예제 #1
    def _on_request(self, message):
        log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
            task = task_pb2.Task()
                # `body` is of unicode type, but we need str type for
                # `ParseFromString()` to work.  It seems to work.
                # Maybe kombu estimate that, without any information,
                # the body should be something as json, and thus a
                # unicode string.  On the c++ side, I didn't manage to
                # find a way to give a content-type or something like
                # that.
                body = str(message.payload)
            except DecodeError as e:
                log.warn('invalid protobuf: {}'.format(str(e)))

            log.info('Getting a full feed publication request', extra={'task': task})
            if task.action != task_pb2.LOAD_REALTIME or not task.load_realtime:
            start_datetime = datetime.utcnow()
            begin_date = None
            end_date = None
            if hasattr(task.load_realtime, "begin_date"):
                if task.load_realtime.begin_date:
                    begin_date = str_to_date(task.load_realtime.begin_date)

            if hasattr(task.load_realtime, "end_date"):
                if task.load_realtime.end_date:
                    end_date = str_to_date(task.load_realtime.end_date)
            feed = convert_to_gtfsrt(TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(task.load_realtime.contributors,

            feed_str = feed.SerializeToString()
            log.info('Starting of full feed publication {}, {}'.format(len(feed_str), task), extra={'size': len(feed_str), 'task': task})
            # http://docs.celeryproject.org/projects/kombu/en/latest/userguide/producers.html#bypassing-routing-by-using-the-anon-exchange
                                      'interval_start': 0,  # First retry immediately,
                                      'interval_step': 2,   # then increase by 2s for every retry.
                                      'interval_max': 10,   # but don't exceed 10s between retries.
                                      'max_retries':  self.max_retries,     # give up after 10 (by default) tries.
            duration = (datetime.utcnow() - start_datetime).total_seconds()
            log.info('End of full feed publication', extra={'duration': duration, 'task': task})
            record_call('Full feed publication', size=len(feed_str), routing_key=task.load_realtime.queue_name,
                        duration=duration, trip_update_count=len(feed.entity),
예제 #2
        def callback(body, message):
                task = task_pb2.Task()
                    # `body` is of unicode type, but we need str type for
                    # `ParseFromString()` to work.  It seems to work.
                    # Maybe kombu estimate that, without any information,
                    # the body should be something as json, and thus a
                    # unicode string.  On the c++ side, I didn't manage to
                    # find a way to give a content-type or something like
                    # that.
                    body = str(body)
                except DecodeError as e:
                    log.warn('invalid protobuf: {}'.format(str(e)))

                log.info('getting a request: {}'.format(task))
                if task.action != task_pb2.LOAD_REALTIME or not task.load_realtime:
                begin_date = None
                end_date = None
                if hasattr(task.load_realtime, "begin_date"):
                    if task.load_realtime.begin_date:
                        begin_date = str_to_date(task.load_realtime.begin_date)

                if hasattr(task.load_realtime, "end_date"):
                    if task.load_realtime.end_date:
                        end_date = str_to_date(task.load_realtime.end_date)
                feed = convert_to_gtfsrt(TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(task.load_realtime.contributors,

                with self._get_producer() as producer:
                    log.info('Publishing full feed...')
                    producer.publish(feed.SerializeToString(), routing_key=task.load_realtime.queue_name)
                    log.info('Full feed published.')
예제 #3
def test_find_activate():
    with app.app_context():
            datetime.date(2015, 9, 8),
            datetime.date(2015, 9, 10),
            datetime.date(2015, 9, 12),

            datetime.date(2015, 9, 12),
        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date            20150906    |                               |                       |

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 6))
        assert len(rtu) == 3
        assert rtu[0].vj_id == "70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d3"
        assert rtu[1].vj_id == "70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d4"
        assert rtu[2].vj_id == "70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5"
        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                    20150908                            |                       |
        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 8))
        assert len(rtu) == 3
        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |   20150909                    |                       |
        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 9))
        assert len(rtu) == 2
        assert rtu[0].vj_id == "70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d4"
        assert rtu[1].vj_id == "70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5"
        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                            20150910                   |

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 10))
        assert len(rtu) == 2
        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                               |   20150911            |

