예제 #1
    def __init__(self, mode, *args, **kwargs):

        super(SlicedDatabaseWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Setup database
        path = __directory__ / config.get_key('paths', 'database')
        self.database = Database(str(path))

        # Open Options Window
        if mode == 'binding-energy':
            self.options = SlicedDataBaseOptions()

        elif mode == 'photon-energy':
            self.options = SlicedDataBaseOptions2()

        elif mode == 'cubefile':
            self.options = SlicedCubefileOptions()

        # URLs (with extra information if available) chosen
        self.URLs = []


예제 #2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        super(OrbitalDatabase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Setup database
        path = __directory__ / config.get_key('paths', 'database')
        self.database = Database(path)

        # URLs (with extra information if available) chosen
        self.URLs = []


예제 #3
# kMap.py Imports
from kmap.library.database import Database
from kmap.library.orbital import Orbital
from kmap.library.misc import energy_to_k
from kmap.library.orbital2povray import Orbital2Povray

# here are other possible choices
#E_kin = 30; ID = 406; orbital_name = 'H**O';  # bisanthene (gas phase geometry) PBE-GGA, 
#E_kin = 30; ID = 406; orbital_name = 'LUMO';  # bisanthene (gas phase geometry) PBE-GGA, 
#E_kin = 60; ID = 406; orbital_name = 'H**O-8';# bisanthene (gas phase geometry) PBE-GGA, 
#E_kin = 60; ID = 406; orbital_name = 'H**O-9';# bisanthene (gas phase geometry) PBE-GGA, 
#E_kin = 30; ID = 406; orbital_name = 'H**O-5';# bisanthene (gas phase geometry) PBE-GGA, 

# define paths and select orbital ID
db = Database('../../kmap/resources/misc/molecules.txt')  # define path to molecules.txt file

# add more elements in povray-image
FT_stuff = '''
// x-axis
#declare l = 5;
 cylinder {  <0,0,0>,<l,0,0>,0.075 }
 cone     {  <l,0,0>, 0.15, <l+0.5,0,0>,0.0 }
 pigment { rgb<0,0,0>}
// y-axis
#declare l = 7.5;
 cylinder {  <0,0,0>,<0,-l,0>,0.075 }
 cone     {  <0,-l,0>, 0.15, <0,-l-0.5,0>,0.0 }
예제 #4
# Python Imports
from pathlib import Path

# Third Party Imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# kMap.py Imports
from kmap.library.database import Database
from kmap.library.sliceddata import SlicedData

# Path to data folder; replace with your own; use '/' instead of '+'
# when concatenating with strings
data_path = Path(__file__).parent / Path('../../kmap/resources/misc')

db = Database(data_path / 'molecules.txt')
molecule = db.get_molecule_by_ID(
    11)  # choose pentacene molecule for testing ...

# set name and select list of orbitals
name = 'pentacene'  # set name for SlicedData Object
orbitals = []
for orbital in molecule.orbitals[7:-4]:
        [orbital.URL, {
            'energy': orbital.energy,
            'name': orbital.name

# set parameters
parameters = [
예제 #5
# Third Party Imports

# kMap.py Imports
from kmap.library.database import Database
from kmap.library.orbital2povray import Orbital2Povray

# set path to molecules.txt file containing the summary of the OrganicMoelculeDatabase at
molecules_path = '../../kmap/resources/misc/molecules.txt'

# set path to povray settings file
settings = Path('settings_povray.ini')

ID = 406  # choose molecule ID from database

db = Database(molecules_path)
molecule = db.get_molecule_by_ID(ID)
chosen_orbitals = ['H**O', 'LUMO'
                   ]  # give list of orbitals or set choose_orbitals = 'all'

for orbital in molecule.orbitals:
    name = orbital.name.split()[-1]
    if type(chosen_orbitals) == str or name in chosen_orbitals:
        with urllib.request.urlopen(orbital.URL) as f:
            file = f.read().decode('utf-8')  # read cube from online-database
            povray = Orbital2Povray.init_from_cube(
                file, domain='real',
                settingsfile=settings)  # convert to povray
            povray.write_povfile('%04i_%s.pov' %
                                 (ID, name))  # write povray-file
            povray.run_povray(executable='povray +W1600 +H1200')
예제 #6
# Python Imports
from pathlib import Path

# Third Party Imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# kMap.py Imports
from kmap.library.database import Database
from kmap.library.sliceddata import SlicedData

# Path to data folder; replace with your own; use '/' instead of '+'
# when concatenating with strings
data_path = Path(__file__).parent / Path('../../kmap/resources/misc')

db = Database(data_path / 'molecules.txt')
molecule = db.get_molecule_by_ID(
    406)  # choose ID from database (406 = bisanthene, PBE-functional)

# set name and select list of orbitals
name = 'bisanthene'  # set name for SlicedData Object
hdf5_name = 'bisanthene_ID406.hdf5'  # choose name fpr hdf5-file to be written
energy_range = [-13, -2]  # select a binding energy range
pi = ['au', 'b2g', 'b3g', 'b1u']
sigma = ['ag', 'b1g', 'b2u', 'b3u']
selected_symmetry = pi + sigma  # choose between pi or sigma orbitals

orbitals = []
for orbital in molecule.orbitals:
    if  (energy_range[0] <= orbital.energy <= energy_range[1]) and \
        orbital.symmetry in selected_symmetry: