def pre_install_napps(self, napps, enable=True): """Pre install and enable NApps. Before installing, it'll check if it's installed yet. Args: napps ([str]): List of NApps to be pre-installed and enabled. """ napps_mngr = NAppsManager(self) installed = [str(napp) for napp in napps_mngr.list()] napps_diff = [napp for napp in napps if napp not in installed] for napp in napps_diff: napps_mngr.install(napp, enable=enable)
class Controller: """Main class of Kytos. The main responsibilities of this class are: - start a thread with :class:`~.core.tcp_server.KytosServer`; - manage KytosNApps (install, load and unload); - keep the buffers (instance of :class:`~.core.buffers.KytosBuffers`); - manage which event should be sent to NApps methods; - manage the buffers handlers, considering one thread per handler. """ # Created issue #568 for the disabled checks. # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods def __init__(self, options=None, loop=None): """Init method of Controller class takes the parameters below. Args: options (:attr:`ParseArgs.args`): :attr:`options` attribute from an instance of :class:`~kytos.core.config.KytosConfig` class. """ if options is None: options = KytosConfig().options['daemon'] self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self._pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) # asyncio tasks self._tasks = [] #: dict: keep the main threads of the controller (buffers and handler) self._threads = {} #: KytosBuffers: KytosBuffer object with Controller buffers self.buffers = KytosBuffers(loop=self._loop) #: dict: keep track of the socket connections labeled by ``(ip, port)`` #: #: This dict stores all connections between the controller and the #: switches. The key for this dict is a tuple (ip, port). The content #: is a Connection self.connections = {} #: dict: mapping of events and event listeners. #: #: The key of the dict is a KytosEvent (or a string that represent a #: regex to match against KytosEvents) and the value is a list of #: methods that will receive the referenced event self.events_listeners = { 'kytos/': [self.new_connection] } #: dict: Current loaded apps - ``'napp_name'``: ``napp`` (instance) #: #: The key is the napp name (string), while the value is the napp #: instance itself. self.napps = {} #: Object generated by ParseArgs on file self.options = options #: KytosServer: Instance of KytosServer that will be listening to TCP #: connections. self.server = None #: dict: Current existing switches. #: #: The key is the switch dpid, while the value is a Switch object. self.switches = {} # dpid: Switch() self._switches_lock = threading.Lock() #: datetime.datetime: Time when the controller finished starting. self.started_at = None #: logging.Logger: Logger instance used by Kytos. self.log = None #: Observer that handle NApps when they are enabled or disabled. self.napp_dir_listener = NAppDirListener(self) self.napps_manager = NAppsManager(self) #: API Server used to expose rest endpoints. self.api_server = APIServer(__name__, self.options.listen, self.options.api_port, self.napps_manager, self.options.napps) self.auth = Auth(self) self.dead_letter = DeadLetter(self) self._register_endpoints() #: Adding the napps 'enabled' directory into the PATH #: Now you can access the enabled napps with: #: from napps.<username>.<napp_name> import ?.... sys.path.append(os.path.join(self.options.napps, os.pardir)) sys.excepthook = exc_handler def enable_logs(self): """Register kytos log and enable the logs.""" LogManager.load_config_file(self.options.logging, self.options.debug) LogManager.enable_websocket(self.api_server.server) self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @staticmethod def loggers(): """List all logging Loggers. Return a list of Logger objects, with name and logging level. """ return [ logging.getLogger(name) for name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict if "kytos" in name ] def toggle_debug(self, name=None): """Enable/disable logging debug messages to a given logger name. If the name parameter is not specified the debug will be enabled/disabled following the initial config file. It will decide to enable/disable using the 'kytos' name to find the current logger level. Obs: To disable the debug the logging will be set to NOTSET Args: name(text): Full hierarchy Logger name. Ex: "kytos.core.controller" """ if name and name not in logging.root.manager.loggerDict: # A Logger name that is not declared in logging will raise an error # otherwise logging would create a new Logger. raise ValueError(f"Invalid logger name: {name}") if not name: # Logger name not specified. level = logging.getLogger('kytos').getEffectiveLevel() enable_debug = level != logging.DEBUG # Enable/disable default Loggers LogManager.load_config_file(self.options.logging, enable_debug) return # Get effective logger level for the name level = logging.getLogger(name).getEffectiveLevel() logger = logging.getLogger(name) if level == logging.DEBUG: # disable debug logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) else: # enable debug logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def start(self, restart=False): """Create pidfile and call start_controller method.""" self.enable_logs() if self.options.database: self.db_conn_or_core_shutdown() if self.options.apm: self.init_apm_or_core_shutdown() if not restart: self.create_pidfile() self.start_controller() def create_pidfile(self): """Create a pidfile.""" pid = os.getpid() # Creates directory if it doesn't exist # System can erase /var/run's content pid_folder = Path(self.options.pidfile).parent # Pylint incorrectly infers Path objects # # pylint: disable=no-member if not pid_folder.exists(): pid_folder.mkdir() pid_folder.chmod(0o1777) # pylint: enable=no-member # Make sure the file is deleted when controller stops atexit.register(Path(self.options.pidfile).unlink) # Checks if a pidfile exists. Creates a new file. try: pidfile = open(self.options.pidfile, mode='x') except OSError: # This happens if there is a pidfile already. # We shall check if the process that created the pidfile is still # running. try: existing_file = open(self.options.pidfile, mode='r') old_pid = int( os.kill(old_pid, 0) # If kill() doesn't return an error, there's a process running # with the same PID. We assume it is Kytos and quit. # Otherwise, overwrite the file and proceed. error_msg = ("PID file {} exists. Delete it if Kytos is not " "running. Aborting.") sys.exit(error_msg.format(self.options.pidfile)) except OSError: try: pidfile = open(self.options.pidfile, mode='w') except OSError as exception: error_msg = "Failed to create pidfile {}: {}." sys.exit(error_msg.format(self.options.pidfile, exception)) # Identifies the process that created the pidfile. pidfile.write(str(pid)) pidfile.close() def start_controller(self): """Start the controller. Starts the KytosServer (TCP Server) coroutine. Starts a thread for each buffer handler. Load the installed apps. """"Starting Kytos - Kytos Controller") self.server = KytosServer( (self.options.listen, int(self.options.port)), KytosServerProtocol, self, self.options.protocol_name)"Starting TCP server: %s", self.server) self.server.serve_forever() def _stop_loop(_): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # print(_.result()) threads = threading.enumerate() self.log.debug("%s threads before loop.stop: %s", len(threads), threads) loop.stop() async def _run_api_server_thread(executor): log = logging.getLogger('kytos.core.controller.api_server_thread') log.debug('starting') # log.debug('creating tasks') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() blocking_tasks = [ loop.run_in_executor(executor, ] # log.debug('waiting for tasks') completed, pending = await asyncio.wait(blocking_tasks) # results = [t.result() for t in completed] # log.debug('results: {!r}'.format(results)) log.debug('completed: %d, pending: %d', len(completed), len(pending)) task = self._loop.create_task(self.raw_event_handler()) self._tasks.append(task) task = self._loop.create_task(self.msg_in_event_handler()) self._tasks.append(task) task = self._loop.create_task(self.msg_out_event_handler()) self._tasks.append(task) task = self._loop.create_task(self.app_event_handler()) self._tasks.append(task) task = self._loop.create_task(_run_api_server_thread(self._pool)) task.add_done_callback(_stop_loop) self._tasks.append(task)"ThreadPool started: %s", self._pool) # ASYNC TODO: ensure all threads started correctly # This is critical, if any of them failed starting we should exit. # sys.exit(error_msg.format(thread, exception))"Loading Kytos NApps...") self.napp_dir_listener.start() self.pre_install_napps(self.options.napps_pre_installed) self.load_napps() self.started_at = now() def db_conn_or_core_shutdown(self): """Ensure db connection or core shutdown.""" try: db_conn_wait(db_backend=self.options.database) except KytosDBInitException as exc: sys.exit(f"Kytos couldn't start because of {str(exc)}") def init_apm_or_core_shutdown(self, **kwargs): """Init APM instrumentation or core shutdown.""" if not self.options.apm: return try: init_apm(self.options.apm,, **kwargs) except KytosAPMInitException as exc: sys.exit(f"Kytos couldn't start because of {str(exc)}") def _register_endpoints(self): """Register all rest endpoint served by kytos. - Register APIServer endpoints - Register WebUI endpoints - Register ``/api/kytos/core/config`` endpoint """ self.api_server.start_api() # Register controller endpoints as /api/kytos/core/... self.api_server.register_core_endpoint('config/', self.configuration_endpoint) self.api_server.register_core_endpoint('metadata/', Controller.metadata_endpoint) self.api_server.register_core_endpoint( 'reload/<username>/<napp_name>/', self.rest_reload_napp) self.api_server.register_core_endpoint('reload/all', self.rest_reload_all_napps) self.auth.register_core_auth_services() self.dead_letter.register_endpoints() def register_rest_endpoint(self, url, function, methods): """Deprecate in favor of @rest decorator.""" self.api_server.register_rest_endpoint(url, function, methods) @classmethod def metadata_endpoint(cls): """Return the Kytos metadata. Returns: string: Json with current kytos metadata. """ meta_path = "%s/" % os.path.dirname(__file__) meta_file = open(meta_path).read() metadata = dict(re.findall(r"(__[a-z]+__)\s*=\s*'([^']+)'", meta_file)) return json.dumps(metadata) def configuration_endpoint(self): """Return the configuration options used by Kytos. Returns: string: Json with current configurations used by kytos. """ return json.dumps(self.options.__dict__) def restart(self, graceful=True): """Restart Kytos SDN Controller. Args: graceful(bool): Represents the way that Kytos will restart. """ if self.started_at is not None: self.stop(graceful) self.__init__(self.options) self.start(restart=True) def stop(self, graceful=True): """Shutdown all services used by kytos. This method should: - stop all Websockets - stop the API Server - stop the Controller """ if self.started_at: self.stop_controller(graceful) def stop_controller(self, graceful=True): """Stop the controller. This method should: - announce on the network that the controller will shutdown; - stop receiving incoming packages; - call the 'shutdown' method of each KytosNApp that is running; - finish reading the events on all buffers; - stop each running handler; - stop all running threads; - stop the KytosServer; """"Stopping Kytos") self.buffers.send_stop_signal() self.api_server.stop_api_server() self.napp_dir_listener.stop()"Stopping threadpool: %s", self._pool) for pool_name in executors:"Stopping threadpool: %s", pool_name) threads = threading.enumerate() self.log.debug("%s threads before