def parse_event_specification(self, source, raw): """ Parse process descriptions and create corresponding objects to populate the collection. :param source: Source code collection. :param raw: Dictionary with content of JSON file. :return: ProcessCollection """ collection = ProcessCollection() "Import processes from provided event categories specification") raise_exc = [] if "functions models" in raw:"Import processes from 'kernel model'") for name_list, process_desc in raw["functions models"].items(): names = name_list.split(", ") for name in names: self.logger.debug( "Import process which models {!r}".format(name)) # Set some default values category = "functions models" try: process = self._import_process(source, name, category, process_desc) collection.models[str(process)] = process except Exception as err: self.logger.warning("Cannot parse {!r}: {}".format( name, str(err))) raise_exc.append(name) if "environment processes" in raw:"Import processes from 'environment processes'") for name, process_desc in raw["environment processes"].items(): self.logger.debug( "Import environment process {!r}".format(name)) # This simplifies parsing of event specifications for Linux but actually this can be avoided by adding # categories to corresponding specifications. if '/' in name: category, name = name.split('/') else: category = None try: process = self._import_process(source, name, category, process_desc) if process in collection.environment: raise ValueError( "There is an already imported process {!r} in intermediate environment model" .format(str(process))) collection.environment[str(process)] = process except Exception as err: self.logger.warning("Cannot parse {!r}: {}".format( name, str(err))) raise_exc.append(name) if "main process" in raw and isinstance(raw["main process"], dict):"Import main process") try: entry_process = self._import_process(source, "entry", "entry process", raw["main process"]) collection.entry = entry_process except Exception as err: self.logger.warning("Cannot main process: {}".format(str(err))) raise_exc.append('entry') else: collection.entry = None if raise_exc: raise RuntimeError( "Some specifications cannot be parsed, inspect log to find problems with: {}" .format(', '.join(raise_exc))) return collection
def _factory_iterator(self, processes_to_scenarios: dict, model: ProcessCollection): selector = self.strategy(self.logger, self.conf, processes_to_scenarios, model) for batch, related_process in selector(): new = ProcessCollection( new.attributes = copy.deepcopy(batch.attributes) original_name = batch.attributed_name # Do sanity check to catch several savepoints in a model sp_scenarios = { s for s in batch.non_models if isinstance(s, Scenario) and s.savepoint } assert len(sp_scenarios) < 2 # Set entry process if related_process and related_process in batch.environment and batch.environment[related_process] and\ batch.environment[related_process].savepoint: # There is an environment process with a savepoint new.entry = self._process_from_scenario( batch.environment[related_process], model.environment[related_process]) del batch.environment[related_process] new.rename_notion(related_process, str(new.entry)) # Move declarations and definitions if model.entry: new.extend_model_name(str(model.entry), 'Removed') new.copy_declarations_to_init(model.entry) elif batch.entry: # The entry process has a scenario new.entry = self._process_from_scenario( batch.entry, model.entry) elif model.entry: # Keep as is new.entry = self._process_copy(model.entry) else: new.entry = None # Add models if no scenarios provided for function_model in model.models: if not batch.models.get(function_model): batch.models[function_model] = None for attr in ('models', 'environment'): batch_collection = getattr(batch, attr) collection = getattr(new, attr) for key in getattr(model, attr): if key in batch_collection: if batch_collection[key]: collection[key] = self._process_from_scenario( batch_collection[key], getattr(model, attr)[key]) else: collection[key] = self._process_copy( getattr(model, attr)[key]) else: self.logger.debug( f"Skip process '{key}' in '{new.attributed_name}'") new.copy_declarations_to_init( getattr(model, attr)[key]) new.establish_peers() self._remove_unused_processes(new) if new.consistent: if new.attributed_name != original_name:"Reduced batch {!r} to {!r}".format( original_name, new.attributed_name)) # Add missing attributes to the model for process_name in model.non_models: added_attributes = [] if process_name not in new.attributes: added_attributes.append(process_name) new.extend_model_name(process_name, 'base') added_attributes = ', '.join(added_attributes) self.logger.debug( f"Add to model '{new.attributed_name}' the following attributes: '{added_attributes}'" ) yield new else: self.logger.debug( f"Obtained model '{new.attributed_name}' is inconsistent")