def backward(self, z: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
     log_det = tr.zeros(z.shape[0]).to(dtype=z.dtype, device=z.device)
     lower, upper = z[:, :self.dim // 2], z[:, self.dim // 2:]
     out = self.f2.__call__(upper).reshape(-1, self.dim // 2,
                                           3 * self.K - 1)
     W, H, D = out.split(self.K, dim=2)
     W, H = tr.softmax(W, dim=2), tr.softmax(H, dim=2)
     W, H = 2 * self.B * W, 2 * self.B * H
     D = func.softplus(D)
     lower, ld = unconstrained_rqs(lower,
     log_det += tr.sum(ld, dim=1)
     out = self.f1.__call__(lower).reshape(-1, self.dim // 2,
                                           3 * self.K - 1)
     W, H, D = out.split(self.K, dim=2)
     W, H = tr.softmax(W, dim=2), tr.softmax(H, dim=2)
     W, H = 2 * self.B * W, 2 * self.B * H
     D = func.softplus(D)
     upper, ld = unconstrained_rqs(upper,
     log_det += tr.sum(ld, dim=1)
     return[lower, upper], dim=1), log_det
 def forward_(self, z: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
     z_out = tr.zeros_like(z).to(dtype=z.dtype, device=z.device)
     log_det = tr.zeros(z_out.shape[0]).to(dtype=z.dtype, device=z.device)
     for i in range(self.dim):
         if i == 0:
             init_param = self.init_param.expand(z.shape[0], 3 * self.K - 1)
             W, H, D = init_param.split(self.K, dim=1)
             out = self.layers[i - 1].__call__(z[:, :i])
             W, H, D = out.split(self.K, dim=1)
         W, H = tr.softmax(W, dim=1), tr.softmax(H, dim=1)
         W, H = 2 * self.B * W, 2 * self.B * H
         D = func.softplus(D)
         z_out[:, i], ld = unconstrained_rqs(z[:, i],
         log_det += ld
     return z_out, log_det
    def forward_(self, z: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
        u, w, b = self.u, self.w, self.b

        # Create uhat such that it is parallel to w
        uw =, w)
        u_hat = u + (func.softplus(uw) - 1 - uw) * tr.transpose(
            w, 0, -1) / tr.sum(w**2)
        # m(uw) == softplus(uw) - 1 == log(1 + exp(uw)) - 1

        # Equation 21 - Transform z
        zw__b =, vec=w) + b  # z @ w + b
        fz = z + (u_hat.view(1, -1) * tr.tanh(zw__b).view(-1, 1))

        # Compute the Jacobian using the fact that
        # tanh(x) dx = 1 - tanh(x)**2
        ψ = (-tr.tanh(zw__b)**2 + 1).view(-1, 1) * w.view(1, -1)
        ψu =ψ, vec=u_hat)  # ψ @ u_hat

        # Return the transformed output along with log determninant of J
        logabs_detjacobian = tr.log(tr.abs(ψu + 1) + δ)

        return fz, logabs_detjacobian
예제 #4
 def μ_log_σ(self, x: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
     μ, log_σ = super(GaussianSampleTrim, self).μ_log_σ(x)
     μ = (tr.sigmoid(μ) - 0.5) * self.max_abs_5μ_div_2
     log_σ = func.softplus(log_σ - self.min_log_σ)
     return μ, log_σ
예제 #5
def rqs(inputs: Tensor,
        unnormalized_widths: Tensor,
        unnormalized_heights: Tensor,
        unnormalized_derivatives: Tensor,
        inverse: bool = False,
        left: float = 0.,
        right: float = 1.,
        bottom: float = 0.,
        top: float = 1.,
        min_bin_width: float = DEFAULT_MIN_BIN_WIDTH,
        min_bin_height: float = DEFAULT_MIN_BIN_HEIGHT,
        min_derivative: float = DEFAULT_MIN_DERIVATIVE
        ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:

    if tr.min(inputs) < left or tr.max(inputs) > right:
        raise ValueError("Input outside domain")

