlab/ssl/') country = "NA" state = "NA" locality = "NA" organization = "NA" organizationalun = "NA" if len(params.hostname) <= 64: commonname = params.hostname else: commonname = params.hostname.split(".", 1)[0] email = "*****@*****.**" Execute(str.format('openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048' + ' -keyout /etc/gitlab/ssl/' + str(params.hostname) + '.key -out ' + '/etc/gitlab/ssl/' + str(params.hostname) + '.crt ' + '-subj "/C={}/ST={}/L={}/O={}/OU={}/CN={}/emailAddress={}' + '"', country, state, locality, organization, organizationalun, commonname, email)) self.configure(env) self.set_password(env) Execute("rm -rf " + self.installer_cache_path + self.package)
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) Execute('mkdir -p %s ' % params.install_topdir) kc.copy_cache_or_repo(self.package, arch="noarch") Execute('unzip -q %s' % (self.package)) if os.path.exists(params.install_topdir + params.install_subdir): Execute('rm -rf %s' % (params.install_topdir + params.install_subdir)) Execute('mv apache-archiva-2.2.0 %s' % (params.install_topdir + params.install_subdir)) if os.path.exists(self.package): Execute('rm -f ' + self.package) if os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/archiva'): Execute('rm -f /etc/init.d/archiva') Execute('ln -s %s/bin/archiva /etc/init.d/archiva' % (params.install_topdir + params.install_subdir)) self.configure(env)
def install(self, env): # TODO: instead of throwing an exception here, I should enter gitlabs into the existing postgre database # correctly if os.path.exists('/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf'): raise SystemError( "You appear to already have a default postgre database installed (probably you're trying to put " "Gitlabs on the same machine as Ambari). This type of operation is not implemented yet.") import params # intelligently choose architecture import kavecommon as kc el = {"centos6": "el6", "centos7": "el7"} self.package = self.package % el[kc.detect_linux_version().lower()] self.install_packages(env) env.set_params(params) kc.copy_cache_or_repo(self.package, cache_dir=self.installer_cache_path) # reset the password with set_password method Execute('rpm --replacepkgs -i %s' % self.package) self.configure(env) self.set_password(env)
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) kc.copy_cache_or_repo(self.package, cache_dir=self.installer_cache_path, arch='noarch') self.clean_up_failed_install() Execute('unzip -o -q %s -d %s' % (self.package, params.installation_dir)) Execute('mv %s/jb*/* %s' % (params.installation_dir, params.installation_dir)) Execute('rm -rf %s/jb*.Final' % params.installation_dir) try: grp.getgrnam(params.service_user) except KeyError: Execute('groupadd ' + params.service_user) try: pwd.getpwnam(params.service_user) except KeyError: Execute('useradd -s /bin/bash -g %s %s' % (params.service_user, params.service_user)) Execute('chown -Rf %s:%s %s' % (params.service_user, params.service_user, params.installation_dir)) import glob if not len(glob.glob(params.JAVA_HOME)): raise ValueError("Could not find JAVA_HOME in location : " + params.JAVA_HOME) File('/etc/init.d/jboss', content=Template("jboss.j2"), mode=0755) Execute('chkconfig --add jboss') Execute('chkconfig jboss on') self.configure(env)
def install_jce(self): import params # cache this download so that this can be redistributed on restart of the service kc.copy_cache_or_repo("", cache_dir='/etc/kave/cache', arch="noarch") kc.copy_cache_or_repo("", cache_dir='/etc/kave/cache', arch="noarch") # need to think of some protection against recursive softlinks for javapath in params.searchpath.split(':'): # print "this is javaPath"+javapath if not len(javapath): continue # Does the top directory exist and is it a directory? if os.path.isdir(os.path.realpath(os.sep.join(javapath.split(os.sep)[:-1]))): for dir in glob.glob(javapath): dir = os.path.realpath(dir) if os.path.isdir(dir): # print os.listdir(dir) for folderpath in params.folderpath.split(':'): if not os.path.isdir(dir + '/' + folderpath): Execute('mkdir -p ' + dir + '/' + folderpath) if '1.7' == self.java_version_installed(dir): Execute('unzip -o -j -q -d ' + dir + '/' + folderpath) else: Execute('unzip -o -j -q -d ' + dir + '/' + folderpath)
