def update_pts(self, lst, rec, r): # 更新得分类数据 pt = lst[1] ix = 17 if lst[0] not in self.qtr_stats[ lst[2]] or lst[0] not in self.plyrs_oncourt[ lst[2]]: # 若球员不在场,则此时刻所有得分同时作用于下场和上场球员(下场球员的遗留影响、上场球员已在场上) # print(, rec, r) if lst[0] not in self.plyrs_mp: self.plyrs_mp[lst[0]] = MPTime(rec['T']) try: assert rec['T'] == r['T'] except: print(, rec, r) raise KeyError if lst[0] not in self.qtr_stats[lst[2]]: self.qtr_stats[lst[2]][lst[0]] = [ np.zeros((self.num_items, )), [ np.zeros((self.num_items, )), np.zeros((self.num_items, )) ] ] self.qtr_stats[lst[2]][lst[0]][1][0][ix] += pt self.qtr_stats[lst[2]][lst[0]][0][ix] += pt self.qtr_stats[lst[2]]['team'][ix] += pt for tm in range(2): for pm in self.plyrs_oncourt[tm]: self.qtr_stats[tm][pm][1][0 if tm == lst[2] else 1][ix] += pt
def singleplayer(self, pm): player = Player(pm, self.RoP) if not player.exists or isinstance(, list): return '', '' pres = {} # 球员结果 atds = 0 # 总人数 for ss, yy in player.yieldSeasons(): yy = yy.replace('-', '_' + yy[:2] if yy[2:4] != '99' else '_20') try: sf = self.seasonfile(yy) except: continue sgn = sf.shape[0] ig = 0 for game in player.yieldGames(ss): gm, wol, diff = game['Date' if self.RoP == 'regular' else 'Playoffs'],\ game['WoL'][0], int(game['WoL'][3:-1]) while sf['gm'][ig] != gm and ig < sgn - 1: ig += 1 gb = sf.loc[ig] refs, atd, tog = gb['Referees'].split(', '),\ gb['Attendance'] if gb['Attendance'] != -1 else 0, gb['Time of Game'] if atd: atds += atd # 球馆观众人数 tog = MPTime(tog, reverse=False) if tog else MPTime( '0:00.0', reverse=False) if refs[0]: for r in refs: # 执法裁判 if r not in pres: pres[r] = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, MPTime('0:00.0', reverse=False) ] # 胜率、胜场数、总场数、分差、比赛时长 if wol == 'W': pres[r][1] += 1 pres[r][2] += 1 pres[r][3] += diff pres[r][4] += tog for i in pres: pres[i][0] = '%.1f%%' % (pres[i][1] / pres[i][2] * 100) pres[i][4] = pres[i][4].average(pres[i][2]) pres[i][3] = '%.1f' % (pres[i][3] / pres[i][2]) return sorted(pres.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][1], reverse=True), atds /
def new_player(pm, ss): if pm not in plyrs: # 新建球员统计 plyrs[pm] = [[ 0, MPTime('0:00.0'), 0, { 'TOV': [0, 0] }, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], {} ], [ 0, MPTime('0:00.0'), 0, { 'TOV': [0, 0] }, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], {} ]] if ss not in plyrs[pm][i][-1]: # 新建球员赛季统计 plyrs[pm][i][-1][ss] = [ 0, MPTime('0:00.0'), 0, { 'TOV': [0, 0] }, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ]
def swt( self, new, t=0 ): # 节内发生换人,初始化新上场球员数据,更新场上阵容 t = 0 节中换人 1 节中换人且最后一条记录未转换球权(202012220BRK {'Q': 2, 'T': '28:03.0', 'MS': ['jordade01', 1, 1], 'D': [2, 2], 'M': '', 'BP': 1, 'S': [49, 77]}) ix = 19 for tm in range(2): on_pms = set(new['R'][tm]) - set(self.plyrs_oncourt[tm]) off_pms = set(self.plyrs_oncourt[tm]) - set(new['R'][tm]) # 上场球员:记录上场时刻,初始化数据统计格式 for on_pm in on_pms: if on_pm not in self.plyrs_mp: self.plyrs_mp[on_pm] = MPTime(new['T']) if on_pm not in self.qtr_stats[tm]: self.qtr_stats[tm][on_pm] = [ np.zeros((self.num_items, )), [ np.zeros((self.num_items, )), np.zeros((self.num_items, )) ] ] # if t: # 节中换上场球员pace修正 self.qtr_stats[tm][on_pm][0][18] += 0.5 self.qtr_stats[tm][on_pm][1][0][18] += 0.5 self.qtr_stats[tm][on_pm][1][1][18] += 0.5 # 下场球员:累计上场时间 for off_pm in off_pms: assert off_pm in self.plyrs_mp self.qtr_stats[tm][off_pm][0][ix] += ( MPTime(new['T']) - self.plyrs_mp[off_pm]).secs() self.plyrs_mp.pop(off_pm) # if off_pm == 'wiggian01': # print(self.qtr_stats[0]['wiggian01']) if t: # 节中换下场球员pace修正 self.qtr_stats[tm][off_pm][0][18] -= 0.5 self.qtr_stats[tm][off_pm][1][0][18] -= 0.5 self.qtr_stats[tm][off_pm][1][1][18] -= 0.5 # print(off_pm, self.qtr_stats[tm][off_pm][0][18]) self.plyrs_oncourt = new['R']
def splitLineups(lines5): print(list(lines5[0])[0], '...', list(lines5[0])[-1]) print(list(lines5[1])[0], '...', list(lines5[1])[-1]) lines_all = [[{}, {}], [{}, {}], [{}, {}], [{}, {}]] # 0一人组合1二人组合2三人组合3四人组合 0常规赛1季后赛 for season in range(2002, 2021): ss = '%d_%d' % (season, season + 1) print(ss) for i in range(2): lines1234 = [{}, {}, {}, {}] # 单赛季按球队 0一人组合1二人组合2三人组合3四人组合 for tm in lines5[i][ss]: # 球队lineups初始化 for ix in range(4): if tm not in lines1234[ix]: lines1234[ix][tm] = {} lines_all[ix][i][ss] = {} line5_tm = lines5[i][ss][tm] # 单队5人lineups # print(tm, len(line5_tm)) for L in line5_tm: pms = L.split(' ') # 遍历每组5人组合 # print(pms) pms1234 = [[], [], [], []] # 0一人组合1二人组合2三人组合3四人组合 for c in range(1, 5): # 按照每组5人组合,使用(排列)组合方法穷尽所有1-4人的搭配 for iter in itertools.combinations(pms, c): pms1234[c - 1].append(list(iter)) for ix, combs_i in enumerate( pms1234): # 遍历1-4人的所有搭配,累加时间和正负值 for combs in combs_i: combstr = ' '.join(sorted(combs)) if combstr not in lines1234[ix][tm]: # 每种组合初始化 lines1234[ix][tm][combstr] = [ MPTime('0:00.0'), 0 ] lines1234[ix][tm][combstr][0] += line5_tm[L][0] lines1234[ix][tm][combstr][1] += line5_tm[L][1] for ix in range(4): for tm in lines1234[ix]: lines_sorted = {} for k in sorted(lines1234[ix][tm], key=lines1234[ix][tm].__getitem__, reverse=True): # 字典按值排序 lines_sorted[k] = lines1234[ix][tm][k] lines_all[ix][i][ss][tm] = lines_sorted for ix in range(4): writeToPickle( 'D:/sunyiwu/stat/data/Lineups/anaSeason%dLineups.pickle' % (ix + 1), lines_all[ix])
