예제 #1
    def _determine_blockshape(self, outputSlot):
        Choose a blockshape using the slot metadata (if available) or an arbitrary guess otherwise.
        input_shape = outputSlot.meta.shape
        ideal_blockshape = outputSlot.meta.ideal_blockshape
        ram_usage_per_requested_pixel = outputSlot.meta.ram_usage_per_requested_pixel

        num_channels = 1
        tagged_shape = outputSlot.meta.getTaggedShape()
        # Generally, we don't want to split requests across channels.
        if 'c' in tagged_shape.keys():
            num_channels = tagged_shape['c']
            channel_index = tagged_shape.keys().index('c')
            input_shape = input_shape[:channel_index] + input_shape[channel_index+1:]
            if ideal_blockshape:
                # Never enlarge 'ideal' in the channel dimension.
                num_channels = ideal_blockshape[channel_index]
                ideal_blockshape = ideal_blockshape[:channel_index] + ideal_blockshape[channel_index+1:]

        max_blockshape = input_shape
        available_ram = Memory.getAvailableRamComputation()
        if ram_usage_per_requested_pixel is None:
            # Make a conservative guess: 2*(bytes for dtype) * (num channels) + (fudge factor=4)
            ram_usage_per_requested_pixel = 2*outputSlot.meta.dtype().nbytes*num_channels + 4
            warnings.warn( "Unknown per-pixel RAM requirement.  Making a guess." )

        # Safety factor (fudge factor): Double the estimated RAM usage per pixel
        safety_factor = 2.0
        logger.info("Estimated RAM usage per pixel is {} * safety factor ({})"
                    .format( Memory.format(ram_usage_per_requested_pixel), safety_factor ) )
        ram_usage_per_requested_pixel *= safety_factor
        if ideal_blockshape is None:
            blockshape = determineBlockShape( input_shape, available_ram/(self._num_threads*ram_usage_per_requested_pixel) )
            if 'c' in outputSlot.meta.getAxisKeys():
                blockshape = blockshape[:channel_index] + (num_channels,) + blockshape[channel_index:]
            warnings.warn( "Chose an arbitrary request blockshape {}".format( blockshape ) )
            logger.info("determining blockshape assuming available_ram is {}"
                        ", split between {} threads"
                        .format(Memory.format(available_ram), self._num_threads))
            # By convention, ram_usage_per_requested_pixel refers to the ram used when requesting ALL channels of a 'pixel'
            # Therefore, we do not include the channel dimension in the blockshapes here.
            blockshape = determine_optimal_request_blockshape( max_blockshape,
                                                               available_ram )
            if 'c' in outputSlot.meta.getAxisKeys():
                blockshape = blockshape[:channel_index] + (num_channels,) + blockshape[channel_index:]
            logger.info( "Chose blockshape: {}".format( blockshape ) )
            fmt = Memory.format(ram_usage_per_requested_pixel *
            logger.info("Estimated RAM usage per block is {}".format(fmt))

        return blockshape
예제 #2
    def _determine_blockshape(self, outputSlot):
        Choose a blockshape using the slot metadata (if available) or an arbitrary guess otherwise.
        input_shape = outputSlot.meta.shape
        max_blockshape = input_shape
        ideal_blockshape = outputSlot.meta.ideal_blockshape
        ram_usage_per_requested_pixel = outputSlot.meta.ram_usage_per_requested_pixel
        num_threads = Request.global_thread_pool.num_workers
        if lazyflow.AVAILABLE_RAM_MB != 0:
            available_ram = lazyflow.AVAILABLE_RAM_MB * 1e6
            available_ram = psutil.virtual_memory().available
        if ram_usage_per_requested_pixel is None:
            # Make a conservative guess: 2*(bytes for dtype) * (num channels) + (fudge factor=4)
            ram_usage_per_requested_pixel = 2*outputSlot.meta.dtype().nbytes*outputSlot.meta.shape[-1] + 4
            logger.warn( "Unknown per-pixel RAM requirement.  Making a guess." )

        # Safety factor (fudge factor): Double the estimated RAM usage per pixel
        safety_factor = 2.0
        logger.info( "Estimated RAM usage per pixel is {} bytes * safety factor ({})"
                           .format( ram_usage_per_requested_pixel, safety_factor ) )
        ram_usage_per_requested_pixel *= safety_factor
        if ideal_blockshape is None:
            blockshape = determineBlockShape( input_shape, available_ram/(num_threads*ram_usage_per_requested_pixel) )
            logger.warn( "Chose an arbitrary request blockshape {}".format( blockshape ) )
            logger.info( "determining blockshape assuming available_ram is {} GB, split between {} threads"
                               .format( available_ram/1e9, num_threads ) )
            # By convention, ram_usage_per_requested_pixel refers to the ram used when requesting ALL channels of a 'pixel'
            # Therefore, we do not include the channel dimension in the blockshapes here.
            blockshape = determine_optimal_request_blockshape( max_blockshape[:-1], 
                                                               available_ram )
            blockshape += (outputSlot.meta.shape[-1],)
            logger.info( "Chose blockshape: {}".format( blockshape ) )
            logger.info( "Estimated RAM usage per block is {} GB"
                         .format( ram_usage_per_requested_pixel * numpy.prod( blockshape[:-1] ) / 1e9 ) )

