def build(self): = KivMob(APP_ID){"unitID": BANNER_ID}) self.toggled = False return KivMobDemoUI()
def build(self): = KivMob(TestIds.APP), False) self.toggled = False return KivMobDemoUI()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MyApp, self).__init__(**kwargs) app_id = TestIds.APP = KivMob(app_id) banner_id = TestIds.BANNER interstitial_id = TestIds.INTERSTITIAL, top_pos=True) self.show_ads() self.ads_created = True self.manga_text_color = (0, 0, 0, 1) self.start_up = True # Use in theme_color
def build(self): self.config = Config() = KivMob('ca-app-pub-1818238534900904~2025018602')'ca-app-pub-1818238534900904/4048546717', top_pos=False) self.screen = Builder.load_file(self.config.screen) return self.screen
class ScatterTextWidget(BoxLayout): APPID = 'ca-app-pub-4594686446272625~3110544260' BANNERID = 'ca-app-pub-4594686446272625/3787177591' ads = KivMob(APPID) ads.new_banner(BANNERID) ads.request_banner() ads.show_banner() pass
class Screen2(MDScreen): ads = KivMob('ca-app-pub-1818238534900904~2025018602')# ADS ID ads.new_interstitial('ca-app-pub-1818238534900904/8138357580')#ADS UNIT ID ads.add_test_device('7569F1B8DC0951A')#Test Device ID ads.request_interstitial() def resume(self): def show_ads(self):
def build(self): self.theme_cls.theme_style = 'Dark' = Builder.load_file('main.kv') # ads = KivMob(os.environ.get('APP_ID'))'70356742')'BANNER_ID'), top_pos=False)'INTERSTITIAL_ID')) # dialog window to show when starting new game if active game exists self.dialog = Dialog( title='Створити нову гру?', text='Дані про поточну гру буде втрачено.', buttons=[ TextButton(text="Назад", on_release=lambda _: self.dialog.dismiss()), TextButton( text="Так", on_release=lambda _: self.drop_game_and_create_new()) ], ) Cache.append('images', 'round_background', FitImage(source="assets/imgs/round.png")) # enable buttons only in 2 second after build to avoid bugs def show_menu_buttons(): self.buttons_ready_to_use = True Clock.schedule_once(lambda _: show_menu_buttons(), 2) return
class SimpleApp(MDApp): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark" super().__init__(**kwargs) self.rewards = Rewards_Handler(self) ads = KivMob( TestIds.APP) # put your Admob Id in case you want to put your own ads. points = NumericProperty(0) def build(self):, False) return Screenmgr() def load_video(self):
class OneApp(MDApp): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.config = Config() self.id_key = self.config.id_key self.title = self.config.title self.theme_cls.primary_palette = self.config.color def picture_taken(self, obj, filename): try: self.picture = filename except: pass def take_picture(self): try: self.screen.change_screen('camerascreen') self.screen.nav_layout.screen_manager.camerascreen.xcamera.restore_orientation( ) except: pass def build(self): self.config = Config() = KivMob('ca-app-pub-1818238534900904~2025018602')'ca-app-pub-1818238534900904/4048546717', top_pos=False) self.screen = Builder.load_file(self.config.screen) return self.screen
class MainApp(MDApp): # APP storage_url = "" database_url = "" data = {"uu": {"Joe Tilsed": "me"}} auth_key = "sBlt6fzvguYnrGl2FlXRK3k4vRxSfZJBV2P7yIRv" size_x = NumericProperty(0) size_y = NumericProperty(0) menu = ObjectProperty(None) count = NumericProperty(0) loggin_count = NumericProperty(0) count_update = NumericProperty(0) dialog = None dialog_phone = None dialog_last = None setter = None counter_image = NumericProperty(0) spin_active = BooleanProperty(False) menu_text = StringProperty("Your Location") loading = StringProperty("") # Business product_name = StringProperty("") phone_number = StringProperty("") location = StringProperty("") quantity = StringProperty("") total_amount = NumericProperty(0) order_number = StringProperty("0") category_tp = StringProperty("") # MATH calculator = StringProperty("0") calculator2 = StringProperty("0") # XXX-------ADMIN LOGIN VAR-------XXX admin_name = StringProperty("") admin_phone = StringProperty("") customer_phone = StringProperty("") admin_password = StringProperty("") admin_true = BooleanProperty(False) admin_product_description = StringProperty("") admin_product_image = StringProperty("images/picture.png") admin_product_name = StringProperty("") admin_product_price = StringProperty("") admin_product_id = StringProperty("") admin_product_url = StringProperty("") # ADS app_id = "ca-app-pub-9270156272717443~8633598837" interstitial = "ca-app-pub-9270156272717443/2248347409" # DATABASE def stream_handler(self, message): if True: print("hello") return notification.notify(title='New order', message='you have new order!') def notifi(self, phone): try: import firebase_admin firebase_admin._apps.clear() from firebase_admin import credentials, initialize_app, db id = cred = credentials.Certificate("credential/farmzon-abdcb-c4c57249e43b.json") initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL': ''}) if phone != "0788204327": my_stream = db.reference("Yummy").child("Admin").child(phone).child("Orders").listen( self.stream_handler) else: my_stream = db.reference("Yummy").child("Orders").listen( self.stream_handler) except: print("poor me") def remember_me_admin(self, user, password, name): with open("credential/admin.txt", "w") as fl: fl.write(user + "\n") fl.write(password) with open("credential/admin_info.txt", "w") as ui: ui.write(name) fl.close() ui.close() def admin_memory(self): if self.loggin_count == 0: self.loggin_count = 1 + self.loggin_count self.admin_true = True file1 = open('credential/admin.txt', 'r') file2 = open("credential/admin_info.txt") Lines = file1.readlines() Lines2 = file2.readlines() # Strips the newline character self.admin_phone = Lines[0].strip() self.admin_password = Lines[1].strip() self.admin_name = Lines2[0] self.count += 1 thread = threading.Thread(self.notifi(self.admin_phone)) thread = threading.Thread(self.listen_db(self.admin_phone)) thread.start() else: sm = self.root sm.current = "admin_main" self.spin_active = False def actively_reg(self): if self.spin_active: self.spin_active = False toast("Successfully Registered!") def permision_req(self): if utils.platform == 'android': from android.permissions import request_permissions, Permission # todo request_permissions([Permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, Permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]) def notifier(self): notification.notify(title="Welcome", message="you can also sell and buy!") def on_start(self): m = self.root m.current = "one" identity = self.root.ids.drop_item_one self.menu_fun(identity) self.keyboard_hooker() def menu_fun(self, identity): vimbweta = [ "vimbweta vya uwanjani", "vimbweta vya stationary", "vimbweta vya girls hostel", "vimbweta vya boys hostel", "vimbweta nyuma ya ndege", "vimbweta vya block 16", "vimbweta vya adminstration", "class one", "class two", "class three", "Aviation classes" ] = MDDropdownMenu( caller=identity, width_mult=9, position="auto", callback=self.menu_callback ) for i in range(vimbweta.__len__()): { "text": vimbweta[i] } ) for i in range(22): if i == 0: pass else: { "text": "Block " + "" + str(i) } ) on_release=self.menu_callback ) self.setter = identity self.setter.set_item(self.menu_text) def show_alert_dialog(self): if not self.dialog: self.dialog = MDDialog( title="Do you real want to quit?", buttons=[ MDFlatButton( text="CANCEL", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color, on_release=self.kill ), MDRaisedButton( text="QUIT!", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color, on_release=lambda x: toast("Please press the home button!", 5) ), ], ) def phone_number_dialog(self): if not self.dialog_phone: self.dialog_phone = phone_dialog( title="Enter Your phone number", auto_dismiss=False, buttons=[ MDFlatButton( text="Cancel", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color, on_release=self.kill_phone ), MDRaisedButton( text="Submit", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color, on_release=lambda x: self.phone_number_check(self.phone_number) ), ], ) def last_step_dialog(self): if not self.dialog_last: self.dialog_last = MDDialog( title="Confirm", type="custom", auto_dismiss=False, content_cls=last_dialog(), buttons=[ MDFlatButton( text="Cancel", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color, on_release=lambda x: self.adver() ), MDRaisedButton( text="Ok", on_release=lambda x: self.adver(), theme_text_color="Custom", md_bg_color=[243 / 255, 189 / 255, 106 / 255, 1] ), ], ) self.dialog_last.md_bg_color = 245 / 255, 0 / 255, 72 / 255, 1 def phone_number_check(self, phone): new_number = "" if phone != "": for i in range(phone.__len__()): if i == 0: pass else: new_number = new_number + phone[i] number = "+255" + new_number if not carrier._is_mobile(number_type(phonenumbers.parse(number))): toast("Please check your phone number!", 1) return False else: self.phone_number = phone thread = threading.Thread(target=self.Business(self.product_name, self.quantity, self.phone_number)) thread.start() self.kill_phone() return True else: toast("check your number") def phone_number_check_admin(self, phone): new_number = "" if phone != "": for i in range(phone.__len__()): if i == 0: pass else: new_number = new_number + phone[i] number = "+255" + new_number if not carrier._is_mobile(number_type(phonenumbers.parse(number))): toast("Please check your phone number!", 1) return False else: return True else: toast("enter phone number!") def kill(self, *kwargs): self.dialog.dismiss() def kill_phone(self, *kwargs): self.dialog_phone.dismiss() def kill_adver(self): self.dialog_last.dismiss() def Business(self, product, quantity, phone): self.last_step_dialog() print("location:", self.location, '\n' "Product name:", product, '\n' "quantity:", quantity, '\n' "Total amount:", self.total_amount, '\n' "Phone number:", phone) if self.category_tp != "admin": from helped import connection_status as CS if CS.Network.internet(CS.Network()): self.spin_active = True thread = threading.Thread(target=DB.upload_data, args=( DB(), self.customer_phone, phone, self.location, quantity, self.total_amount, product)) thread.start() thread.join() toast("Ordered successfully!", 10) self.spin_active = False else: self.spin_active = False toast("Sorry try again!", 5) else: from helped import connection_status as CS if CS.Network.internet(CS.Network()): self.spin_active = True thread = threading.Thread(target=DB.upload_data_admin, args=( DB(), self.customer_phone, phone, self.location, quantity, self.total_amount, product)) thread.start() thread.join() toast("Ordered successfully!", 10) self.spin_active = False else: self.spin_active = False toast("Sorry try again!", 5) def keyboard_hooker(self): EventLoop.window.bind(on_keyboard=self.hook_keyboard) def hook_keyboard(self, window, key, *largs): sm = self.root print(key, self.count) if key == 27 and self.count == 1 or self.count <= -1: sm.current = "one" print("change", self.count) self.count = self.count - 1 print("current>>", self.count) return True elif key == 27 and self.count == 0: # Window.on_close() self.show_alert_dialog() return True def menu_callback(self, menu): self.menu_text = menu.text self.setter.set_item(menu.text) print(menu.text) self.location = menu.text def callculator_rim(self, mingapi, price): identity = self.root.ids.quantity self.calculator = mingapi + "0" if mingapi == "": pass elif mingapi == '.': identity.text = "1" else: self.total_amount = self.calculator = str(float(mingapi) * int(price)) def callback(self, button): = button food_count = 0 def order_spinner2(self): if self.front_shop_count == 0: self.spin_active = True try: toast("loading please wait...", 10) self.loading = "Loading..." # Clock.schedule_once(lambda x: self.front_shop(), 4) thread = threading.Thread(target=self.front_shop()) thread.start() except: toast("no internet!") self.loading = "" self.spin_active = False def order_spinner3(self): if self.other_shops == 0: self.spin_active = True try: toast("loading please wait...", 10) Clock.schedule_once(lambda x: self.other_shop(), 4) # thread = threading.Thread(target=self.other_shop) # thread.start() except: toast("no internet!") self.spin_active = False def order_spinner1(self): sm = self.root file_size = os.path.getsize("credential/admin.txt") if file_size == 0: sm.current = "login" else: self.spin_active = True sm.current = "admin_main" thread = threading.Thread(target=self.admin_memory) thread.start() thread.join() self.spin_active = False def add_order(self): try: if self.food_count == 0: self.food_count = self.food_count + 1 food = self.root.ids.food_cat import firebase_admin firebase_admin._apps.clear() from firebase_admin import credentials, initialize_app, db if not firebase_admin._apps: cred = credentials.Certificate("credential/farmzon-abdcb-c4c57249e43b.json") initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL': ''}) store = db.reference("Yummy").child("Orders") stores = store.get() count = 0 for y, x in stores.items(): food_categories = category() del_btn = MDIconButton(icon="delete", on_release=self.remove_widgets, pos_hint={"center_x": .9, "center_y": .3}, theme_text_color="Custom", text_color={60 / 255, 66 / 255, 75 / 255}, user_font_size="26sp") count += 1 # food_categories.md_bg_color = 245 / 255, 0 / 255, 72 / 255, 1 = y = y food_categories.md_bg_color = 121 / 255, 174 / 255, 141 / 255, 1 food_categories.add_widget(Labels(text="Admin-phone:" + " " + str(x['Admin phone']))) food_categories.add_widget(Labels(text="Phone:" + " " + y)) food_categories.add_widget(MDSeparator(height="5dp")) food_categories.add_widget(Labels(text="Amount:" + " " + " " + str(x['amount']))) food_categories.add_widget(Labels(text="Location:" + " " + " " + str(x['location']))) food_categories.add_widget(Labels(text="Product-Name:" + " " + " " + str(x['product name']))) food_categories.add_widget(Labels(text="Quantity:" + " " + " " + str(x['quantity']))) food_categories.add_widget(Labels(text="Time-Ordered:" + " " + " " + str(x['time']))) food_categories.add_widget(del_btn) food.add_widget(food_categories) self.spin_active = False self.order_number = str(count) else: pass except: toast("no internet") self.spin_active = False def resize_bottom_tabs(self): # bottom_nav bv = self.root.ids.bottom_nav bv.on_resize() def add_order_admin(self): try: if self.food_count == 0: print("num>", self.admin_phone) self.food_count = self.food_count + 1 food = self.root.ids.food_cat import firebase_admin firebase_admin._apps.clear() from firebase_admin import credentials, initialize_app, db if not firebase_admin._apps: cred = credentials.Certificate("credential/farmzon-abdcb-c4c57249e43b.json") initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL': ''}) if self.admin_phone != "0788204327": store = db.reference("Yummy").child("Admin").child(self.admin_phone).child("Orders") stores = store.get() print(stores) count = 0 for y, x in stores.items(): print(x) food_categories = category() del_btn = MDIconButton(icon="delete", on_release=self.remove_widgets, pos_hint={"center_x": .9, "center_y": .3}, theme_text_color="Custom", text_color={60 / 255, 66 / 255, 75 / 255}, user_font_size="26sp") count += 1 # food_categories.md_bg_color = 245 / 255, 0 / 255, 72 / 255, 1 = y = y food_categories.md_bg_color = 121 / 255, 174 / 255, 141 / 255, 1 food_categories.add_widget(Labels(text="Admin-phone:" + " " + str(x['Phone number']))) food_categories.add_widget(Labels(text="Phone:" + " " + y)) food_categories.add_widget(MDSeparator(height="5dp")) food_categories.add_widget(Labels(text="Amount:" + " " + " " + str(x['amount']))) food_categories.add_widget(Labels(text="Location:" + " " + " " + str(x['location']))) food_categories.add_widget( Labels(text="Product-Name:" + " " + " " + str(x['product name']))) food_categories.add_widget(Labels(text="Quantity:" + " " + " " + str(x['quantity']))) food_categories.add_widget(Labels(text="Time-Ordered:" + " " + " " + str(x['time']))) food_categories.add_widget(del_btn) food.add_widget(food_categories) self.spin_active = False self.order_number = str(count) else: self.add_order() else: pass except: toast("no internet") self.spin_active = False all_products = {} front_products = {} front_shop_count = 0 other_shops = 0 def other_shop(self): if True: try: if self.other_shops == 0: self.other_shops = self.other_shops + 1 import firebase_admin firebase_admin._apps.clear() from firebase_admin import credentials, initialize_app, db if not firebase_admin._apps: shop = self.root.ids.other_shop cred = credentials.Certificate("credential/farmzon-abdcb-c4c57249e43b.json") initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL': ''}) store = db.reference("Yummy").child("Products") stores = store.get() from retrive_data import Retrieve as RE RE.other_shop(RE(), stores) self.all_products = stores for y, x in stores.items(): self.admin_product_name = x["product_name"] self.customer_phone = x["admin_phone"] self.admin_product_url = x["image_url"] self.admin_product_price = x["product_price"] self.admin_product_description = x["product_description"] other_shops = Shops(on_release=self.selling_other) other_shops.add_widget(Labels(text=self.admin_product_name)) other_shops.add_widget(Shop_image(source=self.admin_product_url)) other_shops.add_widget(Labels(text=self.admin_product_price)) = y shop.add_widget(other_shops) self.spin_active = False except: self.spin_active = False toast("no internet!") def other_shop_offline(self): filename = "helped/other.json" try: file_size = os.path.getsize(filename) if file_size > 0: shop = self.root.ids.front_shop with open(filename) as file: line = json.load(file) print(line) for y, x in line.items(): self.admin_product_name = x["product_name"] self.customer_phone = x["admin_phone"] self.admin_product_url = x["image_url"] self.admin_product_price = x["product_price"] self.admin_product_description = x["product_description"] other_shops = Shops(on_release=self.selling_other) other_shops.add_widget(Labels(text=self.admin_product_name)) other_shops.add_widget(Shop_image(source=self.admin_product_url)) other_shops.add_widget(Labels(text=self.admin_product_price)) = y shop.add_widget(other_shops) self.spin_active = False except: self.spin_active = False self.order_spinner3() def other_shop_comparison(self): filename = "helped/other.json" try: file_size = os.path.getsize(filename) if file_size != 0: with open(filename) as file: line = json.load(file) local_len = len(line) import firebase_admin firebase_admin._apps.clear() from firebase_admin import credentials, initialize_app, db if not firebase_admin._apps: cred = credentials.Certificate("credential/farmzon-abdcb-c4c57249e43b.json") initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL': ''}) store = db.reference("Yummy").child("Products") stores = store.get() online_len = len(stores) print(local_len, online_len) if local_len == online_len: print(local_len, online_len) else: self.refresh_other() else: self.refresh_other() except: toast("something is wrong!") def other_shop_faster(self): filename = "helped/other.json" try: if self.other_shops == 0: self.other_shops = self.other_shops + 1 file_size = os.path.getsize(filename) thread = threading.Thread(target=self.other_shop_comparison) thread.start() if file_size != 0: shop = self.root.ids.other_shop with open(filename) as file: line = json.load(file) print(line) self.all_products = line for y, x in line.items(): self.admin_product_name = x["product_name"] self.customer_phone = x["admin_phone"] self.admin_product_url = x["image_url"] self.admin_product_price = x["product_price"] self.admin_product_description = x["product_description"] other_shops = Shops(on_release=self.selling_other) other_shops.add_widget(Labels(text=self.admin_product_name)) other_shops.add_widget(Shop_image(source=self.admin_product_url)) other_shops.add_widget(Labels(text=self.admin_product_price + "/Tsh")) = y shop.add_widget(other_shops) self.spin_active = False else: self.other_shops = 0 self.order_spinner3() except: self.other_shops = 0 self.order_spinner3() def selling_other(self, instance): print( # self.count = self.count + 1 product = self.customer_phone = self.all_products[product]["admin_phone"] self.admin_product_url = self.all_products[product]["image_url"] self.admin_product_name = self.all_products[product]["product_name"] self.admin_product_price = self.all_products[product]["product_price"] self.admin_product_description = self.all_products[product]["product_description"] sm = self.root sm.current = "selling_other" def summon(self): sm = self.root sm.current = "other_shops" if self.other_shops == 0: self.spin_active = True def front_shop(self): if True: try: print("ok") if self.front_shop_count == 0: self.front_shop_count = self.front_shop_count + 1 print("yess..") import firebase_admin firebase_admin._apps.clear() from firebase_admin import credentials, initialize_app, db if not firebase_admin._apps: shop = self.root.ids.front_shop cred = credentials.Certificate("credential/farmzon-abdcb-c4c57249e43b.json") initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL': ''}) store = db.reference("Yummy").child("Products_admin") print("nice") stores = store.get() from retrive_data import Retrieve as RE thread = threading.Thread(target=RE.front_shop, args=(RE(), stores)) thread.start() print("good") self.front_products = stores for y, x in stores.items(): self.admin_product_name = x["product_name"] self.customer_phone = x["admin_phone"] self.admin_product_url = x["image_url"] self.admin_product_price = x["product_price"] front_shops = Front_shop(on_release=self.selling_front) layout = FloatLayout() layout.add_widget(Labels(text=self.admin_product_name, pos_hint={"center_x": .5, "center_y": .2}, halign="center")) layout.add_widget(Cool(source=self.admin_product_url)) front_shops.add_widget(layout) = y shop.add_widget(front_shops) time.sleep(2) self.spin_active = False self.loading = "" else: print("f**k!") except: toast("no internet!") self.front_shop_offline() def front_shop_offline(self): filename = "helped/admin.json" try: file_size = os.path.getsize(filename) if file_size > 0: shop = self.root.ids.front_shop with open(filename) as file: line = json.load(file) print(line) for y, x in line.items(): self.admin_product_name = x["product_name"] self.customer_phone = x["admin_phone"] self.admin_product_url = x["image_url"] self.admin_product_price = x["product_price"] front_shops = Front_shop(on_release=self.selling_front) layout = FloatLayout() layout.add_widget(Labels(text=self.admin_product_name, pos_hint={"center_x": .5, "center_y": .2}, halign="center")) layout.add_widget(Cool(source=self.admin_product_url)) front_shops.add_widget(layout) = y shop.add_widget(front_shops) time.sleep(2) self.spin_active = False self.loading = "" except: button = MDTextButton(text="Retry", pos_hint={"center_x": .5, "center_y": .5}, on_release=lambda x: self.refresh_front()) = "you" button.custom_color = 40 / 255, 123 / 255, 222 / 255, 1 shop = self.root.ids.front_shop shop.add_widget(button) self.loading = "" self.spin_active = False def front_shop_comparison(self): filename = "helped/admin.json" try: file_size = os.path.getsize(filename) if file_size != 0: with open(filename) as file: line = json.load(file) local_len = len(line) import firebase_admin firebase_admin._apps.clear() from firebase_admin import credentials, initialize_app, db if not firebase_admin._apps: cred = credentials.Certificate("credential/farmzon-abdcb-c4c57249e43b.json") initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL': ''}) store = db.reference("Yummy").child("Products_admin") stores = store.get() online_len = len(stores) if local_len == online_len: pass else: self.refresh_front() else: self.refresh_front() except: toast("something is wrong!") def front_shop_faster(self): filename = "helped/admin.json" try: if self.front_shop_count == 0: self.notifier() self.front_shop_count = self.front_shop_count + 1 file_size = os.path.getsize(filename) thread = threading.Thread(target=self.front_shop_comparison) thread.start() if file_size != 0: shop = self.root.ids.front_shop with open(filename) as file: line = json.load(file) print(line) self.front_products = line for y, x in line.items(): self.admin_product_name = x["product_name"] self.customer_phone = x["admin_phone"] self.admin_product_url = x["image_url"] self.admin_product_price = x["product_price"] front_shops = Front_shop(on_release=self.selling_front) layout = FloatLayout() layout.add_widget(Labels(text=self.admin_product_name, pos_hint={"center_x": .5, "center_y": .2}, halign="center")) layout.add_widget(Cool(source=self.admin_product_url)) front_shops.add_widget(layout) = y shop.add_widget(front_shops) self.spin_active = False self.loading = "" else: self.front_shop_count = 0 self.order_spinner2() except: self.front_shop_count = 0 self.order_spinner2() def selling_front(self, instance): print( self.count = self.count + 1 self.category_tp = "admin" product = self.customer_phone = self.front_products[product]["admin_phone"] self.admin_product_url = self.front_products[product]["image_url"] self.admin_product_name = self.front_products[product]["product_name"] self.admin_product_price = self.front_products[product]["product_price"] sm = self.root sm.current = "selling" def success(self, *kwargs): self.refresh() def refresh(self): parent = self.root.ids.food_cat all_childs = parent.children identity = [] self.food_count = 0 for child in all_childs: identity.append( self.order_number = str(identity.