예제 #1
def test_conv(N=1000, M=10):

    #test causal convolution
    delays = np.arange(0, 20, 1, dtype='int')
    D = len(delays)
    A = np.random.randn(N, M)
    w = np.random.randn(M, D)
    yslow = slow_conv(A, w, delays)
    #print yslow
    yfast = fast_conv(A, w, delays)
    #print yfast
    ydiff = yslow - yfast
    #print list(ydiff)

    total_diff = np.abs(ydiff).sum()
    print 'total diff for causal:%f' % total_diff

    assert total_diff < 1e-8

    #test acausal convolution
    delays = np.arange(-10, 11, 1, dtype='int')
    D = len(delays)
    A = np.random.randn(N, M)
    w = np.random.randn(M, D)
    yslow = slow_conv(A, w, delays)
    #print yslow
    yfast = fast_conv(A, w, delays)
    #print yfast
    ydiff = yslow - yfast
    #print list(ydiff)

    total_diff = np.abs(ydiff).sum()
    print 'total diff for acausal:%f' % total_diff

    assert total_diff < 1e-8

    #test non-contiguous convolution
    delays = np.arange(-20, 22, 2, dtype='int')
    D = len(delays)
    A = np.random.randn(N, M)
    w = np.random.randn(M, D)
    yslow = slow_conv(A, w, delays)
    #print yslow
    yfast = fast_conv(A, w, delays)
    #print yfast
    ydiff = yslow - yfast
    #print list(ydiff)

    total_diff = np.abs(ydiff).sum()
    print 'total diff for non-contiguous:%f' % total_diff

    assert total_diff < 1e-8
예제 #2
def test_conv(N=1000, M=10):

    #test causal convolution
    delays = np.arange(0, 20, 1, dtype='int')
    D = len(delays)
    A = np.random.randn(N, M)
    w = np.random.randn(M, D)
    yslow = slow_conv(A, w, delays)
    #print yslow
    yfast = fast_conv(A, w, delays)
    #print yfast
    ydiff = yslow - yfast
    #print list(ydiff)

    total_diff = np.abs(ydiff).sum()
    print 'total diff for causal:%f' % total_diff

    assert total_diff < 1e-8

    #test acausal convolution
    delays = np.arange(-10, 11, 1, dtype='int')
    D = len(delays)
    A = np.random.randn(N, M)
    w = np.random.randn(M, D)
    yslow = slow_conv(A, w, delays)
    #print yslow
    yfast = fast_conv(A, w, delays)
    #print yfast
    ydiff = yslow - yfast
    #print list(ydiff)

    total_diff = np.abs(ydiff).sum()
    print 'total diff for acausal:%f' % total_diff

    assert total_diff < 1e-8

    #test non-contiguous convolution
    delays = np.arange(-20, 22, 2, dtype='int')
    D = len(delays)
    A = np.random.randn(N, M)
    w = np.random.randn(M, D)
    yslow = slow_conv(A, w, delays)
    #print yslow
    yfast = fast_conv(A, w, delays)
    #print yfast
    ydiff = yslow - yfast
    #print list(ydiff)

    total_diff = np.abs(ydiff).sum()
    print 'total diff for non-contiguous:%f' % total_diff

    assert total_diff < 1e-8
예제 #3
    def error_vector(self, x):
        bias = x[-1]
        filt = self.get_filter(x[:-1])
        if self.group_index is None:
            yhat = fast_conv(self.input, filt, self.time_lags, bias=bias)
            yhat = fast_conv_grouped(self.input, filt, self.time_lags, group_index=self.group_index, bias=bias)

        return self.target_val - yhat
예제 #4
    def test_convolutional_model(self):

        nchan = 3
        nt = 1000
        nlags = 4
        X = np.random.randn(nt, nchan)
        filt = np.random.randn(nchan, nlags)
        bias = -1.5
        lags = range(nlags)

        y = fast_conv(X, filt, lags, bias)

        m = ConvolutionalLinearModel(X, y, lags=lags)

        yhat = m.forward(filt) + bias
        assert np.abs(yhat - y).sum() < 1e-6

        params = np.zeros([nchan * nlags + 1])
        params[:-1] = filt.ravel()
        params[-1] = bias
        assert m.error_vector(params).sum() < 1e-12

