예제 #1
ecallayout(dqmitems, '00 Shift/Ecal/01 Number of RecHits', [{
    'EcalBarrel/EBOccupancyTask/EBOT number of filtered rec hits in event',
    'Occupancy of rec hits with GOOD reconstruction flag and E > 0.5 GeV.'
}], [{
    'EcalEndcap/EEOccupancyTask/EEOT number of filtered rec hits in event',
    'Occupancy of rec hits with GOOD reconstruction flag and E > 0.5 GeV.'
ecallayout(dqmitems, '00 Shift/Ecal/02 Mean Timing', [{
    'EcalBarrel/EBSummaryClient/EBTMT timing mean 1D summary',
    'Distribution of per-channel timing mean. Channels with entries less than 1 (or 8 in forward region) are not considered.'
}], [{
    'EcalEndcap/EESummaryClient/EETMT EE - timing mean 1D summary',
    'Distribution of per-channel timing mean. Channels with entries less than 1 (or 8 in forward region) are not considered.'
}, {
    'EcalEndcap/EESummaryClient/EETMT EE + timing mean 1D summary',
    'Distribution of per-channel timing mean. Channels with entries less than 1 (or 8 in forward region) are not considered.'

adapt_and_register(dqmitems, scope=LayoutScope.RELVAL)
예제 #2
from layouts.layout_manager import LayoutScope, adapt_and_register
dqmitems = {}

def shifthcalcaliblayout(i, p, *rows):
    i['00 Shift/HcalCalib/' + p] = rows

shifthcalcaliblayout(dqmitems, '00 Run Summary', [{
    """Calibration Summary. Anything that is not either WHITE or GREEN or Gray is BAD.<br> Color Scheme:<br><font color='green'>GOOD</font> for GOOD<br><font color='yellow'>PROBLEMATIC</font> for Problematic<br><font color='red'>BAD</font> for BAD<br><font color='black'>RESERVED</font> Not used at the moment <br><font color='gray'>NCDAQ with Gray Font</font> FED is excluded from cDAQ<br>WHITE color stands for INAPPLICABLE flag<br>FED(Y) vs LS(X). All the Monitoring Tasks are summarized. For details...  <a href='https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/HcalDQMRun2TaskDescription#Pedestal_Task_Description'>Details...</a>"""
}, {
    """RAW Summary Summary. Anything that is not either WHITE or GREEN or Gray is BAD.<br> Color Scheme:<br><font color='green'>GOOD</font> for GOOD<br><font color='yellow'>PROBLEMATIC</font> for Problematic<br><font color='red'>BAD</font> for BAD<br><font color='black'>RESERVED</font> Not used at the moment <br><font color='gray'>NCDAQ with Gray Font</font> FED is excluded from cDAQ<br>WHITE color stands for INAPPLICABLE flag<br>FED(Y) vs LS(X). All the Monitoring Tasks are summarized. For details...  <a href='https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/HcalDQMRun2TaskDescription#Raw_Task_Description'>Details...</a>"""

adapt_and_register(dqmitems, scope=LayoutScope.ONLINE)