def MergeSeriesCollections( series: typing.Iterator[ me_pb2.SeriesCollection]) -> me_pb2.SeriesCollection: """Merge the given series collections into a single SeriesCollection. Args: series: The SeriesCollection messages to merge. Returns: A SeriesCollection message. Raises: ValueError: If there are Series with duplicate names. """ series = list(labtypes.flatten(list(f.series) for f in series)) # Create a map from series name to a list of series protos. names_to_series = collections.defaultdict(list) [names_to_series[].append(s) for s in series] # Concatenate each list of series with the same name. concatenated_series = [ ConcatenateSeries(s) for s in names_to_series.values() ] return me_pb2.SeriesCollection( series=sorted(concatenated_series, key=lambda s:
def Rsync(src: str, dst: str, host_port: int, excludes: typing.List[str], dry_run: bool, verbose: bool, delete: bool, progress: bool): """Private helper method to invoke rsync with appropriate arguments.""" cmd = [ 'rsync', '-ah', str(src), str(dst), '-e', f'ssh -p {host_port}', ] + labtypes.flatten([['--exclude', p] for p in excludes]) if dry_run: cmd.append('--dry-run') if verbose: cmd.append('--verbose') if delete: cmd.append('--delete') if progress: cmd.append('--progress')' '.join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd) p.communicate() if p.returncode: raise subprocess.SubprocessError( f'rsync failed with returncode {p.returncode}')
def ls(root: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path] = ".", abspaths=False, recursive=False): """ Return a list of files in directory. Directory listings are sorted alphabetically. If the named directory is a file, return it's path. Examples: >>> ls("foo") ["a", "b", "c"] >>> ls("foo/a") ["foo/a"] >>> ls("foo", abspaths=True) ["/home/test/foo/a", "/home/test/foo/b", "/home/test/foo/c"] >>> ls("foo", recursive=True) ["a", "b", "b/d", "b/d/e", "c"] Arguments: root (str): Path to directory. Can be relative or absolute. abspaths (bool, optional): Return absolute paths if true. recursive (bool, optional): Recursively list subdirectories if true. Returns: list of str: A list of paths. Raises: OSError: If root directory does not exist. """ def _expand_subdirs(file): if isdir(path(root, file)): return [file] + [ path(file, x) for x in ls(path(root, file), recursive=True) ] else: return [file] if isfile(root): # If argument is a file, return path. return [abspath(root)] if abspaths else [basename(root)] elif abspaths: # Get relative names. relpaths = ls(root, recursive=recursive, abspaths=False) # Prepend the absolute path to each relative name. base = abspath(root) return [path(base, relpath) for relpath in relpaths] elif recursive: # Recursively expand subdirectories. paths = ls(root, abspaths=abspaths, recursive=False) return labtypes.flatten([_expand_subdirs(file) for file in paths]) else: # List directory contents. return list(sorted(os.listdir(root)))
def GetProtos(export_path: pathlib.Path, outcomes: typing.List[str], max_src_len: int) -> typing.List[TrainingProto]: paths = sorted( labtypes.flatten( [list((export_path / outcome).iterdir()) for outcome in outcomes])) protos = [] for path in paths: proto = pbutil.FromFile(path, TrainingProto()) if len(proto.src) > max_src_len: continue protos.append(proto) return protos
def main(argv): """Main entry point.""" if len(argv) > 1: unknown_args = ', '.join(argv[1:]) raise app.UsageError(f'Unknown arguments "{unknown_args}"')'Initializing datastore.') config = pathlib.Path(FLAGS.datastore) ds = datastore.DataStore.FromFile(config) output_dir = pathlib.Path(FLAGS.output_directory) # Make directories to write the classifications to. We use the same shorthand # classification names as in Table 2 of the paper: # # (output_dir / 'bc').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) (output_dir / 'bto').mkdir(exist_ok=True) (output_dir / 'abf').mkdir(exist_ok=True) (output_dir / 'arc').mkdir(exist_ok=True) (output_dir / 'awo').mkdir(exist_ok=True) (output_dir / 'pass').mkdir(exist_ok=True) result_dirs = [ pathlib.Path(x) for x in FLAGS.input_directories if pathlib.Path(x).is_dir() ] results_paths = labtypes.flatten([ pathlib.Path(x) for x in fs.lsfiles(x, recursive=True, abspaths=True) ] for x in result_dirs)'Importing %d results into datastore ...', len(results_paths)) with ds.Session(commit=True) as s: for path in progressbar.ProgressBar()(results_paths): # Instantiating a result from file has the side effect of adding the # result object to the datastore's session. result.Result.FromFile(s, path) with ds.Session() as s: testcases = s.query(testcase.Testcase)'Difftesting the results of %d testcases ...', testcases.count()) for t in progressbar.ProgressBar( max_value=testcases.count())(testcases): DifftestTestcase(s, t, output_dir) df = ReadClassificationsToTable(output_dir) print() print( 'Table of results. For each testbed, this shows the number of results') print('of each class, using the same shortand as in Table 2 of the paper:') print('') print() print(df.to_string(index=False)) print() print('Individual classified programs are written to: ' f"'{output_dir}/<class>/<device>/'")
def _CommandLineInvocation(self, args: typing.List[str], flags: typing.Dict[str, str], volumes: typing.Dict[typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], str], timeout: int, entrypoint: str) -> typing.List[str]: entrypoint_args = ['--entrypoint', entrypoint] if entrypoint else [] volume_args = [ f'-v{src}:{dst}' for src, dst in (volumes or {}).items() ] flags_args = labtypes.flatten([[f'--{k}', str(v)] for k, v in (flags or {}).items()]) return _Docker(['run'] + entrypoint_args + volume_args + [self.image_name] + args + flags_args, timeout)
def test_flatten(self): self._test([1, 2, 3], labtypes.flatten([[1], [2, 3]]))
'LLVM-bzip2-512K-v0', 'LLVM-bzip2-1M-v0', 'LLVM-queens-8x8-v0', 'LLVM-queens-14x14-v0', 'LLVM-delayed-reward-bzip2-512K-v0', 'LLVM-delayed-reward-bzip2-1M-v0', 'LLVM-delayed-reward-queens-8x8-v0', 'LLVM-delayed-reward-queens-14x14-v0', ] # A default environment name, registered below. DEFAULT_ENV_ID = 'LLVM-delayed-reward-queens-14x14-v0' # The list of opt passes which defines the action space. DEFAULT_PASS_LIST = list( sorted(set(labtypes.flatten(llvm_util.GetOptArgs(['-O3']))))) # Environment generator functions. def _GetEntryPoint(delayed_reward: bool) -> str: if delayed_reward: return ('phd.experimental.compilers.random_opt.implementation:' 'LlvmOptDelayedRewardEnv') else: return 'phd.experimental.compilers.random_opt.implementation:LlvmOptEnv' def _GetBzip2EnvironmentArgs(dataset_size: str, delayed_reward: bool): return { 'entry_point': _GetEntryPoint(delayed_reward),
def test_flatten(): assert labtypes.flatten([[1], [2, 3]]) == [1, 2, 3]