        #test the gradient
        params = np.random.randn(nchan * nlags + 1)
        g = m.grad(params)
        gfd = finite_diff_grad(m.error, params)
        gdiff = (g - gfd) / np.sqrt((gfd**2).sum())

        assert np.abs(gdiff).sum() < 1e-3

        #do some gradient descent
        m.params = np.zeros([nchan * nlags + 1])
        tgd = ThresholdGradientDescent(m,

        niter = 5000
        while not tgd.converged and tgd.iter < niter:
            print 'iter %d, err=%f' % (tgd.iter, tgd.errors[-1])

        found_bias = tgd.best_params[-1]
        found_filt = m.get_filter(tgd.best_params[:-1])

        filt_diff = (filt - found_filt)
        print 'filt=', filt
        print 'found_filt=', found_filt
        print 'filt_diff=', filt_diff
        assert np.abs(filt_diff).sum() < 1e-3

        print 'bias=', bias
        print 'found_bias=', found_bias
        print 'bias_diff=', bias - found_bias
        assert np.abs(bias - found_bias) < 1e-3
예제 #5
    def test_convolutional_model(self):

        nchan = 3
        nt = 1000
        nlags = 4
        X = np.random.randn(nt, nchan)
        filt = np.random.randn(nchan, nlags)
        bias = -1.5
        lags = range(nlags)

        y = fast_conv(X, filt, lags, bias)

        m = ConvolutionalLinearModel(X, y, lags=lags)

        yhat = m.forward(filt) + bias
        assert np.abs(yhat - y).sum() < 1e-6

        params = np.zeros([nchan*nlags + 1])
        params[:-1] = filt.ravel()
        params[-1] = bias
        assert m.error_vector(params).sum() < 1e-12

        #test the gradient
        params = np.random.randn(nchan*nlags + 1)
        g = m.grad(params)
        gfd = finite_diff_grad(m.error, params)
        gdiff = (g - gfd) / np.sqrt( (gfd**2).sum() )

        assert np.abs(gdiff).sum() < 1e-3

        #do some gradient descent
        m.params = np.zeros([nchan*nlags + 1])
        tgd = ThresholdGradientDescent(m, step_size=1e-3, threshold=0.0, slope_threshold=-1e-9)

        niter = 5000
        while not tgd.converged and tgd.iter < niter:
            print 'iter %d, err=%f' % (tgd.iter, tgd.errors[-1])

        found_bias = tgd.best_params[-1]
        found_filt = m.get_filter(tgd.best_params[:-1])

        filt_diff = (filt-found_filt)
        print 'filt=',filt
        print 'found_filt=',found_filt
        print 'filt_diff=',filt_diff
        assert np.abs(filt_diff).sum() < 1e-3

        print 'bias=',bias
        print 'found_bias=',found_bias
        print 'bias_diff=',bias-found_bias
        assert np.abs(bias-found_bias) < 1e-3
예제 #6
    def error_vector(self, x):
        bias = x[-1]
        filt = self.get_filter(x[:-1])
        if self.group_index is None:
            yhat = fast_conv(self.input, filt, self.time_lags, bias=bias)
            yhat = fast_conv_grouped(self.input,

        return self.target_val - yhat
예제 #7
def test1():
    #construct sample input matrix
    num_channels = 60
    num_timepoints = 5000
    stim = np.random.randn(num_channels, num_timepoints)

    #normalize stimulus so it's between -1 and 1
    stim /= np.abs(stim).max()

    #transpose matrix, incrowd expects matrix to be # of time points X # of channels
    stim = stim.transpose()

    #construct sample filter
    time_lags = np.arange(0, 8, 1, dtype='int')
    real_filter = np.random.randn(num_channels, len(time_lags))
    #make filter sparse
    real_filter[np.abs(real_filter) < 0.90] = 0.0
    #normalize filter
    real_filter /= np.abs(real_filter).max()

    num_nonzero = (np.abs(real_filter) == 0.0).sum()
    print '# of nonzero elements in filter: %d out of %d' % (
        num_nonzero, len(time_lags) * num_channels)

