예제 #1
def task(x, activation='relu', output_dim=256, scope='task_network', norm='layer', b_train=False):
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
        if activation == 'swish':
            act_func = util.swish
        elif activation == 'relu':
            act_func = tf.nn.relu
        elif activation == 'lrelu':
            act_func = tf.nn.leaky_relu
            act_func = tf.nn.sigmoid

        print('Task Layer1: ' + str(x.get_shape().as_list()))

        block_depth = dense_block_depth
        l = x
        l = layers.conv(l, scope='conv1', filter_dims=[3, 3, block_depth], stride_dims=[1, 1],
                        non_linear_fn=None, bias=False, dilation=[1, 1, 1, 1])

        if norm == 'layer':
            l = layers.layer_norm(l, scope='ln1')
        elif norm == 'batch':
            l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=b_train, scope='bn1')

        l = act_func(l)

        for i in range(15):
            l = layers.add_residual_block(l,  filter_dims=[3, 3, block_depth], num_layers=2, act_func=act_func,
                                          norm=norm, b_train=b_train, scope='block1_' + str(i))

        latent = layers.global_avg_pool(l, output_length=output_dim)

    return latent
예제 #2
def decoder_network(latent, anchor_layer=None, activation='swish', scope='g_decoder_network', bn_phaze=False):
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
        if activation == 'swish':
            act_func = util.swish
        elif activation == 'relu':
            act_func = tf.nn.relu
        elif activation == 'lrelu':
            act_func = tf.nn.leaky_relu
            act_func = tf.nn.sigmoid

        #l = tf.cond(bn_phaze, lambda: latent, lambda: make_multi_modal_noise(8))
        l = tf.cond(bn_phaze, lambda: latent, lambda: latent)

        l = layers.fc(l, 6*6*32, non_linear_fn=act_func)

        print('decoder input:', str(latent.get_shape().as_list()))
        l = tf.reshape(l, shape=[-1, 6, 6, 32])

        l = add_residual_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth*4], num_layers=4,
                               act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, use_residual=False, scope='block_0')

        print('block 0:', str(l.get_shape().as_list()))

        l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=bn_phaze, scope='bn1')
        l = act_func(l)

        # 12 x 12
        l = layers.deconv(l, b_size=batch_size, scope='g_dec_deconv1', filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 3],
                             stride_dims=[2, 2], padding='SAME', non_linear_fn=None)

        print('deconv1:', str(l.get_shape().as_list()))

        l = add_residual_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 3], num_layers=4,
                               act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, use_residual=False,
                               scope='block_1', use_dilation=True)

        l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=bn_phaze, scope='bn2')
        l = act_func(l)

        # 24 x 24
        l = layers.deconv(l, b_size=batch_size, scope='g_dec_deconv2', filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 2],
                             stride_dims=[2, 2], padding='SAME', non_linear_fn=None)

        print('deconv2:', str(l.get_shape().as_list()))

        l = add_residual_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 2], num_layers=4,
                               act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, use_residual=False,
                               scope='block_2', use_dilation=True)

        l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=bn_phaze, scope='bn3')
        l = act_func(l)

        # 48 x 48
        l = layers.deconv(l, b_size=batch_size, scope='g_dec_deconv3', filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth],
                          stride_dims=[2, 2], padding='SAME', non_linear_fn=None)

        print('deconv3:', str(l.get_shape().as_list()))

        l = add_residual_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth], num_layers=4,
                               act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, use_residual=False,
                               scope='block_3', use_dilation=True)

        l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=bn_phaze, scope='bn4')
        l = act_func(l)

        l = layers.self_attention(l, g_dense_block_depth, act_func=act_func)

        if anchor_layer is not None:
            l = tf.concat([l, anchor_layer], axis=3)

        # 96 x 96
        l = layers.deconv(l, b_size=batch_size, scope='g_dec_deconv4', filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth],
                          stride_dims=[2, 2], padding='SAME', non_linear_fn=None)

        l = add_residual_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth], num_layers=2,
                               act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, use_residual=False,
                               scope='block_4', use_dilation=True)

        l = layers.add_dense_transition_layer(l, filter_dims=[1, 1, 3], act_func=act_func,
                                              scope='dense_transition_1', bn_phaze=bn_phaze, use_pool=False)

        l = add_residual_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, 3], num_layers=2,
                               act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, use_residual=False,
                               scope='block_5', use_dilation=True)

        l = tf.nn.tanh(l)

        print('final:', str(l.get_shape().as_list()))

        return l
예제 #3
def encoder_network(x, activation='relu', scope='encoder_network', reuse=False, bn_phaze=False, keep_prob=0.5):
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
        # if reuse:
        #    tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables()

        if activation == 'swish':
            act_func = util.swish
        elif activation == 'relu':
            act_func = tf.nn.relu
        elif activation == 'lrelu':
            act_func = tf.nn.leaky_relu
            act_func = tf.nn.sigmoid

        # [96 x 96]
        l = layers.conv(x, scope='conv1', filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth], stride_dims=[1, 1],
                        non_linear_fn=None, bias=False, dilation=[1, 1, 1, 1])

        l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth], num_layers=2,
                                     act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_0')

        l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth], num_layers=2,
                                     act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_1')

        l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth], num_layers=2,
                                     act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_1_1')

        l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=bn_phaze, scope='bn1')
        l = act_func(l)

        # [48 x 48]
        #l = tf.nn.avg_pool(l, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')
        l = layers.conv(l, scope='conv2', filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth], stride_dims=[2, 2],
                        non_linear_fn=act_func, bias=False, dilation=[1, 1, 1, 1])

        l = layers.self_attention(l, g_dense_block_depth)

        l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth], num_layers=2,
                                     act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_2')

        l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth], num_layers=2,
                                     act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_3')

        l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth], num_layers=2,
                                     act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_3_1')

        l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=bn_phaze, scope='bn2')
        l = act_func(l)

        l_share = l

        # [24 x 24]
        #l = tf.nn.avg_pool(l, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')
        l = layers.conv(l, scope='conv3', filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 2], stride_dims=[2, 2],
                        non_linear_fn=None, bias=False, dilation=[1, 1, 1, 1])

        l = layers.add_dense_transition_layer(l, filter_dims=[1, 1, g_dense_block_depth * 2],
                                              scope='dense_transition_24', bn_phaze=bn_phaze,

        l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 2], num_layers=3,
                                     act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_4')

        l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 2], num_layers=3,
                                     act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_5')

        l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 2], num_layers=3,
                                     act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_5_1')

        l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=bn_phaze, scope='bn3')
        l = act_func(l)

        # [12 x 12]
        #l = tf.nn.avg_pool(l, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')
        l = layers.conv(l, scope='conv4', filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 3], stride_dims=[2, 2],
                        non_linear_fn=None, bias=False, dilation=[1, 1, 1, 1])

        l = layers.add_dense_transition_layer(l, filter_dims=[1, 1, g_dense_block_depth * 3],
                                              scope='dense_transition_12', bn_phaze=bn_phaze,

        l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 3], num_layers=3,
                                     act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_6')

        l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 3], num_layers=3,
                                     act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_7')

        l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 3], num_layers=3,
                                     act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_7_1')

        l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=bn_phaze, scope='bn4')
        l = act_func(l)

        # [6 x 6]
        #l = tf.nn.avg_pool(l, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')
        l = layers.conv(l, scope='conv5', filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 4], stride_dims=[2, 2],
                        non_linear_fn=None, bias=False, dilation=[1, 1, 1, 1])

        l = layers.add_dense_transition_layer(l, filter_dims=[1, 1, g_dense_block_depth * 4],
                                              scope='dense_transition_6', bn_phaze=bn_phaze,

        l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 4], num_layers=3,
                                     act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_8')

        #l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 4], num_layers=3,
        #                             act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_9')

        #l = add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, g_dense_block_depth * 4], num_layers=3,
        #                             act_func=act_func, bn_phaze=bn_phaze, scope='block_10')

        with tf.variable_scope('dense_block_last'):
            scale_layer = layers.add_dense_transition_layer(l, filter_dims=[1, 1, representation_dim],
                                                            scope='dense_transition_1', bn_phaze=bn_phaze,
            last_dense_layer = layers.add_dense_transition_layer(l, filter_dims=[1, 1, representation_dim],
                                                                 scope='dense_transition_2', bn_phaze=bn_phaze,
            scale_layer = act_func(scale_layer)
            last_dense_layer = act_func(last_dense_layer)

    return last_dense_layer, scale_layer, l_share
예제 #4
def encoder(x, activation='relu', scope='encoder_network', norm='layer', b_train=False):
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):

        if activation == 'swish':
            act_func = util.swish
        elif activation == 'relu':
            act_func = tf.nn.relu
        elif activation == 'lrelu':
            act_func = tf.nn.leaky_relu
            act_func = tf.nn.sigmoid

