예제 #1
def __load_blast_data(blast):
    # Connect to kyoto db
    db = DB()
    if not db.open("/opt/gene2accession/gene2accession.kch", DB.OREADER):
        raise Exception("Could not load gene2accession.kch: " + str(db.error()))

    hits = {}
    gi_num = re.compile('gi\|([0-9]+)')
    for line in blast:
        split_line = line.split('\t')

        # Important data
        evalue = float(split_line[10])

        gi_nums = gi_num.findall(split_line[12])
        genome_ids = [db.get(x) for x in gi_nums if db.get(x) is not None]

        # Thanks to Peter's parser, the gi list and org list are the same
        # length (the first gi column is also the first gi in the "master" gi
        # column)
        for org in genome_ids:
            if org in hits:
                hits[org] = [evalue]
    return hits
예제 #2
class DbKyoto(object):
    def __init__(self, db_file):
        #from train import TAG2ID, WORD2ID#, BAYES_RANK
        #self.ider = WORD2ID
        self.db = DB()
        self.db_file = db_file
        print path.join(KYOTO_DB_PATH, self.db_file)
        if not self.db.open(path.join(KYOTO_DB_PATH, self.db_file),
                            DB.OWRITER | DB.OCREATE):
            print >> sys.stderr, "open error: " + str(self.db.error())

    def set(self, entry):
        key = entry[0]
        result_array = convert2array(entry[1]).tostring()
        if not self.db.set(key, result_array):
            print key
            print result_array
            print >> sys.stderr, "open error: " + str(self.db.error())

    def get(self, key):
        value = self.db.get(key)
        if value:
            result = array('L')
            return convert2dict(result)
            #print >>sys.stderr, self.ider.get_word_by_id(key)
            #print key
            #print >>sys.stderr, "%s error: "%key + str(self.db.error())
예제 #3
class DbKyoto(object):
    def __init__(self, db_file):
        #from train import TAG2ID, WORD2ID#, BAYES_RANK
        #self.ider = WORD2ID
        self.db = DB()
        self.db_file = db_file
        print path.join(KYOTO_DB_PATH,self.db_file)
        if not self.db.open(path.join(KYOTO_DB_PATH,self.db_file), DB.OWRITER | DB.OCREATE):
            print >>sys.stderr, "open error: " + str(self.db.error())

    def set(self,entry):
        key = entry[0]
        result_array = convert2array(entry[1]).tostring()
        if not self.db.set(key,result_array):
            print key
            print result_array
            print >>sys.stderr, "open error: " + str(self.db.error())

    def get(self,key):
        value = self.db.get(key)
        if value:
            result = array('L')
            return convert2dict(result)
            #print >>sys.stderr, self.ider.get_word_by_id(key)
            #print key
            #print >>sys.stderr, "%s error: "%key + str(self.db.error())
예제 #4
class DbKyoto(object):
    def __init__(self, db_file):
        self.db = DB()
        self.db_file = db_file
        if not self.db.open(db_file, DB.OWRITER | DB.OCREATE):
            print >> sys.stderr, 'open error: ' + str(self.db.error())

    def set(self, txt, po_id):
        feature_list = feature_md5(txt)
        for feature in feature_list:
            key = feature
            entry = self.get(key)
            if not entry:
                val = array('L', [po_id])
                if not self.db.set(key, val.tostring()):
                    print >> sys.stderr, 'open error: ' + str(self.db.error())
                val = array('L')
                if po_id not in val:
                    self.db.set(key, val.tostring())
                return val

    def get(self, key):
        po_id = self.db.get(key)
        result = array('L')
        if po_id:
        return result
예제 #5
class DbKyoto(object):
    def __init__(self, db_file):
        self.db = DB()
        self.db_file = db_file
        if not self.db.open(db_file, DB.OWRITER | DB.OCREATE):
            print >> sys.stderr, 'open error: ' + str(self.db.error())

    def set(self, txt, po_id):
        feature_list = feature_md5(txt)
        for feature in feature_list:
            key = feature
            entry = self.get(key)
            if not entry:
                val = array('L', [po_id])
                if not self.db.set(key, val.tostring()):
                    print >> sys.stderr, 'open error: ' + str(self.db.error())
                val = array('L')
                if po_id not in val:
                    self.db.set(key, val.tostring())
                return val

    def get(self, key):
        po_id = self.db.get(key)
        result = array('L')
        if po_id:
        return result
예제 #6
def get_post_by_date(key, db_file):
    item = None
    db = DB()
    if not db.open("{0}".format(db_file), DB.OREADER | DB.OCREATE):
        print "Could not open database."
    item = db.get(key)

    if item is not None:
        return loads(item)
    return dict()
예제 #7
def get_post_by_date(key, db_file):
    item = None
    db = DB()
    if not db.open("{0}".format(db_file), DB.OREADER | DB.OCREATE):
        print "Could not open database."
    item = db.get(key)

    if item is not None:
        return loads(item)
    return dict()
예제 #8
class KDB:
    def __init__(self, path, truncate=False):
        Open a new connection to a database using the Kyoto Cabinet engine.

            * path (str): Path to database.

            * truncate (bool, False): If database should be truncated before opening.
        self.db = DB()
        self.batchsize = 1000
        self.batch = {}
        dbparams = '.kct#apow=0#bnum=10000000#msiz=' + str(2 << 30)
        if truncate:
            result = self.db.open(path + dbparams,
                                  DB.OWRITER | DB.OCREATE | DB.OTRUNCATE)
            result = self.db.open(path + dbparams, DB.OWRITER)
        if not result:
            raise PathError('DNA outdb open error: %s ' % self.db.error())

    def get(self, key):
        Retrieve the item with the given `key`.
        return self.db.get(key)

    def put(self, key, val):
        Put `val` at `key`.
        Note that disk writing is done in batches, so be sure to call `close` or `flush` to make sure that values are put into the store.
        self.batch[key] = val
        if len(self.batch) >= self.batchsize:

    def flush(self):
        Write `put` calls to database.
        self.batch = {}

    def close(self):
        Flush the database and delete the connection to it.
        del self.db
예제 #9
    def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
        # Debug
        if not current_app.config['CACHE']:
            return f(*args, **kwargs)

        db = DB()
        res = None
        fancy = hash("{}{}{}".format(db_meta_info()['count'], request.url, f.func_name))

        res = db.get(fancy)
        if not res:
            res = f(*args, **kwargs)
            db.set(fancy, res)

        return res
예제 #10
    return izip(a, b)

#for k,v in pairwise(range(10)):
#    print k,v

def convert2array(dict_value):
    >>> convert2array({1:0.1,2:0.3})
    array('L', [1L, 429496729L, 2L, 1288490188L])
    result_list =  []  
    for k,v in dict_value:
    result = array('L',result_list)
    return result

def convert2dict(array_l):
    >>> convert2dict([1L, 429496729L, 2L, 1288490188L])
    return [ (array_l[i],array_l[i+1]) for i in range(len(array_l)) if i%2==0]

if __name__=='__main__':
    #import doctest
    from kyotocabinet import DB
    db = DB()
    db.open('/mnt/zdata/kyoto/kyoto.kch', DB.OREADER)
    print db.get(15439)
class BKNNModel( Model ):

  def __init__( self, fn, mode, catfe, binfe, contfe, fdisc, fsel, kval ):

    Model.__init__( self, fn, mode, catfe, binfe, contfe, fdisc, fsel );

    self._kval = kval;

    self._fn_cdata = self._fn;
    self._fn_ddata = self._fn.replace( '.kch', '-discrete.kch' );
    self._fn_meta = self._fn.replace( '.kch', '-meta.pickle' );
    self._fn_icov = self._fn.replace( '.kch', '-icov.pickle' );

    self._cdata = None;
    self._ddata = None;

    self._len_c = None;
    self._len_b = None;
    self._len_x = None;

    self._rowcount = None;
    self._total_pos = None;
    self._total_neg = None;

    self._icov = None;
    self._co = None;

    self._sample_y = [];
    self._sample_c = [];
    self._sample_b = [];
    self._sample_x = [];
    self._sample_x_ = [];

    self._needs_finalization = False;
    self._needs_initialization = True;

    self._dmarginals = {};
    self._dscores = {};

    self._sparse_points = 0;

    self._bias = None;

  def __enter__( self ):

    self._cdata = DB();
    self._ddata = DB();

      if self._mode == "r":
        assert self._cdata.open( self._fn_cdata, DB.OREADER );
      elif self._mode == "w":
        if isfile( self._fn_cdata ):
          remove( self._fn_cdata );
        assert self._cdata.open( self._fn_cdata, DB.OWRITER | DB.OCREATE );
        assert False;
      if self._cdata is not None:
        print( str( self._cdata.error() ) );

      if self._mode == "r":
        assert self._ddata.open( self._fn_ddata, DB.OREADER );
      elif self._mode == "w":
        if isfile( self._fn_ddata ):
          remove( self._fn_ddata );
        assert self._ddata.open( self._fn_ddata, DB.OWRITER | DB.OCREATE );
        assert False;
      if self._ddata is not None:
        print( str( self._ddata.error() ) );

    if self._mode == "r":

      with open( self._fn_meta, 'rb' ) as f:
        r = pickle_load( f );
        self._len_c = r[ "c" ];
        self._len_b = r[ "b" ];
        self._len_x = r[ "x" ];
        self._co = r[ "co" ];

      with open( self._fn_icov, 'rb' ) as f:
        self._icov = pickle_load( f );

    return self;

  def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback ):

    ex_w_exc = False;
    ex_w_exc = ex_w_exc or ( exc_type is not None );
    ex_w_exc = ex_w_exc or ( exc_value is not None );
    ex_w_exc = ex_w_exc or ( traceback is not None );

    if ( not ex_w_exc ) and ( self._mode == "w" ):

      if self._needs_finalization:

      with open( self._fn_meta, 'wb' ) as f:

        r = { "c": self._len_c,
              "b": self._len_b,
              "x": self._len_x,
              "co": self._co };

        pickle_dump( r, f );

      with open( self._fn_icov, 'wb' ) as f:

        pickle_dump( self._icov, f );

    if self._cdata is not None:
        assert self._cdata.close();
        print( str( self._cdata.error() ) );
      self._cdata = None;

    if self._ddata is not None:
        assert self._ddata.close();
        print( str( self._ddata.error() ) );
      self._ddata = None;

    if ex_w_exc and ( self._mode == "w" ):

      if isfile( self._fn_cdata ):
        remove( self._fn_cdata );

      if isfile( self._fn_ddata ):
        remove( self._fn_ddata );

      if isfile( self._fn_meta ):
        remove( self._fn_meta );

      if isfile( self._fn_icov ):
        remove( self._fn_icov );

    return False;

  def train( self, row ):

    self._needs_finalization = True;

    ( y, c, b, x ) = row;

    c = self._fsel.apply_c( self._catfe( c ) );
    b = self._fsel.apply_b( self._binfe( b ) );

    x = self._contfe( x );
    x_ = self._fdisc( x );

    x = self._fsel.apply_x( x );
    x_ = self._fsel.apply_x( x_ );

    if False:
      print( y, c, b, x, x_ );

    if self._len_c is None:
      self._len_c = len(c);
    assert self._len_c == len(c);

    if self._len_b is None:
      self._len_b = len(b);
    assert self._len_b == len(b);

    if self._len_x is None:
      self._len_x = len(x);
    assert self._len_x == len(x);

    if self._rowcount is None:
      self._rowcount = 0;

    self._rowcount += 1;

    dkeyfmt = '>' + ( 'I' * ( 1 + self._len_c + self._len_b ) );
    self._ddata.increment( pack( dkeyfmt, y, *(c+b) ), 1, 0 );

    ckeyfmt = '>' + ( 'I' * len(x) );
    cvalfmt = '>I' + ( 'f' * len(x) );
    self._cdata.append( pack( ckeyfmt, *x_ ), pack( cvalfmt, y, *x ) );

    if len( self._sample_x ) < 50000:

      assert len( self._sample_x ) == len( self._sample_y );
      assert len( self._sample_x ) == len( self._sample_c );
      assert len( self._sample_x ) == len( self._sample_b );
      assert len( self._sample_x ) == len( self._sample_x_ );

      self._sample_y.append( y );
      self._sample_c.append( c );
      self._sample_b.append( b );
      self._sample_x.append( x );
      self._sample_x_.append( x_ );

    return False;

  def _init( self ):

    self._needs_initialization = False;

    c = self._ddata.cursor();

    keyfmt = '>' + ( 'I' * ( 1 + self._len_c + self._len_b ) );
    valfmt = '>Q';

    while True:

      r = c.get( True );
      if not r:

      dbkey = unpack( keyfmt, r[0] );
      dbval = unpack( valfmt, r[1] )[ 0 ];

      additional_count = dbval;

      y = dbkey[ 0 ];

      for ( i, value_of_variable_i ) in enumerate( dbkey[ 1: ] ):

        if not i in self._dmarginals:
          self._dmarginals[ i ] = {};

        self._dmarginals[ i ][ (y,value_of_variable_i) ] \
          = self._dmarginals[ i ].get( (y,value_of_variable_i), 0 ) \
              + additional_count;

    for ( i, count_by_val ) in self._dmarginals.items():

      total = 0;
      total_neg = 0;
      total_pos = 0;

      for ( ( y, val ), cnt ) in count_by_val.items():
        total += cnt;
        if y == 0:
          total_neg += cnt;
        elif y == 1:
          total_pos += cnt;

      if self._rowcount is None:
        self._rowcount = total;
      assert self._rowcount == total;

      if self._total_neg is None:
        self._total_neg = total_neg;
        assert self._total_neg == total_neg;
        print( self._total_neg, total_neg );

      if self._total_pos is None:
        self._total_pos = total_pos;
        assert self._total_pos == total_pos;
        print( self._total_pos, total_pos );

    assert ( self._total_pos + self._total_neg ) == self._rowcount;

    for i in self._dmarginals:

      values = set([ val for (y,val) in self._dmarginals[ i ].keys() ]);

      if i not in self._dscores:
        self._dscores[ i ] = {};

      for val in values:

        pos_cnt = self._dmarginals[ i ].get( (1,val), 0 );
        neg_cnt = self._dmarginals[ i ].get( (0,val), 0 );

        p_pos \
          =   log( float(pos_cnt) + SMOOTHING, 2.0 ) \
            - log( float(self._total_pos) + float( len(values) ) * SMOOTHING, 2.0 );

        p_neg \
          =   log( float(neg_cnt) + SMOOTHING, 2.0 ) \
            - log( float(self._total_neg) + float( len(values) ) * SMOOTHING, 2.0 );

        self._dscores[ i ][ val ] = p_pos - p_neg;

    p_pos \
      =   log( float(self._total_pos), 2.0 ) \
        - log( float(self._rowcount), 2.0 );

    p_neg \
      =   log( float(self._total_neg), 2.0 ) \
        - log( float(self._rowcount), 2.0 );

    self._bias = p_pos - p_neg;

    if False:
      for i in sorted( self._dscores.keys() ):
        score_by_val = self._dscores[ i ];
        for ( val, score ) in score_by_val.items():
          print( "{:d} {:10d} {:+2.4f}".format( i, val, score ) );

  def _apply( self, row ):

    if self._needs_initialization:

    ( c, b, x, x_ ) = row;

    ckeyfmt = '>' + ( 'I' * len(x_) );
    cvalfmt = '>I' + ( 'f' * len(x) );
    cvalsz = calcsize( cvalfmt );

    rng = [];
    for xval in x_:
          [ xv \
              for xv \
               in [ xval-2, xval-1, xval, xval+1, xval+2 ] \
               if 0 <= xv <= 31 ]

    x_vec = np.array( x ).reshape( 1, self._len_x ).T;

    nearest_positive = [];
    all_negative = [];
    found_ident = 0;

    for xvals in product( *rng ):

        ckey = pack( ckeyfmt, *xvals );
        print( ckeyfmt, xvals );
      val = self._cdata.get( ckey );

      while val:

        if len(val) <= cvalsz:
          assert len(val) == cvalsz;

        val_ = val[:cvalsz];
        val = val[cvalsz:];

        pt = unpack( cvalfmt, val_ );
        pt_y = pt[0];
        pt_x = pt[1:];

        pt_x_vec = np.array( pt_x ).reshape( 1, self._len_x ).T;
        diff = pt_x_vec - x_vec;
        dist = np.sqrt( np.dot( np.dot( diff.T, self._icov ), diff ) );

        if dist <= 0.0001:
          found_ident += 1;

        if pt_y == 0:
          all_negative.append( dist );

        assert pt_y == 1;

        nearest_positive.append( dist );
        nearest_positive = nearest_positive[:self._kval];

    # assert found_ident == 1;
    # assert len( nearest_positive ) == self._kval;
    if len( nearest_positive ) < self._kval:
      self._sparse_points += 1;

    score = self._bias;

