예제 #1
def make_kitti_data_loader(size=(128, 128), norm="norm"):
    # print ('dataset:',DATASET_PATH)
    path_dir = os.listdir(PATH_CAM)
    print(f"path_dir: {path_dir}")
    ct = 0
    for path in path_dir:
        path_left = os.path.join(PATH_CAM, path , 'image_00/data/')
        path_right = os.path.join(PATH_CAM, path , 'image_01/data/')

        if not (os.path.isdir(path_left) and os.path.isdir(path_right)):

        left_filenames = os.listdir(path_left)
        right_filenames = os.listdir(path_right)
        for l_path, r_path in zip(left_filenames, right_filenames):

            left_path  = os.path.join(path_left, l_path)
            right_path = os.path.join(path_right, r_path)

            if not (os.path.isfile(left_path) and os.path.isfile(right_path)):

            # print ('pre-processing image: ', left_path)
            F, pts1, pts2 = get_FMat(left_path, right_path)

            if F is None:

            ct += 1

    N = 0
    print('path_dir: ', path_dir)
    for path in path_dir:
        path_new = os.path.join(PATH_CAM, path, 'image_00/data/')
        if not os.path.isdir(path_new):
        print('path new: ', path_new)
        filenames = os.listdir(path_new)
        N += len(filenames)

    W, H = size
    W, H = 1392, 512  # size before rectification @Eason

    # N = len(filenames)
    print("How many imgs:", N)
    N = 2000
    print('N: ', N)
    X = np.zeros(
        (N, H, W, 2))  # H, W interchanged here since numpy takes H,W as input
    Y = np.zeros((N, 9))
    P1_lst, P2_lst = [], []
    kpts_cnt = 1000  # max 100 kpts

    i = 0
    for path in path_dir:
        path_left = os.path.join(PATH_CAM, path, 'image_00/data/')
        print(f"path_left: {path_left}")
        path_right = os.path.join(PATH_CAM, path, 'image_01/data/')
        print(f"path_right: {path_right}")

        if not (os.path.isdir(path_left) and os.path.isdir(path_right)):

        left_filenames = os.listdir(path_left)
        right_filenames = os.listdir(path_right)

        for l_path, r_path in zip(left_filenames, right_filenames):

            left_path = os.path.join(path_left, l_path)
            right_path = os.path.join(path_right, r_path)

            if not (os.path.isfile(left_path) and os.path.isfile(right_path)):

            print('pre-processing image: ', left_path, 'i: ', i)
            F, pts1, pts2 = get_FMat(
                left_path, right_path
            )  # without method input means get the F_GT from camera parameters

            if F is None or pts1 is None or pts2 is None:

            left_img = img_prep(left_path, target_size=(W, H))
            right_img = img_prep(right_path, target_size=(W, H))

            # print ('left image: ', left_img.shape)
            imgs = np.zeros(
                (2, H,
                 W))  # H, W interchanged here since numpy takes H,W as input
            imgs[0, :, :] = left_img
            imgs[1, :, :] = right_img

            X[i, :] = np.moveaxis(imgs, [0, 1, 2], [2, 0, 1])
            # print ('X shape: ', X[i,:].shape)
            Y[i, :] = np.resize(F, (1, 9))
            # pts1, pts2 = note['kpts']
            kpts_cnt = min(len(pts1), kpts_cnt)

            i += 1
            if i >= N:

        if i >= N:
    # X = X.astype(np.float32)
    X, Y = X.astype(np.float32), Y.astype(np.float32)
    tot_len = len(P1_lst)
    # cut the data by the length of matching points list's length ?
    # P1_lst is a [nums of imgs, nums of points per img, 2]
    X, Y = X[:tot_len, :], Y[:tot_len, :]

