예제 #1
파일: toolkit.py 프로젝트: hipe/downtownfun
def _command_CREATE_TABLEs_sql(sin, sout, serr, argv, efx):
    """write to STDOUT the SQL that our sqlite storage adapter makes"""

    doc = _command_CREATE_TABLEs_sql.__doc__
    defns = _formals_for_CREATE_TABLEs_sql(efx)
    vals, rc = _common_terminal(serr, argv, defns, doc)
    if vals is None:
        return rc

    path = vals.pop(_path_arg_key)
    assert not vals

    mon = efx.produce_monitor()
    listener = mon.listener

    from kiss_rdb.magnetics_.abstract_schema_via_definition \
        import abstract_schema_via_graph_via_lines as func

    with open(path) as fh:
        abs_sch = func(fh, listener)
        if abs_sch is None:
            return mon.returncode

    abstract_tables = abs_sch.to_tables()
    func = _this_func()
    lineses = func(abstract_tables, listener)

    for lines in lineses:

    return mon.returncode
예제 #2
파일: toolkit.py 프로젝트: hipe/downtownfun
def _command_absch(sin, sout, serr, argv, efx):
    """Can we get as far as an abstract schema?"""

    doc = _command_absch.__doc__
    defns = _formals_for_absch(efx)
    vals, rc = _common_terminal(serr, argv, defns, doc)
    if vals is None:
        return rc

    path = vals.pop(_path_arg_key)
    assert not vals

    mon = efx.produce_monitor()
    listener = mon.listener

    from kiss_rdb.magnetics_.abstract_schema_via_definition \
        import abstract_schema_via_graph_via_lines as func

    with open(path) as fh:
        abs_sch = func(fh, listener)
        if abs_sch is None:
            return mon.returncode

    return mon.returncode
예제 #3
파일: toolkit.py 프로젝트: hipe/downtownfun
def _command_graphviz_AST(sin, sout, serr, argv, efx):
    """See if a dotfile parses and how it breaks down in to an AST"""

    doc = _command_graphviz_AST.__doc__
    defns = _formals_for_graphviz_AST(efx)
    vals, rc = _common_terminal(serr, argv, defns, doc)
    if vals is None:
        return rc

    path = vals.pop(_path_arg_key)
    assert not vals

    mon = efx.produce_monitor()
    listener = mon.listener

    from kiss_rdb.storage_adapters.graph_viz.AST_via_lines \
        import sexps_via_lines as func

    count = 0
    with open(path) as fh:
        sxs = func(fh, listener)
        for sx in sxs:
            count += 1

    serr.write(f"(GraphViz file parsed into {count} elements)\n")
    return mon.returncode
예제 #4
파일: toolkit.py 프로젝트: hipe/downtownfun
def CLI(sin, sout, serr, argv):
    """"kiss sqlite3 toolkit": commands for developing kiss's sqlite3 library

    Reminder: if you're coming to this from 'kss', you can invoke it
    directly with 'kst' (kiss sqlite3 toolkit) which will save a few blips

    Although "sqlite" is in the name, this family of commands is in its
    conception "GraphViz"-centric: it's mainly for developing the
    vaporware non-command `dot2sql`

    Commands are vaguely (or not vaguely) in reverse-dependency order,
    with the highest-level commands at the top. So typically, if the higher-
    level commands (as visual tests) pass, the lower-level ones will also
    pass (but the reverse is not not necessarily true).

    So if you are troubleshooting how a GraphViz dotfile is parsing and you
    want "regression-friendly" order, start from the bottommost command and
    work upwards (or bisect the tests or whatever).

