예제 #1
  def testOk(self):
    def ok():

    t = test_util.TestCase()
    test_util.wrap_test(ok, t)
    self.assertGreater(t.time, 0)
    self.assertEqual(None, t.failure)
예제 #2
def wrap_test(args):
  """Run the tests given by args.func and output artifacts as necessary.
  test_name = determine_test_name(args)
  test_case = test_util.TestCase()
  test_case.class_name = "KubeFlow"
  test_case.name = "deploy-kubeflow-" + test_name
    def run():

    test_util.wrap_test(run, test_case)

    junit_path = os.path.join(
      args.artifacts_dir, "junit_kubeflow-deploy-{0}.xml".format(test_name))
    logging.info("Writing test results to %s", junit_path)
    test_util.create_junit_xml_file([test_case], junit_path)
예제 #3
def wrap_test(args):
    """Run the tests given by args.func and output artifacts as necessary.
    test_name = determine_test_name(args)
    test_case = test_util.TestCase()
    test_case.class_name = "KubeFlow"
    test_case.name = args.workflow_name + "-" + test_name

        def run():

        test_util.wrap_test(run, test_case)
        # Test grid has problems with underscores in the name.
        # https://github.com/kubeflow/kubeflow/issues/631
        # TestGrid currently uses the regex junit_(^_)*.xml so we only
        # want one underscore after junit.
        junit_name = test_case.name.replace("_", "-")
        junit_path = os.path.join(args.artifacts_dir,
        logging.info("Writing test results to %s", junit_path)
        test_util.create_junit_xml_file([test_case], junit_path)
예제 #4
def setup(args):
  """Test deploying Kubeflow."""
  if args.cluster:
    project = args.project
    cluster_name = args.cluster
    zone = args.zone
    logging.info("Using cluster: %s in project: %s in zone: %s",
                 cluster_name, project, zone)
    # Print out config to help debug issues with accounts and
    # credentials.
    util.run(["gcloud", "config", "list"])
    util.configure_kubectl(project, zone, cluster_name)
    # TODO(jlewi): This is sufficient for API access but it doesn't create
    # a kubeconfig file which ksonnet needs for ks init.
    logging.info("Running inside cluster.")

  # Create an API client object to talk to the K8s master.
  api_client = k8s_client.ApiClient()

  now = datetime.datetime.now()
  run_label = "e2e-" + now.strftime("%m%d-%H%M-") + uuid.uuid4().hex[0:4]

  if not os.path.exists(args.test_dir):

  logging.info("Using test directory: %s", args.test_dir)

  namespace_name = run_label
  def run():
    namespace = _setup_test(api_client, namespace_name)
    logging.info("Using namespace: %s", namespace)
    # Set a GITHUB_TOKEN so that we don't rate limited by GitHub;
    # see: https://github.com/ksonnet/ksonnet/issues/233
    os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"] = args.github_token

    # Initialize a ksonnet app.
    app_name = "kubeflow-test"
    util.run(["ks", "init", app_name,], cwd=args.test_dir)

    app_dir = os.path.join(args.test_dir, app_name)

    kubeflow_registry = "github.com/kubeflow/kubeflow/tree/master/kubeflow"
    util.run(["ks", "registry", "add", "kubeflow", kubeflow_registry], cwd=app_dir)

    # Install required packages
    packages = ["kubeflow/core", "kubeflow/tf-serving", "kubeflow/tf-job"]

    for p in packages:
      util.run(["ks", "pkg", "install", p], cwd=app_dir)

    # Delete the vendor directory and replace with a symlink to the src
    # so that we use the code at the desired commit.
    target_dir = os.path.join(app_dir, "vendor", "kubeflow")

    logging.info("Deleting %s", target_dir)

    REPO_ORG = "kubeflow"
    REPO_NAME = "kubeflow"
    REGISTRY_PATH = "kubeflow"
    source = os.path.join(args.test_dir, "src", REPO_ORG, REPO_NAME,
    logging.info("Creating link %s -> %s", target_dir, source)
    os.symlink(source, target_dir)

    # Deploy Kubeflow
    util.run(["ks", "generate", "core", "kubeflow-core", "--name=kubeflow-core",
              "--namespace=" + namespace.metadata.name], cwd=app_dir)

    # TODO(jlewi): For reasons I don't understand even though we ran
    # configure_kubectl above, if we don't rerun it we get rbac errors
    # when we do ks apply; I think because we aren't using the proper service
    # account. This might have something to do with the way ksonnet gets
    # its credentials; maybe we need to configure credentials after calling
    # ks init?
    if args.cluster:
      util.configure_kubectl(args.project, args.zone, args.cluster)

    apply_command = ["ks", "apply", "default", "-c", "kubeflow-core",]

    util.run(apply_command, cwd=app_dir)

    # Verify that the TfJob operator is actually deployed.
    tf_job_deployment_name = "tf-job-operator"
    logging.info("Verifying TfJob controller started.")
    util.wait_for_deployment(api_client, namespace.metadata.name,

    # Verify that JupyterHub is actually deployed.
    jupyter_name = "tf-hub"
    logging.info("Verifying TfHub started.")
    util.wait_for_statefulset(api_client, namespace.metadata.name, jupyter_name)

  main_case = test_util.TestCase()
  main_case.class_name = "KubeFlow"
  main_case.name = "deploy-kubeflow"
    test_util.wrap_test(run, main_case)
    # Delete the namespace
    logging.info("Deleting namespace %s", namespace_name)

