예제 #1
class Time(Element):
	Time element.
	tagName = u"Time"

	Name = attributeproxy(u"Name")
	Type = attributeproxy(u"Type", default = u"ISO-8601")

	def __init__(self, *args):
		super(Time, self).__init__(*args)
		if self.Type not in ligolwtypes.TimeTypes:
			raise ElementError("invalid Type for Time: '%s'" % self.Type)

	def endElement(self):
		if self.Type == u"ISO-8601":
			import dateutil.parser
			self.pcdata = dateutil.parser.parse(self.pcdata)
		elif self.Type == u"GPS":
			from lal import LIGOTimeGPS
			# FIXME:  remove cast to string when lal swig
			# can cast from unicode
			self.pcdata = LIGOTimeGPS(str(self.pcdata))
		elif self.Type == u"Unix":
			self.pcdata = float(self.pcdata)
			# unsupported time type.  not impossible that
			# calling code has overridden TimeTypes set in
			# glue.ligolw.types;  just accept it as a string

	def write(self, fileobj = sys.stdout, indent = u""):
		if self.pcdata is not None:
			if self.Type == u"ISO-8601":
			elif self.Type == u"GPS":
			elif self.Type == u"Unix":
				fileobj.write(xmlescape(u"%.16g" % self.pcdata))
				# unsupported time type.  not impossible.
				# assume correct thing to do is cast to
				# unicode and let calling code figure out
				# how to ensure that does the correct
				# thing.

	def now(cls, Name = None):
		Instantiate a Time element initialized to the current UTC
		time in the default format (ISO-8601).  The Name attribute
		will be set to the value of the Name parameter if given.
		import datetime
		self = cls()
		if Name is not None:
			self.Name = Name
		self.pcdata = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
		return self

	def from_gps(cls, gps, Name = None):
		Instantiate a Time element initialized to the value of the
		given GPS time.  The Name attribute will be set to the
		value of the Name parameter if given.

		Note:  the new Time element holds a reference to the GPS
		time, not a copy of it.  Subsequent modification of the GPS
		time object will be reflected in what gets written to disk.
		self = cls(AttributesImpl({u"Type": u"GPS"}))
		if Name is not None:
			self.Name = Name
		self.pcdata = gps
		return self