threadpool shutdown: %s", len(threads), threads) try: # Python >= 3.9 # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg self._pool.shutdown(wait=graceful, cancel_futures=True) for executor_pool in executors.values(): executor_pool.shutdown(wait=graceful, cancel_futures=True) except TypeError: self._pool.shutdown(wait=graceful) for executor_pool in executors.values(): executor_pool.shutdown(wait=graceful) # self.server.socket.shutdown() # self.server.socket.close() # for thread in self._threads.values(): #"Stopping thread: %s", # thread.join() # for thread in self._threads.values(): # while thread.is_alive(): #"Thread is alive: %s", # pass self.started_at = None self.unload_napps() self.buffers = KytosBuffers() # Cancel all async tasks (event handlers and servers) for task in self._tasks: task.cancel() # ASYNC TODO: close connections # self.server.server_close() # Shutdown the TCP server and the main asyncio loop self.server.shutdown() def status(self): """Return status of Kytos Server. If the controller kytos is running this method will be returned "Running since 'Started_At'", otherwise "Stopped". Returns: string: String with kytos status. """ if self.started_at: return "Running since %s" % self.started_at return "Stopped" def uptime(self): """Return the uptime of kytos server. This method should return: - 0 if Kytos Server is stopped. - (kytos.start_at - if Kytos Server is running. Returns: datetime.timedelta: The uptime interval. """ return now() - self.started_at if self.started_at else 0 def notify_listeners(self, event): """Send the event to the specified listeners. Loops over self.events_listeners matching (by regexp) the attribute name of the event with the keys of events_listeners. If a match occurs, then send the event to each registered listener. Args: event (~kytos.core.KytosEvent): An instance of a KytosEvent. """ self.log.debug("looking for listeners for %s", event) for event_regex, listeners in dict(self.events_listeners).items(): # self.log.debug("listeners found for %s: %r => %s", event, # event_regex, [l.__qualname__ for l in listeners]) # Do not match if the event has more characters # e.g. "shutdown" won't match "shutdown.kytos/of_core" if event_regex[-1] != '$' or event_regex[-2] == '\\': event_regex += '$' if re.match(event_regex, # self.log.debug('Calling listeners for %s', event) for listener in listeners: listener(event) async def raw_event_handler(self): """Handle raw events. Listen to the raw_buffer and send all its events to the corresponding listeners. """"Raw Event Handler started") while True: event = await self.buffers.raw.aget() self.notify_listeners(event) self.log.debug("Raw Event handler called") if == "kytos/core.shutdown": self.log.debug("Raw Event handler stopped") break async def msg_in_event_handler(self): """Handle msg_in events. Listen to the msg_in buffer and send all its events to the corresponding listeners. """"Message In Event Handler started") while True: event = await self.buffers.msg_in.aget() self.notify_listeners(event) self.log.debug("Message In Event handler called") if == "kytos/core.shutdown": self.log.debug("Message In Event handler stopped") break async def publish_connection_error(self, event): """Publish connection error event. Args: event (KytosEvent): Event that triggered for error propagation. """ = \ f"kytos/core.{}.connection.error" error_msg = f"Connection state: {event.destination.state}" event.content["exception"] = error_msg await async def msg_out_event_handler(self): """Handle msg_out events. Listen to the msg_out buffer and send all its events to the corresponding listeners. """"Message Out Event Handler started") while True: triggered_event = await self.buffers.msg_out.aget() if == "kytos/core.shutdown": self.log.debug("Message Out Event handler stopped") break message = triggered_event.content['message'] destination = triggered_event.destination try: if (destination and not destination.state == ConnectionState.FINISHED): packet = message.pack() destination.send(packet) self.log.debug( 'Connection %s: OUT OFP, ' 'version: %s, type: %s, xid: %s - %s',, message.header.version, message.header.message_type, message.header.xid, packet.hex()) self.notify_listeners(triggered_event) self.log.debug("Message Out Event handler called") continue except (OSError, SocketError): pass await self.publish_connection_error(triggered_event)"connection closed. Cannot send message") async def app_event_handler(self): """Handle app events. Listen to the app buffer and send all its events to the corresponding listeners. """"App Event Handler started") while True: event = await self.notify_listeners(event) self.log.debug("App Event handler called") if == "kytos/core.shutdown": self.log.debug("App Event handler stopped") break def get_interface_by_id(self, interface_id): """Find a Interface with interface_id. Args: interface_id(str): Interface Identifier. Returns: Interface: Instance of Interface with the id given. """ if interface_id is None: return None switch_id = ":".join(interface_id.split(":")[:-1]) interface_number = int(interface_id.split(":")[-1]) switch = self.switches.get(switch_id) if not switch: return None return switch.interfaces.get(interface_number, None) def get_switch_by_dpid(self, dpid): """Return a specific switch by dpid. Args: dpid (|DPID|): dpid object used to identify a switch. Returns: :class:`~kytos.core.switch.Switch`: Switch with dpid specified. """ return self.switches.get(dpid) def get_switch_or_create(self, dpid, connection=None): """Return switch or create it if necessary. Args: dpid (|DPID|): dpid object used to identify a switch. connection (:class:`~kytos.core.connection.Connection`): connection used by switch. If a switch has a connection that will be updated. Returns: :class:`~kytos.core.switch.Switch`: new or existent switch. """ with self._switches_lock: if