def get_AVs(filter='F606W',verbose=True): """ Get Av values for MUSE CDFS fields --- INPUT --- MUSEidlist --- EXAMPLE OF USE --- import CDFS_lumfct as cft cft.get_AVs() """ fieldinfo = cft.get_fieldinfo() for ff in fieldinfo.keys(): if verbose: print ' - Getting Av in filter '+filter+' for '+fieldinfo[ff]['name'] Av,Ebv = kbs.getAv(fieldinfo[ff]['ra'],fieldinfo[ff]['dec'],filter) print Av, Ebv
utcstart_bri = parameters[12] utcstop_bri = parameters[13] spec1D_sci = parameters[14] nightdate_sci = parameters[15] utcstart_sci = parameters[16] utcstop_sci = parameters[17] throughput = np.genfromtxt(tpfile) # reading througput into array #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A: TELLURIC STAR #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # reading wavelengths, spectrum and ra dec from file wave_tel, spec1D_tel_eps, radec_tel = cal.readfitsspec1D(spec1D_tel, spec='SPEC1D_SUM') # get E(B-V) for ra and dec AV, extval_tel = kbs.getAv(radec_tel[0], radec_tel[1], 'F098M') # filter only important when using AV # interpolating throughput to telluric wavelengths tpinterp_tel = kbs.interpn(throughput[:, 0] * 10**4, throughput[:, 1], wave_tel) # loading expected initial 'template' spectrum of standard star (in flux units: [erg/s/cm2/A] standat = np.genfromtxt(spec1Dstandard) wave_stan = standat[:, 0] flux_stan = standat[:, 1] spec_stan_flux = kbs.interpn(wave_stan, flux_stan, wave_tel) # rescale 'template' spec to match telluric's magnitude magABstan = cal.magFromSpec(wave_tel, spec_stan_flux, tpinterp_tel) # magnitude of standard in band magABtel = magV_tel + magABstan # assuming telluric A0V (Vega) star => magABtel_band - magABtel_V = magABstan_band
nightdate_bri = parameters[11] utcstart_bri = parameters[12] utcstop_bri = parameters[13] spec1D_sci = parameters[14] nightdate_sci = parameters[15] utcstart_sci = parameters[16] utcstop_sci = parameters[17] throughput = np.genfromtxt(tpfile) # reading througput into array #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A: TELLURIC STAR #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # reading wavelengths, spectrum and ra dec from file wave_tel, spec1D_tel_eps, radec_tel = cal.readfitsspec1D(spec1D_tel,spec='SPEC1D_SUM') # get E(B-V) for ra and dec AV, extval_tel = kbs.getAv(radec_tel[0],radec_tel[1],'F098M') # filter only important when using AV # interpolating throughput to telluric wavelengths tpinterp_tel = kbs.interpn(throughput[:,0]*10**4,throughput[:,1],wave_tel) # loading expected initial 'template' spectrum of standard star (in flux units: [erg/s/cm2/A] standat = np.genfromtxt(spec1Dstandard) wave_stan = standat[:,0] flux_stan = standat[:,1] spec_stan_flux = kbs.interpn(wave_stan,flux_stan,wave_tel) # rescale 'template' spec to match telluric's magnitude magABstan = cal.magFromSpec(wave_tel,spec_stan_flux,tpinterp_tel) # magnitude of standard in band magABtel = magV_tel+magABstan # assuming telluric A0V (Vega) star => magABtel_band - magABtel_V = magABstan_band spec_stanscale = cal.scalespec(wave_tel,spec_stan_flux,tpinterp_tel,magABtel) # scaling standard spectrum to match telluric # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -