def test_complete_maven_build(self):
        buildinfo = koji.maven_info_to_nvr(self.maven_data['maven_info'])
        buildinfo['id'] = 137
        buildinfo['task_id'] = 'TASK_ID'
        buildinfo['release'] = '1'
        buildinfo['source'] = None
        buildinfo['state'] = koji.BUILD_STATES['BUILDING']
        buildinfo['volume_id'] = 0
        buildinfo['volume_name'] = 'DEFAULT'
        maven_info = self.maven_data['maven_info'].copy()
        maven_info['build_id'] = buildinfo['id']
        self.get_build.return_value = buildinfo
        self.get_maven_build.return_value = maven_info
        self.hostcalls.completeMavenBuild('TASK_ID', 'BUILD_ID', self.maven_data, None)
        # make sure we wrote the files we expect
        files = []
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.tempdir + '/packages'):
            relpath = os.path.relpath(dirpath, self.tempdir)
            files.extend([os.path.join(relpath, fn) for fn in filenames])
        self.assertEqual(set(files), set(self.expected_files))
        # check callbacks
        cbtypes = [c[0] for c in self.callbacks]
        cb_expect = [
            'preImport',    # archive 1...
            'preImport',    # archive 2...
            'preImport',    # archive 3...
            'preBuildStateChange',  # building -> completed
        self.assertEqual(cbtypes, cb_expect)

        cb_idx = {}

        cb_idx = {}
        for c in self.callbacks:
            # no callbacks should use *args
            self.assertEqual(c[1], ())
            cbtype = c[0]
            if 'type' in c[2]:
                key = "%s:%s" % (cbtype, c[2]['type'])
                key = cbtype
            cb_idx.setdefault(key, [])
        key_expect = ['postBuildStateChange', 'preBuildStateChange', 'preImport:archive', 'postImport:archive']
        self.assertEqual(set(cb_idx.keys()), set(key_expect))
        # in this case, pre and post data is similar
        for key in ['preImport:archive', 'postImport:archive']:
            callbacks = cb_idx[key]
            self.assertEqual(len(callbacks), 3)
            for cbargs in callbacks:
                keys = set(cbargs.keys())
                k_expect = set(['filepath', 'build_type', 'build', 'fileinfo', 'type', 'archive'])
                self.assertEqual(keys, k_expect)
                self.assertEqual(cbargs['type'], 'archive')
                self.assertEqual(cbargs['build'], buildinfo)
예제 #2
    def test_complete_maven_build(self):
        buildinfo = koji.maven_info_to_nvr(self.maven_data['maven_info'])
        buildinfo['id'] = 137
        buildinfo['task_id'] = 'TASK_ID'
        buildinfo['release'] = '1'
        buildinfo['source'] = None
        buildinfo['state'] = koji.BUILD_STATES['BUILDING']
        buildinfo['volume_id'] = 0
        buildinfo['volume_name'] = 'DEFAULT'
        maven_info = self.maven_data['maven_info'].copy()
        maven_info['build_id'] = buildinfo['id']
        self.get_build.return_value = buildinfo
        self.get_maven_build.return_value = maven_info
        self.hostcalls.completeMavenBuild('TASK_ID', 'BUILD_ID', self.maven_data, None)
        # make sure we wrote the files we expect
        files = []
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.tempdir + '/packages'):
            relpath = koji.util.relpath(dirpath, self.tempdir)
            files.extend([os.path.join(relpath, fn) for fn in filenames])
        self.assertEqual(set(files), set(self.expected_files))
        # check callbacks
        cbtypes = [c[0] for c in self.callbacks]
        cb_expect = [
            'preImport',    # archive 1...
            'preImport',    # archive 2...
            'preImport',    # archive 3...
            'preBuildStateChange',  # building -> completed
        self.assertEqual(cbtypes, cb_expect)

        cb_idx = {}

        cb_idx = {}
        for c in self.callbacks:
            # no callbacks should use *args
            self.assertEqual(c[1], ())
            cbtype = c[0]
            if 'type' in c[2]:
                key = "%s:%s" % (cbtype, c[2]['type'])
                key = cbtype
            cb_idx.setdefault(key, [])
        key_expect = ['postBuildStateChange', 'preBuildStateChange', 'preImport:archive', 'postImport:archive']
        self.assertEqual(set(cb_idx.keys()), set(key_expect))
        # in this case, pre and post data is similar
        for key in ['preImport:archive', 'postImport:archive']:
            callbacks = cb_idx[key]
            self.assertEqual(len(callbacks), 3)
            for cbargs in callbacks:
                keys = set(cbargs.keys())
                k_expect = set(['filepath', 'build_type', 'build', 'fileinfo', 'type', 'archive'])
                self.assertEqual(keys, k_expect)
                self.assertEqual(cbargs['type'], 'archive')
                self.assertEqual(cbargs['build'], buildinfo)