connection: self.create_or_update_connection(connection) switch = self.get_switch_by_dpid(dpid) event_name = 'kytos/core.switch.' if switch is None: switch = Switch(dpid=dpid) self.add_new_switch(switch) event_name += 'new' else: event_name += 'reconnected' self.set_switch_options(dpid=dpid) event = KytosEvent(name=event_name, content={'switch': switch}) if connection: old_connection = switch.connection switch.update_connection(connection) if old_connection is not connection: self.remove_connection(old_connection) return switch def set_switch_options(self, dpid): """Update the switch settings based on kytos.conf options. Args: dpid (str): dpid used to identify a switch. """ switch = self.switches.get(dpid) if not switch: return vlan_pool = {} vlan_pool = self.options.vlan_pool if not vlan_pool: return if vlan_pool.get(dpid):"Loading vlan_pool configuration for dpid %s", dpid) for intf_num, port_list in vlan_pool[dpid].items(): if not switch.interfaces.get((intf_num)): vlan_ids = set() for vlan_range in port_list: (vlan_begin, vlan_end) = (vlan_range[0:2]) for vlan_id in range(vlan_begin, vlan_end): vlan_ids.add(vlan_id) intf_num = int(intf_num) intf = Interface(name=intf_num, port_number=intf_num, switch=switch) intf.set_available_tags(vlan_ids) switch.update_interface(intf) def create_or_update_connection(self, connection): """Update a connection. Args: connection (:class:`~kytos.core.connection.Connection`): Instance of connection that will be updated. """ self.connections[] = connection def get_connection_by_id(self, conn_id): """Return a existent connection by id. Args: id (int): id from a connection. Returns: :class:`~kytos.core.connection.Connection`: Instance of connection or None Type. """ return self.connections.get(conn_id) def remove_connection(self, connection): """Close a existent connection and remove it. Args: connection (:class:`~kytos.core.connection.Connection`): Instance of connection that will be removed. """ if connection is None: return False try: connection.close() del self.connections[] except KeyError: return False return True def remove_switch(self, switch): """Remove an existent switch. Args: switch (:class:`~kytos.core.switch.Switch`): Instance of switch that will be removed. """ try: del self.switches[switch.dpid] except KeyError: return False return True def new_connection(self, event): """Handle a kytos/ event. This method will read new connection event and store the connection (socket) into the connections attribute on the controller. It also clear all references to the connection since it is a new connection on the same ip:port. Args: event (~kytos.core.KytosEvent): The received event (``kytos/``) with the needed info. """"Handling %s...", event) connection = event.source self.log.debug("Event source: %s", event.source) # Remove old connection (aka cleanup) if it exists if self.get_connection_by_id( self.remove_connection( # Update connections with the new connection self.create_or_update_connection(connection) def add_new_switch(self, switch): """Add a new switch on the controller. Args: switch (Switch): A Switch object """ self.switches[switch.dpid] = switch def _import_napp(self, username, napp_name): """Import a NApp module. Raises: FileNotFoundError: if NApp's is not found. ModuleNotFoundError: if any NApp requirement is not installed. """ mod_name = '.'.join(['napps', username, napp_name, 'main']) path = os.path.join(self.options.napps, username, napp_name, '') napp_spec = spec_from_file_location(mod_name, path) napp_module = module_from_spec(napp_spec) sys.modules[] = napp_module napp_spec.loader.exec_module(napp_module) return napp_module def load_napp(self, username, napp_name): """Load a single NApp. Args: username (str): NApp username (makes up NApp's path). napp_name (str): Name of the NApp to be loaded. """ if (username, napp_name) in self.napps: message = 'NApp %s/%s was already loaded' self.log.warning(message, username, napp_name) return try: napp_module = self._import_napp(username, napp_name) except ModuleNotFoundError as err: self.log.error("Error loading NApp '%s/%s': %s", username, napp_name, err) return except FileNotFoundError as err: msg = "NApp module not found, assuming it's a meta-napp: %s" self.log.warning(msg, err.filename) return try: napp = napp_module.Main(controller=self) except: # noqa pylint: disable=bare-except self.log.critical("NApp initialization failed: %s/%s", username, napp_name, exc_info=True) return self.napps[(username, napp_name)] = napp napp.start() self.api_server.authenticate_endpoints(napp) self.api_server.register_napp_endpoints(napp) # pylint: disable=protected-access for event, listeners in napp._listeners.items(): self.events_listeners.setdefault(event, []).extend(listeners) # pylint: enable=protected-access def pre_install_napps(self, napps, enable=True): """Pre install and enable NApps. Before installing, it'll check if it's installed yet. Args: napps ([str]): List of NApps to be pre-installed and enabled. """ all_napps = self.napps_manager.get_installed_napps() installed = [str(napp) for napp in all_napps] napps_diff = [napp for napp in napps if napp not in installed] for napp in napps_diff: self.napps_manager.install(napp, enable=enable) def load_napps(self): """Load all NApps enabled on the NApps dir.""" for napp in self.napps_manager.get_enabled_napps(): try:"Loading NApp %s", self.load_napp(napp.username, except FileNotFoundError as exception: self.log.error("Could not load NApp %s: %s",, exception) def unload_napp(self, username, napp_name): """Unload a specific NApp. Args: username (str): NApp username. napp_name (str): Name of the NApp to be unloaded. """ napp = self.napps.pop((username, napp_name), None) if napp is None: self.log.warning('NApp %s/%s was not loaded', username, napp_name) else:"Shutting down NApp %s/%s...", username, napp_name) napp_id = NApp(username, napp_name).id event = KytosEvent(name='kytos/core.shutdown.' + napp_id) napp_shutdown_fn = self.events_listeners[][0] # Call listener before removing it from events_listeners napp_shutdown_fn(event) # Remove rest endpoints from that napp self.api_server.remove_napp_endpoints(napp) # Removing listeners from that napp # pylint: disable=protected-access for event_type, napp_listeners in napp._listeners.items(): event_listeners = self.events_listeners[event_type] for listener in napp_listeners: event_listeners.remove(listener) if not event_listeners: del self.events_listeners[event_type] # pylint: enable=protected-access def unload_napps(self): """Unload all loaded NApps that are not core NApps.""" # list() is used here to avoid the error: # 'RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration' # This is caused by looping over an dictionary while removing # items from it. for (username, napp_name) in list(self.napps.keys()): # noqa self.unload_napp(username, napp_name) def reload_napp_module(self, username, napp_name, napp_file): """Reload a NApp Module.""" mod_name = '.'.join(['napps', username, napp_name, napp_file]) try: napp_module = import_module(mod_name) except ModuleNotFoundError: self.log.error("Module '%s' not found", mod_name) raise try: napp_module = reload_module(napp_module) except ImportError as err: self.log.error("Error reloading NApp '%s/%s': %s", username, napp_name, err) raise def reload_napp(self, username, napp_name): """Reload a NApp.""" self.unload_napp(username, napp_name) try: self.reload_napp_module(username, napp_name, 'settings') self.reload_napp_module(username, napp_name, 'main') except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): return 400"NApp '%s/%s' successfully reloaded", username, napp_name) self.load_napp(username, napp_name) return 200 def rest_reload_napp(self, username, napp_name): """Request reload a NApp.""" res = self.reload_napp(username, napp_name) return 'reloaded', res def rest_reload_all_napps(self): """Request reload all NApps.""" for napp in self.napps: self.reload_napp(*napp) return 'reloaded', 200
class Controller: """Main class of Kytos. The main responsibilities of this class are: - start a thread with :class:`~.core.tcp_server.KytosServer`; - manage KytosNApps (install, load and unload); - keep the buffers (instance of :class:`~.core.buffers.KytosBuffers`); - manage which event should be sent to NApps methods; - manage the buffers handlers, considering one thread per handler. """ # Created issue #568 for the disabled checks. # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods def __init__(self, options=None, loop=None): """Init method of Controller class takes the parameters below. Args: options (:attr:`ParseArgs.args`): :attr:`options` attribute from an instance of :class:`~kytos.core.config.KytosConfig` class. """ if options is None: options = KytosConfig().options['daemon'] self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self._pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) #: dict: keep the main threads of the controller (buffers and handler) self._threads = {} #: KytosBuffers: KytosBuffer object with Controller buffers self.buffers = KytosBuffers(loop=self._loop) #: dict: keep track of the socket connections labeled by ``(ip, port)`` #: #: This dict stores all connections between the controller and the #: switches. The key for this dict is a tuple (ip, port). The content #: is another dict with the connection information. self.connections = {} #: dict: mapping of events and event listeners. #: #: The key of the dict is a KytosEvent (or a string that represent a #: regex to match agains KytosEvents) and the value is a list of #: methods that will receive the referenced event self.events_listeners = {'kytos/': [self.new_connection]} #: dict: Current loaded apps - ``'napp_name'``: ``napp`` (instance) #: #: The key is the napp name (string), while the value is the napp #: instance itself. self.napps = {} #: Object generated by ParseArgs on file self.options = options #: KytosServer: Instance of KytosServer that will be listening to TCP #: connections. self.server = None #: dict: Current existing switches. #: #: The key is the switch dpid, while the value is a Switch object. self.switches = {} # dpid: Switch() #: datetime.datetime: Time when the controller finished starting. self.started_at = None #: logging.Logger: Logger instance used by Kytos. self.log = None #: API Server used to expose rest endpoints. self.api_server = APIServer(__name__, self.options.listen, self.options.api_port, napps_dir=self.options.napps) self._register_endpoints() #: Observer that handle NApps when they are enabled or disabled. self.napp_dir_listener = NAppDirListener(self) self.napps_manager = NAppsManager(self) #: Adding the napps 'enabled' directory into the PATH #: Now you can access the enabled napps with: #: from napps.<username>.<napp_name> import ?.... sys.path.append(os.path.join(self.options.napps, os.pardir)) def enable_logs(self): """Register kytos log and enable the logs.""" LogManager.load_config_file(self.options.logging, self.options.debug) LogManager.enable_websocket(self.api_server.server) self.log = logging.getLogger("controller") def start(self, restart=False): """Create pidfile and call start_controller method.""" self.enable_logs() if not restart: self.create_pidfile() self.start_controller() def create_pidfile(self): """Create a pidfile.""" pid = os.getpid() # Creates directory if it doesn't exist # System can erase /var/run's content pid_folder = Path(self.options.pidfile).parent # Pylint incorrectly infers Path objects # # pylint: disable=no-member if not pid_folder.exists(): pid_folder.mkdir() pid_folder.chmod(0o1777) # pylint: enable=no-member # Make sure the file is deleted when controller stops atexit.register(Path(self.options.pidfile).unlink) # Checks