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 11))
        assert len(rtu) == 1
        assert rtu[0].vj_id == "70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5"
        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                               |                    20150912

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(rtu) == 1
        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                               |                       |   20150913

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 13))
        assert len(rtu) == 0
        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |---------|          |                               |                       |
                            20150905   20150906

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 5),
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 6))
        assert len(rtu) == 0
        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |--------------------|                               |                       |
                            20150905            20150908

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 5),
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 8))
        assert len(rtu) == 1
        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |-------------------------|                          |                       |
                            20150905                    20150909

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 5),
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 9))
        assert len(rtu) == 1
        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |----------------------------------------------------|                       |
                            20150905                                             20150910

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 5),
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 10))
        assert len(rtu) == 2
        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |----------------------------------------------------------------|           |
                            20150905                                                          20150911

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 5),
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 11))
        assert len(rtu) == 2
        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
                            20150905                                                                     20150912

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 5),
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(rtu) == 3
        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
                            20150905                                                                                20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 5),
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 3
        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                       |------------------------------------------------------------------|
                                                    20150908                                                        20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 8),
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 3
        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                         |----------------------------------------------------------------|
                                                      20150909                                                      20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 9),
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 2
        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                       |-----------------------------------|
                                                                                    20150910                        20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 10),
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 2
        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                          |--------------------------------|
                                                                                       20150911                     20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 11),
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 1
        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                                               |-----------|
                                                                                                         20150912   20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 12),
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 1
        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                                                 |---------|
                                                                                                           20150913 20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 13),
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 0

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([GTFS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 6))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([GTFS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID],
                                                    datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(rtu) == 2
예제 #4
def test_find_activate():
    with app.app_context():
            datetime.date(2015, 9, 8),
            datetime.date(2015, 9, 10),
            datetime.date(2015, 9, 12),

            datetime.date(2015, 9, 12),

        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date            20150906    |                               |                       |
        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 6))
        expected_result = [
        assert len(tu) == 3
        assert sorted([t.vj_id for t in tu]) == expected_result

        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                    20150908                            |                       |
        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 8))
        assert len(tu) == 3

        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |   20150909                    |                       |
        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 9))
        expected_result = ["70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d4", "70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5"]
        assert len(tu) == 2
        assert sorted([t.vj_id for t in tu]) == expected_result

        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                            20150910                   |

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 10))
        assert len(tu) == 2

        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                               |   20150911            |

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 11))
        assert len(tu) == 1
        assert tu[0].vj_id == "70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5"

        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                               |                    20150912

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(tu) == 1

        contributor                     COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                               |                       |   20150913

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 13))
        assert len(tu) == 0

        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |---------|          |                               |                       |
                            20150905   20150906

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 5), datetime.date(2015, 9, 6)
        assert len(tu) == 0

        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |--------------------|                               |                       |
                            20150905            20150908

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 5), datetime.date(2015, 9, 8)
        assert len(tu) == 0

        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |-------------------------|                          |                       |
                            20150905                    20150909

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 5), datetime.date(2015, 9, 9)
        assert len(tu) == 1

        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |----------------------------------------------------|                       |
                            20150905                                             20150910

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 5), datetime.date(2015, 9, 10)
        assert len(tu) == 1

        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |----------------------------------------------------------------|           |
                            20150905                                                          20150911

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 5), datetime.date(2015, 9, 11)
        assert len(tu) == 2

        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
                            20150905                                                                     20150912

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 5), datetime.date(2015, 9, 12)
        assert len(tu) == 2

        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
                            20150905                                                                                20150914

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 5), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14)
        assert len(tu) == 3

        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                       |------------------------------------------------------------------|
                                                    20150908                                                        20150914

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 8), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14)
        assert len(tu) == 3

        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                         |----------------------------------------------------------------|
                                                      20150909                                                      20150914

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 9), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14)
        assert len(tu) == 2

        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                       |-----------------------------------|
                                                                                    20150910                        20150914

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 10), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14)
        assert len(tu) == 2

        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                          |--------------------------------|
                                                                                       20150911                     20150914

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 11), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14)
        assert len(tu) == 1

