예제 #1
    def _is_valid_homomorphism_(self, codomain, im_gens):
        This gets called implicitly when one constructs a ring homomorphism
        from a power series ring.


            sage: S = RationalField(); R.<t>=PowerSeriesRing(S)
            sage: f = R.hom([0])
            sage: f(3)
            sage: g = R.hom([t^2])
            sage: g(-1 + 3/5 * t)
            -1 + 3/5*t^2

        .. note::

           There are no ring homomorphisms from the ring of all formal
           power series to most rings, e.g, the p-adic field, since
           you can always (mathematically!) construct some power
           series that doesn't converge. Note that 0 is not a *ring*
        if im_gens[0] == 0:
            return True   # this is allowed.
        from laurent_series_ring import is_LaurentSeriesRing
        if is_PowerSeriesRing(codomain) or is_LaurentSeriesRing(codomain):
            return im_gens[0].valuation() > 0
        return False
예제 #2
    def _is_valid_homomorphism_(self, codomain, im_gens):
        This gets called implicitly when one constructs a ring homomorphism
        from a power series ring.


            sage: S = RationalField(); R.<t>=PowerSeriesRing(S)
            sage: f = R.hom([0])
            sage: f(3)
            sage: g = R.hom([t^2])
            sage: g(-1 + 3/5 * t)
            -1 + 3/5*t^2

        .. note::

           There are no ring homomorphisms from the ring of all formal
           power series to most rings, e.g, the p-adic field, since
           you can always (mathematically!) construct some power
           series that doesn't converge. Note that 0 is not a *ring*
        if im_gens[0] == 0:
            return True  # this is allowed.
        from laurent_series_ring import is_LaurentSeriesRing
        if is_PowerSeriesRing(codomain) or is_LaurentSeriesRing(codomain):
            return im_gens[0].valuation() > 0
        return False