class DeliverySlipViewWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self,parent=None): super(DeliverySlipViewWidget,self).__init__(parent) self.delivery_slip_part_proto = [] # self.delivery_slip_part_proto.append( OrderPartDisplayPrototype('order_part',_('Part'), editable=False)) self.delivery_slip_part_proto.append( TextLinePrototype('part_label',_('Part'), editable=False)) self.delivery_slip_part_proto.append( TextLinePrototype('description',_('Description'), editable=False)) self.delivery_slip_part_proto.append( IntegerNumberPrototype('quantity_out',_('Q. out'), editable=False)) # self.controller_operation = PrototypeController(self, # self.delivery_slip_part_proto, # ProxyTableView(None,self.delivery_slip_part_proto)) # # self.controller_operation.view.verticalHeader().hide() # self.controller_operation.setModel(TrackingProxyModel(self,self.delivery_slip_part_proto)) self.model = PrototypedModelView(self.delivery_slip_part_proto, self) self.view = PrototypedQuickView(self.delivery_slip_part_proto, self) self.view.setModel(self.model) self.view.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) # Description column wide enough self.view.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(1,QHeaderView.Stretch) self.view.verticalHeader().hide() layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) # layout.addWidget(self.controller_operation.view) layout.addWidget(self.view) self.setLayout(layout) def set_delivery_slip_parts(self, parts): """ Fill with order part's data. Doesn't keep any reference to the order part. """ if parts: self.model.buildModelFromObjects(parts) else: self.model.clear() ndx = self.model.index(0,0) self.view.setCurrentIndex(ndx) self.view.resizeRowsToContents()
class MetaFormDialog(QDialog): def preselect_item(self,item): # Pay attention ! The selection implictely uses "__eq__" to find out # an object in the list of objects. So be careful with objects # that are outside sessions and which have no __eq__ operation : these # will be compared on basis of the python's Id which might defer for # 2 objects denoting the same thing. See Customer for an example. # mainlog.debug("Preselect item {}".format(item)) # mainlog.debug("Preselect item in this list") # mainlog.debug(" -- ".join(sorted(map(lambda c:c.fullname,self.list_model.objects)))) t = self.list_model.objects.index(item) # mainlog.debug("Preselect item index {}".format(t)) self.list_view.setCurrentIndex(self.list_model.index(t,0)) def __init__(self,parent,dialog_title,list_title,form_title,mapped_klass,table_prototype,form_prototype,sort_criterion,index_builder): """ sort_criterion is a SQLAlchemy colum used when querying the list of edited objects to sort it. index_builder : a function that takes an object of the mapped class and returns a string suitable for index building. """ super(MetaFormDialog,self).__init__(parent) self.index_builder = index_builder self.sort_criterion = sort_criterion self.form_prototype = form_prototype self.mapped_klass = mapped_klass # Locate the primary key # this will work only with a one-field PK pk_column = list(filter( lambda c:c.primary_key, self.mapped_klass.__table__.columns))[0] self.key_field = self.in_save = False # The current item is the one currently shown in the # form. If it's None, then the form contains data # for a soon-to-be created item. Else, it's a frozen # copy. Since we work on frozen stuff, we can carry # the object around safely self.current_item = None self.list_model = PrototypedModelView(table_prototype, self) self.list_model_filtered = FilteringModel(self) self.list_model_filtered.setSourceModel(self.list_model) self.line_in = FilterLineEdit() self.line_in.key_down.connect(self._focus_on_list) self.line_in.textChanged.connect(self._filter_changed) self.list_view = PrototypedQuickView(table_prototype, self) self.list_view.setTabKeyNavigation(False) self.setWindowTitle(dialog_title) self.title_widget = TitleWidget(dialog_title,self) self.list_view.setModel(self.list_model_filtered) self.list_view.horizontalHeader().hide() self.list_view.verticalHeader().hide() self.list_view.