def __init__(self, *args): sizes = it2list(args) it = iter(sizes) self.start = layers.Input(next(it)) layer = self.start for size in it: layer.append(layers.MLP(size, activations.sigmoid)) layer = layer.next_ self.end = layer
def __init__(self, input_size, loss='mean_squared_error'): """ Paramters --------- input_size : int Size of input array loss : str Name of loss function """ self.loss = getattr(F, loss) self.layers = [L.Input(input_size)]
def run_classification(): model = Model.Model() model.add_layer(layers.Input(784)) model.add_layer(layers.Dense(100, activation=af.relu)) model.add_layer(layers.Dense(10, activation=af.softmax)) model.compile(losses.crossentropy, optimizers.Adam()) with'data/mnist.pkl.gz', 'rb') as f: train_set, validation_set, test_set = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') n_train = train_set[0].shape[0] n_test = test_set[0].shape[0] train_set_onehots = helpers.make_onehot_2d(train_set[1], 10) test_set_onehots = helpers.make_onehot_2d(test_set[1], 10)[0], train_set_onehots, 50, 50, metric_dataset_x=test_set[0], metric_dataset_y=test_set_onehots, metric_callback=classification_metric_accuracy)
def run_regression(): df = np.array(pd.read_csv('data/Dataset/Training/Features_Variant_1.csv')) model = Model.Model() model.add_layer(layers.Input(53)) model.add_layer(layers.Dense(20, activation=af.relu)) model.add_layer(layers.Dense(1, activation=af.sigmoid)) model.compile(losses.mse, optimizers.SGD()) input_set = np.array([x[:-1] for x in df]) output_set = np.array([x[-1] for x in df]).reshape(len(input_set), 1) # Model.save_model(model, "test") # tmp = Model.load_model("test") #, output_set, 50, 50, metric_callback=regression_metric_mse) input_set = helpers.standard_scaler(input_set) output_set = helpers.standard_scaler(output_set) np.seterr(all="raise"), output_set, 50, 100, metric_callback=regression_metric_mse) Model.save_model(model,"SGD")
def compose_layers(num_classes, layer_dims, shape_input): embed_layer = layers.SelfInteractionSimple(layer_dims[0]) input_layer = layers.Input() model_layers = [] for dim in layer_dims[1:]: model_layers.append(layers.Convolution()) model_layers.append(layers.Concatenation()) model_layers.append(layers.SelfInteraction(dim)) model_layers.append(layers.Nonlinearity()) output_layer = layers.Output(num_classes) x, rbf, rij = input_layer(shape_input) input_tensor_list = {0: [embed_layer(x)]} for layer in model_layers: if isinstance(layer, layers.Convolution): input_tensor_list = layer([input_tensor_list, rbf, rij]) else: input_tensor_list = layer(input_tensor_list) output = output_layer(input_tensor_list) return output
def my_conv_net(n_classes): # initialization training_name = 'mode' loss_name = 'loss' ground_truth = 'y' input_layer = layers.Input() inp = layers.L2Norm(0.01, loss_name, input_layer) # Convoluton layers conv_count = 3 res_shape = [(32, 32), (16, 16), (8, 8)] conv_filters = [(32, 32), (128, 128), (256, 512)] conv_shapes = [((3, 3, 3), (3, 3)), ((32, 3, 3), (3, 3)), ((128, 3, 3), (3, 3))] for i in range(0, conv_count): inp = conv_bn_conv_bn_pool2x2(inp, conv_filters[i], conv_shapes[i], res_shape[i], training_name) flat = 4 * 4 * 512 inp = layers.Reshape((flat, ), inp) # Fully-connected layers fc_count = 2 fc_sizes = [(flat, 2048), (2048, 256)] for i in range(0, fc_count): inp = fc_bn_dropout(inp, fc_sizes[i], training_name) # Last fc layer y = layers.Affine((fc_sizes[-1][-1], n_classes), inp) loss = layers.SoftmaxLoss(ground_truth, loss_name, y) model = net.NeuralNetwork(input_layer, loss, loss_name, ground_truth, training_name, layers.params, layers.grads) return model