    # We report teardown as a separate test case because this will help
    # us track down issues with garbage collecting namespaces.
    teardown = test_util.TestCase(main_case.class_name, "teardown")
    def run_teardown():
      core_api = k8s_client.CoreV1Api(api_client)
      core_api.delete_namespace(namespace_name, {})

      test_util.wrap_test(run_teardown, teardown)
    except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable-msg=broad-except
      logging.error("There was a problem deleting namespace: %s; %s",
                    namespace_name, e.message)
    junit_path = os.path.join(args.artifacts_dir, "junit_kubeflow-deploy.xml")
    logging.info("Writing test results to %s", junit_path)
    test_util.create_junit_xml_file([main_case, teardown], junit_path)
예제 #5
def setup(args):
  """Test deploying Kubeflow."""
  if args.cluster:
    project = args.project
    cluster_name = args.cluster
    zone = args.zone
    logging.info("Using cluster: %s in project: %s in zone: %s",
                 cluster_name, project, zone)
    # Print out config to help debug issues with accounts and
    # credentials.
    util.run(["gcloud", "config", "list"])
    util.configure_kubectl(project, zone, cluster_name)
    # TODO(jlewi): This is sufficient for API access but it doesn't create
    # a kubeconfig file which ksonnet needs for ks init.
    logging.info("Running inside cluster.")

  # Create an API client object to talk to the K8s master.
  api_client = k8s_client.ApiClient()

  now = datetime.datetime.now()
  run_label = "e2e-" + now.strftime("%m%d-%H%M-") + uuid.uuid4().hex[0:4]

  if not os.path.exists(args.test_dir):

  logging.info("Using test directory: %s", args.test_dir)

  namespace_name = run_label
  def run():
    namespace = _setup_test(api_client, namespace_name)
    logging.info("Using namespace: %s", namespace)
    # Set a GITHUB_TOKEN so that we don't rate limited by GitHub;
    # see: https://github.com/ksonnet/ksonnet/issues/233
    os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"] = args.github_token

    # Initialize a ksonnet app.
    app_name = "kubeflow-test"
    util.run(["ks", "init", app_name,], cwd=args.test_dir)

    app_dir = os.path.join(args.test_dir, app_name)

    kubeflow_registry = "github.com/kubeflow/kubeflow/tree/master/kubeflow"
    util.run(["ks", "registry", "add", "kubeflow", kubeflow_registry], cwd=app_dir)

    # Install required packages
    packages = ["kubeflow/core", "kubeflow/tf-serving", "kubeflow/tf-job"]

    for p in packages:
      util.run(["ks", "pkg", "install", p], cwd=app_dir)

    # Delete the vendor directory and replace with a symlink to the src
    # so that we use the code at the desired commit.
    target_dir = os.path.join(app_dir, "vendor", "kubeflow")

    logging.info("Deleting %s", target_dir)

    REPO_ORG = "kubeflow"
    REPO_NAME = "kubeflow"
    REGISTRY_PATH = "kubeflow"
    source = os.path.join(args.test_dir, "src", REPO_ORG, REPO_NAME,
    logging.info("Creating link %s -> %s", target_dir, source)
    os.symlink(source, target_dir)

    # Deploy Kubeflow
    util.run(["ks", "generate", "core", "kubeflow-core", "--name=kubeflow-core",
              "--namespace=" + namespace.metadata.name], cwd=app_dir)

    # TODO(jlewi): For reasons I don't understand even though we ran
    # configure_kubectl above, if we don't rerun it we get rbac errors
    # when we do ks apply; I think because we aren't using the proper service
    # account. This might have something to do with the way ksonnet gets
    # its credentials; maybe we need to configure credentials after calling
    # ks init?
    if args.cluster:
      util.configure_kubectl(args.project, args.zone, args.cluster)

    apply_command = ["ks", "apply", "default", "-c", "kubeflow-core",]

    util.run(apply_command, cwd=app_dir)

    # Verify that the TfJob operator is actually deployed.
    tf_job_deployment_name = "tf-job-operator"
    logging.info("Verifying TfJob controller started.")
    util.wait_for_deployment(api_client, namespace.metadata.name,

    # Verify that JupyterHub is actually deployed.
    jupyter_name = "tf-hub"
    logging.info("Verifying TfHub started.")
    util.wait_for_statefulset(api_client, namespace.metadata.name, jupyter_name)

  main_case = test_util.TestCase()
  main_case.class_name = "KubeFlow"
  main_case.name = "deploy-kubeflow"
    test_util.wrap_test(run, main_case)
    # Delete the namespace
    logging.info("Deleting namespace %s", namespace_name)

    # We report teardown as a separate test case because this will help
    # us track down issues with garbage collecting namespaces.
    teardown = test_util.TestCase(main_case.class_name, "teardown")
    def run_teardown():
      core_api = k8s_client.CoreV1Api(api_client)
      core_api.delete_namespace(namespace_name, {})

      test_util.wrap_test(run_teardown, teardown)
    except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable-msg=broad-except
      logging.error("There was a problem deleting namespace: %s; %s",
                    namespace_name, e.message)
    junit_path = os.path.join(args.artifacts_dir, "junit_kubeflow-deploy.xml")
    logging.info("Writing test results to %s", junit_path)
    test_util.create_junit_xml_file([main_case, teardown], junit_path)