예제 #1
파일: latin1.py 프로젝트: naoyat/latin
 def lookup(surface):
     items = latindic.lookup(surface)
     if items: return Word(surface, items)
     if char.isupper(surface[0]):
         surface_lower = char.tolower(surface)
         items = latindic.lookup(surface_lower)
         if items: return Word(surface, items)
     if surface[-3:] == u'que':
         items = latindic.lookup(surface[:-3])
         if items:
             return Word(surface[:-3], items, {'enclitic':'que'})
     return None
예제 #2
파일: latin.py 프로젝트: naoyat/latin
def do_command(line, options=None):
    fs = line.split(' ')
    cmd = fs[0]

    def surface_tr():
        surface = ' '.join(fs[1:])
        if options and options.capital_to_macron_mode:
            surface = char.trans(surface)
        return surface

    # 辞書検索
    if cmd in ('l', 'lookup'):
        surface = surface_tr()
        print "lookup", surface,

        items = latindic.lookup(surface.decode('utf-8'))

    # 動詞の活用を見る
    elif cmd in ('c', 'conjug'):
        surface_uc = surface_tr().decode('utf-8')
        table = {}
        ja = None
        moods = set()
        voices = set()
        tenses = set()
        for word, items in latindic.LatinDic.dic.items():
            for item in items:
                pres1sg = item.get('pres1sg', None)
                if pres1sg == surface_uc:
                    if not ja: ja = item['ja']
                    mood = item.get('mood', '-')
                    voice = item.get('voice', '-')
                    voices.add(mood + voice)
                    tense = item.get('tense', '-')
                    tenses.add(mood + voice + tense)
                    person = item.get('person', None)
                    number = item.get('number', None)
                    key = (mood,voice,tense,person,number)
                    item_surface = item['surface']
                    if table.has_key(key):
                        table[key] = [item_surface]

        def surfaces(key):
            if table.has_key(key):
                return ', '.join([surface.encode('utf-8') for surface in table[key]])
                return '-'

        print "%s, %s" % (surface_uc.encode('utf-8'), ja)
        for mood in ['indicative', 'subjunctive', 'imperative']:
            if mood not in moods: continue
            print "  %s" % mood
            for voice in ['active', 'passive']:
                if mood + voice not in voices: continue
                print "    %s" % voice
                for tense in ['present', 'imperfect', 'future',
                              'perfect', 'past-perfect', 'future-perfect']:
                    if mood + voice + tense not in tenses: continue
                    print "      %s" % tense
                    for number in ['sg','pl']:
                        print "        %s" % number
                        for person in [1,2,3]:
                            key = (mood, voice, tense, person, number)
                            if table.has_key(key):
                                print "          %d: %s" % (person, surfaces(key))
        print "  infinitive"
        print "    present: %s" % surfaces(('infinitive','active','present',None,None))
        print "    perfect: %s" % surfaces(('infinitive','active','perfect',None,None))
        print "    future: %s" % surfaces(('infinitive','active','future',None,None))

    # 名詞の変化形を見る
    elif cmd in ('d', 'decl'):
        surface_uc = surface_tr().decode('utf-8')
        table = {}
        base = None
        ja = None
        pos = None
        gender = None
        for word, items in latindic.LatinDic.dic.items():
            for item in items:
                item_base = item.get('base', None)
                if item_base == surface_uc:
                    for case, number, gender in item['_']:
                        key = (case,number,gender)
                        item_surface = item['surface']
                        if table.has_key(item_surface):
                            table[key] = [item_surface]
                        if not pos:
                            pos = item['pos']
                            gender = item['_'][0][2]
                            base = item['base']
                            ja = item['ja']
        def surfaces(key):
            if table.has_key(key):
                return ', '.join([surface.encode('utf-8') for surface in table[key]])
                return '-'

        if pos == 'noun':
            print "%s (%s, %s), %s" % (base.encode('utf-8'), pos, gender, ja)
            for number in ['sg', 'pl']:
                print "  %s:" % number
                for case in ['Nom', 'Voc', 'Acc', 'Gen', 'Dat', 'Abl', 'Loc']:
                    key = (case, number, gender)
                    if table.has_key(key):
                        print "    %s: %s" % (case, surfaces(key))

        print "COMMAND NOT SUPPORTED: %s, with \"%s\"" % (cmd, surface_tr())
예제 #3
파일: lda_demo.py 프로젝트: naoyat/latin
 def translate(token):
     # print "translating \"%s\"..." % token.encode('utf-8')
     items = latindic.lookup(token)
     return items[0]['ja'] if items else '*'