def autoencoder(bioma_shape=717, domain_shape=36, output_shape=717, latent_space=10, bioma_layers=[128, 64], domain_layers=[32, 16], input_transform=CenterLogRatio(), output_transform=None, activation_function_encoder=layers.ReLU(), activation_function_decoder=layers.ReLU(), activation_function_latent='tanh', ): has_domain = domain_shape is not None has_bioma = bioma_shape is not None if not has_bioma and not has_domain: raise Exception('Either bioma or domain has to be expecified.') # encoder bioma if has_bioma: in_bioma = layers.Input(shape=(bioma_shape,), name='bioma_input_{}'.format(bioma_shape)) net = in_bioma if input_transform is not None: net = input_transform(net) for s in bioma_layers: net = layers.Dense(s, activation=activation_function_encoder, name="encoder_bioma_dense_{}".format(s))(net) encoded_bioma = layers.Dense(latent_space, activation=activation_function_latent, name='encoded_bioma_{}'.format(latent_space))(net) encoder_bioma = keras.Model(inputs=in_bioma, outputs=encoded_bioma, name='EncoderBioma') else: encoded_bioma = None encoder_bioma = None # encoder domain if has_domain: in_domain = layers.Input(shape=(domain_shape,), name='domain_input_{}'.format(domain_shape)) net = in_domain for s in domain_layers: net = layers.Dense(s, activation=activation_function_encoder, name="encoder_domain_dense_{}".format(s))(net) encoded_domain = layers.Dense(latent_space, activation=activation_function_latent, name='encoded_domain_{}'.format(latent_space))(net) encoder_domain = keras.Model(inputs=in_domain, outputs=encoded_domain, name='EncoderDomain') else: encoded_domain = None encoder_domain = None # decoder bioma for both autoencoders in_latent_space = layers.Input(shape=(latent_space,), name='latent_space_input') net = in_latent_space net_bioma = encoded_bioma net_domain = encoded_domain for s in reversed(bioma_layers): layer = layers.Dense(s, activation=activation_function_decoder, name="decoder_dense_{}".format(s)) net = layer(net) if has_bioma: net_bioma = layer(net_bioma) if has_domain: net_domain = layer(net_domain) layer = layers.Dense(output_shape, activation=None, name='decoded_bioma') decoded_bioma = layer(net) if has_bioma: net_bioma = layer(net_bioma) if has_domain: net_domain = layer(net_domain) if output_transform is not None: decoded_bioma = output_transform(decoded_bioma) if has_bioma: net_bioma = output_transform(net_bioma) if has_domain: net_domain = output_transform(net_domain) decoder_bioma = keras.Model(inputs=in_latent_space, outputs=decoded_bioma, name='DecoderBioma') # combined model for training if has_domain and has_bioma: diff_encoders = tf.math.abs(encoded_domain - encoded_bioma, name='diff_encoded') diff_encoders = Identity(name='latent')(diff_encoders) net_bioma = Identity(name='bioma')(net_bioma) net_domain = Identity(name='domain')(net_domain) model = keras.Model(inputs=[in_bioma, in_domain], outputs=[net_bioma, net_domain, diff_encoders], name='model') else: if has_bioma: net_bioma = Identity(name='bioma')(net_bioma) model = keras.Model(inputs=[in_bioma], outputs=[net_bioma], name='model') if has_domain: net_domain = Identity(name='domain')(net_domain) model = keras.Model(inputs=[in_domain], outputs=[net_domain], name='model') return model, encoder_bioma, encoder_domain, decoder_bioma
from net import * from cs231n.solver import * import layers if __name__ == "__main__": # Instantiation example i1 = layers.Input() c1 = layers.Conv((8, 3, 3, 3), {'stride': 1, 'pad': 1}, i1) flat = 8 * 28 * 28 s1 = layers.Reshape((flat, ), c1) a1 = layers.Affine((flat, 10), s1) l1 = layers.SoftmaxLoss('y', 'loss', a1) try: layers.load_network('network') except IOError: pass model = NeuralNetwork(i1, l1, 'loss', layers.params, layers.grads) data = { 'X_train': np.ones((2**10, 3, 28, 28)) * 0.1, 'y_train': np.ones(2**10, * 2, 'X_val': np.ones((2**3, 3, 28, 28)) * 0.1, 'y_val': np.ones(2**3, * 2 } solver = Solver(model, data, update_rule='sgd', optim_config={ 'learning_rate': 1e-3, },