예제 #1
def rimap(n,
          alpha=[0.01, 0.3],
          sigma=[1.1, 1.4],
    """Creates an irregular maps

        :param n: number of areas 
        :type n: integer
        :param N: number of points sampled from each irregular polygon (MR-Polygon) 
        :type N: integer
        :param alpha: min and max value to sampled alpha; default is (0.1,0.5)
        :type alpha: List
        :param sigma: min and max value to sampled sigma; default is (1.2,1.5)
        :type sigma: List
        :param dt: time delta to be used to create irregular polygons (MR-Polygons)
        :type dt: Float
        :param pg: parameter to define the scaling factor of each polygon before being introduced as part of the irregular map
        :type pg: Float
        :param pu: parameter to define the probability of increase the number of areas of each polygon before being introduced into the irregular map
        :type pu: Float
        :param su: parameter to define how much is increased the number of areas of each polygon before being introduced into the irregular map
        :type su: Float
        :param boundary: Initial irregular boundary to be used into the recursive irregular map algorithm
        :type boundary: Layer

        :rtype: Layer
        :return: RI-Map instance 

        **Examples** ::

            import clusterpy
            lay = clusterpy.rimap(1000)

    rm = rim(n, N, alpha, sigma, dt, pg, pu, su, boundary)
    areas = rm.carteAreas
    areas = fixIntersections(areas)
    Wqueen, Wrook, = weightsFromAreas(areas)
    layer = Layer()
    layer.areas = areas
    layer.Wqueen = Wqueen
    layer.Wrook = Wrook
    layer.shpType = 'polygon'
    layer.name = "rimap_" + str(len(areas))
    layer.fieldNames = ["Id", "nw"]
    layer.Y = {}
    for i in Wrook:
        layer.Y[i] = [i, len(Wrook[i])]
    return layer
예제 #2
def rimap(n, N = 30, alpha = [0.01,0.3], sigma = [1.1,1.4], dt = 0.1,
            pg = 0.01, pu = 0.05, su = 0.315, boundary = ""):
    """Creates an irregular maps

        :param n: number of areas 
        :type n: integer
        :param N: number of points sampled from each irregular polygon (MR-Polygon) 
        :type N: integer
        :param alpha: min and max value to sampled alpha; default is (0.1,0.5)
        :type alpha: List
        :param sigma: min and max value to sampled sigma; default is (1.2,1.5)
        :type sigma: List
        :param dt: time delta to be used to create irregular polygons (MR-Polygons)
        :type dt: Float
        :param pg: parameter to define the scaling factor of each polygon before being introduced as part of the irregular map
        :type pg: Float
        :param pu: parameter to define the probability of increase the number of areas of each polygon before being introduced into the irregular map
        :type pu: Float
        :param su: parameter to define how much is increased the number of areas of each polygon before being introduced into the irregular map
        :type su: Float
        :param boundary: Initial irregular boundary to be used into the recursive irregular map algorithm
        :type boundary: Layer

        :rtype: Layer
        :return: RI-Map instance 

        **Examples** ::

            import clusterpy
            lay = clusterpy.rimap(1000)

    rm = rim(n, N, alpha, sigma, dt, pg, pu, su, boundary)
    areas = rm.carteAreas
    areas = fixIntersections(areas)
    Wqueen,Wrook, = weightsFromAreas(areas)
    layer = Layer()
    layer.areas = areas
    layer.Wqueen = Wqueen
    layer.Wrook = Wrook
    layer.shpType = 'polygon'
    layer.name = "rimap_" + str(len(areas))
    layer.fieldNames = ["Id","nw"]
    layer.Y = {}
    for i in Wrook:
        layer.Y[i] = [i,len(Wrook[i])]
    return layer
예제 #3
def importArcData(filename):
    """Creates a new Layer from a shapefile (<file>.shp)
    :param filename: filename without extension 
    :type filename: string
    :rtype: Layer (CP project)


    `ESRI <http://www.esri.com/>`_ shapefile is a binary file used to
    save and transport maps. During the last times it has become
    the most used format for the spatial scientists around the world.

    On clusterPy's "data_examples" folder you can find some shapefiles. To
    load a shapefile in clusterPy just follow the example bellow.

