예제 #1
파일: 20100706b.py 프로젝트: BIGtigr/xgcode
 def __call__(self):
     Do an iteration of the Lloyd algorithm.
     centers = np.array(list(self.gs.init_strategy(
         self.gs.points, self.gs.nclusters)))
     sqdists = kmeans.get_point_center_sqdists(self.gs.points, centers)
     labels = kmeans.get_labels(sqdists)
     wcss, labels = kmeans.lloyd(self.gs.points, labels)
     if (self.best_wcss is None) or (wcss < self.best_wcss):
         self.best_wcss = wcss
         self.best_labels = labels
     # do not stop
     return False
예제 #2
def get_response_content(fs):
    # define constants
    nrestarts = 10
    # read the input
    rtable = RUtil.RTable(fs.table.splitlines())
    header_row = rtable.headers
    data_rows = rtable.data
    points = get_rtable_info(rtable, "annotation", fs.axes)
    # do the clustering
    codebook, distortion = cluster.vq.kmeans(points, fs.k, iter=nrestarts, thresh=1e-9)
    sqdists = kmeans.get_point_center_sqdists(points, codebook)
    labels = kmeans.get_labels_without_cluster_removal(sqdists)
    wgss = kmeans.get_wcss(sqdists, labels)
    norms = [np.linalg.norm(p - codebook[g]) for p, g in zip(points, labels)]
    redistortion = np.mean(norms)
    # create the response
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, "scipy distortion:", distortion
    print >> out, "recomputed distortion:", redistortion
    print >> out, "wgss:", wgss
    # return the response
    return out.getvalue()
예제 #3
def get_response_content(fs):
    # define constants
    nrestarts = 10
    # read the input
    rtable = RUtil.RTable(fs.table.splitlines())
    header_row = rtable.headers
    data_rows = rtable.data
    points = get_rtable_info(rtable, 'annotation', fs.axes)
    # do the clustering
    codebook, distortion = cluster.vq.kmeans(
            points, fs.k, iter=nrestarts, thresh=1e-9)
    sqdists = kmeans.get_point_center_sqdists(points, codebook)
    labels = kmeans.get_labels_without_cluster_removal(sqdists)
    wgss = kmeans.get_wcss(sqdists, labels)
    norms = [np.linalg.norm(p-codebook[g]) for p, g in zip(points, labels)]
    redistortion = np.mean(norms)
    # create the response
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, 'scipy distortion:', distortion
    print >> out, 'recomputed distortion:', redistortion
    print >> out, 'wgss:', wgss
    # return the response
    return out.getvalue()
예제 #4
파일: 20100721a.py 프로젝트: BIGtigr/xgcode
def get_response_content(fs):
    # read the table
    rtable = RUtil.RTable(fs.table.splitlines())
    header_row = rtable.headers
    data_rows = rtable.data
    # get the numpy array of conformant points
    h_to_i = dict((h, i + 1) for i, h in enumerate(header_row))
    axis_headers = fs.axes
    if not axis_headers:
        raise ValueError('no Euclidean axes were provided')
    axis_set = set(axis_headers)
    header_set = set(header_row)
    bad_axes = axis_set - header_set
    if bad_axes:
        raise ValueError('invalid axes: ' + ', '.join(bad_axes))
    axis_lists = []
    for h in axis_headers:
        index = h_to_i[h]
            axis_list = Carbone.get_numeric_column(data_rows, index)
        except Carbone.NumericError:
            msg_a = 'expected the axis column %s ' % h
            msg_b = 'to be numeric'
            raise ValueError(msg_a + msg_b)
    points = np.array(zip(*axis_lists))
    # precompute some stuff
    allmeandist = kmeans.get_allmeandist(points)
    nrestarts = 10
    nseconds = 2
    tm = time.time()
    n = len(points)
    wgss_list = []
    # neg because both items in the pair are used for sorting
    neg_calinski_k_pairs = []
    # look for the best calinski index in a small amount of time
    k = 2
    while True:
        codebook, distortion = cluster.vq.kmeans(points,
