예제 #1
def test_hourlyplot_epw():
    """Test the initialization of HourlyPlot with EPW data collections."""
    path = './tests/assets/epw/tokyo.epw'
    epw = EPW(path)

    hour_plot = HourlyPlot(epw.dry_bulb_temperature)
    mesh = hour_plot.colored_mesh2d
    assert len(mesh.faces) == 8760
    assert 'Dry Bulb Temperature' in hour_plot.title_text
    assert 'C' in hour_plot.legend.title

    hour_plot = HourlyPlot(epw.global_horizontal_radiation)
    mesh = hour_plot.colored_mesh2d
    assert len(mesh.faces) == 8760
    assert 'Global Horizontal Radiation' in hour_plot.title_text
    assert 'Wh/m2' in hour_plot.legend.title
예제 #2
def test_hourlyplot_conditional_statement():
    """Test the initialization of HourlyPlot with a conditional statement."""
    header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod())
    values = list(range(8760))
    data_coll = HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values)
    data_coll = data_coll.filter_by_conditional_statement('a >= 60')
    hour_plot = HourlyPlot(data_coll, y_dim=1)

    mesh = hour_plot.colored_mesh2d
    assert len(mesh.faces) == 8700
    assert mesh.min == Point2D(0, 0)
    assert mesh.max == Point2D(365, 24)
예제 #3
def test_hourlyplot_sub_hourly():
    """Test the initialization of HourlyPlot and basic properties."""
    header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod())
    values = list(range(8760))
    dc1 = HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values)
    data_coll = dc1.interpolate_to_timestep(4)
    hour_plot = HourlyPlot(data_coll, y_dim=1)

    mesh = hour_plot.colored_mesh2d
    assert isinstance(mesh, Mesh2D)
    assert len(mesh.faces) == 8760 * 4
    assert mesh.min == Point2D(0, 0)
    assert mesh.max == Point2D(365, 4 * 24)
예제 #4
def test_hourlyplot_reversed_analysis_period():
    """Test the initialization of HourlyPlot with a reversed analysis period."""
    header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod())
    values = list(range(8760))
    data_coll = HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values)
    period = AnalysisPeriod(12, 1, 0, 1, 31, 23)
    data_coll = data_coll.filter_by_analysis_period(period)
    hour_plot = HourlyPlot(data_coll, y_dim=1)

    assert hour_plot.analysis_period == period
    mesh = hour_plot.colored_mesh2d
    assert isinstance(mesh, Mesh2D)
    assert len(mesh.faces) == 31 * 2 * 24
    assert mesh.min == Point2D(0, 0)
    assert mesh.max == Point2D(31 * 2, 24)
예제 #5
def test_hourlyplot_custom():
    """Test the initialization of HourlyPlot with custom properties."""
    header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod())
    values = list(range(8760))
    data_coll = HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values)
    hour_plot = HourlyPlot(data_coll, LegendParameters(), Point3D(10, 10, 10),
                           2, 2, 100)

    assert hour_plot.base_point == Point3D(10, 10, 10)
    assert hour_plot.x_dim == 2
    assert hour_plot.y_dim == 2
    assert hour_plot.z_dim == 100

    mesh = hour_plot.colored_mesh3d
    assert isinstance(mesh, Mesh3D)
    assert len(mesh.faces) == 8760
    assert mesh.min == Point3D(10, 10, 10)
    assert mesh.max == Point3D(2 * 365 + 10, 2 * 24 + 10, 110)
예제 #6
def test_hourlyplot_custom_hour_labels():
    """Test the initialization of HourlyPlot and basic properties."""
    header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod())
    values = list(range(8760))
    data_coll = HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values)
    hour_plot = HourlyPlot(data_coll)

    custom_labels = [0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24]

    hour_txt = hour_plot.custom_hour_labels(custom_labels)
    assert all(isinstance(txt, str) for txt in hour_txt)
    hour_lines = hour_plot.custom_hour_lines2d(custom_labels)
    hour_pts = hour_plot.custom_hour_label_points2d(custom_labels)
    assert len(hour_lines) == len(hour_txt) == len(hour_pts) == 9
    assert all(isinstance(line, LineSegment2D) for line in hour_lines)
    assert all(isinstance(pt, Point2D) for pt in hour_pts)
    hour_lines = hour_plot.custom_hour_lines3d(custom_labels)
    hour_pts = hour_plot.custom_hour_label_points3d(custom_labels)
    assert len(hour_lines) == len(hour_txt) == len(hour_pts) == 9
    assert all(isinstance(line, LineSegment3D) for line in hour_lines)
    assert all(isinstance(pt, Point3D) for pt in hour_pts)
예제 #7
    # set up empty lists of objects to be filled
    mesh = []
    title = []
    all_legends = []
    all_borders = []
    all_labels = []

    for i, data_coll in enumerate(_data):
        try:  # sense when several legend parameters are connected
            lpar = legend_par_[i]
        except IndexError:
            lpar = None if len(legend_par_) == 0 else legend_par_[-1]