    # if len( nearest_positive ) > 0:
    if True:

      if len( nearest_positive ) == 0:
        threshold = None;
        threshold = nearest_positive[-1];

      neg_cnt = 0;
      for dist in all_negative:
        if ( threshold is None ) or ( dist <= threshold ):
          neg_cnt += 1;

      p_pos \
        =   log( float( len(nearest_positive) ) + SMOOTHING, 2.0 ) \
          - log( float(self._total_pos) + 2.0 * SMOOTHING, 2.0 );

      p_neg \
        =   log( float(neg_cnt) + SMOOTHING, 2.0 ) \
          - log( float(self._total_neg) + 2.0 * SMOOTHING, 2.0 );

      score += p_pos - p_neg;

    for ( i, dval ) in enumerate( c+b ):
      score += self._dscores[ i ].get( dval, 0.0 );

    if self._co is None:
      return score;
      if score >= self._co:
        return 1;
        return 0;

  def _finalize( self ):

    self._needs_finalization = False;

    covsample = np.array( self._sample_x );
    cov = np.cov( covsample.T );
    self._icov = LA.inv( cov );

    sample \
      = zip(

    scores = [];
    for ( c, b, x, x_ ) in sample:
      scores.append( self._apply( [ c, b, x, x_ ] ) );

    sorted_scores = list( sorted( scores ) );

    cutoffs = [];
    for idx in range(0,1000):
      ratio = float(idx) / 1000.0;
          sorted_scores[ int( float( len(sorted_scores) ) * ratio ) ]

    if False:
      pprint( cutoffs );

    stats_by_co = [];
    for coidx in range( 0, len(cutoffs) ):
      stats_by_co.append( { "tp": 0, "fp": 0, "tn": 0, "fn": 0 } );

    for ( y, score ) in zip( self._sample_y, scores ):
      for ( coidx, co ) in enumerate( cutoffs ):
        if score >= co:
          if y == 1:
            stats_by_co[ coidx ][ "tp" ] += 1;
            assert y == 0;
            stats_by_co[ coidx ][ "fp" ] += 1;
          if y == 0:
            stats_by_co[ coidx ][ "tn" ] += 1;
            assert y == 1;
            stats_by_co[ coidx ][ "fn" ] += 1;

    max_fscore = None;
    max_fscore_coidx = None;
    for ( coidx, co ) in enumerate( cutoffs ):

      tp = stats_by_co[ coidx ][ "tp" ];
      fp = stats_by_co[ coidx ][ "fp" ];
      tn = stats_by_co[ coidx ][ "tn" ];
      fn = stats_by_co[ coidx ][ "fn" ];

      if (tp+fp) <= 0:

      if (tp+fn) <= 0:

      precision = float(tp) / float(tp+fp);
      recall = float(tp) / float(tp+fn);

      if (precision+recall) <= 0.0:

      fscore = 2.0 * ( ( precision * recall ) / ( precision + recall ) );

      if ( max_fscore is None ) or ( fscore > max_fscore ):

        max_fscore = fscore;
        max_fscore_coidx = coidx;

    assert max_fscore_coidx is not None;
    self._co = cutoffs[ max_fscore_coidx ];

    # assert self._sparse_points == 0;

    if True:
      print( self._sparse_points );
      print( self._co );
      print( max_fscore );

  def __call__( self, row ):

    ( c, b, x ) = row;

    c = self._fsel.apply_c( self._catfe( c ) );
    b = self._fsel.apply_b( self._binfe( b ) );

    x = self._contfe( x );
    x_ = self._fdisc( x );

    x = self._fsel.apply_x( x );
    x_ = self._fsel.apply_x( x_ );

      assert self._len_c == len(c);
      assert self._len_b == len(b);
      assert self._len_x == len(x);
      assert self._len_x == len(x_);
      print( self._len_c, self._len_b, self._len_x );

    return self._apply( ( c, b, x, x_ ) );
예제 #12

def convert2array(dict_value):
    >>> convert2array({1:0.1,2:0.3})
    array('L', [1L, 429496729L, 2L, 1288490188L])
    result_list = []
    for k, v in dict_value:
        result_list.extend([k, int(v * MAX_INT)])
    result = array('L', result_list)
    return result