        sqdists = kmeans.get_point_center_sqdists(points, codebook)
        labels = kmeans.get_labels_without_cluster_removal(sqdists)
        wgss = kmeans.get_wcss(sqdists, labels)
        bgss = allmeandist - wgss
        calinski = kmeans.get_calinski_index(bgss, wgss, k, n)
        k_unique = len(set(labels))
        neg_calinski_k_pairs.append((-calinski, k_unique))
        if time.time() - tm > nseconds:
        if k == n - 1:
        k += 1
    max_k = k
    best_neg_calinski, best_k = min(neg_calinski_k_pairs)
    best_calinski = -best_neg_calinski
    # create the response
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, 'best cluster count: k = %d' % best_k
    print >> out, 'searched 2 <= k <= %d clusters' % max_k
    print >> out, '%.2f seconds' % (time.time() - tm)
    if fs.verbose:
        print >> out
        print >> out, '(k_unique, wgss, calinski):'
        for wgss, neg_calinski_k_pair in zip(wgss_list, neg_calinski_k_pairs):
            neg_calinski, k_unique = neg_calinski_k_pair
            calinski = -neg_calinski
            row = [k_unique, wgss, calinski]
            print >> out, '\t'.join(str(x) for x in row)
    # return the response
    return out.getvalue()
예제 #5
def get_response_content(fs):
    # read the table
    rtable = RUtil.RTable(fs.table.splitlines())
    header_row = rtable.headers
    data_rows = rtable.data
    # get the numpy array of conformant points
    h_to_i = dict((h, i+1) for i, h in enumerate(header_row))
    axis_headers = fs.axes
    if not axis_headers:
        raise ValueError('no Euclidean axes were provided')
    axis_set = set(axis_headers)
    header_set = set(header_row)
    bad_axes = axis_set - header_set
    if bad_axes:
        raise ValueError('invalid axes: ' + ', '.join(bad_axes))
    axis_lists = []
    for h in axis_headers:
        index = h_to_i[h]
            axis_list = Carbone.get_numeric_column(data_rows, index)
        except Carbone.NumericError:
            msg_a = 'expected the axis column %s ' % h
            msg_b = 'to be numeric'
            raise ValueError(msg_a + msg_b)
    points = np.array(zip(*axis_lists))
    # precompute some stuff
    allmeandist = kmeans.get_allmeandist(points)
    nrestarts = 10
    nseconds = 2
    tm = time.time()
    n = len(points)
    wgss_list = []
    # neg because both items in the pair are used for sorting
    neg_calinski_k_pairs = []
    # look for the best calinski index in a small amount of time
    k = 2
    while True:
        codebook, distortion = cluster.vq.kmeans(
                points, k, iter=nrestarts, thresh=1e-9)
        sqdists = kmeans.get_point_center_sqdists(points, codebook)
        labels = kmeans.get_labels_without_cluster_removal(sqdists)
        wgss = kmeans.get_wcss(sqdists, labels)
        bgss = allmeandist - wgss
        calinski = kmeans.get_calinski_index(bgss, wgss, k, n)
        k_unique = len(set(labels))
        neg_calinski_k_pairs.append((-calinski, k_unique))
        if time.time() - tm > nseconds:
        if k == n-1:
        k += 1
    max_k = k
    best_neg_calinski, best_k = min(neg_calinski_k_pairs)
    best_calinski = -best_neg_calinski
    # create the response
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, 'best cluster count: k = %d' % best_k
    print >> out, 'searched 2 <= k <= %d clusters' % max_k
    print >> out, '%.2f seconds' % (time.time() - tm)
    if fs.verbose:
        print >> out
        print >> out, '(k_unique, wgss, calinski):'
        for wgss, neg_calinski_k_pair in zip(wgss_list, neg_calinski_k_pairs):
            neg_calinski, k_unique = neg_calinski_k_pair
            calinski = -neg_calinski
            row = [k_unique, wgss, calinski]
            print >> out, '\t'.join(str(x) for x in row)
    # return the response
    return out.getvalue()