def checkifdzexists(video_id, skip_frames, skip_row, skip_col, mintol, sigma, filter_size, startF, stopF, diff_frames): """ checks if the dz_array is already computed and return dz_id if it does and returns none otherwise """ print("checking if dz already exists..") db = labdb.LabDB() # check if this dz array has already been computed? if diff_frames is None: diff_frames = "NULL" sql = """SELECT dz_id FROM dz WHERE video_id=%d AND skip_frames=%d \ AND skip_row = %d AND skip_col = %d AND mintol=%d AND sigma=%.1f \ AND filter_size=%d AND startF=%d AND stopF=%d AND diff_frames=%s""" %\ (video_id,skip_frames,skip_row,skip_col,mintol,sigma,filter_size,startF,stopF,diff_frames) rows = db.execute(sql) if (len(rows) > 0): # dz array already computed dz_id = rows[0][0] print("Loading cached dz %d..." % dz_id) # load the array from the disk dz_path = "/data/dz/%d" % dz_id dz_filename = dz_path + '/' + '' if not os.path.exists(dz_filename): print("file", dz_filename, "not found.") return None #dz_array = numpy.load(dz_filename) #loading the nc file print(dz_filename) nc = netCDF4.Dataset(dz_filename, 'a') # some information about the nc file print("dimensions of nc file -> ", list(nc.dimensions.keys())) print("variables of nc file -> ", list(nc.variables.keys())) # loading the data dz_arr = nc.variables['dz_array'] nt, nrows, ncols = dz_arr.shape print("shape of nc file -> ", dz_arr.shape) if 'calculation_complete' not in nc.ncattrs( ) or not nc.calculation_complete: # previous dz_array was not completed computed => redo. print("Previous dz_array was not complete -- redo") return None return dz_id else: return None
def compute_dz(video_id, skip_frames=10): """ Given video_id, calculate the dz array. Output is cached on disk. returns the array dz skip_frames is the number of frames to jump before computing dz """ print("skip_frames is", skip_frames) db = labdb.LabDB() # check if this dz array has already been computed? sql = """SELECT dz_id FROM dz WHERE video_id = %d AND skip_frames = %d""" % (video_id, skip_frames) rows = db.execute(sql) if len(rows) > 0: # dz array already computed dz_id = rows[0][0] print("Loading cached dz %d..." % dz_id) # load the array from the disk dz_path = "/Volumes/HD3/dz/%d" % dz_id dz_filename = os.path.join(dz_path, "dz.npy") dz_array = numpy.load(dz_filename) return dz_array # Need to compute dz for the first time # Set path to the two images path = "/Volumes/HD3/video_data/%d/frame%05d.png" path2time = "/Volumes/HD3/video_data/%d/time.txt" % video_id #declare the array to hold the value of dz for every image dz_array = [] n = 5 count = n + 1 filename1 = path % (video_id, count - n) filename2 = path % (video_id, count) image1 = numpy.array( image2 = numpy.array( H = 52.0 dz = H / image1.shape[0] mintol = 15 C = getTol(image1, mintol=mintol) delz = compute_dz_image(image1, image2, dz) delz = numpy.nan_to_num(delz) * C dz_array = generate_dz_array(delz, dz_array) vmax = 0.01 """ old ploting code fig = pylab.