__len__()) for i in identity: self.remove_wide(i) if self.admin_phone == "0788204327": self.add_order() else: self.add_order_admin() def refresh_front(self): parent = self.root.ids.front_shop all_childs = parent.children identity = [] self.front_shop_count = 0 for child in all_childs: identity.append( for i in identity: print(i) self.remove_wide_front(i) self.spin_active = True self.order_spinner2() def refresh_other(self): parent = self.root.ids.other_shop all_childs = parent.children identity = [] self.other_shops = 0 for child in all_childs: identity.append( for i in identity: print(i) self.remove_wide_other(i) self.spin_active = True self.order_spinner3() def remove_wide_front(self, name): parent = self.root.ids.front_shop for child in parent.children: if name == parent.remove_widget(child) def remove_wide_other(self, name): parent = self.root.ids.other_shop for child in parent.children: if name == parent.remove_widget(child) def remove_wide(self, name): parent = self.root.ids.food_cat for child in parent.children: if name == parent.remove_widget(child) def remove_widgets(self, instance): name = parent = self.root.ids.food_cat for child in parent.children: if name == parent.remove_widget(child) self.del_entity( def del_entity(self, name): import firebase_admin firebase_admin._apps.clear() from firebase_admin import credentials, initialize_app, db if not firebase_admin._apps: cred = credentials.Certificate("credential/farmzon-abdcb-c4c57249e43b.json") initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL': ''}) if self.admin_phone == "0788204327": db.reference("Yummy").child("Orders").child(name).delete() else: db.reference("Yummy").child("Admin").child(self.admin_phone).child("Orders").child(name).delete() def validate_user(self, phone, password): if phone == "" and phone.Isdigit(): toast("please enter your phone number correctly") elif password == "": toast("please enter your password") else: self.spin_active = True thread = threading.Thread(target=self.Signing_in_admin_function, args=(phone, password)) thread.start() def Signing_in_admin(self, phone, password): # thread = threading.Thread(target=self.Signing_in_admin_function, args=(phone, password)) # thread.start() self.Signing_in_admin_function(phone, password) @mainthread def Signing_in_admin_function(self, phone, password): if DB.Signing_in_admin(DB(), phone, password): self.admin_name = DB.name_admin self.remember_me_admin(phone, password, self.admin_name) if not self.admin_true: self.listen_db(phone) sm = self.root sm.current = "admin_main" else: if self.admin_true: toast("no internet connection") self.spin_active = False else: self.spin_active = False toast("oops! phone number or password in correct or internet connection") # XXX---------CUSTOMER--------------XXX def id_generator(self): not_allowed = ".-:" date1 = date, time = id = str(date1).split(" ") self.admin_product_id = date + time product_id = "" for i in range(len(self.admin_product_id)): if self.admin_product_id[i] not in not_allowed: product_id = self.admin_product_id[i] + product_id id = self.admin_product_id = product_id print(id) return self.admin_product_id def get_info(self, phone, phone_other, name, price, product_name, image_path, password, category, description): if phone != "" and self.phone_number_check_admin(phone): if name != "" and name.isalpha() and price != "" and password != "": self.customer_phone = phone self.admin_password = password self.admin_name = name self.admin_product_image = image_path self.admin_product_price = price self.admin_product_name = product_name self.admin_product_id = self.id_generator() cate = category print(phone, name, price, product_name, image_path, password, self.admin_product_id) try: thread = threading.Thread(target=self.transporter, args=( phone, phone_other, name, price, product_name, image_path, password, self.admin_product_id, cate, description)) thread.start() except: toast("no internet") else: toast("check your info well") self.spin_active = False else: toast("check your mobile number") self.spin_active = False def transporter(self, phone, phone_other, name, price, product_name, image_path, password, id, cate, description): thread = threading.Thread(target=DB.upload_product_image, args=( DB(), cate, image_path, phone, phone_other, name, price, product_name, password, id, description)) thread.start() thread.join() self.actively_reg() def listen_db(self, phone): try: import firebase_admin firebase_admin._apps.clear() from firebase_admin import credentials, initialize_app, db id = cred = credentials.Certificate("credential/farmzon-abdcb-c4c57249e43b.json") initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL': ''}) self.admin_phone = phone if phone != "0788204327": print("i am listening......") my_stream = db.reference("Yummy").child("Admin").child(phone).child("Orders").listen(self.success) else: print("i am listening......") my_stream = db.reference("Yummy").child("Orders").listen(self.success) except: print("poor you") def Permission(self, android=None): if self.counter_image <= 0: if utils.platform == 'android': if self.count_update == 0: from gallary import Gambler as GA Clock.schedule_once(GA.user_select_image, 0) self.admin_product_image = GA.path_of_picture img = self.root.ids.product_image img.source = GA.path_of_picture self.count_update += self.count_update + 1 else: from gallary import Gambler as GA self.count_update = self.count_update - 1 self.admin_product_image = GA.path_of_picture img = self.root.ids.product_image img.source = GA.path_of_picture else: self.counter_image = self.counter_image + 1 for root, dirs, files in os.walk("/home/alpha9060/Downloads", topdown=False): for file_ in files: full_file_path = os.path.join(root, file_) if full_file_path.endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg')): print(full_file_path) image = full_file_path cat_class = category_gal() cat_class.add_widget(category_ga(source=image)) img = self.root.ids.images_added img.add_widget(cat_class) else: pass ads = KivMob(TestIds.INTERSTITIAL) def adver(self): self.kill_adver() def build(self): self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Light" self.theme_cls.primary_palette = "DeepOrange" self.theme_cls.accent = "Brown" # Window.size = (360, 640) self.size_x, self.size_y = Window.size self.title = "yummy"