    func_argv, rc = _prepare_tail_call(serr, argv, _commands(), CLI)
    if not func_argv:
        return rc
    func, ch_argv = func_argv
    efx = _ExternalFunctions(serr)
    return func(sin, sout, serr, ch_argv, efx)
예제 #5
파일: toolkit.py 프로젝트: hipe/downtownfun
def _command_round_trip(sin, sout, serr, argv, efx):
    """(dotfile -> abstract schema -> sql -> abstract schema) and compare"""

    doc = _command_round_trip.__doc__
    defns = _formals_for_round_trip(efx)
    vals, rc = _common_terminal(serr, argv, defns, doc)
    if vals is None:
        return rc

    path = vals.pop(_path_arg_key)
    assert not vals

    mon = efx.produce_monitor()
    listener = mon.listener

    from kiss_rdb.magnetics_.abstract_schema_via_definition \
        import abstract_schema_via_graph_via_lines as func

    with open(path) as fh:
        abs_sch_one = func(fh, listener)
        if abs_sch_one is None:
            return mon.returncode

    abstract_tables = abs_sch_one.to_tables()
    sql_lineses_via = _this_func()

    def sql_lines():
        lineses = sql_lineses_via(abstract_tables, listener)
        for lines in lineses:
            for line in lines:
                yield line

    sql_lines = sql_lines()
    from kiss_rdb.storage_adapters_.sqlite3._abstract_schema_to_and_fro \
        import abstract_schema_via_sqlite_SQL_lines as func
    abs_sch_two = func(sql_lines)

    sch_diff = abs_sch_two.schema_diff_to(abs_sch_one)

    if sch_diff:
        serr.write("OH NOES\n")
        return 123

    serr.write("Success! no difference detected after round trip\n")
    return mon.returncode
 def maybe_pop():
     typ = my_stack[-1][0]  # .. (for now assume always this direc)
     if 'then_call_this' != typ:
     func, = my_stack[-1][1:]
     assert not my_stack  # ..(for now always assume it's at the end)
     assert 'from_custom_state' == stack.pop().__name__
     return func()
 def stopping_listener(sev, shape, *rest):
     *mid, payloader = rest
     assert 'error' == sev
     if 'expression' == shape:
         lines = tuple(payloader())
         assert 'structure' == shape
         wat = payloader()
         lines = []
         if (reason := wat.pop('reason', None)):
         if (func := wat.pop('build_two_lines_of_ASCII_art')):
def abstract_schema_via_sqlite_SQL_lines(lines):

    # (in impl, this func is just a light wrapper that breaks streaming)
    def tables():
        for typ, val in sxs:
            assert 'abstract_create_table_statement' == typ
            yield val

    sxs = tuple(_abstract_table_defs_via_sqlite_lines(lines))

    from kiss_rdb.magnetics_.abstract_schema_via_definition import \
        abstract_schema_via_abstract_tables as func

    return func(tables())
예제 #9
파일: toolkit.py 프로젝트: hipe/downtownfun
 def produce_monitor():
     from script_lib.magnetics.error_monitor_via_stderr import func
     return func(serr)
예제 #10
파일: toolkit.py 프로젝트: hipe/downtownfun
def _foz_via(defns, prog_name, cxer=None):
    from script_lib.cheap_arg_parse import formals_via_definitions as func
    return func(defns, prog_name, cxer)
        dct = {k: v for k, v in context_keys_and_values()}
        return (dct, ) if dct else ()

    def context_keys_and_values():
        # If it's an open filehandle, add filename
        if hasattr(lines, 'name'):
            yield 'path', lines.name

        # Maybe an error happened while there were zero lines seen so far
        if tokens.line_offset is not None:
            yield 'line', tokens.line
            yield 'lineno', tokens.line_offset + 1

    from text_lib.magnetics.string_scanner_via_string import \
        build_throwing_string_scanner_and_friends as func
    o, build_scanner, stop = func(stopping_listener, cstacker)
    # (there's probably redundancy where both client and us raise stops on etc)

    wordy_token = o('wordy token', '[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*')  # sure why not
    rxs = ''.join(("'", wordy_token.regex.pattern, "'"))
    single_quoted_fella = o('sinqle quoted fella', rxs)
    punctuation = o('punctuation', r'[,();]')
    space_or_tabs = o('tab or space', r'[ \t]+')
    newline = o('newline', r'\n')

    def tokens():
        def end_of_line():
            yn = scn.skip(newline)
            if not yn:
            assert scn.empty