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) img = pylab.imshow(delz, interpolation='nearest', vmin=-vmax, vmax=vmax, animated=False, label='delz', aspect='auto') pylab.colorbar() """ from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter from numpy import ma sql = """SELECT num_frames FROM video WHERE video_id = %d""" % video_id rows = db.execute(sql) num_frames = rows[0][0] index = 0 while True: print("render frame %d of %d" % (count, num_frames)) index += 1 filename1 = path % (video_id, count - n) filename2 = path % (video_id, count) if not os.path.exists(filename2): break image1 = numpy.array( image2 = numpy.array( C = getTol(image1, mintol=mintol) delz = compute_dz_image(image1, image2, dz) delz = numpy.nan_to_num(delz) * C #delz_m = ma.masked_where(C==False, delz) dz_array = generate_dz_array(delz, dz_array) # clip large values bound = 1.0 delz[delz > bound] = bound delz[delz < -bound] = -bound # fill in missing values filt_delz = ndimage.gaussian_filter(delz, (21, 21)) i = abs(delz) > 1e-8 filt_delz[i] = delz[i] # smooth filt_delz = ndimage.gaussian_filter(filt_delz, 7) # Old ploting """ img.set_data(filt_delz) fig.canvas.draw() ax.set_title('n = %d' % count)""" count += skip_frames time.sleep(0.1) dz_array = numpy.array(dz_array) print("final dz_array.shape", dz_array.shape) print(dz_array) # cache dz_array to disk sql = """INSERT INTO dz (video_id, skip_frames) VALUES (%d, %d)""" % (video_id, skip_frames) print(sql) db.execute(sql) sql = """SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()""" rows = db.execute(sql) dz_id = rows[0][0] dz_path = "/Volumes/HD3/dz/%d" % dz_id os.mkdir(dz_path) dz_filename = os.path.join(dz_path, "dz.npy"), dz_array) db.commit() return dz_array
def createncfile(dz_id,t,x,z, a_xi_id = None ): """ create the nc file in which we will store a_xi array. create a row in the database for the nc file stored update the database Axi_id will be chosen as the next available id if a_xi_id is None. """ print("inside createncfile function") db = labdb.LabDB() #create the directory in which to store the nc file if a_xi_id is None: sql = """INSERT into vertical_displacement_amplitude (dz_id) VALUES (%d)"""%(dz_id) print(sql) db.execute(sql) sql = """SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()""" rows = db.execute(sql) a_xi_id = rows[0][0] else: # this is incase cache is set to False and the nc file needs to be # recomputed again sql = "SELECT dz_id FROM vertical_displacement_amplitude WHERE a_xi_id = %s" % a_xi_id previous_dz_id, = db.execute_one(sql) if previous_dz_id != dz_id: print("dz_id, a_xi_id mismatch!") return None a_xi_path = "/data/vertical_displacement_amplitude/%d" % a_xi_id if not os.path.exists(a_xi_path): os.mkdir(a_xi_path) a_xi_filename = os.path.join(a_xi_path,"") print("A xi : ",a_xi_filename) # open the dz file corresponding to the vertical displacement nc file so as # to get info about the number of rows and column. dzncfile = netCDF4.Dataset('/data/dz/%d/' % dz_id) Nrow = dzncfile.variables['row'].size Ncol = dzncfile.variables['column'].size dzncfile.close() # Declare the axi nc file for the first time nc = netCDF4.Dataset(a_xi_filename,'w',format = 'NETCDF4') row_dim = nc.createDimension('row',Nrow) col_dim = nc.createDimension('column',Ncol) lenT=t.shape[0] #lenT is the length of the dz file # changing time to underfined as the variable is set to being contiguous # despite setting contiguous=False which is also the default setting #print "time axis length",lenT # debug info t_dim = nc.createDimension('time',lenT) #t_dim = nc.createDimension('time', None) # Dimensions are also variable ROW = nc.createVariable('row',numpy.float32,('row'),contiguous=False) print(ROW.shape,ROW.dtype) COLUMN = nc.createVariable('column',numpy.float32,('column'),contiguous=False) print(COLUMN.shape, COLUMN.dtype) TIME = nc.createVariable('time',numpy.float32,('time'),contiguous=False) print(TIME.shape, TIME.dtype) # chunk the data intelligently valSize = numpy.float32().itemsize chunksizes = chunk_shape_3D( ( lenT, Nrow, Ncol), valSize=valSize ) # declare the 3D data variable a_xi = nc.createVariable('a_xi_array',numpy.float32,('time','row','column'), chunksizes = chunksizes) print(list(nc.dimensions.keys()) ,a_xi.shape,a_xi.dtype) # assign the values #TIME[:] = t[:] ROW[:] = z COLUMN[:] = x nc.close() db.commit() return a_xi_id,a_xi_filename
def compute_a_xi(dz_id, cache=True): """ Given an dz_id, compute the vertical displacement Axi """ # access database db = labdb.LabDB() #check if the dataset already exists sql = """SELECT a_xi_id FROM vertical_displacement_amplitude WHERE\ dz_id = %d""" % (dz_id) rows = db.execute(sql) a_xi_id = None if len(rows) > 0: # A xi array already computed a_xi_id = rows[0][0] a_xi_path = "/data/vertical_displacement_amplitude/%d/" % a_xi_id a_xi_filename = a_xi_path + '' if os.path.exists(a_xi_filename) and cache: return a_xi_id else: # delete if it exists and recreate if os.path.exists(a_xi_filename): os.unlink(a_xi_filename) # open the dataset for calculating a_xi filepath = "/data/dz/%d/" % dz_id print("dz filepath:" , filepath) if not os.path.exists(filepath): print(filepath, "not found") return nc = netCDF4.Dataset(filepath,'r') # loading the dz data from the nc file dz = nc.variables['dz_array'] t = nc.variables['time'] z = nc.variables['row'] x = nc.variables['column'] # print information about dz dataset print("variables of the nc file :", list(nc.variables.keys())) print("dz shape : " , dz.shape) # call get_info function from Energy_flux program :: to get info sql = """ SELECT expt_id FROM dz WHERE dz_id = %d """ % dz_id rows = db.execute(sql) expt_id = rows[0][0] vid_id, N, omega,kz,theta = Energy_flux.get_info(expt_id) print("V_ID:", vid_id,"\n N:", N, "\n OMEGA: ", omega,"\n kz:",kz,"\n theta : ", theta) # calculate dt dt = numpy.mean(numpy.diff(t)) print("dt of delta z:",dt) #call the function to create the nc file in which we are going to store the dz array a_xi_id,a_xi_filename = createncfile(dz_id,t,x,z,a_xi_id=a_xi_id) #get info about the nc file to see if the var is contiguous # print " info axi nc file : chk if the var is contiguous" # os.system('ncdump -h -s %s' % a_xi_filename) # open the a_xi nc file for appending data axi_nc=netCDF4.Dataset(a_xi_filename,'a') a_xi = axi_nc.variables['a_xi_array'] # setting the time axis axi_time = axi_nc.variables['time'] axi_time[:] = t[:] # implementing the new correction... AXI refers to Afa... a change that should be # implemented across the database and the library labtools #dN2t_to_axi = -1.0 /( omega* N * N * kz) dN2t_to_axi = 1.0/((omega/N)**2 * kz * (1.0-(omega/N)**2)**-0.5) print("dN2t_to_axi::", dN2t_to_axi) widgets = [progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.ETA()] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=dz.shape[0]).start() for num in range(dz.shape[0]): pbar.update(num) var1 = dN2t_to_axi * dz[num,:,:]/ (N**3) # The var dz is dn2t which should be non dimensionalized in append2ncfile(a_xi,var1,num) pbar.finish() axi_nc.close() nc.close() return a_xi_id