    **Example** ::

        import clusterpy
        china = clusterpy.importArcData("clusterpy/data_examples/china")

    layer = Layer()
    layer.name = filename.split('/')[-1]
    print "Loading " + filename + ".dbf"
    data, fields, specs = importDBF(filename + '.dbf')
    print "Loading " + filename + ".shp"
    if fields[0] != "ID":
        fields = ["ID"] + fields
        for y in data.keys():
            data[y] = [y] + data[y]
    layer.fieldNames = fields
    layer.Y = data
    layer.areas, layer.Wqueen, layer.Wrook, layer.shpType = importShape(
        filename + '.shp')
    print "Done"
    return layer
예제 #4
def importArcData(filename):
    """Creates a new Layer from a shapefile (<file>.shp)
    :param filename: filename without extension 
    :type filename: string
    :rtype: Layer (CP project)


    `ESRI <http://www.esri.com/>`_ shapefile is a binary file used to
    save and transport maps. During the last times it has become
    the most used format for the spatial scientists around the world.

    On clusterPy's "data_examples" folder you can find some shapefiles. To
    load a shapefile in clusterPy just follow the example bellow.

    **Example** ::

        import clusterpy
        china = clusterpy.importArcData("clusterpy/data_examples/china")

    layer = Layer()
    layer.name = filename.split('/')[-1]
    print "Loading " + filename + ".dbf"
    data, fields, specs = importDBF(filename + '.dbf')
    print "Loading " + filename + ".shp"
    if fields[0] != "ID":
        fields = ["ID"] + fields
        for y in data.keys():
            data[y] = [y] + data[y]
    layer.fieldNames = fields
    layer.Y = data
    layer.areas, layer.Wqueen, layer.Wrook, layer.shpType = importShape(filename + '.shp')
    print "Done"
    return layer
예제 #5
def createGrid(nRows, nCols, lowerLeft=None, upperRight=None):
    """Creates a new Layer with a regular lattice
    :param nRows: number of rows
    :type nRows: integer
    :param nCols: number of columns
    :type nCols: integer
    :type lowerLeft: tuple or none, lower-left corner coordinates; default is (0,0) 
    :type upperRight: tuple or none, upper-right corner coordinates; default is (100,100)
    :rtype: Layer new lattice 


    Regular lattices are widely used in both theoretical and empirical
    applications in Regional Science. The example below shows how easy 
    the creation of this kind of maps is using clusterPy.

    Create a grid of ten by ten points.::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createGrid(10,10)

    Create a grid of ten by ten points on the bounding box (0,0,100,100).::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createGrid(10, 10, lowerLeft=(0, 0), upperRight=(100, 100))
    print "Creating grid"
    if lowerLeft != None and upperRight != None:
        ymin = lowerLeft[1]
        ymax = upperRight[1]
        xmin = lowerLeft[0]
        xmax = upperRight[0]
        areaHeight = float(ymax - ymin) / nRows
        areaWidth = float(xmax - xmin) / nCols
        ymin = 0
        xmin = 0
        xmax = 10 * nCols
        ymax = 10 * nRows
        areaHeight = 10
        areaWidth = 10
    nyPoints = nRows
    nxPoints = nCols
    N = nyPoints * nxPoints
    Y = {}
    acty = ymax
    actx = xmin
    map = []
    wr = {}
    wq = {}
    # Creating the wr matrix writh towrer criterium
    disAreas = [0, nxPoints - 1, (N - nxPoints), N - 1]
    wr[0] = [1, nyPoints]
    wr[nxPoints - 1] = [nxPoints - 2, 2 * nxPoints - 1]
    wr[N - nxPoints] = [N - nxPoints - nxPoints, N - nxPoints + 1]
    wr[N - 1] = [N - 2, N - 1 - nxPoints]
    wq[0] = [1, nxPoints, nxPoints + 1]
    wq[nxPoints -
       1] = [nxPoints - 2, nxPoints + nxPoints - 1, nxPoints + nxPoints - 2]
    wq[N - nxPoints] = [
        N - nxPoints - nxPoints, N - nxPoints + 1, N - nxPoints - nxPoints + 1
    wq[N - 1] = [N - 2, N - 1 - nxPoints, N - 1 - nxPoints - 1]
    verticalBorderAreas = []
    for i in range(1, nxPoints -
                   1):  #Asigning the neighborhood of the corner Areas
        wr[i * nxPoints] = [
            i * nxPoints - nxPoints, i * nxPoints + 1, i * nxPoints + nxPoints
        wr[nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 1] = [
            nxPoints * i - 1, nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 2,
            nxPoints * i + 2 * nxPoints - 1
        wq[i * nxPoints] = [
            i * nxPoints - nxPoints, i * nxPoints - nxPoints + 1,
            i * nxPoints + 1, i * nxPoints + nxPoints,
            i * nxPoints + nxPoints + 1
        wq[nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 1] = [
            nxPoints * i - 1, nxPoints * i - 2, nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 2,
            nxPoints * i + 2 * nxPoints - 1, nxPoints * i + 2 * nxPoints - 2
        disAreas = disAreas + [i * nxPoints, nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 1]
    disAreas = disAreas + range(1, nxPoints - 1) + range(
        (N - nxPoints) + 1, N - 1)
    for i in range(1, nxPoints -
                   1):  # Asigning the neighborhood of the side Areas
        wr[i] = [i - 1, i + nxPoints, i + 1]
        wq[i] = [
            i - 1, i + nxPoints - 1, i + nxPoints, i + nxPoints + 1, i + 1
    for i in range((N - nxPoints) + 1, N - 1):
        wr[i] = [i - 1, i - nxPoints, i + 1]
        wq[i] = [
            i - 1, i - nxPoints - 1, i - nxPoints, i - nxPoints + 1, i + 1
    cont = 0
    for i in range(nyPoints):  #Creating de clusterPy areas
        nexty = acty - areaHeight
        for j in range(nxPoints):
            nextx = actx + areaWidth
            x1 = tuple([actx, acty])
            x2 = tuple([nextx, acty])
            x3 = tuple([nextx, nexty])
            x4 = tuple([actx, nexty])
            x5 = tuple([actx, acty])
            area = [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5]
            actx = nextx
            if cont not in disAreas:  # Asigning the rest of the neighborhoods
                wr[cont] = [
                    cont - 1, cont - nxPoints, cont + 1, cont + nxPoints
                wq[cont] = [
                    cont - 1, cont - nxPoints - 1, cont - nxPoints,
                    cont - nxPoints + 1, cont + 1, cont + nxPoints - 1,
                    cont + nxPoints, cont + nxPoints + 1
            cont = cont + 1
        acty = nexty
        actx = xmin
    for i in range(N):
        Y[i] = [i]
    layer = Layer()
    layer.Y = Y
    layer.fieldNames = ['ID']
    layer.areas = map
    layer.Wrook = wr
    layer.Wqueen = wq
    layer.Wqueen, layer.Wrook, = weightsFromAreas(layer.areas)
    layer.shpType = 'polygon'
    layer.name = 'root'
    print "Done"
    return layer
예제 #6
def createHexagonalGrid(nRows, nCols, lowerLeft=(0, 0), upperRight=(100, 100)):
    """Creates a new Layer with a hexagonal regular lattice
    :param nRows: number of rows
    :type nRows: integer
    :param nCols: number of columns
    :type nCols: integer
    :type lowerLeft: tuple or none, lower-left corner coordinates; default is (0,0) 
    :type upperRight: tuple or none, upper-right corner coordinates; default is (100,100)
    :rtype: Layer new lattice 


    Regular lattices are widely used in both theoretical and empirical
    applications in Regional Science. The example below shows how easy 
    the creation of this kind of maps is using clusterPy.