def convert2dict(array_l):
    >>> convert2dict([1L, 429496729L, 2L, 1288490188L])
    return [(array_l[i], array_l[i + 1]) for i in range(len(array_l))
            if i % 2 == 0]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #import doctest
    from kyotocabinet import DB
    db = DB()
    db.open('/mnt/zdata/kyoto/kyoto.kch', DB.OREADER)
    print db.get(15439)
예제 #13
   not db.set("user:"******":avatarid", "1722559") or\
   not db.set("user:"******":login_count", "179") or\
   not db.set("user:"******":login_date", "2012.06.02") or\
   not db.set("user:"******":sex", "male") or\
   not db.set("user:"******":id", "10") or\
   not db.set("user:"******":ups", "100") or\
   not db.set("user:"******":downs", "10") or\
   not db.set("user:"******":hits", "110") or\
   not db.set("user:count", "100") or\
   not db.set("user:id:1", "*****@*****.**") or\
   not db.set("user:id:2", "*****@*****.**") or\
   not db.set("user:id:3", "*****@*****.**"):
         print >>sys.stderr, "set error: " + str(db.error())

# retrieve records
o= format_datetime(float(db.get("file:"+key+":createdata")))
val = db.get("category:"+cid+":name")
valu = db.get("category:1:id")
value = db.get("user:id:1")
if value:
         print o
         print v
         print va
         print val
         print valu
         print value
         print >>sys.stderr, "get error: " + str(db.error())
예제 #14
class KyotoIndex(BinaryIndex):
  ''' Kyoto Cabinet index.
      Notably this uses a B+ tree for the index and thus one can
      traverse from one key forwards and backwards, which supports
      the coming Store synchronisation processes.

  NAME = 'kyoto'
  SUFFIX = 'kct'

  def __init__(self, nmdbpathbase):
    self._kyoto = None

  def is_supported(cls):
    ''' Test whether this index class is supported by the Python environment.
    # pylint: disable=import-error,unused-import,import-outside-toplevel
      import kyotocabinet
    except ImportError:
      return False
    return True

  def startup(self):
    ''' Open the index.
    # pylint: disable=import-error,import-outside-toplevel
    from kyotocabinet import DB
    self._kyoto = DB()
    self._kyoto.open(self.path, DB.OWRITER | DB.OCREATE)

  def shutdown(self):
    ''' Close the index.
    self._kyoto = None

  def flush(self):
    ''' Flush pending updates to the index.
    except TypeError:

  def __len__(self):
    return self._kyoto.count()

  def __contains__(self, key):
    return self._kyoto.check(key) >= 0

  def __getitem__(self, key):
    binary_entry = self._kyoto.get(key)
    if binary_entry is None:
      raise KeyError(key)
    return binary_entry

  def __setitem__(self, key, binary_entry):
    self._kyoto[key] = binary_entry

  def keys(self, *, start_hashcode=None):
    ''' Generator yielding the keys from the index
        in order starting with optional `start_hashcode`.

        * `start_hashcode`: the starting key; if missing or `None`,
          iteration starts with the first key in the index
    cursor = self._kyoto.cursor()
    if start_hashcode is not None:
    yield cursor.get_key()
    while cursor.step():
      yield cursor.get_key()

  sorted_keys = keys

  __iter__ = keys
예제 #15
class KyotoCabinetGraph(BaseGraph):
    def __init__(self, path):
        # create the database object
        self._path = path
        self._db = DB()
        # open the database
        if not self._db.open(path, DB.OREADER | DB.OWRITER | DB.OCREATE):
            raise GrapheekDataKyotoCabinetInitFailureException(
        super(KyotoCabinetGraph, self).__init__()
        self._closed = False

    # Start method overriding :

    def _db_close(self):
        if not self._closed:

    def _transaction_begin(self):
        return True

    def _transaction_commit(self, txn):

    def _transaction_rollback(self, txn):

    def _has_key(self, key):
        return self._db.check(key) >= 0

    def _get(self, txn, key):
        raw_data = self._db.get(key)
        if raw_data is None:
            return UNDEFINED  # Not returning None, as None is a valid value
        return msgpack.loads(raw_data, encoding='utf8')

    def _bulk_get(self, txn, keys):
        result = {}
        key_raw_datas = self._db.get_bulk(keys)
        for key, raw_data in list(key_raw_datas.items()):
            if PYTHON2:  # pragma : no cover
                k = key
            else:  # pragma : no cover
                k = str(key, encoding='utf8')
            result[k] = msgpack.loads(raw_data, encoding='utf8')
        return result

    def _set(self, txn, key, value):
        res = self._db.set(key, msgpack.dumps(value, encoding='utf8'))
        if not (res):  # pragma : no cover
            raise GrapheekDataKyotoCabinetException(
                'KyotoCabinet : error while saving')
        return res

