def shapes_to_label(img_shape, shape, label_name_to_value): cls = np.zeros(img_shape[:2], dtype=np.int32) ins = np.zeros_like(cls) instances = [] points = shape['points'] label = shape['label'] group_id = shape.get('group_id') if group_id is None: group_id = uuid.uuid1() shape_type = shape.get('shape_type', None) cls_name = label instance = (cls_name, group_id) if instance not in instances: instances.append(instance) ins_id = instances.index(instance) + 1 cls_id = label_name_to_value[cls_name] mask = utils.shape_to_mask(img_shape[:2], points, shape_type) cls[mask] = cls_id ins[mask] = ins_id return cls, ins
def get_flo( self, key, fill_with: Optional[float] = None, use_stereo: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Optional[np.array], Optional[np.array]]: """ Acquiring the masked flow vector and its respective mask array. params: key: The label key of the flow to obtain (e.g., 'flow', 'v1', 'v2') fill_with: Filling value to the masked vector. """ if key in self.label.keys(): flow_label = self.label[key] # Flow init. out_flow = utils.read_flow(self.flopath, use_stereo=use_stereo) mask = np.full(out_flow.shape[:2], False) mask_flow = np.full( out_flow.shape, fill_with) if fill_with is not None else out_flow # Filling the masked flow array for flow_point in flow_label['points']: mask += shape_to_mask(self.img_shape, flow_point, shape_type=flow_label['shape_type']) mask_flow[mask] = out_flow[mask] return mask_flow, mask else: print(f"The '{key}' label is NOT found in '{self.label_path}'" ) if self.verbose else None return None, None
def __getitem__(self, idx): coco = self.coco img_id = self.ids[idx] ann_ids = coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=img_id) ann_target = coco.loadAnns(ann_ids) path = coco.loadImgs(img_id)[0]['file_name'] # Image im = F.to_tensor(, path)).convert('RGB')) _, height, width = im.shape # Generate mask and bbox from segmentation of coco bboxes = [] masks = [] labels = [] for cat in ann_target: # convert polygon into mask and then into bbox for p in cat['segmentation']: points = [(p[i], p[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(p), 2)] # Smooth the mask using PIL.ImageFilter.SMOOTH smooth_mask = Image.fromarray(shape_to_mask(im.shape[1:], points, 'polygon')).filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH) masks.append(np.asarray(smooth_mask)) # left top (x, y), width and height x, y, w, h = toBbox(encode(np.asfortranarray(smooth_mask).astype(np.uint8))) # normalization x1 = x y1 = y x2 = x + w y2 = y + h bboxes.append([x1, y1, x2, y2]) labels.append(cat['category_id']) # convert everything into a torch.Tensor bboxes = torch.as_tensor(bboxes, dtype=torch.float32) masks = torch.as_tensor(masks, dtype=torch.uint8) labels = torch.as_tensor(labels, dtype=torch.int64) # float32 image_id = torch.tensor([idx]) area = (bboxes[:, 3] - bboxes[:, 1]) * (bboxes[:, 2] - bboxes[:, 0]) # suppose all instances are not crowd iscrowd = torch.zeros((len(bboxes), ), dtype=torch.int64) # no batch idx target = {} target["boxes"] = bboxes target["labels"] = labels + 1 # add background class target["masks"] = masks target["image_id"] = image_id target["area"] = area target["iscrowd"] = iscrowd return im, target
def shapes_to_label(img_shape, shapes, label_name_to_value, type='class'): assert type in ['class', 'instance'] cls = np.zeros(img_shape[:2], dtype=np.int32) if type == 'instance': ins = np.zeros(img_shape[:2], dtype=np.int32) instance_names = ['_background_'] for shape in shapes: points = shape['points'] label = shape['label'] if not label in label_name_to_value: continue shape_type = shape.get('shape_type', None) if type == 'class': cls_name = label cls_id = label_name_to_value[cls_name] mask = utils.shape_to_mask(img_shape[:2], points, shape_type) cls[mask] = cls_id return cls