    # changed here
    # Normalize F-matrices
    if norm == "abs":
        print("[data loader] Use max abs value to normalize the F-matrix")
        Y = Y / (np.abs(Y).max(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] + 1e-8)
    elif norm == "norm":
        print("[data loader] Use L2 norm to normalize the F-matrix")
        Y = Y / (np.linalg.norm(Y, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] + 1e-8)
    elif norm == "last":
        print("[data loader] Use last index to normalize the F-matrix")
        Y = Y / (Y[:, -1].reshape(-1)[np.newaxis, 1] + 1e-8)
        raise Exception("Unrecognized normalization methods:%s" % norm)

    P1_lst = [x[:kpts_cnt, :].reshape((1, kpts_cnt, 2)) for x in P1_lst]
    P2_lst = [x[:kpts_cnt, :].reshape((1, kpts_cnt, 2)) for x in P2_lst]
    P1, P2 = np.concatenate(P1_lst, axis=0), np.concatenate(P2_lst, axis=0)

    X /= 255.  # Normalize to [0,1]
    # return X
    return (lambda: data_spliter([X, Y, P1, P2]))
예제 #2
def make_aloi_data_loader(size=(128, 128), norm="norm"):
    filenames = os.listdir(PATH_ALOI)

    W, H = size
    # W, H = 768, 576
    W, H = 342, 256
    N = len(filenames)
    # N = 10

    # testing code for total valid files
    ct = 0
    for i in range(N):
        left_path = os.path.join(PATH_ALOI,
                                 '%s/%s_l.png' % (filenames[i], filenames[i]))
        right_path = os.path.join(PATH_ALOI,
                                  '%s/%s_r.png' % (filenames[i], filenames[i]))

        if not (os.path.isfile(left_path) and os.path.isfile(right_path)):

        # print ('pre-processing image: ', filenames[i])
        F, pts1, pts2 = get_FMat(left_path, right_path)

        if F is None:

        ct += 1

    print('total data: ', N)
    X = np.zeros(
        (ct, H, W, 2))  # H, W interchanged here since numpy takes H,W as input
    Y = np.zeros((ct, 9))
    P1_lst, P2_lst = [], []
    kpts_cnt = 200  # max 100 kpts
    ind = 0

    for i in range(N):
        left_path = os.path.join(PATH_ALOI,
                                 '%s/%s_l.png' % (filenames[i], filenames[i]))
        right_path = os.path.join(PATH_ALOI,
                                  '%s/%s_r.png' % (filenames[i], filenames[i]))

        if not (os.path.isfile(left_path) and os.path.isfile(right_path)):

        print('pre-processing image: ', filenames[i])
        F, pts1, pts2 = get_FMat(left_path, right_path)

        if F is None:

        left_img = img_prep(left_path, target_size=(W, H))
        right_img = img_prep(right_path, target_size=(W, H))

        # print ('left image: ', left_img.shape)
        imgs = np.zeros(
            (2, H, W))  # H, W interchanged here since numpy takes H,W as input
        imgs[0, :, :] = left_img
        imgs[1, :, :] = right_img

        X[ind, :] = np.moveaxis(imgs, [0, 1, 2], [2, 0, 1])
        # print ('X shape: ', X[i,:].shape)
        Y[ind, :] = np.resize(F, (1, 9))
        # pts1, pts2 = note['kpts']
        kpts_cnt = min(len(pts1), kpts_cnt)
        ind += 1

    X, Y = X.astype(np.float32), Y.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize F-matrices
    if norm == "abs":
        print("[data loader] Use max abs value to normalize the F-matrix")
        Y = Y / (np.abs(Y).max(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] + 1e-8)
    elif norm == "norm":
        print("[data loader] Use L2 norm to normalize the F-matrix")
        Y = Y / (np.linalg.norm(Y, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] + 1e-8)
    elif norm == "last":
        print("[data loader] Use last index to normalize the F-matrix")
        Y = Y / (Y[:, -1].reshape(-1)[np.newaxis, 1] + 1e-8)
        raise Exception("Unrecognized normalization methods:%s" % norm)

