def test_solution_notification_deleted(self, get_current): """Calling should not query the questions_question table. This test attempts to simulate the replication lag presumed to cause bug 585029. """ get_current.return_value.domain = 'testserver' a = AnswerFactory() q = a.question q.solution = a a_user = a.creator QuestionSolvedEvent.notify(a_user, q) event = QuestionSolvedEvent(a) # Delete the question, pretend it hasn't been replicated yet Question.objects.get( # There should be a reply notification and a solved notification. eq_(2, len(mail.outbox)) eq_('Solution found to Firefox Help question', mail.outbox[1].subject)
def test_solution_notification_deleted(self, get_current): """Calling should not query the questions_question table. This test attempts to simulate the replication lag presumed to cause bug 585029. """ get_current.return_value.domain = 'testserver' a = answer(save=True) q = a.question q.solution = a a_user = a.creator QuestionSolvedEvent.notify(a_user, q) event = QuestionSolvedEvent(a) # Delete the question, pretend it hasn't been replicated yet Question.objects.get( # There should be a reply notification and a solved notification. eq_(2, len(mail.outbox)) eq_('Solution found to Firefox Help question', mail.outbox[1].subject)
def test_solution_notification(self, get_current): """Assert that hitting the watch toggle toggles and that proper mails are sent to anonymous and registered watchers.""" # TODO: Too monolithic. Split this test into several. get_current.return_value.domain = 'testserver' u = UserFactory() q = self._toggle_watch_question('solution', u, turn_on=True) QuestionSolvedEvent.notify('*****@*****.**', q) a = AnswerFactory(question=q) # Mark a solution self.client.login(username=q.creator.username, password='******') post(self.client, 'questions.solve', args=[,]) # Order of emails is not important. attrs_eq(mail.outbox[0], to=[], subject='Solution found to Firefox Help question') starts_with( mail.outbox[0].body, SOLUTION_EMAIL.format(to_user=display_name(u), replier=display_name(a.creator), title=q.title, asker=display_name(q.creator),,, locale='en-US/')) attrs_eq(mail.outbox[1], to=['*****@*****.**'], subject='Solution found to Firefox Help question') starts_with( mail.outbox[1].body, SOLUTION_EMAIL_TO_ANONYMOUS.format(replier=display_name(a.creator), title=q.title, asker=display_name(q.creator),,, locale='en-US/')) # make sure email has the proper static url self.assertIn('', mail.outbox[1].alternatives[0][0])
def watch_question(request, question_id): """Start watching a question for replies or solution.""" question = get_object_or_404(Question, pk=question_id, is_spam=False) form = WatchQuestionForm(request.user, request.POST) # Process the form msg = None if form.is_valid(): user_or_email = (request.user if request.user.is_authenticated else form.cleaned_data["email"]) try: if form.cleaned_data["event_type"] == "reply": QuestionReplyEvent.notify(user_or_email, question) else: QuestionSolvedEvent.notify(user_or_email, question) except ActivationRequestFailed: msg = _("Could not send a message to that email address.") # Respond to ajax request if request.is_ajax(): if form.is_valid(): msg = msg or (_("You will be notified of updates by email.") if request.user.is_authenticated else _( "You should receive an email shortly " "to confirm your subscription.")) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"message": msg})) if request.POST.get("from_vote"): tmpl = "questions/includes/question_vote_thanks.html" else: tmpl = "questions/includes/email_subscribe.html" html = render_to_string(tmpl, context={ "question": question, "watch_form": form }, request=request) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"html": html})) if msg: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, msg) return HttpResponseRedirect(question.get_absolute_url())
def test_solution_notification(self, get_current): """Assert that hitting the watch toggle toggles and that proper mails are sent to anonymous and registered watchers.""" # TODO: Too monolithic. Split this test into several. get_current.return_value.domain = "testserver" u = user(save=True) q = self._toggle_watch_question("solution", u, turn_on=True) QuestionSolvedEvent.notify("*****@*****.**", q) a = answer(question=q, save=True) # Mark a solution self.client.login(username=q.creator.username, password="******") post(self.client, "questions.solve", args=[,]) # Order of emails is not important. # Note: we skip the first email because it is a reply notification # to the asker. attrs_eq(mail.outbox[1], to=[], subject="Solution found to Firefox Help question") starts_with( mail.outbox[1].body, SOLUTION_EMAIL.format( to_user=u.username, replier=a.creator.username, title=q.title, asker=q.creator.username,,, locale="en-US/", ), ) attrs_eq(mail.outbox[2], to=["*****@*****.**"], subject="Solution found to Firefox Help question") starts_with( mail.outbox[2].body, SOLUTION_EMAIL_TO_ANONYMOUS.format( replier=a.creator.username, title=q.title, asker=q.creator.username,,, locale="en-US/", ), )
def test_solution_notification(self, get_current): """Assert that hitting the watch toggle toggles and that proper mails are sent to anonymous and registered watchers.""" # TODO: Too monolithic. Split this test into several. get_current.return_value.domain = 'testserver' u = user(save=True) q = self._toggle_watch_question('solution', u, turn_on=True) QuestionSolvedEvent.notify('*****@*****.**', q) a = answer(question=q, save=True) # Mark a solution self.client.login(username=q.creator.username, password='******') post(self.client, 'questions.solve', args=[,]) # Order of emails is not important. # Note: we skip the first email because it is a reply notification # to the asker. attrs_eq(mail.outbox[1], to=[], subject='Solution found to Firefox Help question') starts_with( mail.outbox[1].body, SOLUTION_EMAIL.format(to_user=display_name(u), replier=display_name(a.creator), title=q.title, asker=display_name(q.creator),,, locale='en-US/')) attrs_eq(mail.outbox[2], to=['*****@*****.**'], subject='Solution found to Firefox Help question') starts_with( mail.outbox[2].body, SOLUTION_EMAIL_TO_ANONYMOUS.format(replier=display_name(a.creator), title=q.title, asker=display_name(q.creator),,, locale='en-US/'))
def test_solution_notification(self, get_current): """Assert that hitting the watch toggle toggles and that proper mails are sent to anonymous and registered watchers.""" # TODO: Too monolithic. Split this test into several. get_current.return_value.domain = 'testserver' u = UserFactory() q = self._toggle_watch_question('solution', u, turn_on=True) QuestionSolvedEvent.notify('*****@*****.**', q) a = AnswerFactory(question=q) # Mark a solution self.client.login(username=q.creator.username, password='******') post(self.client, 'questions.solve', args=[,]) # Order of emails is not important. # Note: we skip the first email because it is a reply notification # to the asker. attrs_eq(mail.outbox[1], to=[], subject='Solution found to Firefox Help question') starts_with(mail.outbox[1].body, SOLUTION_EMAIL.format( to_user=display_name(u), replier=display_name(a.creator), title=q.title, asker=display_name(q.creator),,, locale='en-US/')) attrs_eq(mail.outbox[2], to=['*****@*****.**'], subject='Solution found to Firefox Help question') starts_with(mail.outbox[2].body, SOLUTION_EMAIL_TO_ANONYMOUS.format( replier=display_name(a.creator), title=q.title, asker=display_name(q.creator),,, locale='en-US/'))