class KivMobDemo(MDApp): def __init__(self,**kwargs): self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark" super().__init__(**kwargs) self.rewards = Rewards_Handler(self) Points = NumericProperty(0) show_banner = False def build(self): = KivMob(TestIds.APP), False) self.toggled = False return KivMobDemoUI() def toggle_banner(self): self.show_banner = not self.show_banner if self.show_banner: else: def load_video(self):
class AliasApp(MDApp): ''' Alias application class ... Attributes ---------- store : JsonStore Instance of application store sm : ScreenManager Instance of screen manager active_game : BooleanProperty Indicator if active game exists dict_idxs : dict dict with dictionaries names and indexes of current word in them buttons_ready_to_use : BooleanProperty buttons enabled or not on the menu screen ads : KivMob instance of KivMob to manage advertisements Methods ------- create_main_game(round_duration, selected_dictionary, teams, penalty, last_word, points_to_win): create instance of MainGameScreen and swith to it to_game_config(): switch to the team config screen load_main_game(): load active game configuration from the `store` and switch to it start_main_game(): switch to the main game screen save_current_game(): save configuration of active game to the `store` and toggle `active_game` indicator delete_current_game(): remove configuration of active game from the `store` and toggle `active_game` indicator toggle_banner(): toggle ads banner show_interstitial(): show ads interstitial drop_game_and_create_new(): delete current game and start configuring new on_start(): kivy method on_pause(): kivy method on_stop(): kivy method build(): kivy method ''' store = JsonStore('app_store.json') sm = None active_game = BooleanProperty(False) dict_idxs = None buttons_ready_to_use = BooleanProperty(False) dialog = None ads = None def create_main_game(self, round_duration, selected_dictionary, teams, penalty, last_word, points_to_win): ''' Create main game of the application Parameters ---------- round_duration : int duration of one round in the game selected_dictionary : str selected dictionary for game words teams : list list of team names penalty : bool penalty for skipped word last_word : str word in the round after time is expired points_to_win : int amount of points to win the game ''' main_game ='main_game') main_game.load_configuration( round_duration=round_duration, dictionary_name=selected_dictionary,'dicts_idxs')[selected_dictionary], teams=teams, penalty=penalty, last_word=last_word, points_to_win=points_to_win, score=[0 for _ in teams], current_round=1, current_turn=0) self.show_interstitial() self.start_main_game() self.active_game = True def to_game_config(self): ''' Route to team config screen with dialog box if `active_game` is True ''' if self.active_game: else: = "team_config" def load_main_game(self): ''' Load main game of the application ''' active_game_cofig ='active_game') main_game ='main_game') main_game.load_configuration(**active_game_cofig) self.show_interstitial() self.start_main_game() def start_main_game(self): ''' Switch to main game screen ''' = 'main_game' def save_current_game(self): ''' Save main game of the application ''' main_game ='main_game') self.save_dict_idx(main_game.dictionary_name, main_game.dict_idx) 'active_game', **{ key: getattr(main_game, key) for key in ( 'round_duration', 'dictionary_name', 'dict_idx', 'teams', 'penalty', 'last_word', 'points_to_win', 'score', 'current_round', 'current_turn', ) }) def save_dict_idx(self, current_dict, current_dict_idx): ''' Save index of the current dictionary to the app store Parameters ---------- current_dict : str name of current dictionary current_dict_idx : int index of current word in the dictionary ''' dict_idxs ='dicts_idxs') dict_idxs[current_dict] = current_dict_idx'dicts_idxs', **dict_idxs) def delete_current_game(self): ''' Delete main game of the application ''' try:'active_game') except KeyError: pass self.active_game = False def toggle_banner(self, show): ''' Toggle banner on the screen Parameters ---------- show : bool whether to show banner or hide ''' if show: else: def drop_game_and_create_new(self): ''' Delete current game and start configuring new when dialog applied ''' self.delete_current_game() self.dialog.dismiss() self.to_game_config() def show_interstitial(self): ''' Show ads interstitial ''' if else: def on_start(self): try:'active_game') self.active_game = True except KeyError: pass try: self.dict_idxs ='dicts_idxs') except KeyError: with open('./constants/words.json', encoding='utf-8') as f: dicts = json.load(f) idxs = {} for dictionary_name, words in dicts.items(): shuffle(words) dicts[dictionary_name] = words idxs[dictionary_name] = 0 with open('./constants/words.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(dicts, f)'dicts_idxs', **idxs) def on_pause(self): if self.active_game: self.save_current_game() return True def on_stop(self): self.on_pause() def build(self): self.theme_cls.theme_style = 'Dark' = Builder.load_file('main.kv') # ads = KivMob(os.environ.get('APP_ID'))'70356742')'BANNER_ID'), top_pos=False)'INTERSTITIAL_ID')) # dialog window to show when starting new game if active game exists self.dialog = Dialog( title='Створити нову гру?', text='Дані про поточну гру буде втрачено.', buttons=[ TextButton(text="Назад", on_release=lambda _: self.dialog.dismiss()), TextButton( text="Так", on_release=lambda _: self.drop_game_and_create_new()) ], ) Cache.append('images', 'round_background', FitImage(source="assets/imgs/round.png")) # enable buttons only in 2 second after build to avoid bugs def show_menu_buttons(): self.buttons_ready_to_use = True Clock.schedule_once(lambda _: show_menu_buttons(), 2) return