    #construct sample output using convolution
    output = fast_conv(stim, real_filter, time_lags)

    #add random noise to output
    output += np.random.randn(len(output)) * 1e-6

    #create a convolutional incrowd model
    cic_model = ConvolutionalInCrowdModel(stim,

    #create incrowd optimizer, using Lasso+Elastic net for the interior solver,
    #lambda1 is the constant for the Lasso regularization
    #lambda2 is the constant for the Elastic Net regularization
    #threshold is the fraction of parameters that are introduced into the active set at each iteration
    ico = InCrowd(cic_model,
                      'lambda1': 1.0,
                      'lambda2': 1.0

    #run the optimization
    num_iters = 15
    for k in range(num_iters):
        if ico.converged:
        print 'Iteration %d, err=%0.9f' % (k + 1, (cic_model.residual(ico.x)**

    #get the predicted filter, make cic_model reshape the parameters into what we would expect to see
    predicted_filter = cic_model.get_filter(ico.x)
    #predicted_output = fast_conv(stim, predicted_filter, time_lags)
    predicted_output = cic_model.forward(ico.x)
    filter_diff = real_filter - predicted_filter

    ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 0))
    plt.imshow(real_filter, aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest')
    plt.title('Actual Filter')

    ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 1))
    plt.imshow(predicted_filter, aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest')
    plt.title('Predicted Filter')

    ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 2))
    plt.imshow(filter_diff, aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest')

    ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (1, 0), colspan=3)
    plt.plot(output, 'k-', linewidth=2.0)
    plt.plot(predicted_output, 'r-', linewidth=2.0)
예제 #8
def test1():
    #construct sample input matrix
    num_channels = 60
    num_timepoints = 5000
    stim = np.random.randn(num_channels, num_timepoints)

    #normalize stimulus so it's between -1 and 1
    stim /= np.abs(stim).max()

    #transpose matrix, incrowd expects matrix to be # of time points X # of channels
    stim = stim.transpose()

    #construct sample filter
    time_lags = np.arange(0, 8, 1, dtype='int')
    real_filter = np.random.randn(num_channels, len(time_lags))
    #make filter sparse
    real_filter[np.abs(real_filter) < 0.90] = 0.0
    #normalize filter
    real_filter /= np.abs(real_filter).max()

    num_nonzero = (np.abs(real_filter) == 0.0).sum()
    print '# of nonzero elements in filter: %d out of %d' % (num_nonzero, len(time_lags)*num_channels)

    #construct sample output using convolution
    output = fast_conv(stim, real_filter, time_lags)

    #add random noise to output
    output += np.random.randn(len(output))*1e-6

    #create a convolutional incrowd model
    cic_model = ConvolutionalInCrowdModel(stim, output, lags=time_lags, bias=0.0)

    #create incrowd optimizer, using Lasso+Elastic net for the interior solver,
    #lambda1 is the constant for the Lasso regularization
    #lambda2 is the constant for the Elastic Net regularization
    #threshold is the fraction of parameters that are introduced into the active set at each iteration
    ico = InCrowd(cic_model, solver_params={'lambda1':1.0, 'lambda2':1.0}, max_additions_fraction=0.25)

    #run the optimization
    num_iters = 15
    for k in range(num_iters):
        if ico.converged:
        print 'Iteration %d, err=%0.9f' % (k+1, (cic_model.residual(ico.x)**2).sum())

    #get the predicted filter, make cic_model reshape the parameters into what we would expect to see
    predicted_filter = cic_model.get_filter(ico.x)
    #predicted_output = fast_conv(stim, predicted_filter, time_lags)
    predicted_output = cic_model.forward(ico.x)
    filter_diff = real_filter - predicted_filter

    ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 0))
    plt.imshow(real_filter, aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest')
    plt.title('Actual Filter')

    ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 1))
    plt.imshow(predicted_filter, aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest')
    plt.title('Predicted Filter')

    ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 2))
    plt.imshow(filter_diff, aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest')

    ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (1, 0), colspan=3)
    plt.plot(output, 'k-', linewidth=2.0)
    plt.plot(predicted_output, 'r-', linewidth=2.0)