        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                                               |-----------|
                                                                                                         20150912   20150914

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 12), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14)
        assert len(tu) == 1

        contributor                            COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                                                 |---------|
                                                                                                           20150913 20150914

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 13), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14)
        assert len(tu) == 0

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([GTFS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 6))
        assert len(tu) == 1

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period([GTFS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(tu) == 1

        tu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(
            [COTS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID, GTFS_CONTRIBUTOR_ID], datetime.date(2015, 9, 12)
        assert len(tu) == 2
예제 #5
파일: model_test.py 프로젝트: CanalTP/kirin
def test_find_activate():
    with app.app_context():
        create_real_time_update('70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d3', 'C1', 'ire',
                                '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d3', 'vj1', datetime.date(2015, 9, 8))
        create_real_time_update('70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d4', 'C1', 'ire',
                                '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d4', 'vj2', datetime.date(2015, 9, 10))
        create_real_time_update('70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5', 'C1', 'ire',
                                '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5', 'vj3', datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))

        create_real_time_update('70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d6', 'C2', 'ire',
                                '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d6', 'vj4', datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date            20150906    |                               |                       |

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 6))
        assert len(rtu) == 3
        assert rtu[0].vj_id == '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d3'
        assert rtu[1].vj_id == '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d4'
        assert rtu[2].vj_id == '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5'

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                    20150908                            |                       |
        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 8))
        assert len(rtu) == 3

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |   20150909                    |                       |
        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 9))
        assert len(rtu) == 2
        assert rtu[0].vj_id == '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d4'
        assert rtu[1].vj_id == '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5'

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                            20150910                   |

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 10))
        assert len(rtu) == 2

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                               |   20150911            |

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 11))
        assert len(rtu) == 1
        assert rtu[0].vj_id == '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5'

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                               |                    20150912

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                               |                       |   20150913

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 13))
        assert len(rtu) == 0

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |---------|          |                               |                       |
                            20150905   20150906

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 06))
        assert len(rtu) == 0

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |--------------------|                               |                       |
                            20150905            20150908

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 8))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |-------------------------|                          |                       |
                            20150905                    20150909

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 9))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |----------------------------------------------------|                       |
                            20150905                                             20150910

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 10))
        assert len(rtu) == 2

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |----------------------------------------------------------------|           |
                            20150905                                                          20150911

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 11))
        assert len(rtu) == 2

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
                            20150905                                                                     20150912

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(rtu) == 3

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
                            20150905                                                                                20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 3

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                       |------------------------------------------------------------------|
                                                    20150908                                                        20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 8), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 3

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                         |----------------------------------------------------------------|
                                                      20150909                                                      20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 9), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 2

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                       |-----------------------------------|
                                                                                    20150910                        20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 10), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 2

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                          |--------------------------------|
                                                                                       20150911                     20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 11), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                                               |-----------|
                                                                                                         20150912   20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 12), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                                                 |---------|
                                                                                                           20150913 20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 13), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 0

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C2'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 6))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C2'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1', 'C2'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(rtu) == 2
예제 #6
파일: model_test.py 프로젝트: prhod/kirin
def test_find_activate():
    with app.app_context():
        create_real_time_update('70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d3', 'C1', 'ire',
                                '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d3', 'vj1', datetime.date(2015, 9, 8))
        create_real_time_update('70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d4', 'C1', 'ire',
                                '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d4', 'vj2', datetime.date(2015, 9, 10))
        create_real_time_update('70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5', 'C1', 'ire',
                                '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5', 'vj3', datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))

        create_real_time_update('70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d6', 'C2', 'ire',
                                '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d6', 'vj4', datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date            20150906    |                               |                       |

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 6))
        assert len(rtu) == 3
        assert rtu[0].vj_id == '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d3'
        assert rtu[1].vj_id == '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d4'
        assert rtu[2].vj_id == '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5'

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                    20150908                            |                       |
        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 8))
        assert len(rtu) == 3

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |   20150909                    |                       |
        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 9))
        assert len(rtu) == 2
        assert rtu[0].vj_id == '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d4'
        assert rtu[1].vj_id == '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5'

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                            20150910                   |

