def receive_other_performative(self, msg: KQMLPerformative):
        """Override of KQMLModule default... ping isn't currently supported by
        pykqml so we handle other to catch ping and otherwise throw an error.

            msg (KQMLPerformative): other type of performative, if ping we
                reply with a ping update otherwise error
        if msg.head() == 'ping':
  'Receive ping... %s', msg)
            reply_content = (
                f'(update :sender {} :content (:agent {} '
                f':uptime {self.uptime()} :status :OK :state {self.state} '
                f':machine {gethostname()} :subscriptions {self.num_subs}))')
            self.reply_on_local_port(msg, performative(reply_content))
            self.error_reply(msg, f'unexpected performative: {msg}')
    def response_to_query(self, msg: KQMLPerformative,
                          content: KQMLPerformative, results: Any,
                          response_type: str):
        """Based on the response type, will create a properly formed reply
        with the results either input as patterns or bound to the arguments
        from the results. The reply is a tell which is then sent to Companions.

        Goes through the arguments and the results together to either bind a
        argument to the result or simple return the result in the place of that
        argument. The reply content is filled with these argument/result lists
        (they are listified before appending) before being added to the tell
        message and subsequently sent off to Companions.

            msg (KQMLPerformative): the message being passed along to reply
            content (KQMLPerformative): query, starts with a predicate and the
                remainder is the arguments
            results (Any): The results of performing the query
            response_type (str): the given response type, if it is not given or
                is given to be pattern, the variable will be set to True,
                otherwise False
        LOGGER.debug('Responding to query: %s, %s, %s', msg, content, results)
        response_type = response_type is None or response_type == ':pattern'
        reply_content = KQMLList(content.head())
        results_list = results if isinstance(results, list) else [results]
        result_index = 0
        arg_len = len([1:])
        for i, each in enumerate([1:]):
            # if argument is a variable, replace in the pattern or bind
            if str(each[0]) == '?':
                # if last argument and there's still more in results
                if i == arg_len and result_index < len(results_list) - 1:
                    pattern = results_list[result_index:]  # get remaining list
                    pattern = results_list[result_index]
                reply_with = pattern if response_type else (each, pattern)
                result_index += 1
            # if not a variable, replace in the pattern. Ignore for bind
            elif response_type:
        # no need to wrap reply_content in parens, KQMLList will do that for us
        reply_msg = f'(tell :sender {} :content {reply_content})'
        self.reply(msg, performative(reply_msg))