def test_validate(self):
        swagger_dict = yaml.load(Tests.yaml_complex_model)
        spec = ApiSpec(swagger_dict)

        f = {
            'token': 'abcd',
            'bar': {
                'a': 1,

        # validate ok!
        m = spec.validate('Foo', f)

        # missing required property
        f = {'bar': {}}
            m = spec.validate('Foo', f)
        except Exception as e:
            self.assertTrue("'a' is a required property" in str(e))
            assert 0

        # invalid type
        f = {'a': 'oaeuaoue'}
            m = spec.validate('Bar', f)
        except Exception as e:
            self.assertTrue("'oaeuaoue' is not of type 'number'" in str(e))
            assert 0

        # invalid object reference type
        f = {'bar': '123'}
            m = spec.validate('Foo', f)
        except Exception as e:
            self.assertTrue("'123' is not of type 'object'" in str(e))
            assert 0
예제 #2
class API():
    """Describes a REST client/server API, with sugar coating:
    - easily instantiating the objects defined in the API
    - auto-generation of client code

    usage: See

    # The API's swagger representation
    api_spec = None

    # Object holding the client side code to call the API
    client = APIClient()

    # Object holding constructors for the API's objects
    model = APIModels()

    # Default timeout when calling server endpoint, in sec
    client_timeout = 10

    # Callback to handle exceptions
    error_callback = default_error_callback

    # Flag: true if this api has spawned_api
    is_server = False

    # The api's name
    name = None

    def __init__(self, name, yaml_str=None, yaml_path=None, timeout=None, error_callback=None, formats=None, do_persist=True, host=None, port=None):
        """An API Specification""" = name

        if yaml_path:
  "Loading swagger file at %s" % yaml_path)
            swagger_dict = yaml.load(open(yaml_path))
        elif yaml_str:
            swagger_dict = yaml.load(yaml_str)
            raise Exception("No swagger file specified")

        self.api_spec = ApiSpec(swagger_dict, formats, host, port)

        if timeout:
            self.client_timeout = timeout

        if error_callback:
            self.error_callback = error_callback

        # Auto-generate class methods for every object model defined
        # in the swagger spec, calling that model's constructor
        # Ex:
        #     klue_api.Version(version='1.2.3')   => return a Version object
        for model_name in self.api_spec.definitions:
            model_generator = generate_model_instantiator(model_name, self.api_spec.definitions)

            # Associate model generator to ApiPool().<api_name>.model.<model_name>
            setattr(self.model, model_name, model_generator)

            # Make this bravado-core model persistent?
            if do_persist:
                spec = swagger_dict['definitions'][model_name]
                if 'x-persist' in spec:
                    self._make_persistent(model_name, spec['x-persist'])

        # Auto-generate client callers
        # so we can write
        #  => call /v1/login/ on server with param as json parameter
        callers_dict = generate_client_callers(self.api_spec, self.client_timeout, self.error_callback)
        for method, caller in callers_dict.items():
            setattr(self.client, method, caller)

    # WARNING: ugly piece of monkey-patching below. Hopefully will replace
    # with native bravado-core code in the future...
    def _make_persistent(self, model_name, pkg_name):
        """Monkey-patch object persistence (ex: to/from database) into a
        bravado-core model class"""

        # Load class at path pkg_name
        c = get_function(pkg_name)
        for name in ('load_from_db', 'save_to_db'):
            if not hasattr(c, name):
                raise KlueException("Class %s has no static method '%s'" % (pkg_name, name))"Making %s persistent via %s" % (model_name, pkg_name))

        # Replace model generator with one that adds 'save_to_db' to every instance
        model = getattr(self.model, model_name)
        n = self._wrap_bravado_model_generator(model, c.save_to_db)
        setattr(self.model, model_name, n)

        # Add class method load_from_db to model generator
        model = getattr(self.model, model_name)
        setattr(model, 'load_from_db', c.load_from_db)

    def _wrap_bravado_model_generator(self, model, method):

        def new_creator(*args, **kwargs):
            r = model(*args, **kwargs)
            r.save_to_db = types.MethodType(method, r)
            return r

        return new_creator

    # End of ugly-monkey-patching

    def spawn_api(self, app, decorator=None):
        """Auto-generate server endpoints implementing the API into this Flask app"""
        if decorator:
            assert type(decorator).__name__ == 'function'
        self.is_server = True
        return spawn_server_api(, app, self.api_spec, self.error_callback, decorator)

    def get_version(self):
        """Return the version of the API (as defined in the swagger file)"""
        return self.api_spec.version

    def model_to_json(self, object):
        """Take a model instance and return it as a json struct"""
        return self.api_spec.model_to_json(object)

    def json_to_model(self, model_name, j, validate=False):
        """Take a json strust and a model name, and return a model instance"""
        if validate:
            self.api_spec.validate(model_name, j)
        return self.api_spec.json_to_model(model_name, j)