def shapes_to_label(img_shape, shapes, label_name_to_value): """ override for this region split fuc :param img_shape: :param shapes: :param label_name_to_value: :return: """ cls = np.zeros(img_shape[:2], dtype=np.int32) for shape in shapes: xmin = shape['bndbox'][0] ymin = shape['bndbox'][1] xmax = shape['bndbox'][2] ymax = shape['bndbox'][3] points = [[xmin, ymin], [xmax, ymin], [xmax, ymax], [xmin, ymax]] label = shape['name'] shape_type = shape.get('shape_type', None) cls_name = label cls_id = label_name_to_value[cls_name] mask = shape_to_mask(img_shape[:2], points, shape_type) cls[mask] = cls_id return cls
def annotation2np(annotation): """ Args: annotation: labelmeで作成したjsonを読み込んだ変数 Return: output_mask: 0...クラス数 で構成されたnumpy型のマスク """ height = annotation['imageHeight'] width = annotation['imageWidth'] output_mask = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=int) bool_masks = dict() for label in CLASSES.keys(): bool_masks[label] = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=bool) for shape in annotation['shapes']: mask = utils.shape_to_mask((height, width), shape['points'], shape_type=None, line_width=1, point_size=1) if shape['label'] in CLASSES: bool_masks[shape['label']] += mask for label in CLASSES.keys(): output_mask[bool_masks[label]] = 0 output_mask += np.where(bool_masks[label]==True, CLASSES[label], 0) plt.imshow(output_mask) return output_mask
def saveDataset(self, samples_per_image, split): image_id = 0 num_samples = 0 self.checkAborted() data = self.getEmptyData() class_name_to_id = {} labels = self.intermediate.getLabels() for i, label in enumerate(labels): class_id = i class_name = label.strip() class_name_to_id[class_name] = class_id data['categories'].append(dict( supercategory=None, id=class_id, name=class_name, )) output_folder = self.output_folder output_file = self.getOutputFileName(split) out_ann_file = os.path.join(output_folder, output_file) out_ann_dir = os.path.dirname(out_ann_file) if not os.path.exists(out_ann_dir): os.makedirs(out_ann_dir) image_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, split) if not os.path.exists(image_folder): os.makedirs(image_folder) input_folder = self.input_folder_or_file self.checkAborted() failed_images = [] for image in samples_per_image: try: samples = samples_per_image[image] num_samples = num_samples + len(samples) base = replace_special_chars(os.path.splitext(image)[0]) out_img_file = os.path.join(image_folder, base + '.jpg') img_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(input_folder, image)) image = img = np.asarray(image) if not os.path.exists(out_img_file): save_image_as_jpeg(image, out_img_file) self.checkAborted() data['images'].append(dict( license=0, url=None, file_name=os.path.basename(out_img_file), height=img.shape[0], width=img.shape[1], date_captured=None, id=image_id, )) masks = {} # for area segmentations = collections.defaultdict(list) # for segmentation for sample in samples: label = sample.label shape_type = sample.shape_type points = sample.points mask = shape_to_mask( img.shape[:2], points, shape_type ) points = np.asarray(points).flatten().tolist() self.checkAborted() if label in masks: masks[label].append(mask) segmentations[label].append(points) else: masks[label] = [mask] segmentations[label] = [points] for label, mask in masks.items(): for i in range(len(mask)): m = mask[i] cls_name = label.split('-')[0] if cls_name not in class_name_to_id: continue cls_id = class_name_to_id[cls_name] m = np.asfortranarray(m.astype(np.uint8)) m = pycocotools.mask.encode(m) area = float(pycocotools.mask.area(m)) bbox = pycocotools.mask.toBbox(m).flatten().tolist() data['annotations'].append(dict( id=len(data['annotations']), image_id=image_id, category_id=cls_id, segmentation=segmentations[label][i], area=area, bbox=bbox, iscrowd=0, )) self.thread.update.emit(_('Writing samples ...'), -1, -1) self.checkAborted() image_id = image_id + 1 except Exception as e: failed_images.append(image) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) if len(failed_images) > 0: msg = _('The following images could not be exported:') + '\n' + ', '.join(failed_images) self.thread.message.emit(_('Warning'), msg, MessageType.Warning) if len(data['annotations']) == 0: self.throwUserException(_('Dataset contains no images for export')) self.checkAborted() with open(out_ann_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f) return num_samples
def get_max_flow(flodir: str, labelpath: Optional[str] = None, start_at: int = 0, end_at: int = -1, filename: Optional[str] = None, aggregate: Tuple[str, ...] = ('max'), calib: float = 1.0, fps: int = 1, post_factor: Optional[float] = None, verbose: int = 0) -> Tuple[float, np.array]: """ Get maximum flow magnitude within the flow direction. params: flodir: Flow directory. labelpath: Label file input to mask the flow, optional. start_at: Starting index. end_at: Ending index. Returns the maximum flow magnitude. """ # Init. assert os.path.isdir(flodir) name_list = utils.split_abspath(flodir)[0].split(os.sep) floname, netname = str(name_list[-2]), str(name_list[-3]) velo_factor = fps * calib if post_factor is None: post_factor = calib if filename: savedir = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.isdir(savedir): os.makedirs(savedir) if labelpath is not None: assert os.path.isfile(labelpath) mask_label = Label(labelpath, flodir, verbose=verbose).label["video"] else: mask_label = None flopaths_raw = sorted(glob(os.path.join(flodir, "*.flo"))) end_at = len(flopaths_raw) if end_at < 0 else end_at flopaths = flopaths_raw[start_at:end_at] # Iterate over the flopaths max_flo, vort_flo, shear_flo, normal_flo = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 data_flos = { "flow": [[0.0] * (len(aggregate) + 1)], "vort": [[0.0] * (len(aggregate) * 2 + 1)], "shear": [[0.0] * (len(aggregate) * 2 + 1)], "normal": [[0.0] * (len(aggregate) * 2 + 1)], } for flopath in tqdm(flopaths, desc=f"Max flow at {floname}", unit="frame"): flow = utils.read_flow(flopath) flow = flow * velo_factor # Calibrate flow into real velocity vort, shear, normal = utils.calc_vorticity(flow, calib=post_factor) # Time frame indexing idx = int(os.path.splitext(flopath)[0].split("_")[-2]) time_id = (idx + 1) / fps if mask_label is not None: mask = shape_to_mask(flow.shape[:2], mask_label["points"][0], shape_type=mask_label['shape_type']) flow, vort, shear, normal = flow[mask], vort[mask], shear[ mask], normal[mask] mag_flo = np.linalg.norm(flow, axis=-1) max_flo = np.max(mag_flo) if np.max(mag_flo) > max_flo else max_flo vort_flo = np.max( np.abs(vort)) if np.max(np.abs(vort)) > vort_flo else vort_flo shear_flo = np.max( np.abs(shear)) if np.max(np.abs(shear)) > shear_flo else shear_flo normal_flo = np.max(np.abs(normal)) if np.max( np.abs(normal)) > normal_flo else normal_flo agg_flo, agg_vor, agg_shear, agg_normal = [time_id], [time_id ], [time_id ], [time_id] for agg in aggregate: agg_module = getattr(np, agg) agg_flo.append(agg_module(mag_flo)) agg_vor.extend([ agg_module(vort[vort > 0]), agg_module(np.abs(vort[vort < 0])) ]) agg_shear.extend([ agg_module(shear[shear > 0]), agg_module(np.abs(shear[shear < 0])) ]) agg_normal.extend([ agg_module(normal[normal > 0]), agg_module(np.abs(normal[normal < 0])) ]) data_flos["flow"].append(agg_flo) data_flos["vort"].append(agg_vor) data_flos["shear"].append(agg_shear) data_flos["normal"].append(agg_normal) col_name, col_name_de = ['time'], ['time'] for k in aggregate: col_name.append(k) col_name_de.extend([f"{k}_p", f"{k}_n"]) data_flos_df = {} for k, v in data_flos.items(): data_flos_tmp = pd.DataFrame(np.array(v), columns=col_name) if k == "flow" else \ pd.DataFrame(np.array(v), columns=col_name_de) data_flos_df[k] = data_flos_tmp if filename: filename_tmp, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) filepath = filename_tmp + f"-{k}{ext}" data_flos_tmp.to_csv(filepath, index_label="frame") if verbose: tqdm.write( f"Maximum flow at {floname} (from frame {start_at} to {end_at}) is {max_flo:.2f}" ) tqdm.write( f"Maximum vorticity at {floname} (from frame {start_at} to {end_at}) is {vort_flo:.2f}" ) tqdm.write( f"Maximum shear stress at {floname} (from frame {start_at} to {end_at}) is {shear_flo:.2f}" ) tqdm.write( f"Maximum normal stress at {floname} (from frame {start_at} to {end_at}) is {normal_flo:.2f}" ) return max_flo, data_flos_df
def region_velo(labelpath: str, netname: str, flodir: str, key: str, fps: int = 1, start_at: int = 0, end_at: int = -1, num_flows: int = -1, avg_step: int = 1, show: bool = False, filename: Optional[str] = None, calibration_factor: float = 1.0, verbose: int = 0) -> np.array: """ Get regional velocity data (either v1 or v2). params: labelpath: The base label file to use. netname: Network name result to use. flodir: Main directory of the flow. key: Which regional flow to choose (v1 or v2). fps: Image frame frequency (Frame Per Second). start_at: Flow index to start. end_at: Last flow index (if -1, use the last flow in the flowdir). num_flows: Number of flows to choose (if -1, use all the available flows in the flowdir). avg_step: Number of steps to average the flow value (if 1, calculate instantaneous velocity instead). calibration_factor: To calibrate pixel to (estimated) real displacement. verbose: The verbosal option returns: numpy array of the regional velocity summary at each time frame, in terms of average 2d velocity and magnitude. The flow regional velocity is in mm/second. """ # Init. assert os.path.isfile(labelpath) assert os.path.isdir(flodir) assert avg_step > 0 # Flow metadata flopaths = sorted(glob(os.path.join(flodir, "*.flo"))) nflow = len(flopaths) end_at = nflow if end_at < 0 else end_at num_flows = nflow - start_at if num_flows < 0 else num_flows step = int(np.floor(end_at / num_flows)) idx = list(range(start_at, end_at, step)) key_title = "instantaneous" if avg_step == 1 else "mean" # Getting the v1/v2 label label = Label(labelpath, netname, verbose=verbose) flow_label = label.label[key] # Iterate over the flows velo_record = [[0.0, [0.0, 0.0], 0.0]] for id in tqdm(idx, desc=f"Flow at {key}", unit="frame"): out_flow, _ = utils.read_flow_collection(flodir, start_at=id, num_images=avg_step) out_flow = out_flow * fps * calibration_factor # Calibrating into mm/second out_mag = np.linalg.norm(out_flow, axis=-1) avg_flow, avg_mag = np.mean(out_flow, axis=0), np.mean(out_mag, axis=0) mask = np.full(avg_flow.shape[:2], False) # Filling the masked flow array for flow_point in flow_label['points']: mask += shape_to_mask(avg_flow.shape[:2], flow_point, shape_type=flow_label['shape_type']) velo_record.append([(id + 1) / fps, np.mean(avg_flow[mask], axis=0), np.mean(avg_mag[mask], axis=0)]) velo_record = np.array(velo_record) plt.plot(velo_record[:, 0], velo_record[:, -1]) plt.title(f"{key} {key_title} velocity at each time frame") plt.ylim(bottom=0) plt.xlim(left=0) plt.xlabel("Time stamp [frame]") plt.ylabel(f"{key} velocity [pix]") if show else None plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') if filename else None plt.clf() return velo_record