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) blayout = QVBoxLayout() b = QPushButton(_("New")) b.setObjectName("newButton") b.clicked.connect(self.create_action) blayout.addWidget(b) b = QPushButton(_("Save")) b.setObjectName("saveButton") b.clicked.connect(self.save_action) blayout.addWidget(b) b = QPushButton(_("Delete")) b.setObjectName("deleteButton") b.clicked.connect(self.delete_action) blayout.addWidget(b) blayout.addStretch() self.buttons = QDialogButtonBox() self.buttons.addButton( QDialogButtonBox.Ok) # BUG According to QLayout, the layout takes ownership of the widget # therefore, we have to pay attention when deleting... form_layout = QFormLayout() for p in self.form_prototype: w = p.edit_widget(self) w.setEnabled(p.is_editable) w.setObjectName("form_" + p.field) form_layout.addRow( p.title, w) top_layout = QVBoxLayout() top_layout.addWidget(self.title_widget) hl = QHBoxLayout() vlayout = QVBoxLayout() vlayout.addWidget(self.line_in) vlayout.addWidget(self.list_view) # gbox = QGroupBox(list_title,self) # gbox.setLayout(vlayout) gbox = SubFrame(list_title,vlayout,self) hl.addWidget(gbox) # gbox = QGroupBox(form_title,self) # gbox.setLayout(form_layout) gbox = SubFrame(form_title,form_layout,self) hl.addWidget(gbox) hl.addLayout(blayout) # hl.setStretch(0,0.3) # hl.setStretch(1,0.7) # hl.setStretch(2,0) top_layout.addLayout(hl) top_layout.addWidget(self.buttons) self.setLayout(top_layout) # QWidget takes ownership of the layout self.buttons.accepted.connect(self.reject) QWidget.setTabOrder(self.line_in, self.list_view) nb_objs = self._refresh_list() self.line_in.setFocus() self.list_view.selectionModel().currentChanged.connect(self.selected_item_changed) # FIXME Clear ownership issue if nb_objs > 0: self.list_view.selectRow(0) else: # Special case to automaticaly enter creation mode when # the list is empty self.create_action() @Slot() def _focus_on_list(self): """ When the user hits the down key on the filter, we transfer the focus to the filtered list """ self.list_view.setFocus() self.list_view.selectionModel().setCurrentIndex(self.list_view.model().index(0,0), QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def _filter_changed(self,s): self.list_model_filtered.setFilterFixedString(s) # self.list_view.selectRow(0) self.list_view.selectionModel().setCurrentIndex(self.list_view.model().index(0,0), QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect) def _refresh_list(self): mainlog.debug("_refresh_list") self.current_item = None objs = self.objects_list() self.list_model.buildModelFromObjects(objs) self.list_model_filtered.setIndexData([self.index_builder(o) for o in objs]) return len(objs) def _select_on_object_id(self,o_id,update_view_selection=True): objects = self.list_model.objects ndx = -1 for i in range(self.list_model.rowCount()): obj = self.list_model.object_at(i) if getattr(obj,self.key_field) == o_id: ndx = i break mainlog.debug("_select_on_object_id: ndx={}".format(ndx)) if update_view_selection: self.list_view.clearSelection() # Look where the selected object is in the *filtered* view filtered_ndx = self.list_model_filtered.mapFromSource( self.list_model.index(ndx,0)) mainlog.debug("Filtered ndx isValid = {}".format(filtered_ndx.isValid())) if not filtered_ndx.isValid(): # The object is not visible in the filtered list. # So we clear the filter to show everything # self.line_in.setText("") # This triggers a refresh of the list filtered_ndx = self.list_model_filtered.mapFromSource( self.list_model.index(ndx,0)) mainlog.debug("Filtered ndx isValid = {}".format(filtered_ndx.isValid())) self.list_view.setCurrentIndex(filtered_ndx) self.list_view.selectionModel().setCurrentIndex(filtered_ndx, QItemSelectionModel.NoUpdate) self.list_view.setFocus() def _populate_form(self,obj): mainlog.debug("_populate_form with {}".format(obj)) self.current_item = obj if obj: for p in self.form_prototype: mainlog.debug(" {} -> {}".format(p.field, getattr(obj,p.field))) p.set_edit_widget_data(getattr(obj,p.field)) else: # Clear the form for p in self.form_prototype: p.set_edit_widget_data( p.default_value()) def _load_forms_data(self): d = dict() for p in self.form_prototype: # mainlog.debug("_load_forms_data : {} = {}".format(p.field, p.edit_widget_data())) d[p.field] = p.edit_widget_data() if self.current_item: d[self.key_field] = getattr(self.current_item, self.key_field) else: mainlog.debug("_load_forms_data : no current item") return d def _data_changed(self, form_data, obj): """ True if the data in the hash form_data are different than what is in sqla_obj """ def cmp_instrumented_list(a,b): # mainlog.debug("cmp_instrumented_list") if len(a) != len(b): return False # mainlog.debug("cmp_instrumented_list lengths are equal") for i in range(len(a)): if a[i] != b[i]: # mainlog.debug(u"cmp_instrumented_list {} != {}".format(a[i],b[i])) return False return True def pixmap_hash(pixmap): """ Compute a hash of the *content* of a picture. I've tried to use QPixmap.cacheKey() but somehow it's not dependent on content only (thus two Pixmap containing the same picture have different cacheKey() (and the documentation is not quite clear. """ import hashlib # mainlog.debug("Hashing pixmap {} {}".format(id(pixmap),type(pixmap))) m = hashlib.md5() m.update(pixmap.toImage().bits()) return m.digest() if obj: # Form data compared to actual object content for p in self.form_prototype: if not p.is_editable: continue attr = getattr(obj,p.field) new_attr = form_data[p.field] # Be cool with spaces. Note that we can have surplus # spaces from database as well as from the form... if type(attr) == str: attr = attr.strip() or None if type(new_attr) == str: new_attr = new_attr.strip() or None # mainlog.debug(u"MetaFormDialog : field:{} : obj:{} - form:{}".format(p.field, attr, new_attr)) if ( (type(attr) == QPixmap and pixmap_hash(attr) != pixmap_hash(new_attr)) or\ (type(attr) == InstrumentedList and not cmp_instrumented_list(attr,new_attr)) or\ (type(attr) != QPixmap and type(attr) != InstrumentedList and attr != new_attr)): mainlog.debug(u"_data_changed2 : data are different on {} : '{}' != '{}'".format(p.field, attr, new_attr)) return True return False else: # Form data compared to empty object for p in self.form_prototype: new_attr = form_data[p.field] mainlog.debug("MetaFormDialog : empty ! {} : new_attr {}, default = {}".format(p.field, new_attr, p.default_value())) # We compare to a non filled object if new_attr and str(new_attr) != u"": # That seems like a change, but we'll consider it # only if we differ from the default value # This helps in case we compare to fields which can # not be None when empty (for example a combo box with # a few values) if new_attr != p.default_value(): return True return False def _validate_and_save(self, form_data): """ Returns saved object's id or False is save could not be completed (either because there are errors in the validation or because there are other technical errors). """ errors = dict() for p in self.form_prototype: data = form_data[p.field] if p.is_editable: v = p.validate(data) if v != True: errors[p.title] = v if len(errors) > 0: info_text = "" for field,error in errors.items(): info_text += u"<li>{}</li>".format(error) showErrorBox(_("Some of the data you encoded is not right"),u"<ul>{}</ul>".format(info_text)) return False # check = self.check_before_save(self.current_item) check = True if check == True: try: return self.save_object(form_data) except Exception as e: showErrorBox(_("There was an error while saving"),str(e),e) return False else: showErrorBox(_("There was an error while saving"),check) return False SAVE_DECLINED_BY_USER = -1 SAVE_FAILED_BECAUSE_OF_ERRORS = -2 def _save_if_necessary(self): """ Returns : - primary key if something was saved - True if the user choose to not save (for wahtever reason) or a save was not needed (no data changed) - False if there were errors during the save """ form_data = self._load_forms_data() mainlog.debug("_save_if_necessary: form_data = {}".format(form_data)) if self._data_changed(form_data, self.current_item): ynb = yesNoBox(_("Data were changed"), _("You have changed some of the data in this. Do you want to save before proceeding ?")) if ynb == QMessageBox.Yes: saved_obj_id = self._validate_and_save(form_data) mainlog.debug("_save_if_necessary: saved object id {}".format(saved_obj_id)) if saved_obj_id != False: mainlog.debug("_save_if_necessary: returning {}".format(saved_obj_id)) return saved_obj_id else: # There were errors while trying to save return False return True @Slot(QModelIndex,QModelIndex) def selected_item_changed(self, current, previous): mainlog.debug("selected_item_changed old: {} new: {} in_save:{}".format(previous.row(),current.row(), self.in_save)) # The test below avoids some recursion. It's a bit more clever # than it looks. What happens is this. The user modifies # some data then ask to change the edited object (in the left list) # Doing so it triggers this method. The program then save (if # necessary). But that save may trigger a reorganisation of the # list. So what the user has selected may be at a different # index than the "current" one we received as a parameter # of this method. To account for that we actually reselect # the item in the table. And this triggers the recursion we avoid # here. FIXME there is a recursion but the way we avoid # it is not 100% satisfactory, we should use a "semaphore" # for that. if current.isValid() and current.row() >= 0 and \ current.row() != previous.row(): ndx = self.list_model_filtered.mapToSource(self.list_model_filtered.index(current.row(),0)) target = self.list_model.object_at(ndx.row()) mainlog.debug("selected_item_changed: trying to save something") if (not self.in_save) and type(self._save_if_necessary()) is int: # Something was actually saved mainlog.debug("selected_item_changed : something was saved starting list refresh") self.in_save = True self._refresh_list() self._select_on_object_id(getattr(target,self.key_field)) self.in_save = False # mainlog.debug("selected_item_changed : done list refresh") self._populate_form(target) # FIXME Qt Bug ??? Mismatch between the parameters of the signal in the doc # and what I really get (no param...) @Slot(bool) def create_action(self): self.list_view.clearSelection() self._populate_form(None) self.form_prototype[0].edit_widget(None).setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) @Slot(bool) def save_action(self): # mainlog.debug("Current row is {}".format(self.list_view.currentIndex().row())) self.in_save = True form_data = self._load_forms_data() obj_id = self._validate_and_save(form_data) # Following a save, the position of the object in the # list might have changed. So we need to reload the # list to account for that and we also need to reselect # the object if obj_id != False: # mainlog.debug("Save action : refreshing") self._refresh_list() # mainlog.debug("Save action : selecting") self._select_on_object_id(obj_id) self.in_save = False @Slot(bool) def delete_action(self): if self.current_item: o_id = getattr( self.current_item, self.key_field) if o_id >= 0: # For some reason I have o_id = 0 somewhere... # mainlog.debug("About to delete {}".format(o_id)) try: if self.delete_object(o_id): self.current_item = None # Do this only if delete was successful ! self.in_save = True self._refresh_list() # The current filter might lead to a 0-length list # or we might delete the only item of the list # In that case, we clear the form. if self.list_view.model().rowCount() > 0: self.list_view.selectRow(0) else: self._populate_form(None) self.in_save = False except Exception as e: showErrorBox(_("There was an error while deleting"),str(e),e) return else: mainlog.error("The current object has no id => I can't delete it") else: showWarningBox(_("You have selected nothing for delete."),None) return def done(self,x): current_ndx = self.list_view.currentIndex().row() if self._save_if_necessary(): super(MetaFormDialog,self).done(x) # here be dragons def check_before_save(self,obj): return True def save_object(self,form_data): """ Save object hook """ c = recursive_defrost_into(form_data, self.mapped_klass) session().commit() return getattr(c, self.key_field) def delete_object(self,o_id): generic_delete(self.mapped_klass, o_id) return True def objects_list(self): """ Reload the objects from the database. :return: a list of DTO. """ return generic_load_all_frozen(self.mapped_klass, self.sort_criterion)
class OperationsOverviewWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self,parent=None): super(OperationsOverviewWidget,self).__init__(parent) self.operation_prototype = [] self.operation_prototype.append( OperationDefinitionPrototype('operation_definition_id',_('Op.'),operation_definition_cache.all_on_order_part(), editable=False)) self.operation_prototype.append( TextAreaPrototype('description',_('Description'),nullable=True,editable=False)) self.operation_prototype.append( FloatNumberPrototype('value',_('Value'),nullable=True,editable=False)) self.operation_prototype.append( DurationPrototype('planned_hours',_('Planned time'),nullable=True,editable=False)) # operation_prototype.append( DurationPrototype('t_reel',_('Used time'),nullable=False,editable=False)) self.operation_prototype.append( DurationPrototype('done_hours',_('Imputations'),editable=False)) # operation_prototype.append( TextLinePrototype('note',_('Note'),editable=True,nullable=True,hidden=True)) self.model = PrototypedModelView(self.operation_prototype,self) self.view = PrototypedQuickView(self.operation_prototype,self) self.view.setModel(self.model) self.view.verticalHeader().hide() self.view.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) # Description column wide enough self.view.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(1,QHeaderView.Stretch) self.view.setWordWrap(True) self.view.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.view.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) # self.controller_operation = PrototypeController(self, # self.operation_prototype, # ProxyTableView(None,self.operation_prototype)) # self.controller_operation.view.verticalHeader().hide() # # self.controller_operation.setModel(TrackingProxyModel(None,operation_prototype)) # self.controller_operation.setModel(TrackingProxyModel(self,self.operation_prototype)) # self.controller_operation.view.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) # Description column wide enough # self.controller_operation.view.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(1,QHeaderView.Stretch) # self.controller_operation.view.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) layout.addWidget(self.view) self.setLayout(layout) self.copy_operations_action = QAction(_("Copy operations"),self.view) self.copy_operations_action.triggered.connect( self.copy_operations_slot) self.copy_operations_action.setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_C)) self.copy_operations_action.setShortcutContext(Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut) self.view.addAction(self.copy_operations_action) def fill_order_part(self, order_part_id): """ Fill with order part's data. Doesn't keep any reference to the order part. """ if order_part_id: mainlog.debug("fill_order_part : triggered !") operations = dao.operation_dao.find_by_order_part_id_frozen(order_part_id) mainlog.debug("fill_order_part : build model !") self.model.buildModelFromObjects(operations) mainlog.debug("fill_order_part : build model complete !") self.view.verticalHeader().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) else: self.model.clear() ndx = self.model.index(0,0) mainlog.debug("fill_order_part : setCurrentIndex !") self.view.setCurrentIndex(ndx) mainlog.debug("fill_order_part : setCurrentIndex done!") @Slot() def copy_operations_slot(self): mainlog.debug("copy_operations_slot") view = self.view model = self.model # Collect the rows indices rows = set() for ndx in view.selectedIndexes(): if ndx.row() >= 0: rows.add(ndx.row()) # There are no guarantee on the selectedIndexes order rows = sorted(list(rows)) # Copy for elsewhere in Horse if len(rows): operations = [] for row_ndx in rows: operation = model.object_at(row_ndx) mainlog.debug(operation) operations.append(operation) copy_paste_manager.copy_operations(operations) else: # If nothing to copy then we leave the copy/paste clipboard # as it is. So one could paste again what he copied before. pass