예제 #1
def gmst_0h(gps):
	Truncate a LIGOTimeGPS to Greenwich mean sidereal 0 rad.
    gmst = lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(gps)
    residual = gmst % (2.0 * math.pi)
    if residual:
        gmst -= residual
    return lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTimeToGPS(gmst)
예제 #2
def pick_coinc():
    """Pick a coincidence from the "First Two Years" paper."""
    filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
        __name__, '../data/first2years/2016/gstlal.xml.gz')
    xmldoc = utils.load_filename(filename, contenthandler=ContentHandler)
    root, = xmldoc.childNodes

    # Remove unneeded tables
    for lsctable in (lsctables.FilterTable, lsctables.SegmentTable,
                     lsctables.SegmentDefTable, lsctables.SimInspiralTable,
                     lsctables.SummValueTable, lsctables.SearchSummVarsTable):

    coinc_inspiral_table = table = lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.get_table(

    # Determine event with most recent sideral time
    gps_time_now = lal.GPSTimeNow()
    gmsts = np.asarray([lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(_.end) for _ in table])
    gmst_now = lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(gps_time_now)
    div, rem = divmod(gmst_now - gmsts, 2 * np.pi)
    i = np.argmin(rem)
    new_gmst = div[i] * 2 * np.pi + gmsts[i]
    old_time = table[i].end
    new_time = lal.LIGOTimeGPS()
    result = lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTimeToGPS(new_gmst, new_time)
    del result
    delta_t = new_time - old_time
    target_coinc_event_id = int(table[i].coinc_event_id)

    # Remove unneeded rows
    table[:] = [
        row for row in table
        if int(row.coinc_event_id) == target_coinc_event_id
    target_end_time = table[0].get_end()

    coinc_table = table = lsctables.CoincTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [
        row for row in table
        if int(row.coinc_event_id) == target_coinc_event_id

    table = lsctables.CoincMapTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [
        row for row in table
        if int(row.coinc_event_id) == target_coinc_event_id
    target_sngl_inspirals = frozenset(row.event_id for row in table)

    sngl_inspiral_table = table = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [row for row in table if row.event_id in target_sngl_inspirals]

    table = lsctables.ProcessTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [row for row in table if row.program == 'gstlal_inspiral']
    target_process_ids = frozenset(row.process_id for row in table)

    table = lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [
        row for row in table if target_end_time in row.get_out()
        and row.process_id in target_process_ids
    target_process_ids = frozenset(row.process_id for row in table)

    table = lsctables.ProcessTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [row for row in table if row.process_id in target_process_ids]

    table = lsctables.ProcessParamsTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [row for row in table if row.process_id in target_process_ids]

    # Shift event times
    for row in coinc_inspiral_table:
        row.end += delta_t
    for row in sngl_inspiral_table:
        row.end += delta_t
        row.end_time_gmst = lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(row.end)

    # The old version of gstlal used to produce the "First Two Years" data set
    # stored likelihood in the coinc_event.likelihood column, but newer
    # versions store the *natural log* of the likelihood here. The p_astro
    # calculation requires this to be log likelihood.
    for row in coinc_table:
        row.likelihood = np.log(row.likelihood)

    # Gstlal stores the template's SVD bank index in the Gamma1 column.
    # Fill this in so that we can calculate p_astro
    # (see :mod:`gwcelery.tasks.p_astro_gstlal`).
    for row in sngl_inspiral_table:
        row.Gamma1 = 16

    coinc_xml = io.BytesIO()
    utils.write_fileobj(xmldoc, coinc_xml)
    return coinc_xml.getvalue()