class MyApp(App): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MyApp, self).__init__(**kwargs) app_id = TestIds.APP = KivMob(app_id) banner_id = TestIds.BANNER interstitial_id = TestIds.INTERSTITIAL, top_pos=True) self.show_ads() self.ads_created = True self.manga_text_color = (0, 0, 0, 1) self.start_up = True # Use in theme_color def build(self): self.title = "Manga Updates By Israel Quimson" = Phone() self.init_check_folder() self.use_kivy_settings = False # Disable kivy default settings self.theme_color() Clock.schedule_interval(self.check_internet, 30) return def show_ads(self): """Method to create ads""" def check_internet(self, *args): """Method to check internet""" url = '' # url to check timeout = 5 # timeout in seconds try: r = requests.head(url, timeout=timeout) # check the connection if not self.ads_created: # check if the ads is created self.show_ads() # Call this method to create ads self.ads_created = True # set the ads_created to true except: self.ads_created = False # If no internet set the ads created to false def build_config(self, config): """Method to define default values in Settings""" with open('version.txt', 'r') as file: version_num = config.setdefaults('basicsettings', { 'Servers': 'Mangahub', 'Version': version_num, 'darkmode': False }) def build_settings(self, settings): """Method to add Panel in the Settings using import file as data""" settings.add_json_panel('Settings', self.config, data=settings_json) def on_config_change(self, config, section, key, value): """Method on change config value in the Settings""" if key == 'Servers': if key == 'darkmode': self.theme_color() def theme_color(self): """Method to set the theme color and change the theme to dark mode""" mode = self.config.get( 'basicsettings', 'darkmode') # Get the value of config darkmode boolean if mode == '1': # Dark mode self.manga_text_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) self.nav_text_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) self.bg1_color = (68 / 255, 68 / 255, 68 / 255, 1) self.line_color = (0, 0, 0, 1) self.nav_bg_color = (51 / 255, 51 / 255, 51 / 255, 1) self.storage_line_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) else: # White mode self.manga_text_color = (0, 0, 0, 1) self.nav_text_color = (0, 0, 0, 1) self.bg1_color = (228 / 255, 241 / 255, 254 / 255, 1) self.line_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) self.nav_bg_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) self.storage_line_color = (0, 0, 0, 1) with Color(self.bg1_color[0], self.bg1_color[1], self.bg1_color[2], self.bg1_color[3]) Rectangle(size=Window.size) with Color(self.line_color[0], self.line_color[1], self.line_color[2], self.line_color[3]) Line(points=(0, Window.height * 0.08, Window.width, Window.height * 0.08)) with Color(self.nav_bg_color[0], self.nav_bg_color[1], self.nav_bg_color[2], self.nav_bg_color[3]) Rectangle(size=(Window.width, Window.height * 0.08), with Color(self.bg1_color[0], self.bg1_color[1], self.bg1_color[2], self.bg1_color[3]) Rectangle(size=Window.size) with Color(self.bg1_color[0], self.bg1_color[1], self.bg1_color[2], self.bg1_color[3]) Rectangle(size=Window.size) with Color(self.bg1_color[0], self.bg1_color[1], self.bg1_color[2], self.bg1_color[3]) Rectangle(size=Window.size) with Color(self.storage_line_color[0], self.storage_line_color[1], self.storage_line_color[2], self.storage_line_color[3]) height = (Window.height - dp( * 0.92 * 0.9 Line(points=(0, height, Window.width, height)) with Color(self.bg1_color[0], self.bg1_color[1], self.bg1_color[2], self.bg1_color[3]) Rectangle(size=Window.size) = self.manga_text_color = self.nav_text_color = self.nav_text_color = self.nav_text_color = self.nav_text_color if not self.start_up: # Check if startup else: self.start_up = False def close_settings(self, *settings): """Method fire when the close button in settings""" super(MyApp, self).close_settings(settings) def init_check_folder(self): """Method to check if the folder exist and create it if not""" if not os.path.exists('imagetemp'): os.mkdir('imagetemp') if not os.path.exists('imagerelease'): os.mkdir('imagerelease') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('..', 'imagemanga', 'mangahub')): os.makedirs(os.path.join('..', 'imagemanga', 'mangahub')) # if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('..', 'imagemanga', 'mangareader')): # os.makedirs(os.path.join('..', 'imagemanga', 'mangareader')) # if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('..', 'imagemanga', 'mangapark')): # os.makedirs(os.path.join('..', 'imagemanga', 'mangapark')) def on_pause(self): return True # If True the App will not close when pause def on_stop(self): self.root.stop.set() # Set a stop signal for secondary python threads def on_resume(self):
class KivMobDemo(App): theme_cls = ThemeManager() show_banner = False def build(self): = KivMob(TestIds.APP), False) self.toggled = False return KivMobDemoUI() def toggle_banner(self): self.show_banner = not self.show_banner if self.show_banner: else:
class KivMobDemo(App): APP_ID = "ca-app-pub-COPY APP ID HERE" BANNER_ID = "ca-app-pub-COPY BANNER ID HERE" INTERSTITIAL_ID = "ca-app-pub-COPY INTERSTITIAL ID HERE" TEST_DEVICE_ID = "COPY DEVICE ID HERE" def build(self): = KivMob(APP_ID){"unitID": BANNER_ID}) self.toggled = False return KivMobDemoUI() def on_start(self): """Called on application start. """ if platform not in ("android", "ios"): self.desktop_warning() def desktop_warning(self): layout = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') layout.add_widget(Label(text='KivMob will not display ads on ' +\ 'nonmobile platforms. You must build an ' +\ 'Android project to demo ads. (iOS not yet ' +\ 'supported)', size_hint_y=1, text_size=(250, None), halign='left', valign='middle')) button_layout = BoxLayout() button1 = Button(text="Open Build Steps", size_hint=(0.8, 0.2)) button1.bind( on_release=lambda x:"")) button_layout.add_widget(button1) button2 = Button(text="Close", size_hint=(0.8, 0.2)) button2.bind(on_release=lambda x: popup.dismiss()) button_layout.add_widget(button2) layout.add_widget(button_layout) popup = Popup(title='KivMob Demo Alert', content=layout, size_hint=(0.9, 0.9)) def interstitial_warning(self): layout = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') layout.add_widget(Label(text="Ad has not loaded. " +\ "Wait a few seconds and then " +\ "try again.", size_hint_y=1, text_size=(250, None), halign='left', valign='middle')) button_layout = BoxLayout() close = Button(text="Close", size_hint=(0.8, 0.2)) close.bind(on_release=lambda x: popup.dismiss()) button_layout.add_widget(close) layout.add_widget(button_layout) popup = Popup(title='KivMob Demo Alert', content=layout, size_hint=(0.9, 0.9)) def on_pause(self): """Android specific method. Save important app data on pause. """ return True def on_resume(self): """Android specific method. Resume paused app. """ def toggle_banner(self): if not self.toggled: else: self.toggled = not self.toggled def show_interstitial(self): if else: self.interstitial_warning()