def compute_dz(video_id, min_tol, sigma, filter_size, skip_frames=1, skip_row=1, skip_col=1, startF=0, stopF=None, diff_frames=1, cache=True): """ > Given video_id, calculate the dz array. Output is cached on disk. > returns the array dz > skip_frames is the number of frames to jump before computing dz Returns dz_id """ db = labdb.LabDB() #check if the dz file already exists. function checkifdzexists() returns #dz_id if the dz file exists else returns 0 #dz_flag = checkifdzexists(video_id,skip_frames) # get the number of frames if stopF is unspecified if (stopF is None): sql = """ SELECT num_frames FROM video WHERE video_id = %d""" % video_id rows = db.execute(sql) stopF = rows[0][0] print("stop_frames = ", stopF) num_frames = stopF - startF print("num_frames:", num_frames) dz_id = checkifdzexists(video_id, skip_frames, skip_row, skip_col, min_tol, sigma, filter_size, startF, stopF, diff_frames) if (dz_id is not None) and cache: return dz_id # Create the dz nc file to write data to dz_filename,dz_id,dt,dz,dx,chunkshape =create_nc_file(video_id,skip_frames,skip_row,skip_col,min_tol,\ sigma,filter_size,startF,stopF,diff_frames,dz_id = dz_id) # Create a temporary dz file. temp_dz_filename = create_temp_nc_file(dz_filename) # count: start from the second frame. count is the variable that tracks the # current frame if diff_frames is None: count = startF else: count = startF + diff_frames # Set path to the two images path = "/Volumes/HD3/video_data/%d/frame%05d.png" hostname = socket.gethostname() cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if hostname == '': PROCESSES = cpu_count else: PROCESSES = cpu_count / 2 PROCESSES = 8 # Create pool pool = multiprocessing.Pool(PROCESSES) p = {} p['filename1'] = None p['filename2'] = None p['skip_row'] = skip_row p['skip_col'] = skip_col p['filter_size'] = filter_size p['min_tol'] = min_tol p['dz'] = dz p['sigma'] = sigma Ls = 13.5 # distance from front of screen to back of tank Lb = 0.9 # thickness of barrier Ld = 14.9 # width of rear channel Lp = 2.4 # thickness of back and front walls Lw = 29.5 # width of experimental region of tank # index of refraction na = 1.00 np = 1.49 nb = 1.49 nw = 1.33 gamma = 0.0001878 # See eqn 2.8 in Sutherland1999 # const2 = -1.0/(gamma*((0.5*L_tank*L_tank)+(L_tank*win_l*n_water))) # Has been recalculated for our experiment dN2dz = (-1.0 / (Lw * gamma)) * ( 1.0 / (0.5 * Lw + nw / nb * Lb + Ld + nw / nb * Lp + nw / na * Ls)) # if diff_frames is given, we are computing dN2dt if diff_frames is not None: dN2dz = dN2dz / (dt * diff_frames) logger.debug('dN2dz = {:f}'.format(dN2dz)) # progress bar widgets = [ progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets) # multiprocessing the task of writing data into nc file lock = multiprocessing.Lock() def cb(r): with lock: i, dz = r pbar.update(i) nc = netCDF4.Dataset(temp_dz_filename, 'a') temp_dz = nc.variables['temp_dz_array'] temp_dz[i, :, :] = dN2dz * dz nc.close() tasks = [] #counter for the while loop i = 0 # submit tasks to perform in the while loop and this is in parallel while count < stopF: if diff_frames is not None: ref_frame = count - diff_frames else: ref_frame = startF filename1 = path % (video_id, ref_frame) filename2 = path % (video_id, count) if not os.path.exists(filename2):'%s not found but expected' % filename2) break # add filename1, filename2 to list of tasks p['filename1'] = filename1 p['filename2'] = filename2 p['i'] = i #tasks.append( (schlieren_lines, (dict(p),))) count += skip_frames pool.apply_async(schlieren_lines, (dict(p), ), callback=cb) i += 1 if i == 0: raise Exception('No pairs