def reload_config(self): """ Config setting. Open config file and set congiguration (token, webhook secret, ...), set a self context. :param: ``self`` Context :return: ``None`` """ # TODO: check envvar LABELORD_CONFIG and reload the config # Because there are problems with reimporting the app with # different configuration, this method will be called in # order to reload configuration file. Check if everything # is correctly set-up conffile = configparser.ConfigParser() conffile.optionxform = str if 'LABELORD_CONFIG' in os.environ: config = os.environ['LABELORD_CONFIG'] else: if os.path.isfile('./config.cfg') == True:'./config.cfg') config = './config.cfg' if os.path.isfile( './config.cfg') == False and 'github' not in conffile: print('No GitHub token has been provided', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(3) if 'github' in conffile and 'token' not in conffile['github']: print('No GitHub token has been provided', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(3) else: self.token = conffile['github']['token'] self.session = setup(self.session, self.token) if 'github' in conffile and 'webhook_secret' not in conffile['github']: print('No webhook secret has been provided', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(8) else: self.secret = conffile['github']['webhook_secret'] self.repos = [] if not 'repos' in conffile: print('No repositories specification has been found', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(7) for repo in conffile['repos']: if conffile.getboolean('repos', repo): self.repos.append(repo) self.labels = {} if 'labels' in conffile: for label in conffile['labels']: self.labels[label] = conffile['labels'][label] self.ename = '' self.dname = ''
def run(ctx, mode, template_repo, all_repos, dry_run, verbose, quiet, token, tenv): """ Run a labels update/replace. Check if token provided. If do get labels (as template ones and changable ones) and do the magic - change them the way that all repositories has same (template) labels (dont forget update/replace mode). :param: ``ctx`` Context, for Click :param: ``mode`` Mode of run [update, replace] :param: ``template_repo`` Template repositary from which labels will be using :param: ``all_repos`` Flag, if changes will be taken in all repositaries from ``list_repos`` command :param: ``dry_run`` Flag, if changes will be canceled :param: ``verbose`` Flag, set verbose mode :param: ``quiet`` Flag, set quiet mode (no output) :param: ``token`` Token :param: ``tenv`` Token if set by environment variable :return: ``None`` """ config = ctx.obj['config'] conffile = configparser.ConfigParser() conffile.optionxform = str if config is not None and os.path.isfile(config) == True: session = ctx.obj['session'] if not token: if not tenv: if os.path.isfile( './config.cfg') == False and 'github' not in conffile: print('No GitHub token has been provided', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(3) if 'github' in conffile and 'token' not in conffile['github']: print('No GitHub token has been provided', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(3) else: t = conffile['github']['token'] else: t = tenv else: t = token session = setup(session, t) repos = [] errors = 0 sum = 0 # vyber, kde menit labely if not all_repos: if not 'repos' in conffile: print('No repositories specification has been found', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(7) else: for repo in conffile['repos']: if conffile.getboolean('repos', repo): repos.append(repo) else: reposlist = session.get( '') if 'message' in reposlist.json() and reposlist.json( )['message'] == 'Bad credentials': print("GitHub: ERROR " + str(reposlist.status_code) + ' - ' + reposlist.json()['message'], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(4) if reposlist.status_code != 200: print("GitHub: ERROR " + str(reposlist.status_code) + ' - ' + reposlist.json()['message'], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(10) for repo in reposlist.json(): repos.append(repo['full_name']) c = 0 labels = {} ok = 0 level = 1 error_code = 0 if verbose: level = 2 if quiet: level = 0 if verbose and quiet: level = 1 err = 0 if dry_run: err = 2 # vyber labelu if not template_repo: if not 'others' in conffile: if not 'labels' in conffile: print('No labels specification has been found', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(6) else: # update labels z configu for label in conffile['labels']: labels[label] = conffile['labels'][label] labels_lower = {k.lower(): v for k, v in labels.items()} else: # update template repo z configu list = session.get('' + conffile['others']['template-repo'] + '/labels?per_page=100&page=1') if list.status_code == 404: printextra( level, conffile['others']['template-repo'] + '; ' + str(list.status_code) + ' - ' + list.json()['message'], 'LBL', 1) errors = errors + 1 for label in list.json(): labels[label['name']] = label['color'] labels_lower = {k.lower(): v for k, v in labels.items()} else: # update --template-repo z prepinace list = session.get('' + template_repo + '/labels?per_page=100&page=1') if list.status_code == 404: printextra( level, template_repo + '; ' + str(list.status_code) + ' - ' + list.json()['message'], 'LBL', 1) errors = errors + 1 for label in list.json(): labels[label['name']] = label['color'] labels_lower = {k.lower(): v for k, v in labels.items()} for repo in repos: sum = sum + 1 list = session.get('' + repo + '/labels?per_page=100&page=1') if list.status_code != 200: printextra( level, repo + '; ' + str(list.status_code) + ' - ' + list.json()['message'], 'LBL', 1) error_code = 10 errors = errors + 1 continue for label in list.json(): if label['name'] in labels_lower: for l in labels: if l.lower() == label['name']: break if labels_lower[label['name']] != label['color']: colors = json.dumps({ "name": l, "color": labels_lower[label['name']] }) if not dry_run: req = session.patch('' + repo + '/labels/' + label['name'].lower(), data=colors) if dry_run or req.status_code == 200: printextra( level, repo + '; ' + l + '; ' + labels_lower[label['name']], 'UPD', err) else: printextra( level, repo + '; ' + l + '; ' + labels_lower[label['name']] + '; ' + str(req.status_code) + ' - ' + req.json()['message'], 'UPD', 1) errors = errors + 1 elif mode == 'replace': if not dry_run: req = session.delete('' + repo + '/labels/' + label['name']) if dry_run or req.status_code == 204: printextra( level, repo + '; ' + label['name'] + '; ' + label['color'], 'DEL', err) else: printextra( level, repo + '; ' + label['name'] + '; ' + label['color'] + '; ' + str(req.status_code) + ' - ' + req.json()['message'], 'DEL', 1) errors = errors + 1 for label in labels: for label2 in list.json(): if label.lower() == label2['name']: ok = 1 if ok != 1: colors = json.dumps({"name": label, "color": labels[label]}) if not dry_run: req ='' + repo + '/labels', data=colors) if dry_run or req.status_code == 201: printextra(level, repo + '; ' + label + '; ' + labels[label], 'ADD', err) else: printextra( level, repo + '; ' + label + '; ' + labels[label] + '; ' + str(req.status_code) + ' - ' + req.json()['message'], 'ADD', 1) errors = errors + 1 error_code = 10 ok = 0 if errors != 0: printextra(4 + level, str(errors) + ' error(s) in total, please check log above', '', err) else: printextra(4 + level, str(sum) + ' repo(s) updated successfully', '', err) sys.exit(error_code)
def list_repos(ctx, token, tenv): """ List repos. Check if token provided. I do get repositories and print them. :param: ``ctx`` Context, for Click :param: ``token`` Token :param: ``tenv`` Token if set by environment variable :return: ``None`` """ session = ctx.obj['session'] config = ctx.obj['config'] conffile = configparser.ConfigParser() conffile.optionxform = str if config is not None and os.path.isfile(config) == True: if not token: if not tenv: if os.path.isfile( './config.cfg') == False and 'github' not in conffile: print('No GitHub token has been provided', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(3) if 'github' in conffile and 'token' not in conffile['github']: print('No GitHub token has been provided', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(3) else: t = conffile['github']['token'] else: t = tenv else: t = token session = setup(session, t) repos = session.get( '') a = 0 if 'message' in repos.json() and repos.json( )['message'] == 'Bad credentials': print("GitHub: ERROR " + str(repos.status_code) + ' - ' + repos.json()['message'], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(4) if repos.status_code != 200: print("GitHub: ERROR " + str(repos.status_code) + ' - ' + repos.json()['message'], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(10) for repo in repos.json(): print(repo['full_name']) a = a + 1 b = 1 if a == 100: while a == 100: a = 0 b = b + 1 repos = session.get( '' + str(b)) for repo in repos.json(): print(repo['full_name']) a = a + 1
def list_labels(ctx, repository, token, tenv): """ List labels. Check if token provided. If do get all labels from repository and print them. :param: ``ctx`` Context, for Click :param: ``repository`` Repository from which labels will be listed :param: ``token`` Token :param: ``tenv`` Token if set by environment variable :return: ``None`` """ session = ctx.obj['session'] config = ctx.obj['config'] conffile = configparser.ConfigParser() conffile.optionxform = str if config is not None and os.path.isfile(config) == True: if not token: if not tenv: if os.path.isfile( './config.cfg') == False and 'github' not in conffile: print('No GitHub token has been provided', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(3) if 'github' in conffile and 'token' not in conffile['github']: print('No GitHub token has been provided', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(3) else: t = conffile['github']['token'] else: t = tenv else: t = token session = setup(session, t) a = 0 list = session.get('' + repository + '/labels?per_page=100&page=1') if list.status_code == 404: print("GitHub: ERROR " + str(list.status_code) + ' - ' + list.json()['message'], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(5) if 'message' in list.json() and list.json( )['message'] == 'Bad credentials': print("GitHub: ERROR " + str(list.status_code) + ' - ' + list.json()['message'], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(4) if list.status_code != 200: print("GitHub: ERROR " + str(list.status_code) + ' - ' + list.json()['message'], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(10) for label in list.json(): print(u'\u0023' + label['color'] + ' ' + label['name']) a = a + 1 b = 1 if a == 100: while a == 100: a = 0 b = b + 1 list = session.get('' + repository + '/labels?per_page=100&page=' + str(b)) for label in list.json(): print(u'\u0023' + label['color'] + ' ' + label['name']) a = a + 1