예제 #1
	def __init__(self, kernel, adopt_thresh, state, target, maxsize, adaptive=True, forget_rate=0.0):
		kernel can be an instance of i2maps.contrib.krls.Gaussian,
		or a custom Python function taking two matrices as arguments.
		self.dp = KernelDict(kernel, adopt_thresh, state, target, maxsize, adaptive, forget_rate)
		self.P = [[1]]
		self.Alpha = np.dot(self.dp.Kinv, target)
예제 #2
class KRLS:
	Kernel Recursive Least Squares
	Initialization parameters:
	kernel			The kernel to be used. Can be an instance of 
					i2maps.contrib.krls.Gaussian, or any user-defined function
					taking two matrices as arguments and returning a numpy 
					array as result.
	adopt_thresh	approximate linear dependence threshold, [0, 1]
	state			a data sample structure (array)
	target			a target value (float)
	maxsize			maximum size of the dictionary 
	adaptive		indicator if elimination is data-adaptive, True/False
	forget_rate		frequency rate for forced elimination of the oldest entry, [0, 1]
	def __init__(self, kernel, adopt_thresh, state, target, maxsize, adaptive=True, forget_rate=0.0):
		kernel can be an instance of i2maps.contrib.krls.Gaussian,
		or a custom Python function taking two matrices as arguments.
		self.dp = KernelDict(kernel, adopt_thresh, state, target, maxsize, adaptive, forget_rate)
		self.P = [[1]]
		self.Alpha = np.dot(self.dp.Kinv, target)
	def update(self, state, target):
		Updates the model.
		# dictionary update preceeds weights update. They are not independent:
		# dictionary needs to know weights Alpha to enable adaptive elimination
		self.dp.update( state, target, self.Alpha )
		# now we update the weights using values precomputed in dicionary
		# to enable recursive updates here
		at = self.dp.at
		dt = self.dp.dt
		ktwid = self.dp.ktwid
		if self.dp.addedFlag:
			# if a new entry was added  to the dictionary
			if self.dp.eliminatedFlag:
				# and an older/unrelevant entry was eliminated to make some room
				# I suspect the smart tricks got partly waisted here by matrix multiply
				# cause weights only become dependent on dictionary and not on all incoming samples.
				# Still need to figure out what's happening.
				self.Alpha = np.dot(self.dp.Kinv, self.dp.Targ)
	 			# was enough room, so update as per original paper
				self.P = np.vstack(
					[np.hstack([self.P, np.zeros((self.dp.numel-1,1))]),
					np.hstack( [np.zeros((1,self.dp.numel-1)), [[1]]] )]
				inno = ( target - np.dot(ktwid.T,self.Alpha) )/dt			
				self.Alpha = np.vstack([self.Alpha - np.dot(at,inno), inno])
				self.Alpha = np.dot(self.dp.Kinv, self.dp.Targ)
				self.addedFlag = 1;
			# we don't add an entry but update weights not to waste the sample 
 			# kinda smart incremental reduced rank regression.
			tmp = np.dot(self.P, at)
			qt = tmp / ( 1 + np.dot(at.T,tmp) )
			self.P = self.P - np.dot(qt,tmp.T)
			self.Alpha = self.Alpha + np.dot(self.dp.Kinv, qt*( target - np.dot(ktwid.T,self.Alpha) ))
			self.addedFlag = 0
	def query(self, sample):
		Queries the model to make prediction based on the provided sample.
		# compute the kernel of the input with the dictionary
		kernvals = self.dp.query(sample)
		# compute the weighted sum
		return np.dot(kernvals, self.Alpha)