예제 #1
파일: syncengine.py 프로젝트: dos1/laniakea
    def sync_packages(self, component: str, pkgnames: List[str], force: bool = False):
        self._synced_source_pkgs = []

        with session_scope() as session:
            sync_conf = session.query(SynchrotronConfig) \
                               .join(SynchrotronConfig.destination_suite) \
                               .join(SynchrotronConfig.source) \
                               .filter(ArchiveSuite.name == self._target_suite_name,
                                       SynchrotronSource.suite_name == self._source_suite_name).one_or_none()
            if not sync_conf:
                log.error('Unable to find a sync config for this source/destination combination.')
                return False

            if not sync_conf.sync_enabled:
                log.error('Can not synchronize package: Synchronization is disabled for this configuration.')
                return False

            target_suite = session.query(ArchiveSuite) \
                                  .filter(ArchiveSuite.name == self._target_suite_name).one()

            dest_pkg_map = self._get_target_source_packages(component)
            src_pkg_map = self._get_repo_source_package_map(self._source_repo,

            for pkgname in pkgnames:
                spkg = src_pkg_map.get(pkgname)
                dpkg = dest_pkg_map.get(pkgname)

                if not spkg:
                    log.info('Can not sync {}: Does not exist in source.'.format(pkgname))
                if pkgname in self._sync_blacklist:
                    log.info('Can not sync {}: The package is blacklisted.'.format(pkgname))

                if dpkg:
                    if version_compare(dpkg.version, spkg.version) >= 0:
                        if force:
                            log.warning('{}: Target version \'{}\' is newer/equal than source version \'{}\'.'
                                        .format(pkgname, dpkg.version, spkg.version))
                            log.info('Can not sync {}: Target version \'{}\' is newer/equal than source version \'{}\'.'
                                     .format(pkgname, dpkg.version, spkg.version))

                    if not force:
                        if self._distro_tag in version_revision(dpkg.version):
                            log.error('Not syncing {}/{}: Destination has modifications (found {}).'
                                      .format(spkg.name, spkg.version, dpkg.version))

                # sync source package
                # the source package must always be known to dak first
                ret = self._import_source_package(spkg, component)
                if not ret:
                    return False

            ret = self._import_binaries_for_source(sync_conf, target_suite, component, self._synced_source_pkgs, force)

            # TODO: Analyze the input, fetch the packages from the source distribution and
            # import them into the target in their correct order.
            # Then apply the correct, synced override from the source distro.

            return ret
예제 #2
파일: syncengine.py 프로젝트: dos1/laniakea
    def autosync(self, session, sync_conf, remove_cruft: bool = True):
        ''' Synchronize all packages that are newer '''

        self._synced_source_pkgs = []
        active_src_pkgs = []  # source packages which should have their binary packages updated
        res_issues = []

        target_suite = session.query(ArchiveSuite) \
                              .filter(ArchiveSuite.name == self._target_suite_name).one()
        sync_conf = session.query(SynchrotronConfig) \
                           .join(SynchrotronConfig.destination_suite) \
                           .join(SynchrotronConfig.source) \
                           .filter(ArchiveSuite.name == self._target_suite_name,
                                   SynchrotronSource.suite_name == self._source_suite_name).one_or_none()

        for component in target_suite.components:
            dest_pkg_map = self._get_target_source_packages(component.name)

            # The source package lists contains many different versions, some source package
            # versions are explicitly kept for GPL-compatibility.
            # Sometimes a binary package migrates into another suite, dragging a newer source-package
            # that it was built against with itslf into the target suite.
            # These packages then have a source with a high version number, but might not have any
            # binaries due to them migrating later.
            # We need to care for that case when doing binary syncs (TODO: and maybe safeguard against it
            # when doing source-only syncs too?), That's why we don't filter out the newest packages in
            # binary-sync-mode.
            if sync_conf.sync_binaries:
                src_pkg_range = self._source_repo.source_packages(ArchiveSuite(self._source_suite_name), component)
                src_pkg_range = self._get_repo_source_package_map(self._source_repo,

            for spkg in src_pkg_range:
                # ignore blacklisted packages in automatic sync
                if spkg.name in self._sync_blacklist:

                dpkg = dest_pkg_map.get(spkg.name)
                if dpkg:
                    if version_compare(dpkg.version, spkg.version) >= 0:
                        log.debug('Skipped sync of {}: Target version \'{}\' is equal/newer than source version \'{}\'.'
                                  .format(spkg.name, dpkg.version, spkg.version))