        # [192 x 192]
        block_depth = dense_block_depth // 4

        l = layers.conv(x, scope='conv1', filter_dims=[5, 5, block_depth], stride_dims=[1, 1],
                       non_linear_fn=None, bias=False, dilation=[1, 1, 1, 1])

        if norm == 'layer':
            l = layers.layer_norm(l, scope='ln0')
        elif norm == 'batch':
            l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=b_train, scope='bn0')

        l = act_func(l)

        for i in range(4):
            l = layers.add_residual_dense_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, block_depth], num_layers=2,
                                                act_func=act_func, norm=norm, b_train=b_train,
                                                scope='dense_block_1_' + str(i))

        # [64 x 64]
        block_depth = block_depth * 2

        l = layers.conv(l, scope='tr1', filter_dims=[3, 3, block_depth], stride_dims=[2, 2], non_linear_fn=None)

        if norm == 'layer':
            l = layers.layer_norm(l, scope='ln1')
        elif norm == 'batch':
            l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=b_train, scope='bn1')

        l = act_func(l)

        print('Encoder Block 1: ' + str(l.get_shape().as_list()))

        for i in range(2):
            l = layers.add_residual_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, block_depth], num_layers=2, act_func=act_func,
                                          norm=norm, b_train=b_train, scope='res_block_1_' + str(i))

        # [32 x 32]
        block_depth = block_depth * 2

        l = layers.conv(l, scope='tr2', filter_dims=[3, 3, block_depth], stride_dims=[2, 2], non_linear_fn=None)

        if norm == 'layer':
            l = layers.layer_norm(l, scope='ln2')
        elif norm == 'batch':
            l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=b_train, scope='bn2')

        l = act_func(l)

        print('Encoder Block 2: ' + str(l.get_shape().as_list()))

        for i in range(2):
            l = layers.add_residual_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, block_depth], num_layers=2, act_func=act_func,
                                          norm=norm, b_train=b_train, scope='res_block_2_' + str(i))

        # [16 x 16]
        block_depth = block_depth * 2

        l = layers.conv(l, scope='tr3', filter_dims=[3, 3, block_depth], stride_dims=[2, 2], non_linear_fn=None)

        if norm == 'layer':
            l = layers.layer_norm(l, scope='ln3')
        elif norm == 'batch':
            l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=b_train, scope='bn3')

        l = act_func(l)

        print('Encoder Block 3: ' + str(l.get_shape().as_list()))

        for i in range(2):
            l = layers.add_residual_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, block_depth], num_layers=2, act_func=act_func,
                                          norm=norm, b_train=b_train, scope='res_block_3' + str(i))

        # [8 x 8]
        block_depth = block_depth * 2
        l = layers.conv(l, scope='tr4', filter_dims=[3, 3, block_depth], stride_dims=[2, 2], non_linear_fn=None)

        if norm == 'layer':
            l = layers.layer_norm(l, scope='ln4')
        elif norm == 'batch':
            l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=b_train, scope='bn4')

        l = act_func(l)

        print('Encoder Block 4: ' + str(l.get_shape().as_list()))

        for i in range(2):
            l = layers.add_residual_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, block_depth], num_layers=2, act_func=act_func,
                                          norm=norm, b_train=b_train, use_dilation=True, scope='res_block_4_' + str(i))

        # [4 x 4]
        block_depth = block_depth * 2
        l = layers.conv(l, scope='tr5', filter_dims=[3, 3, block_depth], stride_dims=[2, 2], non_linear_fn=None)
        print('Encoder Block 5: ' + str(l.get_shape().as_list()))

        if norm == 'layer':
            l = layers.layer_norm(l, scope='ln5')
        elif norm == 'batch':
            l = layers.batch_norm_conv(l, b_train=b_train, scope='bn5')

        l = act_func(l)

        for i in range(2):
            l = layers.add_residual_block(l, filter_dims=[3, 3, block_depth], num_layers=2, act_func=act_func,
                                          norm=norm, b_train=b_train, use_dilation=True, scope='res_block_5_' + str(i))

        last_layer = l

        context = layers.global_avg_pool(last_layer, output_length=representation_dim, use_bias=True, scope='gp')
        print('Encoder GP Dims: ' + str(context.get_shape().as_list()))

        context = tf.reshape(context, [batch_size, num_context_patches, num_context_patches, -1])
        print('Context Dims: ' + str(context.get_shape().as_list()))

    return context