    Create a grid of ten by ten points.::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createGrid(10,10)
    Create a grid of ten by ten points on the bounding box (0,0,100,100).::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createGrid(10, 10, lowerLeft=(0, 0), upperRight=(100, 100))
    print "Creating grid"
    rowHeight = (upperRight[1] - lowerLeft[1]) / float(nRows)
    colStep = rowHeight / float(2)
    N = nRows * nCols
    areas = []
    for row in range(nRows):
        actx = lowerLeft[0]
        for col in range(nCols):
            if col != 0:
                actx += 2 * colStep
            if col % 2 == 1:
                y0 = lowerLeft[1] + rowHeight * row - 2 * rowHeight / float(2)
                y1 = lowerLeft[1] + rowHeight * row - rowHeight / float(2)
                y2 = lowerLeft[1] + rowHeight * row
                y0 = lowerLeft[1] + rowHeight * row - rowHeight / float(2)
                y1 = lowerLeft[1] + rowHeight * row
                y2 = lowerLeft[1] + rowHeight * row + rowHeight / float(2)
            x0 = actx
            x1 = actx + colStep
            x2 = actx + 2 * colStep
            x3 = actx + 3 * colStep
            pol = [(x0, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y2), (x3, y1), (x2, y0), (x1, y0),
                   (x0, y1)]
    Y = {}
    for i in range(N):
        Y[i] = [i]
    layer = Layer()
    layer.Y = Y
    layer.fieldNames = ['ID']
    layer.areas = areas
    layer.Wqueen, layer.Wrook, = weightsFromAreas(layer.areas)
    layer.shpType = 'polygon'
    layer.name = 'root'
    print "Done"
    return layer
예제 #7
def createPoints(nRows, nCols, lowerLeft=(0, 0), upperRight=(100, 100)):
    """Creates a new Layer with uniformly distributed points in space

    :param nRows: number of rows
    :type nRows: integer
    :param nCols: number of cols
    :type nCols: integer
    :param lowerLeft: lower-left corner coordinates; default is (0,0)
    :type lowerLeft: tuple or none 
    :param upperRight: upper-right corner coordinates; default is (100,100)
    :type upperRight: tuple or none
    :rtype: Layer (new points layer)


    The example below shows how to create a point-based regular grids with clusterPy. 
    Creating a grid of ten by ten points.::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createPoints(10, 10)

    Creating a grid of ten by ten points on the bounding box (0,0,100,100). ::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createPoints(10, 10, lowerLeft=(0, 0), upperRight=(100, 100))

    print "Creating points"
    yMin = lowerLeft[1]
    yMax = upperRight[1]
    xMin = lowerLeft[0]
    xMax = upperRight[0]
    nyPoints = nRows
    nxPoints = nCols
    areaHeight = float(yMax - yMin) / nRows
    areaWidth = float(xMax - xMin) / nCols
    N = nyPoints * nxPoints
    Y = {}
    acty = yMax
    actx = xMin
    map = []
    verticalBorderAreas = []
    cont = 0
    for i in range(N):
        Y[i] = [i]
    for i in range(nyPoints):
        nexty = acty - areaHeight
        for j in range(nxPoints):
            nextx = actx + areaWidth
            point = (actx + areaWidth / float(2), acty - areaHeight / float(2))
            area = [point]
            actx = nextx
            Y[cont].extend([point[0], point[1]])
            cont = cont + 1
        acty = nexty
        actx = xMin
    layer = Layer()
    layer.Y = Y
    layer.fieldNames = ['ID', 'X', 'Y']
    layer.areas = map
    layer.shpType = 'point'
    layer.name = 'root'
    print "Done"
    return layer
예제 #8
def createGrid(nRows, nCols, lowerLeft=None, upperRight=None):
    """Creates a new Layer with a regular lattice
    :param nRows: number of rows
    :type nRows: integer
    :param nCols: number of columns
    :type nCols: integer
    :type lowerLeft: tuple or none, lower-left corner coordinates; default is (0,0) 
    :type upperRight: tuple or none, upper-right corner coordinates; default is (100,100)
    :rtype: Layer new lattice 


    Regular lattices are widely used in both theoretical and empirical
    applications in Regional Science. The example below shows how easy 
    the creation of this kind of maps is using clusterPy.