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) dlname = 'jenkins-' + str(params.download_version) + '-1.1.noarch.rpm' kc.copy_cache_or_repo(dlname, arch='noarch', alternates='' + dlname) Execute('rpm -qa | grep -qw jenkins || yum -y install ' + dlname) self.configure(env) # wget all requested plugins for plugin in params.plugins.split(','): plugin = plugin.strip() if not len(plugin): continue extsources = [ "" + plugin + h for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"] ] mirrorsources = [] for mirror in kc.mirrors(): mirrorsources = mirrorsources + \ [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch', repo=mirror) for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] intsources = [ kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch') for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"] ] source = kc.failover_source(mirrorsources + intsources + extsources) dest = params.JENKINS_HOME + "/plugins/" + source.split('/')[-1] Execute(kc.copymethods(source, dest)) Execute('mkdir -p /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl') cpath = "/var/lib/jenkins/.ssl" print str(cpath) # #Change to your company details country = "NA" state = "NA" locality = "NA" organization = "NA" organizationalun = "NA" if len(params.hostname) <= 64: commonname = params.hostname else: commonname = params.hostname.split(".", 1)[0] email = "*****@*****.**" # Optional password = "******" print "Generating key request" # #Generate a key Execute( str.format( 'openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096' + ' -passout pass:{} -keyout /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/key.pem -out' + ' /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.pem' + ' -days 365 -subj "/C={}/ST={}/L={}/O={}/OU={}/CN={}/emailAddress={} ' + '"', password, country, state, locality, organization, organizationalun, commonname, email)) # #Import the key to pckc12 Execute( str.format( 'openssl pkcs12 -inkey /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/key.pem' + ' -in /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.pem -export -out /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.p12' + ' -passin pass:{} -passout pass:{}', password, password)) # #Import keystore Execute( str.format( 'keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.p12' + ' -destkeystore /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/jenkins.jks -srcstoretype pkcs12' + ' -deststoretype JKS -srcstorepass {} -deststorepass {}', password, password)) File(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', content=Template("config.xml.j2"), mode=0644) kc.chown_r(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', params.JENKINS_USER) Execute('chkconfig jenkins on') self.start(env) # using curl to create username password for jenkinsl curl_command = ('curl -k -d "username='******'&password1=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&email=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_EMAIL + '&password2=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&fullname=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN + '&Submit=Sign%20up" "https://' + params.hostname + ':' + str(params.JENKINS_HTTPS_PORT) + '/securityRealm/createAccount"') try: Execute(curl_command) except Fail as ex: print "the curl command met with failure the first time,,,trying in another 60 secs" print ex import time time.sleep(60) Execute(curl_command)
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) # protect against client downloading behind firewall if not os.path.exists(params.sonarqube_install_directory + '/current'): kc.copy_cache_or_repo( self.package, arch='noarch' ) # Execute('mkdir -p %s ' % params.sonarqube_install_directory) Execute('unzip -o -q %s -d %s' % (self.package, params.sonarqube_install_directory)) Execute('ln -sfn %s/sonarqube-5.4 %s/current' % (params.sonarqube_install_directory, params.sonarqube_install_directory)) if not os.path.exists( params.sonarqube_install_directory + '/current/extensions/plugins/sonar-pam-plugin-0.2.jar'): import tempfile import glob tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() topd = os.path.realpath('.') os.chdir(tdir) # # -O JPam-Linux_amd64-1.1.tgz') kc.copy_cache_or_repo("JPam-Linux_amd64-1.1.tgz", arch='noarch') Execute('tar -xvzf JPam-Linux_amd64-1.1.tgz') Execute('cp JPam-1.1/JPam-1.1.jar ' + params.sonarqube_install_directory + '/current/lib/common/') for javapath in params.jvmpath.split(':'): if not len(javapath): continue # Does the top directory exist and is it a directory? if