if a pidfile exists. Creates a new file. try: pidfile = open(self.options.pidfile, mode='x') except OSError: # This happens if there is a pidfile already. # We shall check if the process that created the pidfile is still # running. try: existing_file = open(self.options.pidfile, mode='r') old_pid = int( os.kill(old_pid, 0) # If kill() doesn't return an error, there's a process running # with the same PID. We assume it is Kytos and quit. # Otherwise, overwrite the file and proceed. error_msg = ("PID file {} exists. Delete it if Kytos is not " "running. Aborting.") sys.exit(error_msg.format(self.options.pidfile)) except OSError: try: pidfile = open(self.options.pidfile, mode='w') except OSError as exception: error_msg = "Failed to create pidfile {}: {}." sys.exit(error_msg.format(self.options.pidfile, exception)) # Identifies the process that created the pidfile. pidfile.write(str(pid)) pidfile.close() def start_controller(self): """Start the controller. Starts the KytosServer (TCP Server) coroutine. Starts a thread for each buffer handler. Load the installed apps. """"Starting Kytos - Kytos Controller") self.server = KytosServer((self.options.listen, int(self.options.port)), KytosServerProtocol, self, self.options.protocol_name)"Starting TCP server: %s", self.server) self.server.serve_forever() def _stop_loop(_): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # print(_.result()) threads = threading.enumerate() self.log.debug("%s threads before loop.stop: %s", len(threads), threads) loop.stop() async def _run_api_server_thread(executor): log = logging.getLogger('controller.api_server_thread') log.debug('starting') # log.debug('creating tasks') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() blocking_tasks = [ loop.run_in_executor(executor, ] # log.debug('waiting for tasks') completed, pending = await asyncio.wait(blocking_tasks) # results = [t.result() for t in completed] # log.debug('results: {!r}'.format(results)) log.debug('completed: %d, pending: %d', len(completed), len(pending)) task = self._loop.create_task(self.raw_event_handler()) task = self._loop.create_task(self.msg_in_event_handler()) task = self._loop.create_task(self.msg_out_event_handler()) task = self._loop.create_task(self.app_event_handler()) task = self._loop.create_task(_run_api_server_thread(self._pool)) task.add_done_callback(_stop_loop)"ThreadPool started: %s", self._pool) # ASYNC TODO: ensure all threads started correctly # This is critical, if any of them failed starting we should exit. # sys.exit(error_msg.format(thread, exception))"Loading Kytos NApps...") self.napp_dir_listener.start() self.pre_install_napps(self.options.napps_pre_installed) self.load_napps() self.started_at = now() def _register_endpoints(self): """Register all rest endpoint served by kytos. - Register APIServer endpoints - Register WebUI endpoints - Register ``/api/kytos/core/config`` endpoint """ self.api_server.start_api() # Register controller endpoints as /api/kytos/core/... self.api_server.register_core_endpoint('config/', self.configuration_endpoint) self.api_server.register_core_endpoint( 'reload/<username>/<napp_name>/', self.rest_reload_napp) self.api_server.register_core_endpoint('reload/all', self.rest_reload_all_napps) def register_rest_endpoint(self, url, function, methods): """Deprecate in favor of @rest decorator.""" self.api_server.register_rest_endpoint(url, function, methods) def configuration_endpoint(self): """Return the configuration options used by Kytos. Returns: string: Json with current configurations used by kytos. """ return json.dumps(self.options.__dict__) def restart(self, graceful=True): """Restart Kytos SDN Controller. Args: graceful(bool): Represents the way that Kytos will restart. """ if self.started_at is not None: self.stop(graceful) self.__init__(self.options) self.start(restart=True) def stop(self, graceful=True): """Shutdown all services used by kytos. This method should: - stop all Websockets - stop the API Server - stop the Controller """ if self.started_at: self.stop_controller(graceful) def stop_controller(self, graceful=True): """Stop the controller. This method should: - announce on the network that the controller will shutdown; - stop receiving incoming packages; - call the 'shutdown' method of each KytosNApp that is running; - finish reading the events on all buffers; - stop each running handler; - stop all running threads; - stop the KytosServer; """"Stopping Kytos") self.buffers.send_stop_signal() self.api_server.stop_api_server() self.napp_dir_listener.stop()"Stopping threadpool: %s", self._pool) threads = threading.enumerate() self.log.debug("%s threads before threadpool shutdown: %s", len(threads), threads) self._pool.shutdown(wait=graceful) # self.server.socket.shutdown() # self.server.socket.close() # for thread in self._threads.values(): #"Stopping thread: %s", # thread.join() # for thread in self._threads.values(): # while thread.is_alive(): #"Thread is alive: %s", # pass self.started_at = None self.unload_napps() self.buffers = KytosBuffers() # ASYNC TODO: close connections # self.server.server_close() # Shutdown the TCP server and the main asyncio loop self.server.shutdown() def status(self): """Return status of Kytos Server. If the controller kytos is running this method will be returned "Running since 'Started_At'", otherwise "Stopped". Returns: string: String with kytos status. """ if self.started_at: return "Running since %s" % self.started_at return "Stopped" def uptime(self): """Return the uptime of kytos server. This method should return: - 0 if Kytos Server is stopped. - (kytos.start_at - if Kytos Server is running. Returns: datetime.timedelta: The uptime interval. """ return now() - self.started_at if self.started_at else 0 def notify_listeners(self, event): """Send the event to the specified listeners. Loops over self.events_listeners matching (by regexp) the attribute name of the event with the keys of events_listeners. If a match occurs, then send the event to each registered listener. Args: event (~kytos.core.KytosEvent): An instance of a KytosEvent. """ self.log.debug("looking for listeners for %s", event) for event_regex, listeners in dict(self.events_listeners).items(): # self.log.debug("listeners found for %s: %r => %s", event, # event_regex, [l.