of image files found') # submit all tasks to worker pool pbar.maxval = i logger.debug('Schlieren - frame by frame') pbar.start() # wait for all schlieren task to complete pool.close() pool.join() pbar.finish() # open the temporary nc file to put in the time axis nc = netCDF4.Dataset(temp_dz_filename, 'a') temp_dz = nc.variables['temp_dz_array'] nc.close() # The last Step of Synthetic Schlieren... Uniform filtering in time # open the temp dz nc file nc = netCDF4.Dataset(temp_dz_filename, 'r') temp_dz_array = nc.variables['temp_dz_array'] T = nc.variables['time'][:] # open the dz nc file for writing in the data dz_nc = netCDF4.Dataset(dz_filename, 'a') DZarray = dz_nc.variables['dz_array'] ZZ = dz_nc.variables['row'][:] CC = dz_nc.variables['column'][:] TT = dz_nc.variables['time'] #set the time axis for the dz array. TT[:] = T[:] t_chunk, r_chunk, c_chunk = chunkshape print("chunk t,z,x :", t_chunk, r_chunk, c_chunk) print("CC size, zz size", CC.size, ZZ.size) col_count = CC.size - 1 row_count = ZZ.size - 1 # step 12 of Schlieren :: apply uniform filter in the time axis with the filter size of 6 (about # 1second). This should smoothen the dz along time. logger.debug('Schlieren - chunk by chunk') # (i, j) should index the ith and jth chunk logger.debug('size = {}'.format(temp_dz_array.shape)) logger.debug('chunkshape = {}'.format(chunkshape)) nt, nz, nx = temp_dz_array.shape chunk_nt, chunk_nz, chunk_nx = chunkshape chunk_nz = chunk_nz * 2 #chunk_nx = chunk_nx * 8 widgets = [ progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.ETA() ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=(nz // chunk_nz)).start() for j in range(nz // chunk_nz): pbar.update(j) temp = temp_dz_array[:, j * chunk_nz:(j + 1) * chunk_nz, :] # TODO: why (6, 1, 1)? temp_filt = ndimage.uniform_filter(temp, size=(18, 1, 1)) DZarray[:, j * chunk_nz:(j + 1) * chunk_nz, :] = temp_filt #for i in range(nx // chunk_nx): # # pbar.update(j * (nx//chunk_nx) + i) # # temp = temp_dz_array[:, # j*chunk_nz:(j+1)*chunk_nz, # i*chunk_nx:(i+1)*chunk_nx] # # # TODO: why (6, 1, 1)? # temp_filt = ndimage.uniform_filter(temp,size = (6,1,1)) # # DZarray[:, # j*chunk_nz:(j+1)*chunk_nz, # i*chunk_nx:(i+1)*chunk_nx] = temp_filt pbar.finish() dz_nc.calculation_complete = 1 dz_nc.close() nc.close() # remove temp dz file os.unlink(temp_dz_filename) return dz_id
def create_nc_file(video_id, skip_frames, skip_row, skip_col, mintol, sigma, filter_size, startF, stopF, diff_frames, dz_id=None): """ Given a video id create a dz nc file return dz_filename,dz_id,dt,dz,dx Need to compute dz for the first time. Need to create the path for the dz file and create the empty nc file """ logger.debug('creating dz nc file to store the final data in..') # Get experiment ID db = labdb.LabDB() sql = "SELECT expt_id FROM video_experiments WHERE video_id = %d" % video_id rows = db.execute(sql) expt_id = rows[0][0] logger.debug('experiment ID: %d' % expt_id) # get the window length and window height sql = """SELECT length FROM video WHERE video_id = %d """ % video_id rows = db.execute(sql) win_l = rows[0][0] * 1.0 sql = """SELECT height FROM video WHERE video_id = %d """ % video_id rows = db.execute(sql) win_h = rows[0][0] * 1.0 print("length", win_l, "\nheight", win_h) print( "video_id,skip_frames,skip_row,skip_col,expt_id,mintol,sigma,filter_size,startF,stopF,diff_frames" ) print(video_id, skip_frames, skip_row, skip_col, expt_id, mintol, sigma, filter_size, startF, stopF, diff_frames) if