def onCommandDec(self): """""" done = True if self.o.outputfile is None : self.o.outputfile = self.a[1][:-4] if self.a[1][-4:] == Kirmah.EXT else self.a[1] if not Sys.g.QUIET : self.parser.print_header() if Io.file_exists(self.o.outputfile) and not self.o.force: Sys.pwarn((('the file ',(self.o.outputfile, Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' already exists !'),)) done = Sys.pask('Are you sure to rewrite this file') self.stime = if done : try : if (self.o.multiprocess is not None and not represents_int(self.o.multiprocess)) or (not self.o.multiprocess is None and not(int(self.o.multiprocess)>=2 and int(self.o.multiprocess) <=8)) : self.parser.error_cmd((('invalid option ',('-j, --multiprocess', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' value (', ('2',Sys.Clz.fgb3),' to ', ('8',Sys.Clz.fgb3),')'),)) nproc = int(self.o.multiprocess) if not self.o.multiprocess is None and int(self.o.multiprocess)>=2 and int(self.o.multiprocess) <=8 else 1 Sys.ptask() key = Io.get_data(self.o.keyfile) km = Kirmah(key) km.decrypt(self.a[1], self.o.outputfile, nproc) except BadKeyException: done = False Sys.pwarn((('BadKeyException : ',('wrong key ',Sys.CLZ_WARN_PARAM), ' !'),), False) if not Sys.g.QUIET : self.onend_cmd('Kirmah Decrypt', self.stime, done, self.o.outputfile)
def getMatchKey(self): key = None if not len(self.a) > 1: self.parser.error_cmd((a[0] + " command need an id",), True) else: if not represents_int(self.a[1]): self.parser.error_cmd((("not a valid id : ", (self.a[1], Sys.CLZ_ERROR_PARAM)),), False) else: vid = self.a[1] key = self.impst.idxu.index.getById(vid) if key is None: self.parser.error_cmd(((" not a valid id : ", (self.a[1], Sys.CLZ_ERROR_PARAM)),), False) return key
def onCommandDec(self): """""" done = True if self.o.outputfile is None: self.o.outputfile = self.a[1][:-4] if self.a[1][ -4:] == Kirmah.EXT else self.a[1] if not Sys.g.QUIET: self.parser.print_header() if Io.file_exists(self.o.outputfile) and not self.o.force: Sys.pwarn((('the file ', (self.o.outputfile, Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' already exists !'), )) done = Sys.pask('Are you sure to rewrite this file') self.stime = if done: try: if (self.o.multiprocess is not None and not represents_int(self.o.multiprocess)) or ( not self.o.multiprocess is None and not (int(self.o.multiprocess) >= 2 and int(self.o.multiprocess) <= 8)): self.parser.error_cmd( (('invalid option ', ('-j, --multiprocess', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' value (', ('2', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' to ', ('8', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ')'), )) nproc = int(self.o.multiprocess ) if not self.o.multiprocess is None and int( self.o.multiprocess) >= 2 and int( self.o.multiprocess) <= 8 else 1 Sys.ptask() key = Io.get_data(self.o.keyfile) km = Kirmah(key) km.decrypt(self.a[1], self.o.outputfile, nproc) except BadKeyException: done = False Sys.pwarn((('BadKeyException : ', ('wrong key ', Sys.CLZ_WARN_PARAM), ' !'), ), False) if not Sys.g.QUIET: self.onend_cmd('Kirmah Decrypt', self.stime, done, self.o.outputfile)
def onCommandEnc(self): """""" done = True if self.o.outputfile is None : self.o.outputfile = Sys.basename(self.a[1]) if self.o.outputfile[-len(Kirmah.EXT):] != Kirmah.EXT : print(self.o.outputfile[-len(Kirmah.EXT):]) self.o.outputfile += Kirmah.EXT print(self.o.outputfile) d = self.getDefaultOption((self.o.compress,self.o.fullcompress,self.o.nocompress)) compress = (KirmahHeader.COMP_END if d == 0 or (d is None and Io.is_binary(self.a[1])) else (KirmahHeader.COMP_ALL if d==1 or d is None else KirmahHeader.COMP_NONE)) random = True if (self.o.random is None and self.o.norandom is None) or self.o.random else False mix = True if (self.o.mix is None and self.o.nomix is None) or self.o.mix else False if (self.o.multiprocess is not None and not represents_int(self.o.multiprocess)) or (not self.o.multiprocess is None and not(int(self.o.multiprocess)>=2 and int(self.o.multiprocess) <=8)) : self.parser.error_cmd((('invalid option ',('-j, --multiprocess', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' value (', ('2',Sys.Clz.fgb3),' to ', ('8',Sys.Clz.fgb3),')'),)) nproc = int(self.o.multiprocess) if not self.o.multiprocess is None and int(self.o.multiprocess)>=2 and int(self.o.multiprocess) <=8 else 1 if not Sys.g.QUIET : self.parser.print_header() if Io.file_exists(self.o.outputfile) and not self.o.force: Sys.pwarn((('the file ',(self.o.outputfile, Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' already exists !'),)) done = Sys.pask('Are you sure to rewrite this file') self.stime = if done : try : Sys.ptask() key = Io.get_data(self.o.keyfile) km = Kirmah(key, None, compress, random, mix) km.encrypt(self.a[1], self.o.outputfile, nproc) except Exception as e : done = False print(e) raise e pass if not Sys.g.QUIET : self.onend_cmd('Kirmah Encrypt', self.stime, done, self.o.outputfile)
def onCommandConf(self): """""" if self.o.load is not None or self.o.view is not None or is not None: if self.o.view is not None: self.o.active_profile = self.o.view if self.o.load is not None: self.o.active_profile = self.o.load if is not None: self.o.active_profile = if self.o.active_profile == None: if self.ini.has("profile"): self.o.active_profile = self.ini.get("profile") else: self.o.active_profile = "default" if self.o.load: self.pheader() self.load_profile() elif self.o.view: self.pheader() if self.o.view == "all": sections = self.ini.getSections() if len(sections) > 0: ap = self.ini.get("profile") sep = "" for p in sections: if p == ap: colr = Sys.Clz.fgB1 p = "*" + p else: colr = Sys.Clz.fgB3 Sys.echo(sep + p, colr, False) if sep == "": sep = "," Sys.dprint() else: Sys.echo(" no profiles", Sys.Clz.fgB1) else: print(self.ini.get("profile")) self.ini.print(self.o.view) elif self.pheader() if ( not self.o.set_host and not self.o.set_user and not self.o.set_pass and not self.o.set_port and not self.o.set_boxname and not self.o.set_name and not self.o.gen_key and not self.o.set_multi and not self.o.remove_multi ): self.parser.error(" no options specified") else: if self.o.set_port and not represents_int(self.o.set_port): self.parser.error(" port must be a number") self.exit(1) else: if self.o.set_boxname: self.ini.set("box", self.o.set_boxname, self.o.active_profile + ".imap") if self.o.set_host: self.ini.set("host", self.o.set_host, self.o.active_profile + ".imap") if self.o.set_user: self.ini.set("user", self.o.set_user, self.o.active_profile + ".imap") if self.o.set_pass: self.ini.set("pass", self.o.set_pass, self.o.active_profile + ".imap") if self.o.set_port: self.ini.set("port", self.o.set_port, self.o.active_profile + ".imap") if self.o.set_name: self.ini.set("name", self.o.set_name, self.o.active_profile + ".infos") if self.ini.has("multi", self.o.active_profile + ".imap"): m = self.ini.get("multi", self.o.active_profile + ".imap") else: m = None if m is None: m = [] else: m = m.split(",") m = [x for x in m if x] if self.o.set_multi: if self.check_imap(self.o.set_multi): if not self.o.set_multi in m: m.append(self.o.set_multi) else: Sys.dprint() Sys.echo("imap profile " + self.o.set_multi + " not found", Sys.Clz.fgB1) Sys.dprint() elif self.o.remove_multi and self.o.remove_multi in m: m.remove(self.o.remove_multi) self.ini.set("multi", ",".join(m), self.o.active_profile + ".imap") if self.o.gen_key: kg = KeyGen() self.ini.set("key", kg.key, self.o.active_profile + ".keys") self.ini.set("mark", kg.mark, self.o.active_profile + ".keys") self.ini.set("salt", "-¤-ImpraStorage-¤-", self.o.active_profile + ".keys") if self.check_profile(self.o.active_profile): self.ini.set("profile", self.o.active_profile) if not self.o.set_boxname and not self.ini.has("box", self.o.active_profile + ".imap"): self.ini.set("box", self.rootBox, self.o.active_profile + ".imap") self.ini.print(self.o.active_profile) elif self.o.check: self.pheader() self.check_profile(self.o.check, True) else: self.parser.print_usage("")
def onCommandEnc(self): """""" done = True if self.o.outputfile is None: self.o.outputfile = Sys.basename(self.a[1]) if self.o.outputfile[-len(Kirmah.EXT):] != Kirmah.EXT: print(self.o.outputfile[-len(Kirmah.EXT):]) self.o.outputfile += Kirmah.EXT print(self.o.outputfile) d = self.getDefaultOption( (self.o.compress, self.o.fullcompress, self.o.nocompress)) compress = (KirmahHeader.COMP_END if d == 0 or (d is None and Io.is_binary(self.a[1])) else (KirmahHeader.COMP_ALL if d == 1 or d is None else KirmahHeader.COMP_NONE)) random = True if (self.o.random is None and self.o.norandom is None) or self.o.random else False mix = True if (self.o.mix is None and self.o.nomix is None) or self.o.mix else False if (self.o.multiprocess is not None and not represents_int(self.o.multiprocess)) or ( not self.o.multiprocess is None and not (int(self.o.multiprocess) >= 2 and int(self.o.multiprocess) <= 8)): self.parser.error_cmd( (('invalid option ', ('-j, --multiprocess', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' value (', ('2', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' to ', ('8', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ')'), )) nproc = int( self.o.multiprocess) if not self.o.multiprocess is None and int( self.o.multiprocess) >= 2 and int( self.o.multiprocess) <= 8 else 1 if not Sys.g.QUIET: self.parser.print_header() if Io.file_exists(self.o.outputfile) and not self.o.force: Sys.pwarn((('the file ', (self.o.outputfile, Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' already exists !'), )) done = Sys.pask('Are you sure to rewrite this file') self.stime = if done: try: Sys.ptask() key = Io.get_data(self.o.keyfile) km = Kirmah(key, None, compress, random, mix) km.encrypt(self.a[1], self.o.outputfile, nproc) except Exception as e: done = False print(e) raise e pass if not Sys.g.QUIET: self.onend_cmd('Kirmah Encrypt', self.stime, done, self.o.outputfile)