__qualname__ for l in listeners]) # Do not match if the event has more characters # e.g. "shutdown" won't match "shutdown.kytos/of_core" if event_regex[-1] != '$' or event_regex[-2] == '\\': event_regex += '$' if re.match(event_regex, # self.log.debug('Calling listeners for %s', event) for listener in listeners: listener(event) async def raw_event_handler(self): """Handle raw events. Listen to the raw_buffer and send all its events to the corresponding listeners. """"Raw Event Handler started") while True: event = await self.buffers.raw.aget() self.notify_listeners(event) self.log.debug("Raw Event handler called") if == "kytos/core.shutdown": self.log.debug("Raw Event handler stopped") break async def msg_in_event_handler(self): """Handle msg_in events. Listen to the msg_in buffer and send all its events to the corresponding listeners. """"Message In Event Handler started") while True: event = await self.buffers.msg_in.aget() self.notify_listeners(event) self.log.debug("Message In Event handler called") if == "kytos/core.shutdown": self.log.debug("Message In Event handler stopped") break async def msg_out_event_handler(self): """Handle msg_out events. Listen to the msg_out buffer and send all its events to the corresponding listeners. """"Message Out Event Handler started") while True: triggered_event = await self.buffers.msg_out.aget() if == "kytos/core.shutdown": self.log.debug("Message Out Event handler stopped") break message = triggered_event.content['message'] destination = triggered_event.destination if (destination and not destination.state == ConnectionState.FINISHED): packet = message.pack() destination.send(packet) self.log.debug('Connection %s: OUT OFP, ' 'version: %s, type: %s, xid: %s - %s',, message.header.version, message.header.message_type, message.header.xid, packet.hex()) self.notify_listeners(triggered_event) self.log.debug("Message Out Event handler called") else:"connection closed. Cannot send message") async def app_event_handler(self): """Handle app events. Listen to the app buffer and send all its events to the corresponding listeners. """"App Event Handler started") while True: event = await self.notify_listeners(event) self.log.debug("App Event handler called") if == "kytos/core.shutdown": self.log.debug("App Event handler stopped") break def get_interface_by_id(self, interface_id): """Find a Interface with interface_id. Args: interface_id(str): Interface Identifier. Returns: Interface: Instance of Interface with the id given. """ if interface_id is None: return None switch_id = ":".join(interface_id.split(":")[:-1]) interface_number = int(interface_id.split(":")[-1]) switch = self.switches.get(switch_id) if not switch: return None return switch.interfaces.get(interface_number, None) def get_switch_by_dpid(self, dpid): """Return a specific switch by dpid. Args: dpid (|DPID|): dpid object used to identify a switch. Returns: :class:`~kytos.core.switch.Switch`: Switch with dpid specified. """ return self.switches.get(dpid) def get_switch_or_create(self, dpid, connection): """Return switch or create it if necessary. Args: dpid (|DPID|): dpid object used to identify a switch. connection (:class:`~kytos.core.connection.Connection`): connection used by switch. If a switch has a connection that will be updated. Returns: :class:`~kytos.core.switch.Switch`: new or existent switch. """ self.create_or_update_connection(connection) switch = self.get_switch_by_dpid(dpid) event_name = 'kytos/core.switch.' if switch is None: switch = Switch(dpid=dpid) self.add_new_switch(switch) event_name += 'new' else: event_name += 'reconnected' self.set_switch_options(dpid=dpid) event = KytosEvent(name=event_name, content={'switch': switch}) old_connection = switch.connection switch.update_connection(connection) if old_connection is not connection: self.remove_connection(old_connection) return switch def set_switch_options(self, dpid): """Update the switch settings based on kytos.conf options. Args: dpid (str): dpid used to identify a switch. """ switch = self.switches.get(dpid) if not switch: return vlan_pool = {} try: vlan_pool = json.loads(self.options.vlan_pool) if not vlan_pool: return except (TypeError, json.JSONDecodeError) as err: self.log.error("Invalid vlan_pool settings: %s", err) if vlan_pool.get(dpid):"Loading vlan_pool configuration for dpid {dpid}") for intf_num, port_list in vlan_pool[dpid].items(): if not switch.interfaces.get((intf_num)): vlan_ids = set() for vlan_range in port_list: (vlan_begin, vlan_end) = (vlan_range[0:2]) for vlan_id in range(vlan_begin, vlan_end): vlan_ids.add(vlan_id) intf_num = int(intf_num) intf = Interface(name=intf_num, port_number=intf_num, switch=switch) intf.set_available_tags(vlan_ids) switch.update_interface(intf) def create_or_update_connection(self, connection): """Update a connection. Args: connection (:class:`~kytos.core.connection.Connection`): Instance of connection that will be updated. """ self.connections[] = connection def get_connection_by_id(self, conn_id): """Return a existent connection by id. Args: id (int): id from a connection. Returns: :class:`~kytos.core.connection.Connection`: Instance of connection or None Type. """ return self.connections.get(conn_id) def remove_connection(self, connection): """Close a existent connection and remove it. Args: connection (:class:`~kytos.core.connection.Connection`): Instance of connection