def detectgame(self, gm, playeres, season=0): game = Game(gm[:-7], 'playoff' if self.RoP else 'regular') for qtr in range(3, game.quarters): for ply in game.yieldPlay(qtr): play = Play(ply, qtr) if play.time() <= MPTime(self.lm): # 在规定时间内 rec, ind = play.record() s = play.score(ind=ind) if s and play.diffbeforescore(s) <= self.dp: try: p = self.pm2pn[rec.split(' ')[0]] except KeyError: p = rec.split(' ')[0] if season: p += ' %d_%d' % (season, season + 1) if p not in playeres: playeres[p] = np.zeros((1, len(self.columns))) if 'makes' in rec: # 得分增加命中数 playeres[p][0, 0] += s playeres[p][0, s * 3 - 1] += 1 if 'assist' in rec: # 受助攻 playeres[p][0, s + 11] += 1 playeres[p][0, 15] += 1 try: astp = self.pm2pn[rec.split(' ')[-1][:-1]] except: astp = rec.split(' ')[-1][:-1] if season: astp += ' %d_%d' % (season, season + 1) if astp not in playeres: playeres[astp] = np.zeros( (1, len(self.columns))) playeres[astp][0, s + 14] += 1 playeres = self.onlycountonce( astp, gm[:-7], playeres) playeres[p][0, s * 3] += 1 # 得分或投失增加出手数 playeres = self.onlycountonce(p, gm[:-7], playeres) # if 'LeBron James' in p and season == 2019: # print(s,, gm[:-7], self.plyrcgs['LeBron James 2019_2020']) return playeres
(ss, regularOrPlayoffs[i])) for gm in tqdm(gms): game = Game(gm, regularOrPlayoffs[i]) record = LoadPickle(gameMarkToDir(gm, regularOrPlayoffs[i], tp=3)) rot = game.rotation(record) bxs, rot = game.replayer(record, rot) et = '%d:00.0' % (48 + 5 * (game.quarters - 4)) for tmix, tm in enumerate(list(game.bxscr[0])): # 分别回溯两支球队 if tm not in lines: lines[tm] = {} RoH = list(game.bxscr[0]).index(tm) for ix, r in enumerate(rot): line = inline(r) if ' '.join(line) not in lines[tm]: lines[tm][' '.join(line)] = [ MPTime('0:00.0'), 0, [np.zeros((21, )), np.zeros((21, ))] ] # 0时间 1+/- 2详细数据 0本队数据1对手数据 if ix == 0: tt = '0:00.0' stats = np.zeros((21, )) s = [0, 0] else: try: assert r['T'] != tt or (ix > 0 and r['Q'] != rot[ix - 1]['Q']) except: print(gm, tt, r) print(rot[ix - 1]) if set(r['R'][RoH]) != set(rot[ix - 1]['R'][RoH]):
print('防守篮板/总篮板占比', lg_drbp) print('联盟运动战单打能力', lg_factor) print('bbr复杂pace估计', lg_pace) print('传统pace估计', (lg_stats[1] - lg_stats[9] + lg_stats[15] + 0.44 * lg_stats[7]) / lg_games / 2) lgsum, lgames, lgmax, lgmin = 0, 0, [0, []], [30, []] for pm in tqdm(pms): if ss in enforce['Turnover'][pm][i][-1]: pmdir = playerMarkToDir(pm, RoF[i]) if pmdir: plyr = Player(pm, RoF[i]) ssgms = plyr.getSeason(ss) num_games = ssgms.shape[0] if num_games >= games_td[i]: mpsum, scoresum = MPTime('0:00'), 0 for g in range(num_games): sgm = ssgms[g:g + 1] mp = MPTime(sgm['MP'].values[0]) if != 0: # ================ 球员单场数据准备 ================ mpsum += mp pts = float(sgm['PTS']) fta, ft, fga, fg, tpa, tp = float( sgm['FTA']), float(sgm['FT']), float( sgm['FGA']), float(sgm['FG']), float( sgm['3PA']), float(sgm['3P']) drb, orb, trb = float(sgm['DRB']), float( sgm['ORB']), float(sgm['TRB']) ast, stl, blk, tov, pf = float( sgm['AST']), float(sgm['STL']), float(