    Create a grid of ten by ten points.::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createGrid(10,10)

    Create a grid of ten by ten points on the bounding box (0,0,100,100).::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createGrid(10, 10, lowerLeft=(0, 0), upperRight=(100, 100))
    print "Creating grid"
    if lowerLeft != None and upperRight != None:
        ymin = lowerLeft[1]
        ymax = upperRight[1]
        xmin = lowerLeft[0]
        xmax = upperRight[0]
        areaHeight = float(ymax - ymin) / nRows
        areaWidth = float(xmax - xmin) / nCols
        ymin = 0
        xmin = 0
        xmax = 10*nCols
        ymax = 10*nRows
        areaHeight = 10
        areaWidth = 10
    nyPoints = nRows
    nxPoints = nCols
    N = nyPoints*nxPoints
    Y = {}
    acty = ymax
    actx = xmin
    map = []
    wr = {}
    wq = {}
    # Creating the wr matrix writh towrer criterium
    disAreas = [0, nxPoints - 1, (N-nxPoints), N - 1]
    wr[0] = [1, nyPoints]
    wr[nxPoints - 1] = [nxPoints - 2, 2 * nxPoints - 1]
    wr[N - nxPoints] = [N - nxPoints - nxPoints, N - nxPoints + 1]
    wr[N - 1] = [N - 2, N - 1 - nxPoints]
    wq[0] = [1, nxPoints, nxPoints + 1]
    wq[nxPoints - 1] = [nxPoints - 2, nxPoints + nxPoints - 1,
            nxPoints + nxPoints - 2]
    wq[N - nxPoints] = [N - nxPoints - nxPoints, N - nxPoints + 1,
            N - nxPoints - nxPoints + 1]
    wq[N - 1] = [N - 2, N - 1 - nxPoints, N - 1 - nxPoints - 1]
    verticalBorderAreas = []
    for i in range(1, nxPoints - 1): #Asigning the neighborhood of the corner Areas
        wr[i * nxPoints] = [i * nxPoints - nxPoints, i * nxPoints + 1,
                i * nxPoints + nxPoints]
        wr[nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 1] = [nxPoints * i - 1,
                nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 2, nxPoints * i + 2 * nxPoints - 1]
        wq[i * nxPoints] = [i * nxPoints - nxPoints, i * nxPoints - nxPoints + 1,
                i * nxPoints + 1,i * nxPoints + nxPoints, i * nxPoints + nxPoints + 1]
        wq[nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 1] = [nxPoints * i - 1, nxPoints * i - 2,
                nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 2, nxPoints * i + 2 * nxPoints - 1,
                nxPoints * i + 2 * nxPoints - 2]
        disAreas = disAreas + [i * nxPoints, nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 1]
    disAreas = disAreas + range(1, nxPoints - 1) + range((N - nxPoints) + 1, N - 1)
    for i in range(1, nxPoints - 1): # Asigning the neighborhood of the side Areas
        wr[i]=[i - 1, i + nxPoints, i + 1]
        wq[i]=[i - 1, i + nxPoints - 1, i + nxPoints, i + nxPoints + 1, i + 1]
    for i in  range((N - nxPoints) + 1, N - 1):
        wr[i]=[i - 1, i - nxPoints, i + 1]
        wq[i]=[i - 1, i - nxPoints - 1, i - nxPoints, i - nxPoints + 1, i + 1]
    cont = 0
    for i in range(nyPoints): #Creating de clusterPy areas
        nexty = acty - areaHeight
        for j in range(nxPoints):
            nextx = actx + areaWidth
            x1 = tuple([actx, acty])
            x2 = tuple([nextx, acty])
            x3 = tuple([nextx, nexty])
            x4 = tuple([actx, nexty])
            x5 = tuple([actx, acty])
            area = [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5]
            actx = nextx
            if cont not in disAreas: # Asigning the rest of the neighborhoods
                wr[cont]=[cont - 1, cont - nxPoints, cont + 1, cont + nxPoints]
                wq[cont]=[cont - 1, cont - nxPoints - 1, cont - nxPoints,
                        cont - nxPoints + 1, cont + 1, cont + nxPoints - 1,
                        cont + nxPoints, cont + nxPoints + 1]
            cont = cont + 1
        acty = nexty
        actx = xmin
    for i in range(N):
    layer = Layer()
    layer.Y = Y
    layer.fieldNames = ['ID']
    layer.areas = map
    layer.Wrook = wr
    layer.Wqueen = wq
    layer.Wqueen, layer.Wrook, = weightsFromAreas(layer.areas)
    layer.shpType = 'polygon'
    layer.name = 'root'
    print "Done"
    return layer
예제 #9
def createHexagonalGrid(nRows, nCols, lowerLeft=(0,0), upperRight=(100,100)):
    """Creates a new Layer with a hexagonal regular lattice
    :param nRows: number of rows
    :type nRows: integer
    :param nCols: number of columns
    :type nCols: integer
    :type lowerLeft: tuple or none, lower-left corner coordinates; default is (0,0) 
    :type upperRight: tuple or none, upper-right corner coordinates; default is (100,100)
    :rtype: Layer new lattice 