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 10))
        assert len(rtu) == 2

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                               |   20150911            |

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 11))
        assert len(rtu) == 1
        assert rtu[0].vj_id == '70866ce8-0638-4fa1-8556-1ddfa22d09d5'

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                               |                    20150912

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        contributor                     C1
        VehicleJourney                  vj1
        Circulation date                20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                            |                               |                       |
        request date                        |                               |                       |   20150913

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 13))
        assert len(rtu) == 0

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |---------|          |                               |                       |
                            20150905   20150906

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 06))
        assert len(rtu) == 0

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |--------------------|                               |                       |
                            20150905            20150908

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 8))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |-------------------------|                          |                       |
                            20150905                    20150909

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 9))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |----------------------------------------------------|                       |
                            20150905                                             20150910

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 10))
        assert len(rtu) == 2

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |----------------------------------------------------------------|           |
                            20150905                                                          20150911

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 11))
        assert len(rtu) == 2

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
                            20150905                                                                     20150912

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(rtu) == 3

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date  |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
                            20150905                                                                                20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 05), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 3

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                       |------------------------------------------------------------------|
                                                    20150908                                                        20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 8), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 3

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                         |----------------------------------------------------------------|
                                                      20150909                                                      20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 9), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 2

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                       |-----------------------------------|
                                                                                    20150910                        20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 10), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 2

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                          |--------------------------------|
                                                                                       20150911                     20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 11), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                                               |-----------|
                                                                                                         20150912   20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 12), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        contributor                            C1
        VehicleJourney                          vj1
        Circulation date                        20150908                         20150910                20150912
                                                    |                               |                       |
        request interval date                                                                                 |---------|
                                                                                                           20150913 20150914

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 13), datetime.date(2015, 9, 14))
        assert len(rtu) == 0

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C2'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 6))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C2'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(rtu) == 1

        rtu = TripUpdate.find_by_contributor_period(['C1', 'C2'], datetime.date(2015, 9, 12))
        assert len(rtu) == 2
예제 #7
    def _on_request(self, message):
        log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        status = "OK"
        log_dict = {}
        start_datetime = datetime.utcnow()
            task = task_pb2.Task()
                # `body` is a string, but we need binary type for
                # `ParseFromString()` to work.  It seems to work.
                body = bytes(message.payload, encoding="utf-8")
            except DecodeError as e:
                log.warning("invalid protobuf: {}".format(str(e)))

            log.info("Getting a full feed publication request",
                     extra={"task": task})
            if task.action != task_pb2.LOAD_REALTIME or not task.load_realtime:
            begin_date = None
            end_date = None
            if hasattr(task.load_realtime,
                       "begin_date") and task.load_realtime.begin_date:
                begin_date = str_to_date(task.load_realtime.begin_date)

            if hasattr(task.load_realtime,
                       "end_date") and task.load_realtime.end_date:
                end_date = str_to_date(task.load_realtime.end_date)
            feed = convert_to_gtfsrt(
                    task.load_realtime.contributors, begin_date, end_date),

            feed_str = feed.SerializeToString()
                "contributors": task.load_realtime.contributors,
                "routing_key": task.load_realtime.queue_name,
                "output_trip_update_count": len(feed.entity),
                "output_feed_size": sys.getsizeof(feed_str),
                "Starting of full feed publication {}, {}".format(
                    len(feed_str), task),
                    "size": len(feed_str),
                    "task": task
            # http://docs.celeryproject.org/projects/kombu/en/latest/userguide/producers.html#bypassing-routing-by-using-the-anon-exchange
                    "interval_start": 0,  # First retry immediately,
                    "interval_step": 2,  # then increase by 2s for every retry.
                    10,  # but don't exceed 10s between retries.
                    self.max_retries,  # give up after 10 (by default) tries.
        except Exception as e:
            status = "failure"
            log_dict.update({"reason": str(e)})
            record_custom_parameter("reason", str(e))
            duration = (datetime.utcnow() - start_datetime).total_seconds()
            log_dict.update({"duration": duration})
            record_call("kirin_reload_info", status, **log_dict)
            log.info("End of full feed publication",
                         "duration": duration,
                         "task": task
        return log_dict