that will be removed. """ if connection is None: return False try: connection.close() del self.connections[] except KeyError: return False return True def remove_switch(self, switch): """Remove an existent switch. Args: switch (:class:`~kytos.core.switch.Switch`): Instance of switch that will be removed. """ try: del self.switches[switch.dpid] except KeyError: return False return True def new_connection(self, event): """Handle a kytos/ event. This method will read new connection event and store the connection (socket) into the connections attribute on the controller. It also clear all references to the connection since it is a new connection on the same ip:port. Args: event (~kytos.core.KytosEvent): The received event (``kytos/``) with the needed info. """"Handling %s...", event) connection = event.source self.log.debug("Event source: %s", event.source) # Remove old connection (aka cleanup) if it exists if self.get_connection_by_id( self.remove_connection( # Update connections with the new connection self.create_or_update_connection(connection) def add_new_switch(self, switch): """Add a new switch on the controller. Args: switch (Switch): A Switch object """ self.switches[switch.dpid] = switch def _import_napp(self, username, napp_name): """Import a NApp module. Raises: FileNotFoundError: if NApp's is not found. ModuleNotFoundError: if any NApp requirement is not installed. """ mod_name = '.'.join(['napps', username, napp_name, 'main']) path = os.path.join(self.options.napps, username, napp_name, '') napp_spec = spec_from_file_location(mod_name, path) napp_module = module_from_spec(napp_spec) sys.modules[] = napp_module napp_spec.loader.exec_module(napp_module) return napp_module def load_napp(self, username, napp_name): """Load a single NApp. Args: username (str): NApp username (makes up NApp's path). napp_name (str): Name of the NApp to be loaded. """ if (username, napp_name) in self.napps: message = 'NApp %s/%s was already loaded' self.log.warning(message, username, napp_name) return try: napp_module = self._import_napp(username, napp_name) except ModuleNotFoundError as err: self.log.error("Error loading NApp '%s/%s': %s", username, napp_name, err) return except FileNotFoundError as err: msg = "NApp module not found, assuming it's a meta napp: %s" self.log.warning(msg, err.filename) return napp = napp_module.Main(controller=self) self.napps[(username, napp_name)] = napp napp.start() self.api_server.register_napp_endpoints(napp) # pylint: disable=protected-access for event, listeners in napp._listeners.items(): self.events_listeners.setdefault(event, []).extend(listeners) # pylint: enable=protected-access def pre_install_napps(self, napps, enable=True): """Pre install and enable NApps. Before installing, it'll check if it's installed yet. Args: napps ([str]): List of NApps to be pre-installed and enabled. """ all_napps = self.napps_manager.get_installed_napps() installed = [str(napp) for napp in all_napps] napps_diff = [napp for napp in napps if napp not in installed] for napp in napps_diff: self.napps_manager.install(napp, enable=enable) def load_napps(self): """Load all NApps enabled on the NApps dir.""" for napp in self.napps_manager.get_enabled_napps(): try:"Loading NApp %s", self.load_napp(napp.username, except FileNotFoundError as exception: self.log.error("Could not load NApp %s: %s",, exception) def unload_napp(self, username, napp_name): """Unload a specific NApp. Args: username (str): NApp username. napp_name (str): Name of the NApp to be unloaded. """ napp = self.napps.pop((username, napp_name), None) if napp is None: self.log.warning('NApp %s/%s was not loaded', username, napp_name) else:"Shutting down NApp %s/%s...", username, napp_name) napp_id = NApp(username, napp_name).id event = KytosEvent(name='kytos/core.shutdown.' + napp_id) napp_shutdown_fn = self.events_listeners[][0] # Call listener before removing it from events_listeners napp_shutdown_fn(event) # Remove rest endpoints from that napp self.api_server.remove_napp_endpoints(napp) # Removing listeners from that napp # pylint: disable=protected-access for event_type, napp_listeners in napp._listeners.items(): event_listeners = self.events_listeners[event_type] for listener in napp_listeners: event_listeners.remove(listener) if not event_listeners: del self.events_listeners[event_type] # pylint: enable=protected-access def unload_napps(self): """Unload all loaded NApps that are not core NApps.""" # list() is used here to avoid the error: # 'RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration' # This is caused by looping over an dictionary while removing # items from it. for (username, napp_name) in list(self.napps.keys()): # noqa self.unload_napp(username, napp_name) def reload_napp_module(self, username, napp_name, napp_file): """Reload a NApp Module.""" mod_name = '.'.join(['napps', username, napp_name, napp_file]) try: napp_module = import_module(mod_name) except ModuleNotFoundError as err: self.log.error("Module '%s' not found", mod_name) raise try: napp_module = reload_module(napp_module) except ImportError as err: self.log.error("Error reloading NApp '%s/%s': %s", username, napp_name, err) raise def reload_napp(self, username, napp_name): """Reload a NApp.""" self.unload_napp(username, napp_name) try: self.reload_napp_module(username, napp_name, 'settings') self.reload_napp_module(username, napp_name, 'main') except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): return 400"NApp '%s/%s' successfully reloaded", username, napp_name) self.load_napp(username, napp_name) return 200 def rest_reload_napp(self, username, napp_name): """Request reload a NApp.""" res = self.reload_napp(username, napp_name) return 'reloaded', res def rest_reload_all_napps(self): """Request reload all NApps.""" for napp in self.napps: self.reload_napp(*napp) return 'reloaded', 200