예제 #1
def Newton_Euler(robo, symo):
    """Internal function. Computes Inverse Dynamic Model using
    Newton-Euler formulation

    robo : Robot
        Instance of robot description container
    symo : Symoro
        Instance of symbolic manager
    # init external forces
    Fex = copy(robo.Fex)
    Nex = copy(robo.Nex)
    # init transformation
    antRj, antPj = compute_rot_trans(robo, symo)
    # init velocities and accelerations
    w, wdot, vdot, U = compute_vel_acc(robo, symo, antRj, antPj)
    # init forces vectors
    F = Init.init_vec(robo)
    N = Init.init_vec(robo)
    Fjnt = Init.init_vec(robo)
    Njnt = Init.init_vec(robo)
    for j in xrange(1, robo.NL):
        compute_wrench(robo, symo, j, w, wdot, U, vdot, F, N)
    for j in reversed(xrange(1, robo.NL)):
        compute_joint_wrench(robo, symo, j, antRj, antPj, vdot,
                             Fjnt, Njnt, F, N, Fex, Nex)
    for j in xrange(1, robo.NL):
        compute_torque(robo, symo, j, Fjnt, Njnt)
예제 #2
def dynamic_identification_NE(robo):
    """Computes Dynamic Identification Model using
    Newton-Euler formulation

    robo : Robot
        Instance of robot description container

    symo.sydi : dictionary
        Dictionary with the information of all the sybstitution

    # init forces vectors
    Fjnt = Init.init_vec(robo)
    Njnt = Init.init_vec(robo)
    # init file output, writing the robot description
    symo = Symoro()
    symo.file_open(robo, 'dim')
    title = "Dynamic identification model using Newton - Euler Algorith"
    symo.write_params_table(robo, title, inert=True, dynam=True)
    # init transformation
    antRj, antPj = compute_rot_trans(robo, symo)
    # init velocities and accelerations
    w, wdot, vdot, U = compute_vel_acc(robo, symo, antRj, antPj)
    # virtual robot with only one non-zero parameter at once
    robo_tmp = deepcopy(robo)
    robo_tmp.IA = sympy.zeros(robo.NL, 1)
    robo_tmp.FV = sympy.zeros(robo.NL, 1)
    robo_tmp.FS = sympy.zeros(robo.NL, 1)
    for k in xrange(1, robo.NL):
        param_vec = robo.get_inert_param(k)
        F = Init.init_vec(robo)
        N = Init.init_vec(robo)
        for i in xrange(10):
            if param_vec[i] == ZERO:
            # change link names according to current non-zero parameter
            robo_tmp.num = [str(l) + str(param_vec[i])
                            for l in xrange(k + 1)]
            # set the parameter to 1
            mask = sympy.zeros(10, 1)
            mask[i] = 1
            robo_tmp.put_inert_param(mask, k)
            # compute the total forcec of the link k
            compute_wrench(robo_tmp, symo, k, w, wdot, U, vdot, F, N)
            # init external forces
            Fex = copy(robo.Fex)
            Nex = copy(robo.Nex)
            for j in reversed(xrange(k + 1)):
                compute_joint_wrench(robo_tmp, symo, j, antRj, antPj,
                                     vdot, Fjnt, Njnt, F, N, Fex, Nex)
            for j in xrange(k + 1):
                compute_torque(robo_tmp, symo, j, Fjnt, Njnt, 'DG')
        # reset all the parameters to zero
        robo_tmp.put_inert_param(sympy.zeros(10, 1), k)
        # compute model for the joint parameters
        compute_joint_torque_deriv(symo, robo.IA[k],
                                   robo.qddot[k], k)
        compute_joint_torque_deriv(symo, robo.FS[k],
                                   sympy.sign(robo.qdot[k]), k)
        compute_joint_torque_deriv(symo, robo.FV[k],
                                   robo.qdot[k], k)
    # closing the output file
    return symo