        # create the hourly plot object and get the main pieces of geometry
        hour_plot = HourlyPlot(data_coll, lpar, _base_pt_, _x_dim_, _y_dim_,
                               _z_dim_, reverse_y_)
        msh = from_mesh2d(hour_plot.colored_mesh2d, _base_pt_.z) if _z_dim_ == 0 else \
        border = [from_polyline2d(hour_plot.chart_border2d, _base_pt_.z)] + \
            [from_linesegment2d(line, _base_pt_.z) for line in hour_plot.hour_lines2d] + \
            [from_linesegment2d(line, _base_pt_.z) for line in hour_plot.month_lines2d]
        legnd = legend_objects(hour_plot.legend)
        tit_txt = text_objects(hour_plot.title_text,
예제 #8
def test_hourlyplot_init():
    """Test the initialization of HourlyPlot and basic properties."""
    header = Header(Temperature(), 'C', AnalysisPeriod())
    values = list(range(8760))
    data_coll = HourlyContinuousCollection(header, values)
    hour_plot = HourlyPlot(data_coll)

    str(hour_plot)  # test the string representation
    assert isinstance(hour_plot.data_collection,
    assert isinstance(hour_plot.legend_parameters, LegendParameters)
    assert hour_plot.base_point == Point3D(0, 0, 0)
    assert hour_plot.x_dim == 1
    assert hour_plot.y_dim == 4
    assert hour_plot.z_dim == 0
    assert hour_plot.values == data_coll.values

    mesh = hour_plot.colored_mesh2d
    assert isinstance(mesh, Mesh2D)
    assert len(mesh.faces) == 8760
    mesh = hour_plot.colored_mesh3d
    assert isinstance(mesh, Mesh3D)
    assert len(mesh.faces) == 8760

    border = hour_plot.chart_border2d
    assert isinstance(border, Polyline2D)
    assert len(border.segments) == 4
    border = hour_plot.chart_border3d
    assert isinstance(border, Polyline3D)
    assert len(border.segments) == 4

    hour_txt = hour_plot.hour_labels
    assert all(isinstance(txt, str) for txt in hour_txt)
    hour_lines = hour_plot.hour_lines2d
    hour_pts = hour_plot.hour_label_points2d
    assert len(hour_lines) == len(hour_txt) == len(hour_pts) == 5
    assert all(isinstance(line, LineSegment2D) for line in hour_lines)
    assert all(isinstance(pt, Point2D) for pt in hour_pts)
    hour_lines = hour_plot.hour_lines3d
    hour_pts = hour_plot.hour_label_points3d
    assert len(hour_lines) == len(hour_txt) == len(hour_pts) == 5
    assert all(isinstance(line, LineSegment3D) for line in hour_lines)
    assert all(isinstance(pt, Point3D) for pt in hour_pts)

    month_txt = hour_plot.month_labels
    assert all(isinstance(txt, str) for txt in month_txt)
    month_lines = hour_plot.month_lines2d
    month_pts = hour_plot.month_label_points2d
    assert len(month_txt) == len(month_pts) == 12
    assert len(month_lines) == 11
    assert all(isinstance(line, LineSegment2D) for line in month_lines)
    assert all(isinstance(pt, Point2D) for pt in month_pts)
    month_lines = hour_plot.month_lines3d
    month_pts = hour_plot.month_label_points3d
    assert len(month_txt) == len(month_pts) == 12
    assert len(month_lines) == 11
    assert all(isinstance(line, LineSegment3D) for line in month_lines)
    assert all(isinstance(pt, Point3D) for pt in month_pts)

    assert isinstance(hour_plot.legend, Legend)

    assert isinstance(hour_plot.title_text, str)
    assert 'Temperature' in hour_plot.title_text
    assert isinstance(hour_plot.lower_title_location, Plane)
    assert isinstance(hour_plot.upper_title_location, Plane)