def OnScrobble(self, event): """Scrobbles using LastFM and sets a confirmation dialog""" try: lfm = LastFM() starttime = int(time.time()) lfm.scrobble(self.artistText.GetValue(), self.titleText.GetValue(), starttime) wx.MessageBox("Scrobbled: {} - {}".format( self.artistText.GetValue(), self.titleText.GetValue()), "Done", wx.OK) self.artistText.SetValue("") self.titleText.SetValue("") except lastfm.pylast.WSError as e: wx.MessageBox(str(e), 'Uh Oh', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)
def OnScrobble(self, event): """Scrobbles using LastFM and sets a confirmation dialog""" try: lfm = LastFM() starttime = int(time.time()) lfm.scrobble(self.artistText.GetValue(), self.titleText.GetValue(), starttime) wx.MessageBox( "Scrobbled: {} - {}".format(self.artistText.GetValue(), self.titleText.GetValue()), "Done", wx.OK) self.artistText.SetValue("") self.titleText.SetValue("") except lastfm.pylast.WSError as e: wx.MessageBox(str(e), 'Uh Oh', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)
def onScrobbleAlbum(self, event): try: lfm = LastFM() selectedAlbum = self.albumBox.GetClientData(event.GetSelection()) starttime = int(time.time()) - 90 album = selectedAlbum.get_title() noTracks = 0 for track in selectedAlbum.get_tracks(): noTracks += 1 starttime += 10 artist = title = track.title lfm.scrobble(artist, title, starttime) #confirmation: wx.MessageBox( "Scrobbled: {} - {} ({} tracks).".format( artist.encode('utf-8'), album.encode('utf-8'), noTracks), "Done", wx.OK) except lastfm.pylast.WSError as e: wx.MessageBox(str(e), 'Uh Oh', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) except wx._core.PyAssertionError: wx.MessageBox("Nothing selected to scrobble", 'Uh Oh', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)
class MusicPlayer(object): """the music playing class.""" def __init__(self): mixer.init() self._paused = False self.currentTrack = None self.last = LastFM() self.offset = 0 self.playQueue = Queue.Queue(-1) # queue of 'infinite' size self.previous = [] #using a list as a stack to hold previous plays @property def paused(self): """Boolean, for determining if the music is paused""" return self._paused @paused.setter def paused(self, value): self._paused = value @property def scrobblingEnabled(self): """Boolean, for determining if scrobbling is Enabled""" return self._scrobblingEnabled @scrobblingEnabled.setter def scrobblingEnabled(self, value): self._scrobblingEnabled = value def update(self): #if the playback is over half way ( regulation) then scrobble it if self.currentTrack != None and / 1000 >= self.currentTrack.length/2: if not self.currentTrack.scrobbled: self.last.scrobble(self.currentTrack.artist, self.currentTrack.title, self.currentTrack.time) self.currentTrack.scrobbled = True """Checks if the playing track is over and if so, changes it. returns changed if the track has changed""" if self.currentTrack != None and ( / 1000 ) >= self.currentTrack.length: self.setNext() return 'changed' def setNext(self, event=None): if not self.playQueue.empty(): if self.currentTrack != None: self.previous.append(self.currentTrack.path) trackname = self.playQueue.get() self.currentTrack = Track(trackname) self.offset = 0 def setPrevious(self, event=None): if len(self.previous) > 0: trackname = self.previous.pop() self.currentTrack = Track(trackname) def play(self): try: if self.currentTrack != None: if not self.paused: else: self._paused = False self.last.nowPlaying(self.currentTrack.artist, self.currentTrack.title) else: raise Exception("No track loaded") except pygame.error as error: raise error def pause(self): if and not self.paused: self._paused = True def stop(self): def seek(self, position): if self.currentTrack != None: self.stop() self.offset = position, position) def setVolume(self, vol): def load(self, toLoad): if not self.playQueue.empty(): self.playQueue = Queue.Queue(-1)#empty the queue if isinstance(toLoad, basestring): #checking if a string or a list toLoad = toLoad.encode('utf-8') print toLoad if os.path.isdir(toLoad): # we've been given a directory os.chdir(toLoad) for track in glob.glob('*.mp3'): print track self.playQueue.put(track) elif os.path.isfile(toLoad): #a file from the dirctrl self.playQueue.put(toLoad) else: # a list from the file -> open dialogue for track in toLoad: track = track.encode('utf-8') self.playQueue.put(track) self.setNext() def getPos(self): return + self.offset def quit(self): pygame.quit()