    Regular lattices are widely used in both theoretical and empirical
    applications in Regional Science. The example below shows how easy 
    the creation of this kind of maps is using clusterPy.

    Create a grid of ten by ten points.::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createGrid(10,10)
    Create a grid of ten by ten points on the bounding box (0,0,100,100).::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createGrid(10, 10, lowerLeft=(0, 0), upperRight=(100, 100))
    print "Creating grid"
    rowHeight = (upperRight[1] - lowerLeft[1])/float(nRows)
    colStep = rowHeight/float(2)
    N = nRows*nCols
    areas = []
    for row in range(nRows):
        actx = lowerLeft[0]
        for col in range(nCols):
            if col != 0:
                actx += 2*colStep
            if col%2 == 1:
                y0 = lowerLeft[1] + rowHeight*row - 2*rowHeight/float(2)
                y1 = lowerLeft[1] + rowHeight*row - rowHeight/float(2)
                y2 = lowerLeft[1] + rowHeight*row
                y0 = lowerLeft[1] + rowHeight*row - rowHeight/float(2)
                y1 = lowerLeft[1] + rowHeight*row
                y2 = lowerLeft[1] + rowHeight*row + rowHeight/float(2)
            x0 = actx
            x1 = actx + colStep
            x2 = actx + 2*colStep
            x3 = actx + 3*colStep
            pol = [(x0,y1),(x1,y2),(x2,y2),
    Y = {}
    for i in range(N):
    layer = Layer()
    layer.Y = Y
    layer.fieldNames = ['ID']
    layer.areas = areas
    layer.Wqueen, layer.Wrook, = weightsFromAreas(layer.areas)
    layer.shpType = 'polygon'
    layer.name = 'root'
    print "Done"
    return layer
예제 #10
def createPoints(nRows, nCols, lowerLeft=(0,0), upperRight=(100,100)):
    """Creates a new Layer with uniformly distributed points in space

    :param nRows: number of rows
    :type nRows: integer
    :param nCols: number of cols
    :type nCols: integer
    :param lowerLeft: lower-left corner coordinates; default is (0,0)
    :type lowerLeft: tuple or none 
    :param upperRight: upper-right corner coordinates; default is (100,100)
    :type upperRight: tuple or none
    :rtype: Layer (new points layer)


    The example below shows how to create a point-based regular grids with clusterPy. 
    Creating a grid of ten by ten points.::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createPoints(10, 10)

    Creating a grid of ten by ten points on the bounding box (0,0,100,100). ::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createPoints(10, 10, lowerLeft=(0, 0), upperRight=(100, 100))

    print "Creating points"
    yMin = lowerLeft[1]
    yMax = upperRight[1]
    xMin = lowerLeft[0]
    xMax = upperRight[0]
    nyPoints = nRows
    nxPoints = nCols
    areaHeight = float(yMax - yMin) / nRows
    areaWidth = float(xMax - xMin) / nCols
    N = nyPoints*nxPoints
    Y = {}
    acty = yMax
    actx = xMin
    map = []
    verticalBorderAreas = []
    cont = 0
    for i in range(N):
        Y[i] = [i]
    for i in range(nyPoints):
        nexty = acty - areaHeight
        for j in range(nxPoints):
            nextx = actx + areaWidth
            point = (actx + areaWidth / float(2), acty - areaHeight / float(2))
            area = [point]
            actx = nextx
            cont = cont + 1
        acty = nexty
        actx = xMin
    layer = Layer()
    layer.Y = Y
    layer.fieldNames = ['ID','X','Y']
    layer.areas = map
    layer.shpType = 'point'
    layer.name = 'root'
    print "Done"
    return layer