예제 #1
    def run(self, prefix=None):
        prefix: str
            A prefix that is added to the stats volumes. To locate correct transform inversion files, look for files
            with this prefix missing

    #     inverting_names = os.listdir(self.inverted_tform_stage_dirs[        # 0])

    #     for i, vol_name in enumerate(inverting_names):
    #         if self.batch_invert:
    #             invertable = self.invertables
    #         else:
    #             invertable = self.invertables[vol_name]

        volname, ext = splitext(basename(self.invertables))
        if prefix and volname.startswith(prefix):
            original_vol_name = volname[len(prefix):]  # remove the prfix to get the original vol name to find the tf
            original_vol_name = volname
        invertable = self.invertables

        for inversion_stage in self.inverted_tform_stage_dirs:
            invert_stage_out = join(self.out_dir, basename(inversion_stage))

            inv_tform_dir = join(inversion_stage, original_vol_name)

            transform_file = join(inv_tform_dir, IMAGE_INVERTED_TRANSFORM)
            invert_vol_out_dir = join(invert_stage_out, volname)

            invertable = self._invert(invertable, transform_file, invert_vol_out_dir, self.threads)
예제 #2
    def run(self):

        done_file = self.out_dir / 'invert.done'


        vol_ids = os.listdir(self._transform_dirs()[0])

        logging.info('inverting volumes')

        for i, id_ in enumerate(vol_ids):

            invertable = self.invertables

            for inversion_stage in self._transform_dirs():
                invert_stage_out = self.out_dir / inversion_stage.name


                invert_vol_out_dir = invert_stage_out / id_


                transform_file = inversion_stage / id_ / self.invert_transform_name

                # logging.info('inverting {}'.format(transform_file))

                invertable = self._invert(invertable, transform_file, invert_vol_out_dir, self.threads)

                if not invertable: # If inversion failed or there is nocobber, will get None

        self.last_invert_dir = invert_stage_out
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, config_path: Path, invertable, outdir, threads=None, noclobber=False):
        Inverts a series of volumes. A yaml config file specifies the order of inverted transform parameters
        to use. This config file should be in the root of the directory containing these inverted tform dirs.

        Also need to input a directory containing volumes/label maps etc to invert. These need to be in directories
        named with the same name as the corresponding inverted tform file directories

            path to yaml config containing the oder of the inverted directories to use. The directories containing
            propagation tfransfrom files should be in the same diretory
        threads: str/ None
            number of threas to use. If None, use all available threads
        invertable: str
            path to object to invert (raw image, mask, label map etc)
            where to store inverted volumes
        invertable: str
            dir or path. If dir, invert all objects within the subdirectories.
                If path to object (eg. labelmap) invert that instead
        noclobber: bool
            if True do not overwrite already inverted labels


        self.noclobber = noclobber


        self.config = cfg_load(config_path)

        self.invertables = invertable
        self.config_dir = config_path.parent  # The dir containing the inverted elx param files

        self.threads = threads
        self.out_dir = outdir

        self.elx_param_prefix = ELX_PARAM_PREFIX
        self.PROPAGATION_TFORM_NAME = None  # Set in subclasses
        self.last_invert_dir = None # I thik this is used as a way to find volumes to do organ vol calculation on