dz_id is None: # CHECK IF there is already a dz_id already exists in the database sql = """SELECT dz_id FROM dz WHERE video_id=%d AND skip_frames=%d \ AND skip_row = %d AND skip_col = %d AND mintol=%d AND sigma=%.1f \ AND filter_size=%d AND startF=%d AND stopF=%d AND diff_frames=%s""" %\ (video_id,skip_frames,skip_row,skip_col,mintol,sigma,filter_size,startF,stopF,diff_frames) rows = db.execute(sql) if len(rows) == 1: # there is already a dz_id; reuse it dz_id = rows[0][0] elif len(rows) > 1: print( "MULTIPLE dz_id exist in database with same parameters!!! FIXME!" ) sys.exit(1) print("dz_ID ###", dz_id) if dz_id is None: if diff_frames is None: diff_frames_s = "NULL" diff_frames = 0 else: diff_frames_s = "%d" % diff_frames sql = """INSERT INTO dz (video_id,skip_frames,skip_row,skip_col,expt_id,mintol,\ sigma,filter_size,startF,stopF,diff_frames)\ VALUES (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%f,%d,%d,%d,%s)""" %\ (video_id,skip_frames,skip_row,skip_col,expt_id,\ mintol,sigma,filter_size,startF,stopF,diff_frames_s) print(sql) db.execute(sql) sql = """SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()""" rows = db.execute(sql) dz_id = rows[0][0] else: # need the sql to include mintol,filtersize,sigma too REMINDER sql = """ SELECT video_id,skip_frames,skip_row,skip_col,\ startF,stopF FROM dz WHERE dz_id = %s""" \ %dz_id previous_row = db.execute_one(sql) print(previous_row) if (previous_row[0] != video_id or previous_row[1] !=skip_frames or\ previous_row[2]!=skip_row or previous_row[3]!=skip_col\ or previous_row[4]!=startF or previous_row[5]!=stopF): print("video id/startF/stopF mismatch!") return None dz_path = "/data/dz/%d" % dz_id if not os.path.exists(dz_path): # Create the directory in which to store the nc file os.mkdir(dz_path) dz_filename = os.path.join(dz_path, "") print("dz_ filename: ", dz_filename) # Declare the nc file for the first time if os.path.exists(dz_filename): # ensure you delete the nc file if it exists so as to create new nc file os.unlink(dz_filename) # find the number for rows and column of the frames and Ntime for dz field Nrow = 964 / skip_row Ncol = 1292 / skip_col Ntime = (stopF - startF - 1) // skip_frames + 1 - diff_frames print("no of rows : %d and no of columns : %d and Ntime : %d" % (Nrow, Ncol, Ntime)) # create the nc file and set the dimensions of z and x axis. nc = netCDF4.Dataset(dz_filename, 'w', format='NETCDF4') nc.calculation_complete = 0 row_dim = nc.createDimension('row', Nrow) col_dim = nc.createDimension('column', Ncol) t_dim = nc.createDimension('time', Ntime) # the dimensions are also variables ROW = nc.createVariable('row', numpy.float32, ('row')) COLUMN = nc.createVariable('column', numpy.float32, ('column')) TIME = nc.createVariable('time', numpy.float32, ('time')) # the length and height dimensions are variables containing the length and # height of each pixel in cm R = numpy.arange(0, win_h, win_h / Nrow, dtype=float) C = numpy.arange(0, win_l, win_l / Ncol, dtype=float) # given a video_id, look up filename and extract out a time.txt file mkvfile = '20140225T210351.mkv' ## TEMPORARY cmd = 'mkvextract attachments /data/dv/%s 1:time.txt' % mkvfile os.system(cmd) t = numpy.loadtxt('time.txt') #path2time = "/Volumes/HD3/video_data/%d/time.txt" % video_id #t=numpy.loadtxt(path2time) print(t) dt = numpy.mean(numpy.diff(t[:, 