tar_item = 1 # 0抢断1失误 sentence = "'TOV' in rec and rec['plyr'] != 'Team' and rec['plyr'] != ''" if tar_item else "'TOV' in rec and 'STL' in rec" def new_player(pm, ss): if pm not in plyrs: # 新建球员统计 plyrs[pm] = [[0, MPTime('0:00.0'), 0, {'TOV': [0, 0]}, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], {}], [0, MPTime('0:00.0'), 0, {'TOV': [0, 0]}, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], {}]] if ss not in plyrs[pm][i][-1]: # 新建球员赛季统计 plyrs[pm][i][-1][ss] = [0, MPTime('0:00.0'), 0, {'TOV': [0, 0]}, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] for season in range(2000, 2001): count_games = [0, 0] # 0reg1plf count_item = np.zeros((2, 3, 9)) # 0reg1plf 0客场球队1主场球队2总 0总1第一节2第二节3第三节4第四节5f加时6s加时7t加时8f加时 count_time = [[[MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0')], [MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0')], [MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0')]], [[MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0')], [MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0')], [MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0')]]] average_time = [[['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']], [['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']]] count_score = np.zeros((2, 3, 9)) ss = '%d_%d' % (season, season + 1) # print(ss) for i in range(2): # 分别统计常规赛、季后赛 gms = os.listdir('D:/sunyiwu/stat/data/seasons/%s/%s/' % (ss, regularOrPlayoffs[i])) for gm in tqdm(gms): count_games[i] += 1 # print('\t\t\t' + gm)
# 0命中率1投中2出手3罚球命中率4罚球投中5罚球出手6两分命中率7两分投中8两分出手9三分命中率10三分投中11三分出手 # 12助攻两分13助攻三分14盖帽15总得分16负责得分17eFG%18TS% for season in tqdm(range(1996, 2020)): ss = '%d_%d' % (season, season + 1) # print('starting to analysing season %s:' % ss) gms = os.listdir('D:/sunyiwu/stat/data/seasons/%s/%s/' % (ss, regularOrPlayoffs[i])) for gm in gms: count_games += 1 game = Game(gm[:-7], regularOrPlayoffs[i]) record = LoadPickle( gameMarkToDir(gm[:-7], regularOrPlayoffs[i], tp=3)) # _, _, _, record = game.game_scanner(gm[:-7]) lastqtr = record[-1]['Q'] # 最后一节节次 assert lastqtr > 2 lastsec = MPTime('%d:00.0' % (48 + 5 * (lastqtr - 3))) # 本场最后时刻 ix = -1 # 从后往前遍历比赛过程 for qtr in range(lastqtr - 2): # 从最后时刻开始统计(若有加时则依次从后往前统计每节次最后时刻至第四节为止) if qtr > 0: lastsec = lastsec - MPTime('5:00.0') # 本节最后时刻 timetd = lastsec - MPTime(lastSecs) # 统计时间范围 while record[ix]['Q'] > lastqtr - qtr: ix -= 1 ft = [-1, -1, -1] ftt = [-1, -1] ftplus = [-1, -1, -1, -1, ''] # 第4个元素用于判断罚球方与运动战投篮出手方是否一致,第5个元素用于记录罚球人 while MPTime(record[ix]['T'] ) >= timetd and record[ix]['Q'] == lastqtr - qtr: tmp = record[ix]
def default_mp(self, now): for tm in range(2): for pm in self.plyrs_oncourt[tm]: self.plyrs_mp[pm] = MPTime(now)