os.path.isdir( os.path.realpath( os.sep.join(javapath.split(os.sep)[:-1]))): for dir in glob.glob(javapath): if os.path.isdir(dir): Execute('mkdir -p ' + dir + '/lib/amd64') Execute('chmod -R a+r ' + dir) Execute('cp JPam-1.1/ ' + dir + '/lib/amd64/') Execute('chmod a+x ' + dir + '/lib/amd64/') Execute('cp JPam-1.1/net-sf-jpam /etc/pam.d/') # # /0.2/sonar-pam-plugin-0.2.jar kc.copy_cache_or_repo("sonar-pam-plugin-0.2.jar", arch='noarch') Execute('cp sonar-pam-plugin-0.2.jar ' + params.sonarqube_install_directory + '/current/extensions/plugins/') os.chdir(topd) Execute('rm -rf ' + tdir) # Getting the processor architecture type(64 bit or 32 bit) p = subprocess.Popen(["uname", "-p"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) arch_type = p.communicate()[0] if os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/sonar'): Execute('rm -rf /etc/init.d/sonar') if 'x86_64' in arch_type: print("64 bit processor") Execute( 'ln -s %s/current/bin/linux-x86-64/ /etc/init.d/sonar' % params.sonarqube_install_directory) else: print("32 bit processor") Execute( 'ln -s %s/current/bin/linux-x86-32/ /etc/init.d/sonar' % params.sonarqube_install_directory) for plugin in params.sonarqube_plugins: kc.copy_cache_or_repo(plugin, arch="noarch") Execute('mv %s %s/current/extensions/plugins/' % (plugin, params.sonarqube_install_directory)) self.configure(env)
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) # protect against client downloading behind firewall if not os.path.exists(params.sonarqube_install_directory + '/current'): kc.copy_cache_or_repo(self.package, arch='noarch') # Execute('mkdir -p %s ' % params.sonarqube_install_directory) Execute('unzip -o -q %s -d %s' % (self.package, params.sonarqube_install_directory)) Execute('ln -sfn %s/sonarqube-5.4 %s/current' % ( params.sonarqube_install_directory, params.sonarqube_install_directory)) if not os.path.exists(params.sonarqube_install_directory + '/current/extensions/plugins/sonar-pam-plugin-0.2.jar'): import tempfile import glob tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() topd = os.path.realpath('.') os.chdir(tdir) # # -O JPam-Linux_amd64-1.1.tgz') kc.copy_cache_or_repo("JPam-Linux_amd64-1.1.tgz", arch='noarch') Execute('tar -xvzf JPam-Linux_amd64-1.1.tgz') Execute('cp JPam-1.1/JPam-1.1.jar ' + params.sonarqube_install_directory + '/current/lib/common/') for javapath in params.jvmpath.split(':'): if not len(javapath): continue # Does the top directory exist and is it a directory? if os.path.isdir(os.path.realpath(os.sep.join(javapath.split(os.sep)[:-1]))): for dir in glob.glob(javapath): if os.path.isdir(dir): Execute('mkdir -p ' + dir + '/lib/amd64') Execute('chmod -R a+r ' + dir) Execute('cp JPam-1.1/ ' + dir + '/lib/amd64/') Execute('chmod a+x ' + dir + '/lib/amd64/') Execute('cp JPam-1.1/net-sf-jpam /etc/pam.d/') # # /0.2/sonar-pam-plugin-0.2.jar kc.copy_cache_or_repo("sonar-pam-plugin-0.2.jar", arch='noarch') Execute('cp sonar-pam-plugin-0.2.jar ' + params.sonarqube_install_directory + '/current/extensions/plugins/') os.chdir(topd) Execute('rm -rf ' + tdir) # Getting the processor architecture type(64 bit or 32 bit) p = subprocess.Popen(["uname", "-p"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) arch_type = p.communicate()[0] if os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/sonar'): Execute('rm -rf /etc/init.d/sonar') if 'x86_64' in arch_type: print("64 bit processor") Execute('ln -s %s/current/bin/linux-x86-64/ /etc/init.d/sonar' % params.sonarqube_install_directory) else: print("32 bit processor") Execute('ln -s %s/current/bin/linux-x86-32/ /etc/init.d/sonar' % params.sonarqube_install_directory) for plugin in params.sonarqube_plugins: kc.copy_cache_or_repo(plugin, arch="noarch") Execute('mv %s %s/current/extensions/plugins/' % (plugin, params.sonarqube_install_directory)) self.configure(env)
