예제 #1
 def testPlanningLanguageCompile(self):
     emptyState = kitchenState.KitchenState()
     emptyState.table.contains = [kitchenState.Ingredient(contains=["flour"], homogenous=True,
                                                          amount="1/2 cup", physicalObject=PhysicalObject(prism_from_point(3, 1, 1, 2),
                                                                                                          lcmId = 5, tags=['Flour']))]
     planningObject = planningLanguage.PlanningLanguage()
     stateActionPair = planningObject.compileAnnotation("pour(flour)", emptyState)
     print stateActionPair
예제 #2
    def evaluateEndToEnd(self, targetRecipe, useBeam=True):
        #A list of (planningLanguage, is_correct) tuples. Used mainly for GUI
        completePath = []

        self.totalCount += 1
        model_fname = "kitchenModel_1.5.pck"
        training_set = pickle_util.load("training.pck")
        rm = recipeManager.RecipeManager(model_fname)
        pl = planningLanguage.PlanningLanguage()
        print "\nEvaluating (end-to-end):", targetRecipe.name
        recipeText = targetRecipe.instruction_text
        initialState = targetRecipe.start_state

        if useBeam:
            inferredPlan = rm.find_beam_plan(recipeText, initialState)
            inferredPlan = rm.find_plan(recipeText, initialState)

        print "\ninferred", inferredPlan
        actualEndState = inferredPlan[-1][1][-1][1]
        print "\ndesired states", targetRecipe.states

        desiredEndState = targetRecipe.states[-1][-1][1]

        plInferredPath = ""
        for i in inferredPlan:
            plInferredPath = plInferredPath + " | " + planningLanguage.decompile(
        print "\nPL inferred:", plInferredPath
        plActual = ""
        for i in targetRecipe.instructions:
            plActual = plActual + " | " + i[1]
        print "\nPL Desired:", plActual, "\n"
        #print desiredEndState
        #print "end state", actualEndState

        if desiredEndState == actualEndState:
            self.successCount += 1
            print "\n\nResults for the End-to-End evaluation for :", targetRecipe.name
            print "Success"
            print "\nResults for the End-to-End evaluation for :", targetRecipe.name
            print "Failure"
        return 0
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, recipeName, recipeSource, ingredientsList,
        This constructor takes as params:
        recipeName - The name of the recipe as a string
        recipeSource - The source of the recipe
        ingredientsList, a list of tuples containing a string representation
           of that ingredient and a ingredient object, e.g.
           [("1/2 cup flour", Ingredient("flour", "1/2 cup"))]
        instructionsList - a list of tuples containing a string of a single
           'instruction' and its corresponding annotation (collection of
           actions) as a string (for now).
           e.g. [("Mix flour and eggs", "Pour(flour), Pour(eggs), Mix()")]
        self.name = recipeName
        self.source = recipeSource
        self.is_training_set = None
        self.start_state = kitchenState.KitchenState()
        #build kitchen state
        kitchenTable = []
        for i in ingredientsList:
        self.start_state.table.contains = kitchenTable

        self.ingredients = ingredientsList
        self.instructions = instructionsList

        self.pl = planningLanguage.PlanningLanguage()

        self.states = []
        start_state = self.start_state
        for i in self.instructions:
            results = self.pl.compileAnnotation(i[1], start_state)
            start_state = results[-1][1]

        self.num_instructions = len(self.instructions)
예제 #4
 def testPlanningLanguageEmpty(self):
     actualOutput = planningLanguage.PlanningLanguage()
     self.assertNotEqual(actualOutput, None)
예제 #5
    def evaluateInstructions(self, targetRecipe):
        #Can a single instruction be interpreted as multiple instructions? Does it even matter?
        model_fname = "kitchenModel_1.5.pck"
        rm = recipeManager.RecipeManager(model_fname)
        pl = planningLanguage.PlanningLanguage()
        tc = 0
        sc = 0
        nsc = 0

        #A list of (planningLanguage, is_correct) tuples. Used mainly for GUI
        completePath = []

        print "Evaluating (instruction-level): " + targetRecipe.name
        for i in range(len(targetRecipe.instructions)):

            self.totalCount += 1
            tc += 1
            instruction = targetRecipe.instructions[i]
            #print "instruction", instruction
            initialState = targetRecipe.idx_to_start_state(i)
            instructionInferredPlan = rm.find_plan(instruction[0],
            desiredPlan = pl.compileAnnotation(instruction[1], initialState)
            desiredEndState = desiredPlan[-1][1]

            if len(instructionInferredPlan) == 0:
                #print "Zero length instruction for:", instruction
                if len(desiredPlan) == 1:
                    if desiredPlan[-1][0].name == "noop":
                        self.noopSuccessCount += 1
                        nsc += 1
                        completePath.append(("| noop()", True))
                        completePath.append(("None", False))
                    completePath.append(("None", False))
                #print "inferred plan", instructionInferredPlan
                actualEndState = instructionInferredPlan[-1][1][-1][1]
                #print "actualEndState", actualEndState
                #plInferredPath = planningLanguage.decompile(instructionInferredPlan[-1][1])
                plInferredPath = ""
                for i in instructionInferredPlan:
                    plInferredPath = plInferredPath + " | " + planningLanguage.decompile(
                if desiredEndState == actualEndState:
                    self.successCount += 1
                    sc += 1
                    print instructionInferredPlan
                    completePath.append((plInferredPath, True))
                    completePath.append((plInferredPath, False))
                    print "State is not the same for instruction", instruction
                    print "Inferred path was: ", planningLanguage.decompile(
                    ##                    print "Desired mixing bowl:", desiredEndState.mixing_bowl
                    ##                    print "Actual mixing bowl:", actualEndState.mixing_bowl
                    print "\n"

        print "\n\nResults for the instruction-level evaluation of :", targetRecipe.name
        print "Total Instructions:", tc, "\nSuccess:", sc
        print "Noop Success:", nsc
        print "Failures:", tc - (sc + nsc), "\n\n"
        return completePath