def qtr_end(self, qtr, new, end=0): # 一节结束,整理本节数据(更新所有上过场球员的数据,包括基础和进阶) # 更新打至节末的球员的上场时间 endt = MPTime(new['T']) if qtr < 4 else MPTime( '%d:00.0' % (48 if qtr == 4 else 48 + 5 * (qtr - 4))) for tm in range(2): for off_pm in self.plyrs_oncourt[tm]: # print(qtr, off_pm) # print(new) assert off_pm in self.plyrs_mp self.qtr_stats[tm][off_pm][0][19] += ( endt - self.plyrs_mp[off_pm]).secs() # 更新本节出场球员其它数据 periods = [0, qtr] if qtr < 5: periods.append(9 if qtr < 3 else 10) for n in periods: self.qtr_end_pm(n, self.tdbxs, self.qtr_stats) # 待完成:更新单节进阶数据 if not end: # 更新新的一节上场球员及上场时间点 self.plyrs_oncourt = new['R'] self.qtr_stats = [{}, {}] self.default_qtr() self.plyrs_mp = {} self.default_mp(new['T']) if end: # 计算各项命中率 for tm in range(2): for qtr in range(11): for pm in self.tdbxs[tm][qtr]: if pm == 'team': self.cal_perc(self.tdbxs[tm][qtr][pm]) else: self.cal_perc(self.tdbxs[tm][qtr][pm][0]) self.cal_perc(self.tdbxs[tm][qtr][pm][1][0]) self.cal_perc(self.tdbxs[tm][qtr][pm][1][1]) if end and 0: print('客队') for i in self.tdbxs[0][0]: if i == 'team': print(i, list(self.tdbxs[0][0][i])) else: print(i, list(self.tdbxs[0][0][i][0])) print('主队') for i in self.tdbxs[1][0]: if i == 'team': print(i, list(self.tdbxs[1][0][i])) else: print(i, list(self.tdbxs[1][0][i][0])) print(self.tdbxs[0][0]['team']) print(self.tdbxs[1][0]['team']) # 0FG 1FGA 2FG% 33P 43PA 53P% 6FT 7FTA 8FT% 9ORB 10DRB 11TRB 12AST 13STL 14BLK 15TOV 16PF 17PTS 18BP 19MP 20+/- for pm in self.tdbxs[0][0]: if pm != 'team': pmself = self.tdbxs[0][0][pm][0] # 球员自身数据 pmtm = self.tdbxs[0][0][pm][1][0] # 球员在场期间本队数据 pmop = self.tdbxs[0][0][pm][1][1] # 球员在场期间敌队数据 astp = pmself[12] / ( pmtm[0] - pmself[0]) if pmtm[0] - pmself[0] else float( 'nan') # 助攻率 ast2to = pmself[12] / pmself[15] if pmself[15] else float( 'nan') # 助攻失误比 drbp = pmself[10] / ( pmtm[10] + pmop[9]) if pmtm[10] + pmop[9] else float( 'nan') # 防守篮板率 orbp = pmself[9] / ( pmtm[9] + pmop[10]) if pmtm[9] + pmop[10] else float( 'nan') # 进攻篮板率 trbp = (pmself[9] + pmself[10]) / ( pmtm[10] + pmop[9] + pmtm[9] + pmop[10] ) if pmtm[10] + pmop[9] + pmtm[9] + pmop[10] else float( 'nan') # 总篮板率 print(pm, astp, ast2to, orbp, drbp, trbp)
print('联盟进攻效率(分/回合)', lg_vop) print('防守篮板/总篮板占比', lg_drbp) print('联盟运动战单打能力', lg_factor) lgsum, lgames, lgmax, lgmin = 0, 0, [0, []], [30, []] for pm in pms: pmdir = playerMarkToDir(pm, RoF[i], tp=1) if pmdir: cr = LoadPickle(pmdir) if ss in cr['Season'].values and ss in plyr_ss[pm]: cr_a = cr[cr['Season'] == ss][:1] cr_s = cr[cr['Season'] == ss][1:] num_games = cr_a['G'] num_games = int(num_games.values[0][:-3]) if num_games >= games_td[i] or int( cr_s['MP'].values[0].split(':')[0]) > 1600: mp = MPTime(cr_a['MP'].values[0]) pts = float(cr_a['PTS']) fta = float(cr_a['FTA']) ft = float(cr_a['FT']) fga = float(cr_a['FGA']) fg = float(cr_a['FG']) tpa = float(cr_a['3PA']) tp = float(cr_a['3P']) bga = fga - tpa bg = fg - tp fmiss = fta - ft tmiss = tpa - tp bmiss = bga - bg drb = float(cr_a['DRB']) orb = float(cr_a['ORB']) trb = float(cr_a['TRB'])