    num_bins = unnormalized_widths.shape[-1]

    if min_bin_width * num_bins > 1.0:
        raise ValueError('Minimal bin width too large for the number of bins')
    if min_bin_height * num_bins > 1.0:
        raise ValueError('Minimal bin height too large for the number of bins')

    widths = func.softmax(unnormalized_widths, dim=-1)
    widths = min_bin_width + (1 - min_bin_width * num_bins) * widths
    cumwidths = tr.cumsum(widths, dim=-1)
    cumwidths = func.pad(cumwidths, pad=(1, 0), mode='constant', value=0.0)
    cumwidths = (right - left) * cumwidths + left
    cumwidths[..., 0] = left
    cumwidths[..., -1] = right
    widths = cumwidths[..., 1:] - cumwidths[..., :-1]

    derivatives = min_derivative + func.softplus(unnormalized_derivatives)

    heights = func.softmax(unnormalized_heights, dim=-1)
    heights = min_bin_height + (1 - min_bin_height * num_bins) * heights
    cumheights = tr.cumsum(heights, dim=-1)
    cumheights = func.pad(cumheights, pad=(1, 0), mode='constant', value=0.0)
    cumheights = (top - bottom) * cumheights + bottom
    cumheights[..., 0] = bottom
    cumheights[..., -1] = top
    heights = cumheights[..., 1:] - cumheights[..., :-1]

    if inverse:
        bin_idx = searchsorted(cumheights, inputs)[..., None]
        bin_idx = searchsorted(cumwidths, inputs)[..., None]

    input_cumwidths = cumwidths.gather(-1, bin_idx)[..., 0]
    input_bin_widths = widths.gather(-1, bin_idx)[..., 0]

    input_cumheights = cumheights.gather(-1, bin_idx)[..., 0]
    Δ = heights / widths
    input_Δ = Δ.gather(-1, bin_idx)[..., 0]

    input_derivatives = derivatives.gather(-1, bin_idx)[..., 0]
    input_derivatives_plus_one = derivatives[..., 1:].gather(-1, bin_idx)
    input_derivatives_plus_one = input_derivatives_plus_one[..., 0]

    input_heights = heights.gather(-1, bin_idx)[..., 0]

    if inverse:
        a = ((inputs - input_cumheights) *
             (input_derivatives + input_derivatives_plus_one - 2 * input_Δ) +
             input_heights * (input_Δ - input_derivatives))
        b = (input_heights * input_derivatives - (inputs - input_cumheights) *
             (input_derivatives + input_derivatives_plus_one - 2 * input_Δ))
        c = -input_Δ * (inputs - input_cumheights)

        discriminant = b**2 - 4 * a * c
        if not (discriminant >= 0).all():
            raise AssertionError

        root = (2 * c) / (-b - tr.sqrt(discriminant))
        outputs = root * input_bin_widths + input_cumwidths

        θ_1minθ = root * (-root + 1)
        denominator = input_Δ + (
            (input_derivatives + input_derivatives_plus_one - 2 * input_Δ) *
        derivative_numerator = (input_Δ**2) * (
            input_derivatives_plus_one * root**2 + 2 * input_Δ * θ_1minθ +
            input_derivatives * (-root + 1)**2)
        logabsdet = tr.log(derivative_numerator) - 2 * tr.log(denominator)
        return outputs, -logabsdet

    θ = (inputs - input_cumwidths) / input_bin_widths
    θ_1minθ = θ * (-θ + 1)

    numerator = input_heights * (input_Δ * θ**2 + input_derivatives * θ_1minθ)
    denominator = input_Δ + (
        (input_derivatives + input_derivatives_plus_one - 2 * input_Δ) *
    outputs = input_cumheights + numerator / denominator

    derivative_numerator = (input_Δ**2) * (input_derivatives_plus_one * θ**2 +
                                           2 * input_Δ * θ_1minθ +
                                           input_derivatives * (-θ + 1)**2)
    logabsdet = tr.log(derivative_numerator) - 2 * tr.log(denominator)
    return outputs, logabsdet