def show_qr_code(self): """ Shows address QR Code in a dialog. """ # lazy loading from import QRCodeWidget from kivy.metrics import dp account = self.current_account if not account: return address = "0x" + account.address.hex() title = address qr_code = QRCodeWidget() = address dialog = Dialog.create_dialog_content_helper(title=title, content=qr_code) # workaround for MDDialog container size (too small by default) dialog.ids.container.size_hint_y = 1 dialog.height = dp(500) dialog.add_action_button("OK", action=lambda *x: dialog.dismiss()) return dialog
def gen_qrcode(self): """ Generates a qrcode containing the invoice for the specified amount in satoshis """ try: amount = int(self.ids.amount.text) except: self.ids.amount.text = '' return self.ids.qrcode_container.clear_widgets() try: bolt11 =['bolt11'] self.ids.qrcode_container.add_widget(QRCodeWidget(data=bolt11)) except Exception as e: self.ids.qrcode_container.add_widget(Label(text='There was a problem trying to speak to the node.'))
def show_dialog(self, title, message, qrdata=None, cb=None): if qrdata: dialog_height = 300 content = QRCodeWidget(data=qrdata, size=(dp(150), dp(150)), size_hint=(None, None)) else: dialog_height = 200 content = MDLabel(font_style='Body1', theme_text_color='Secondary', text=message, size_hint_y=None, valign='top') content.bind(texture_size=content.setter('size')) self.dialog = MDDialog(title=title, content=content, size_hint=(.8, None), height=dp(dialog_height), auto_dismiss=False) self.dialog.add_action_button( "Dismiss", action=cb if cb else lambda *x: self.dialog.dismiss())