def install(self, env): import params import kavecommon as kc package = 'kavetoolbox-' + params.releaseversion + '.tar.gz' Execute('yum clean all') self.install_packages(env) env.set_params(params) # no need to install if already installed ... does not work behind firewall after restart if self.kind == "node" and (os.path.exists('/etc/kave/toolbox_ok') and os.path.exists(params.top_dir + '/KaveToolbox')): return True # configure first before installing, create custom install file and mirror file if necessary self.configure(env) if len(self.sttmpdir) < 4: raise IOError("where are you using for temp??") # Set up temporary directory for download/install Execute("mkdir -p " + self.sttmpdir) Execute("rm -rf " + self.sttmpdir + "/*") topdir = os.path.realpath(os.path.curdir) extraopts = "" if params.ignore_missing_groups: extraopts = " --ignore-missing-groups" kavetoolbox_path = '/KaveToolbox/' + params.releaseversion + 'scripts/KaveInstall' instscript = params.top_dir + kavetoolbox_path # no need to download if install script already exists if not os.path.exists(instscript): os.chdir(self.sttmpdir) kc.copy_cache_or_repo(package, arch='noarch', ver=params.releaseversion, dir="KaveToolbox") Execute('tar -xzf ' + package) # try to cope with the annoying way the tarball contains something with .git at the end! import glob for gits in glob.glob(self.sttmpdir + "/*.git"): if os.path.isdir(gits) and not gits.endswith("/.git"): Execute('mv ' + gits + ' ' + gits[:-len(".git")]) instscript = './KaveToolbox/scripts/KaveInstall' Execute("mkdir -p /etc/kave") Execute('chmod -R a+r /etc/kave') File("/etc/kave/", content=InlineTemplate(params.custom_install_template), mode=0644) commandlineargs = "" if params.command_line_args: commandlineargs = " " + params.command_line_args noexec_detected = 0 if 'noexec' in subprocess.check_output( 'if mountpoint -q /tmp; then mount | grep "/tmp "; fi', shell=True): noexec_detected = 1 Execute("mount -o remount,exec /tmp") Execute(instscript + ' --' + self.kind + extraopts + commandlineargs, logoutput=True) os.chdir(topdir) Execute("rm -rf " + self.sttmpdir + "/*") Execute('touch /etc/kave/toolbox_ok') Execute( 'yum -y install --setopt=retries=20 --setopt=timeout=60 python-pip' ) Execute( 'bash -c "source /opt/KaveToolbox/pro/scripts/ ;pip install --upgrade pip"' ) Execute( 'bash -c "source /opt/KaveToolbox/pro/scripts/ ; pip install lightning-python"' ) File("/opt/KaveToolbox/pro/config/kave-env-exclude-users.conf", content=InlineTemplate(params.kave_env_excluded_users), mode=0644) File("/etc/profile.d/", content=InlineTemplate(params.kave_custom_environment), mode=0644) # Restart salt minion service. Otherwise it fails because of some python package installs/upgrades required # by KaveToolbox salt_check = subprocess.Popen( 'systemctl is-active --quiet salt-minion.service', shell=True) salt_check.wait() if int(salt_check.returncode) == 0: Execute('systemctl restart salt-minion.service') if noexec_detected: Execute("mount -o remount,noexec /tmp")
def install(self, env): import params import kavecommon as kc package = 'kavetoolbox-' + params.releaseversion + '.tar.gz' Execute('yum clean all') self.install_packages(env) env.set_params(params) # no need to install if already installed ... does not work behind firewall after restart if self.kind == "node" and (os.path.exists('/etc/kave/toolbox_ok') and os.path.exists(params.top_dir + '/KaveToolbox')): return True # configure first before installing, create custom install file and mirror file if necessary self.configure(env) if len(self.sttmpdir) < 4: raise IOError("where are you using for temp??") # Set up temporary directory for download/install Execute("mkdir -p " + self.sttmpdir) Execute("rm -rf " + self.sttmpdir + "/*") topdir = os.path.realpath(os.path.curdir) extraopts = "" if params.ignore_missing_groups: extraopts = " --ignore-missing-groups" kavetoolbox_path = '/KaveToolbox/' + params.releaseversion + 'scripts/KaveInstall' instscript = params.top_dir + kavetoolbox_path # no need to download if install script already exists if not os.path.exists(instscript): os.chdir(self.sttmpdir) kc.copy_cache_or_repo(package, arch='noarch', ver=params.releaseversion, dir="KaveToolbox") Execute('tar -xzf ' + package) # try to cope with the annoying way the tarball contains something with .git at the end! import glob for gits in glob.glob(self.sttmpdir + "/*.git"): if os.path.isdir(gits) and not gits.endswith("/.git"): Execute('mv ' + gits + ' ' + gits[:-len(".git")]) instscript = './KaveToolbox/scripts/KaveInstall' Execute("mkdir -p /etc/kave") Execute('chmod -R a+r /etc/kave') File("/etc/kave/", content=InlineTemplate(params.custom_install_template), mode=0644 ) commandlineargs = "" if params.command_line_args: commandlineargs = " " + params.command_line_args noexec_detected = 0 if 'noexec' in subprocess.check_output('if mountpoint -q /tmp; then mount | grep "/tmp "; fi', shell=True): noexec_detected = 1 Execute("mount -o remount,exec /tmp") Execute(instscript + ' --' + self.kind + extraopts + commandlineargs, logoutput=True) os.chdir(topdir) Execute("rm -rf " + self.sttmpdir + "/*") Execute('touch /etc/kave/toolbox_ok') Execute('yum -y install --setopt=retries=20 --setopt=timeout=60 python-pip') Execute('bash -c "source /opt/KaveToolbox/pro/scripts/ ;pip install --upgrade pip"') Execute('bash -c "source /opt/KaveToolbox/pro/scripts/ ; pip install lightning-python"') File("/opt/KaveToolbox/pro/config/kave-env-exclude-users.conf", content=InlineTemplate(params.kave_env_excluded_users), mode=0644 ) File("/etc/profile.d/", content=InlineTemplate(params.kave_custom_environment), mode=0644 ) # Restart salt minion service. Otherwise it fails because of some python package installs/upgrades required # by KaveToolbox salt_check = subprocess.Popen('systemctl is-active --quiet salt-minion.service', shell=True) salt_check.wait() if int(salt_check.returncode) == 0: Execute('systemctl restart salt-minion.service') if noexec_detected: Execute("mount -o remount,noexec /tmp")
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) dlname = 'jenkins-' + str(params.download_version) + '-1.1.noarch.rpm' kc.copy_cache_or_repo(dlname, arch='noarch', alternates='' + dlname) Execute('rpm -qa | grep -qw jenkins || yum -y install ' + dlname) self.configure(env) # wget all requested plugins for plugin in params.plugins.split(','): plugin = plugin.strip() if not len(plugin): continue extsources = ["" + plugin + h for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] mirrorsources = [] for mirror in kc.mirrors(): mirrorsources = mirrorsources + \ [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch', repo=mirror) for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] intsources = [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch') for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] source = kc.failover_source(mirrorsources + intsources + extsources) dest = params.JENKINS_HOME + "/plugins/" + source.split('/')[-1] Execute(kc.copymethods(source, dest)) Execute('mkdir -p /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl') cpath = "/var/lib/jenkins/.ssl" print str(cpath) # #Change to your company details country = "NA" state = "NA" locality = "NA" organization = "NA" organizationalun = "NA" if len(params.hostname) <= 64: commonname = params.hostname else: commonname = params.hostname.split(".", 1)[0] email = "*****@*****.**" # Optional password = "******" print "Generating key request" # #Generate a key Execute(str.format('openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096' + ' -passout pass:{} -keyout /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/key.pem -out' + ' /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.pem' + ' -days 365 -subj "/C={}/ST={}/L={}/O={}/OU={}/CN={}/emailAddress={} ' + '"', password, country, state, locality, organization, organizationalun, commonname, email)) # #Import the key to pckc12 Execute(str.format('openssl pkcs12 -inkey /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/key.pem' + ' -in /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.pem -export -out /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.p12' + ' -passin pass:{} -passout pass:{}', password, password)) # #Import keystore Execute(str.format('keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.p12' + ' -destkeystore /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/jenkins.jks -srcstoretype pkcs12' + ' -deststoretype JKS -srcstorepass {} -deststorepass {}', password, password)) File(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', content=Template("config.xml.j2"), mode=0644 ) kc.chown_r(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', params.JENKINS_USER) Execute('chkconfig jenkins on') self.start(env) # using curl to create username password for jenkinsl curl_command = ('curl -k -d "username='******'&password1=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&email=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_EMAIL + '&password2=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&fullname=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN + '&Submit=Sign%20up" "https://' + params.hostname + ':' + str(params.JENKINS_HTTPS_PORT) + '/securityRealm/createAccount"') try: Execute(curl_command) except Fail as ex: print "the curl command met with failure the first time,,,trying in another 60 secs" print ex import time time.sleep(60) Execute(curl_command)