                    # check if we have a modified target package,
                    # indicated via its Debian revision, e.g. "1.0-0tanglu1"
                    if self._distro_tag in version_revision(dpkg.version):
                        log.info('Not syncing {}/{}: Destination has modifications (found {}).'
                                 .format(spkg.name, spkg.version, dpkg.version))

                        # add information that this package needs to be merged to the issue list
                        issue = SynchrotronIssue()
                        issue.package_name = spkg.name
                        issue.source_version = spkg.version
                        issue.target_version = dpkg.version
                        issue.kind = SynchrotronIssueKind.MERGE_REQUIRED


                # sync source package
                # the source package must always be known to dak first
                ret = self._import_source_package(spkg, component.name)
                if not ret:
                    return False, []

                # a new source package is always active and needs it's binary packages synced, in
                # case we do binary syncs.

            # all packages in the target distribution are considered active, as long as they don't
            # have modifications.
            for spkg in dest_pkg_map.values():
                if self._distro_tag in version_revision(spkg.version):

            # import binaries as well. We test for binary updates for all available active source packages,
            # as binNMUs might have happened in the source distribution.
            # (an active package in this context is any source package which doesn't have modifications in the
            # target distribution)
            ret = self._import_binaries_for_source(sync_conf, target_suite, component.name, active_src_pkgs)
            if not ret:
                return False, []

        # test for cruft packages
        target_pkg_index = {}
        for component in target_suite.components:
            dest_pkg_map = self._get_repo_source_package_map(self._target_repo,
            for pkgname, pkg in dest_pkg_map.items():
                target_pkg_index[pkgname] = pkg

        # check which packages are present in the target, but not in the source suite
        for component in target_suite.components:
            src_pkg_map = self._get_repo_source_package_map(self._source_repo,
            for pkgname in src_pkg_map.keys():
                target_pkg_index.pop(pkgname, None)

        # remove cruft packages
        if remove_cruft:
            for pkgname, dpkg in target_pkg_index.items():
                dpkg_ver_revision = version_revision(dpkg.version, False)
                # native packages are never removed
                if not dpkg_ver_revision:

                # check if the package is intoduced as new in the distro, in which case we won't remove it
                if dpkg_ver_revision.startswith('0' + self._distro_tag):

                # if this package was modified in the target distro, we will also not remove it, but flag it
                # as "potential cruft" for someone to look at.
                if self._distro_tag in dpkg_ver_revision:
                    issue = SynchrotronIssue()
                    issue.kind = SynchrotronIssueKind.MAYBE_CRUFT
                    issue.source_suite = self._source_suite_name
                    issue.target_suite = self._target_suite_name
                    issue.package_name = dpkg.name
                    issue.source_version = None
                    issue.target_version = dpkg.version


                # check if we can remove this package without breaking stuff
                if self._dak.package_is_removable(dpkg.name, target_suite.name):
                    # try to remove the package
                        self._dak.remove_package(dpkg.name, target_suite.name)
                    except Exception as e:
                        issue = SynchrotronIssue()
                        issue.kind = SynchrotronIssueKind.REMOVAL_FAILED
                        issue.source_suite = self._source_suite_name
                        issue.target_suite = self._target_suite_name
                        issue.package_name = dpkg.name
                        issue.source_version = None
                        issue.target_version = dpkg.version
                        issue.details = str(e)