    def _bulk_set(self, txn, updates):
        dic = {}
        for key, value in list(updates.items()):
            dic[key] = msgpack.dumps(value, encoding='utf8')
        res = self._db.set_bulk(dic)
        if res == -1:  # pragma : no cover
            raise GrapheekDataKyotoCabinetException(
                'KyotoCabinet : error while saving')
        return res

    def _remove(self, txn, key):
        # Contrary to LocalMemoryGraph implementation, it is not needed to wrap
        # key removal in try.. except because KyotoCabinet only send "False"
        # when key does not exist
        # Thus ... _removemethod is idempotent (cf LocalMemoryGraph _remove method comment)

    def _bulk_remove(self, txn, keys):
        res = self._db.remove_bulk(list(keys))
        if res == -1:  # pragma : no cover
            raise GrapheekDataKyotoCabinetException(
                'KyotoCabinet : error while saving')
        return res

    def _remove_prefix(self, txn, prefix):
        keys = self._db.match_prefix(prefix)

    # overriding list methods
    # looks like a bucket of hacks, and yes indeed it is :)
    # btw, it REALLY improves performance if we compare to default implementation which,
    # in the case of KyotoCabinet would involve msgpack deserialization followed by a serialization

    def _init_lst(self, txn, key):
        res = self._db.set(key, '')
        if not (res):  # pragma : no cover
            raise GrapheekDataKyotoCabinetException(
                'KyotoCabinet : error while saving')
        return res

    def _get_lst(self, txn, key):
        value = self._db.get(key)
        if value is None:
            return UNDEFINED
        # look _append_to_lst code below to understand why a split is done
        # And why resulting list is sliced from 1
        if PYTHON2:  # pragma : no cover
            return list(map(int, value.split('|')[1:]))
        return list(map(
            str(value, encoding='utf8').split('|')[1:]))  # pragma : no cover

    def _set_lst(self, txn, key, values):
        newval = '|'.join([str(value) for value in values])
        res = self._db.set(key, '|' + newval)
        if not (res):  # pragma : no cover
            raise GrapheekDataKyotoCabinetException(
                'KyotoCabinet : error while saving')
        return res

    def _bulk_get_lst(self, txn, keys):
        dic_values = self._db.get_bulk(keys)
        results = []
        for key in keys:
            if PYTHON2:  # pragma : no cover
                values = dic_values.get(key, UNDEFINED)
            else:  # pragma : no cover
                values = dic_values.get(bytes(key, encoding='utf8'), UNDEFINED)
            if values == UNDEFINED:
                if PYTHON2:  # pragma : no cover
                    results.append(list(map(int, values.split('|')[1:])))
                else:  # pragma : no cover
                                str(values, encoding='utf8').split('|')[1:])))
        return results

    def _append_to_lst(self, txn, key, value):
        self._db.append(key, '|' + str(value))

    def _bulk_append_to_lst(self, txn, key, values):
        newval = '|'.join([str(value) for value in values])
        self._db.append(key, '|' + newval)

    def _remove_from_lst(self, txn, key, value):
        old = self._db.get(key)
        if not PYTHON2:  # pragma : no cover
            old = str(old, encoding='utf8')
        # Caution : we are only removing ONE occurence
        # This is voluntary
        # For instance, it lst contains neighbour node, we need to remove only one occurence
        # cause current entity and neighbour node can be linked multiple time
        new = old.replace('|%s' % value, '', 1)
        if new == old:
            raise ValueError("list.remove(x): x not in list")
        res = self._db.set(key, new)
        if not (res):  # pragma : no cover
            raise GrapheekDataKyotoCabinetException(
                'KyotoCabinet : error while saving')
        return res

    def _bulk_remove_from_lst(self, txn, key, values):
        assert (len(values))
        old = self._db.get(key)
        if PYTHON2:  # pragma : no cover
            new = old
        else:  # pragma : no cover
            new = str(old, encoding='utf8')
        for value in values:
            new = new.replace('|%s' % value, '', 1)
        if new == old:  # pragma : no cover
            raise ValueError("list.remove(x): x not in list")
        res = self._db.set(key, new)
        if not (res):  # pragma : no cover
            raise GrapheekDataKyotoCabinetException(
                'KyotoCabinet : error while saving')
        return res