    P1_lst = [x[:kpts_cnt, :].reshape((1, kpts_cnt, 2)) for x in P1_lst]
    P2_lst = [x[:kpts_cnt, :].reshape((1, kpts_cnt, 2)) for x in P2_lst]
    P1, P2 = np.concatenate(P1_lst, axis=0), np.concatenate(P2_lst, axis=0)
    # print(X.shape)
    # print(Y.shape)
    # print(P1.shape)
    # print(P2.shape)

    X /= 255.  # Normalize to [0,1]
    return (lambda: data_spliter([X, Y, P1, P2]))
예제 #3
def make_mvs_data_loader(size=(128, 128), norm="norm"):
    path_dir = os.listdir(PATH_MVS)
    N = 0
    for path in path_dir:
        filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(PATH_MVS, path))
        N += len(filenames)

    W, H = size
    W, H = 342, 256
    # N = 10
    X = np.zeros(
        (N, H, W, 2))  # H, W interchanged here since numpy takes H,W as input
    Y = np.zeros((N, 9))
    P1_lst, P2_lst = [], []
    kpts_cnt = 1000  # max 100 kpts

    i = 0
    for path in path_dir:
        filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(PATH_MVS, path))

        for j in range(
                8):  #since there are total of 8 different lighting conditions
            left_path = os.path.join(PATH_MVS, path, filenames[j])
            right_path = os.path.join(PATH_MVS, path, filenames[j + 8])

            if not (os.path.isfile(left_path) and os.path.isfile(right_path)):

            print('pre-processing image: ', left_path)
            F, pts1, pts2 = get_FMat(left_path, right_path)

            if F is None:

            # print ('F:', F.shape, 'pts1: ', len(pts1), 'pts2: ', len(pts2))

            left_img = img_prep(left_path, target_size=(W, H))
            right_img = img_prep(right_path, target_size=(W, H))

            # print ('left image: ', left_img.shape)
            imgs = np.zeros(
                (2, H,
                 W))  # H, W interchanged here since numpy takes H,W as input
            imgs[0, :, :] = left_img
            imgs[1, :, :] = right_img

            X[i, :] = np.moveaxis(imgs, [0, 1, 2], [2, 0, 1])
            # print ('X shape: ', X[i,:].shape)
            Y[i, :] = np.resize(F, (1, 9))
            # pts1, pts2 = note['kpts']
            kpts_cnt = min(len(pts1), kpts_cnt)

            i += 1
            if i >= N:

        if i >= N:

    X, Y = X.astype(np.float32), Y.astype(np.float32)
    tot_len = len(P1_lst)
    X, Y = X[:tot_len, :], Y[:tot_len, :]

    # Normalize F-matrices
    if norm == "abs":
        print("[data loader] Use max abs value to normalize the F-matrix")
        Y = Y / (np.abs(Y).max(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] + 1e-8)
    elif norm == "norm":
        print("[data loader] Use L2 norm to normalize the F-matrix")
        Y = Y / (np.linalg.norm(Y, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] + 1e-8)
    elif norm == "last":
        print("[data loader] Use last index to normalize the F-matrix")
        Y = Y / (Y[:, -1].reshape(-1)[np.newaxis, 1] + 1e-8)
        raise Exception("Unrecognized normalization methods:%s" % norm)

    P1_lst = [x[:kpts_cnt, :].reshape((1, kpts_cnt, 2)) for x in P1_lst]
    P2_lst = [x[:kpts_cnt, :].reshape((1, kpts_cnt, 2)) for x in P2_lst]
    P1, P2 = np.concatenate(P1_lst, axis=0), np.concatenate(P2_lst, axis=0)
    # print(X.shape)
    # print(Y.shape)
    # print(P1.shape)
    # print(P2.shape)

    X /= 255.  # Normalize to [0,1]
    return (lambda: data_spliter([X, Y, P1, P2]))