                    # looks like we can not remove this
                    issue = SynchrotronIssue()
                    issue.kind = SynchrotronIssueKind.REMOVAL_FAILED
                    issue.source_suite = self._source_suite_name
                    issue.target_suite = self._target_suite_name
                    issue.package_name = dpkg.name
                    issue.source_version = None
                    issue.target_version = dpkg.version
                    issue.details = 'This package can not be removed without breaking other packages. It needs manual removal.'



        return True, res_issues
예제 #3
파일: syncengine.py 프로젝트: dos1/laniakea
    def _import_binaries_for_source(self, sync_conf, target_suite, component: str, spkgs: List[SourcePackage],
                                    ignore_target_changes: bool = False) -> bool:
        ''' Import binary packages for the given set of source packages into the archive. '''

        if not sync_conf.sync_binaries:
            log.debug('Skipping binary syncs.')
            return True

        # list of valid architectrures supported by the target
        target_archs = [a.name for a in target_suite.architectures]

        # cache of binary-package mappings for the source
        src_bpkg_arch_map = {}
        for aname in target_archs:
            src_bpkg_arch_map[aname] = self._get_repo_binary_package_map(self._source_repo, self._source_suite_name, component, aname)

        # cache of binary-package mappings from the target repository
        dest_bpkg_arch_map = {}
        for aname in target_archs:
            dest_bpkg_arch_map[aname] = self._get_repo_binary_package_map(self._target_repo, self._target_suite_name, component, aname)

        for spkg in spkgs:
            bin_files_synced = False
            existing_packages = False
            for arch_name in target_archs:
                if arch_name not in src_bpkg_arch_map:

                src_bpkg_map = src_bpkg_arch_map[arch_name]
                dest_bpkg_map = dest_bpkg_arch_map[arch_name]

                bin_files = []
                for bin_i in spkg.binaries:
                    if bin_i.name not in src_bpkg_map:
                        if bin_i.name in dest_bpkg_map:
                            existing_packages = True  # package only exists in target
                    if arch_name != 'all' and bin_i.architectures == ['all']:
                        # we handle arch:all explicitly
                    bpkg = src_bpkg_map[bin_i.name]
                    if bin_i.version != bpkg.source_version:
                        log.debug('Not syncing binary package \'{}\': Version number \'{}\' does not match source package version \'{}\'.'
                                  .format(bpkg.name, bin_i.version, bpkg.source_version))

                    ebpkg = dest_bpkg_map.get(bpkg.name)
                    if ebpkg:
                        if version_compare(ebpkg.version, bpkg.version) >= 0:
                            log.debug('Not syncing binary package \'{}/{}\': Existing binary package with bigger/equal version \'{}\' found.'
                                      .format(bpkg.name, bpkg.version, ebpkg.version))
                            existing_packages = True

                        # Filter out manual rebuild uploads matching the pattern XbY.
                        # sometimes rebuild uploads of not-modified packages happen, and if the source
                        # distro did a binNMU, we don't want to sync that, even if it's bigger
                        # This rebuild-upload check must only happen if we haven't just updated the source package
                        # (in that case the source package version will be bigger than the existing binary package version)
                        if version_compare(spkg.version, ebpkg.version) >= 0:
                            if re.match(r'(.*)b([0-9]+)', ebpkg.version):
                                log.debug('Not syncing binary package \'{}/{}\': Existing binary package with rebuild upload \'{}\' found.'
                                          .format(bpkg.name, bpkg.version, ebpkg.version))
                                existing_packages = True

                        if not ignore_target_changes and self._distro_tag in version_revision(ebpkg.version):
                            # safety measure, we should never get here as packages with modifications were
                            # filtered out previously.
                            log.debug('Can not sync binary package {}/{}: Target has modifications.'.format(bin_i.name, bin_i.version))

                    fname = self._source_repo.get_file(bpkg.bin_file)

                # now import the binary packages, if there is anything to import
                if bin_files:
                    bin_files_synced = True
                    ret = self._import_package_files(self._target_suite_name, component, bin_files)
                    if not ret:
                        return False

            if not bin_files_synced and not existing_packages:
                log.warning('No binary packages synced for source {}/{}'.format(spkg.name, spkg.version))

        return True