def ave_and_sum(self, tmp, type=2): # type=0:计算总和 1:计算均值 2:计算均值和总和 if isinstance(tmp, list): tmp = pd.DataFrame(tmp, columns=regular_items_en.keys() if not self.RoP else playoff_items_en.keys()) if type: ave = [] sumn = [] for k in tmp.columns: if k == 'G': # 首列 if type: ave.append('%d场平均' % tmp.shape[0]) sumn.append('%d场总和' % tmp.shape[0]) elif k in ['Playoffs', 'Date', 'Age', 'Tm', 'Opp', 'Series', 'G#']: if type: ave.append('/') sumn.append('/') elif k == 'RoH': # 统计主客场数量 try: at = np.sum(tmp[k] == '@') except: at = 0 if type: ave.append('%dR/%dH' % (at, tmp.shape[0] - at)) sumn.append('%dR/%dH' % (at, tmp.shape[0] - at)) elif k == 'WoL': # 统计几胜几负 origin = WinLoseCounter(False) for i in tmp[k]: origin += WinLoseCounter(True, strwl=i) if type: ave.append(origin.average()) sumn.append(origin) elif k == 'GS': # 统计首发次数 cs = tmp[k].value_counts() if cs.empty: if type: ave.append('') sumn.append('') else: try: s = np.sum(tmp[k] == '1') except: s = 0 if type: ave.append('%d/%d' % (s, tmp.shape[0])) sumn.append('%d/%d' % (s, tmp.shape[0])) elif k == 'MP': # 时间加和与平均 sum_time = MPTime('0:00.0', reverse=False) for i in tmp[k]: if isinstance(i, str): sum_time += MPTime(i, reverse=False) if type: ave.append(sum_time.average(tmp.shape[0])) sumn.append(sum_time.strtime[:-2]) elif '%' in k: # 命中率单独计算 goal = tmp[[k[:-1], k[:-1] + 'A']] goal = goal.dropna(axis=0, how='any') goal = goal.astype('float').sum(axis=0) p = goal[k[:-1]] / goal[k[:-1] + 'A'] if goal[k[:-1] + 'A'] else float('nan') if not math.isnan(p): p = '%.3f' % p if p != '1.000': p = p[1:] else: p = '' if type: ave.append(p) sumn.append(p) else: tmp_sg = tmp[k][tmp[k].notna()] # tmp_sg = tmp_sg[tmp_sg != ''] if not tmp_sg.empty: if type: # print(tmp_sg) try: a = '%.1f' % tmp_sg.astype('float').mean() except: tmp_sg = tmp_sg[tmp_sg != ''] a = '%.1f' % tmp_sg.astype('float').mean() # 除比赛评分以外其他求和结果均为整数 s = '%.1f' % tmp_sg.astype('float').sum( ) if k == 'GmSc' else int(tmp_sg.astype('int').sum()) if k == '+/-': # 正负值加+号 if type and s != 0 and a[0] != '-': a = '+' + a if s > 0: s = '+%d' % s if s == 'nan': if type: a = '' s = '' else: a, s = '', '' if type: ave.append(a) sumn.append(s) if type == 0: return [sumn] elif type == 1: return [ave] else: return [ave, sumn]
def time(self): # 当前时间(本节倒计时) return MPTime([0])
if ss not in plyrs[pm][i][-1]: # 新建球员赛季统计 plyrs[pm][i][-1][ss] = [ 0, MPTime('0:00.0'), 0, { 'TOV': [0, 0] }, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ] for season in range(1996, 2020): count_games = [0, 0] # 0reg1plf count_item = np.zeros( (2, 3, 9)) # 0reg1plf 0客场球队1主场球队2总 0总1第一节2第二节3第三节4第四节5f加时6s加时7t加时8f加时 count_time = [[[ MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0') ], [ MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'), MPTime('0:00.0'),