class OneApp(MDApp): try: ads = KivMob('ca-app-pub-1818238534900904~2025018602') def __init__(self): try: super().__init__() #Declaring MDApp object self.theme_cls = ThemeManager() self.theme_cls.primary_palette = 'Orange' self.theme_cls.primary_style = 'Light' self.title = 'Type To Write' self.screen = Builder.load_file('main.kv') self.setup() # Put Banner Ads except: pass def animate_card(self, widget, text_field, spinn): anim = Animation(pos_hint={'center_y': 0.53}) anim.start(widget) anim1 = Animation(pos_hint={'center_y': 0.75}) anim1.start(text_field) anim2 = Animation(pos_hint={'center_y': 0.65}) anim2.start(spinn) def picture_taken(self, obj, filename): try: self.picture = filename from import storage """Uploads a file to the bucket.""" bucket_name = 'online-server-test' destination_blob_name = "test-storage-blob.png" debug = True if not debug: storage_client = storage.Client() else: cred_file = 'key.json' storage_client = storage.Client.from_service_account_json( cred_file) bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name) blob = bucket.blob(destination_blob_name) blob.upload_from_filename(self.picture) print("File {} uploaded to {}.".format(self.picture, destination_blob_name)) self.hit_cloud_function(destination_blob_name) self.screen.ids.firebaseloginscreen.display_loading_screen() except: pass @mainthread def hit_cloud_function(self, blob_name): try: from urllib.parse import urlencode msg_data = urlencode({'message': blob_name}) headers = { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept': 'text/plain' } print("Sending trigger request") trigger_url = "" UrlRequest(trigger_url, req_body=msg_data, req_headers=headers, ca_file=certifi.where(), on_failure=self.error, on_error=self.error, on_success=self.success) except: pass def error(self, *args): try: print("Error", args) except: pass def success(self, request, response): print("Success!") try: self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.change_values(response) self.hide_screen() self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.change_screen('screen1') except: pass def setup(self): try: self.screen.ids.firebaseloginscreen.web_api_key = "AIzaSyBmrGpiwimYZ-HT_BSesv4gMjuPJcG3omM" self.screen.ids.firebaseloginscreen.debug = False self.screen.ids.firebaseloginscreen.remember_user = True self.screen.ids.firebaseloginscreen.require_email_verification = True except: pass def call(self, button): if button.icon == 'typewriter': try: self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.check_data_login() except: pass if button.icon == 'notebook': try: self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.grammar_check() except: pass if button.icon == 'google-photos': try: self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.see_recent_images() except: pass if button.icon == 'camera': try: self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.ids.screen1.go_camera() except: pass if button.icon == 'ship-wheel': try: self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.ids.screen1.go_addscreen( ) except: pass if button.icon == 'content-save': try: self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.make_json() except: pass if button.icon == 'view-list': try: self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.visualize_json() self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.ids.addscreen.go_friend() except: pass if button.icon == 'exit-to-app': try: self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.ids.addscreen.go_back() except: pass if button.icon == 'delete': try: self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.delete() except: pass if button.icon == 'email-alert': try: self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.change_email() except: pass if button.icon == 'chart-bar': try: self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.ids.screen1.go_pie_chart( ) except: pass if button.icon == 'truck-delivery': try: self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.change_screen( 'ongkirscreen') except: pass def show_dialog(self): try: #Make A PopUp Dialog to warn user self.dialog = MDDialog( title='LOGOUT', text='Are you sure to log out', size_hint=(0.5, 1), buttons=[ MDFlatButton(text='Close', on_release=self.close_dialog), MDRaisedButton(text='Sign Out', on_release=self.sign_out) ]) #Show It On The Screen except: pass def making_banner(self): try:'ca-app-pub-1818238534900904/4048546717', top_pos=False) # Requesting New Ads from plyer import uniqueid'utf-8')) except: pass def close_dialog(self, *args): #Closing Dialog try: self.dialog.dismiss() except: pass def sign_out(self, obj): #Make Firebase To Be Logged Out try: self.screen.ids.firebaseloginscreen.log_out() self.screen.current = "firebaseloginscreen" self.dialog.dismiss() except: pass def loading_screen(self, *args): #Show The Loading Screen try: self.screen.ids.firebaseloginscreen.display_loading_screen() except: pass def hide_screen(self, *args): #Hide The Loading Screen try: self.screen.ids.firebaseloginscreen.hide_loading_screen() except: pass def on_resume(self): def build(self): try: self.making_banner() self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.setup() self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.ids.ongkirscreen.ids.search_provinsi.setup( ) self.screen.ids.typetowritescreen.store_data_online() except: pass return self.screen # Showing Ads To The Screen except: pass