def dialog_file_error(self, error_msg): messagedialog(gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, "File operation failed!", error_msg, self.toplevel, gtk.BUTTONS_OK )
def _save(self, project, path): """ Internal save """ if self._is_writable(path): self._refresh_project_entry(project) self._refresh_title() success = True else: submsg1 = _('Could not save project "%s"') % submsg2 = _('Project "%s" could not be saved to %s. ' 'Permission denied.') % \ (, os.path.abspath(path)) text = '<span weight="bold" size="larger">%s</span>\n\n%s\n' % \ (submsg1, submsg2) result = messagedialog( gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, text, parent=self._window, buttons=((gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL), (gtk.STOCK_SAVE_AS, gtk.RESPONSE_YES))) if result == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: success = self._project_save_as(_('Save as'), project) else: success = False self._add_recent_project(project) return success
def dialog_overwrite(self): response = messagedialog(gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, "File exists, overwrite?", None, self.toplevel, gtk.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL ) if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: return True return False