1])) # compute dt,dz,dx dt = dt * skip_frames dz = win_h / Nrow dx = win_l / Ncol T = numpy.mgrid[0:Ntime * dt:Ntime * 1.0j] ROW[:] = R COLUMN[:] = C TIME[:] = T # chunk the data intelligently valSize = numpy.float32().itemsize chunksizes = chunk_shape_3D((Ntime, Nrow, Ncol), valSize=valSize) logger.debug('chunksizes = {}'.format(chunksizes)) # declare the 3D data variable DZ = nc.createVariable('dz_array', numpy.float32, ('time', 'row', 'column'), chunksizes=chunksizes) db.commit() nc.close() return dz_filename, dz_id, dt, dz, dx, chunksizes
def compute_deltaN2(video_id,min_tol,sigma,filter_size,skip_frames=1,startF=0,stopF=0,diff_frames=1): """ Computes deltaN2 """ db = labdb.LabDB() # check if DELTAN2 ARRAY has already been computed? # if deltaN2_flag =0 means deltaN2 is not computed else it holds the value # of the deltaN2 id. # get the number of frames if stopF is unspecified if (stopF == 0): sql = """ SELECT num_frames FROM video where video_id = %d""" % video_id rows = db.execute(sql) stopF = rows[0][0] num_frames = stopF-startF deltaN2_flag = checkifdeltaN2exists_test(video_id,min_tol,sigma,\ filter_size,skip_frames,startF,stopF,diff_frames) if (deltaN2_flag != 0) : return deltaN2_flag # deltaN2_flag is returning the deltaN2 id of the video_id # COMPUTE DELTAN2 FOR THE FIRST TIME #deltaN2_filename,dt,num_frames,win_l,win_h,deltaN2_id = create_nc_file(video_id,skip_frames) deltaN2_filename,dt,win_l,win_h,deltaN2_id =\ create_nc_file_test(video_id,min_tol,sigma,filter_size,skip_frames,startF,stopF,diff_frames) # check if the dz file already exists dz_id = SyntheticSchlieren.compute_dz(video_id,min_tol,sigma,filter_size,skip_frames,startF,stopF,diff_frames) print "dz_id::" ,dz_id # Define the constants used in the computation of deltaN2 n_water = 1.3330 n_air = 1.0 L_tank = 453.0 gamma = 0.0001878 const = 1.0/(gamma * ((0.5*L_tank*L_tank)+(L_tank*win_l*n_water))) print "constant:",const # load the nc file of dz data = netCDF4.Dataset("/Volumes/HD3/dz/%d/" % dz_id, 'r') dz_array = data.variables['dz_array'] dz_limit = dz_array.shape[0] from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter from numpy import ma index = 0 while index < (dz_limit-1): print "computing deltaN2 of dz_frame %d of %d" % (index,(dz_limit-1)) # compute deltaN2 deltaN2_arr = -1.0* dz_array[index] * const #debug messages print "max: ",numpy.max(deltaN2_arr) print "min: ",numpy.min(deltaN2_arr) # append to nc file append2ncfile(deltaN2_filename,deltaN2_arr) index += 1 data.close() # define time axis for the nc time variable nc = netCDF4.Dataset(deltaN2_filename,'a') deltaN2 = nc.variables['deltaN2_array'] tl = deltaN2.shape[0] Tm=nc.variables['time'] t_array = numpy.mgrid[0:tl*dt:tl*1.0j] print "length of T axis: " ,tl, "\n array length: " ,t_array.shape Tm[:] = t_array nc.close() return deltaN2_id
import matplotlib #matplotlib.use('module://mplh5canvas.backend_h5canvas') import argparse form PIL import Image import pylab import numpy import time import os import labdb import netCDF4 from scipy import ndimage import SyntheticSchlieren global db db = labdb.LabDB() def append2ncfile(deltaN2_filename,deltaN2_arr): """ Open the nc file Append the array to the end of the nc file Close the nc file """ nc=netCDF4.Dataset(deltaN2_filename,'a') deltaN2 = nc.variables['deltaN2_array'] i= len(deltaN2) deltaN2[i,:,:]=deltaN2_arr print "len(deltaN2): ", i print "appending" nc.close()