예제 #1
def test_correctness(endianness=">"):
    Convert each data element to a string, then unflatten/flatten it and see if we
    have the same string.  This is easier than trying to compare arbitrary data structures
    to see if they have been preserved.

    slist = []
    for d in data:
        ot = types.getType(d)
        s, tt = types.flatten(d, ot, endianness)
        slist.append((s, tt))
    for idx, s in enumerate(slist):
        new_data = types.unflatten(*s, endianness=endianness)
        new_string = types.flatten(new_data, types.getType(new_data), endianness)
        if new_string != s:
            print "Data mismatch on index %d with byte order %s" % (idx, endianness)
예제 #2
def convert_units(data, allowed_types):
    Convert a data object to one of the allowed labrad typetags.
    We first check to see if any of the candidates are acceptable, and we find out
    whether the the match is exact or whether we need to do unit conversions.
    if not allowed_types:
        if data:
            print "No types found, but non-zero data. "
        return data, T.getType(data)
    objtype = T.parseTypeTag(T.getType(data))
    for candidate in allowed_types:
        compatible, output_type = check_types(objtype, T.parseTypeTag(candidate))
        #print "compat: %s, output_type: %s" % ( compatible, output_type)
        if compatible == 0:
        if compatible == 2:
            return data, output_type
        if compatible == 1:
            return do_conversion(data, output_type), output_type
    raise RuntimeError("Unable to convert %s to any allowed type (%s)" % (data, allowed_types))
예제 #3
# import labrad.fasttypes as types
import labrad.types as types
import time
import cProfile

profile = False
data1 = (1, [(" " * 1500, "0" * 15, "1" * 15, 1500)] * 1000)
data2 = (1, (np.arange(8192, dtype=np.int32),) * 8)
data3 = (1, (np.arange(8192, dtype=np.uint32),) * 8)
data4 = (1, (np.arange(8192) * 1.0,) * 8)

data = [data1, data2, data3, data4]

str_be = []
for d in data:
    ot = types.getType(d)
    s, tt = types.flatten(d, ot, endianness=">")
    str_be.append((s, tt))

def performance_test():
    for j in range(20):
        unflattened = []
        for s in str_be:
            unflattened.append(types.unflatten(*s, endianness=">"))

        str_le = []
        for ufl in unflattened:
            str_le.append(types.flatten(ufl, endianness="<"))