        return blockshape
예제 #3
    def _determine_blockshape(self, outputSlot):
        Choose a blockshape using the slot metadata (if available) or an arbitrary guess otherwise.
        input_shape = outputSlot.meta.shape
        max_blockshape = input_shape
        ideal_blockshape = outputSlot.meta.ideal_blockshape
        ram_usage_per_requested_pixel = outputSlot.meta.ram_usage_per_requested_pixel
        num_threads = Request.global_thread_pool.num_workers
        available_ram = psutil.virtual_memory().available
        # Fudge factor: Reduce RAM usage by a bit
        available_ram *= 0.5

        if ram_usage_per_requested_pixel is None:
            # Make a conservative guess: (bytes for dtype) * (num channels) + (fudge factor=4)
            ram_usage_per_requested_pixel = 4 + 2*outputSlot.meta.dtype().nbytes*outputSlot.meta.shape[-1]
            logger.warn( "Unknown RAM usage.  Making a guess." )
            logger.info( "Estimated RAM usage per pixel is {} bytes"
                               .format( ram_usage_per_requested_pixel ) )
        if ideal_blockshape is None:
            blockshape = determineBlockShape( input_shape, available_ram/(num_threads*ram_usage_per_requested_pixel) )
            logger.warn( "Chose an arbitrary request blockshape {}".format( blockshape ) )
            logger.info( "determining blockshape assuming available_ram is {} GB, split between {} threads"
                               .format( available_ram/1e9, num_threads ) )
            # By convention, ram_usage_per_requested_pixel refers to the ram used when requesting ALL channels of a 'pixel'
            # Therefore, we do not include the channel dimension in the blockshapes here.
            blockshape = determine_optimal_request_blockshape( max_blockshape[:-1], 
                                                               available_ram )
            blockshape += (outputSlot.meta.shape[-1],)
            logger.info( "Chose blockshape: {}".format( blockshape ) )
            logger.info( "Estimated RAM usage per block is {} GB"
                         .format( ram_usage_per_requested_pixel * numpy.prod( blockshape[:-1] ) / 1e9 ) )

        return blockshape
예제 #4
def test_determine_optimal_request_blockshape_exceeds_memory():
    assert (64, 64, 1) == determine_optimal_request_blockshape(
        (1000, 1000, 100), (0, 0, 1), 100000, 10, 1000)
예제 #5
    def _determine_blockshape(self, outputSlot):
        Choose a blockshape using the slot metadata (if available) or an arbitrary guess otherwise.
        input_shape = outputSlot.meta.shape
        ideal_blockshape = outputSlot.meta.ideal_blockshape
        ram_usage_per_requested_pixel = outputSlot.meta.ram_usage_per_requested_pixel

        num_channels = 1
        tagged_shape = outputSlot.meta.getTaggedShape()
        # Generally, we don't want to split requests across channels.
        if 'c' in tagged_shape.keys():
            num_channels = tagged_shape['c']
            channel_index = tagged_shape.keys().index('c')
            input_shape = input_shape[:channel_index] + input_shape[channel_index+1:]
            if ideal_blockshape:
                # Never enlarge 'ideal' in the channel dimension.
                num_channels = ideal_blockshape[channel_index]
                ideal_blockshape = ideal_blockshape[:channel_index] + ideal_blockshape[channel_index+1:]

        max_blockshape = input_shape
        num_threads = max(1, Request.global_thread_pool.num_workers)
        available_ram = Memory.getAvailableRamComputation()
        if ram_usage_per_requested_pixel is None:
            # Make a conservative guess: 2*(bytes for dtype) * (num channels) + (fudge factor=4)
            ram_usage_per_requested_pixel = 2*outputSlot.meta.dtype().nbytes*num_channels + 4
            warnings.warn( "Unknown per-pixel RAM requirement.  Making a guess." )

        # Safety factor (fudge factor): Double the estimated RAM usage per pixel
        safety_factor = 2.0
        logger.info("Estimated RAM usage per pixel is {} * safety factor ({})"
                    .format( Memory.format(ram_usage_per_requested_pixel), safety_factor ) )
        ram_usage_per_requested_pixel *= safety_factor
        if ideal_blockshape is None:
            blockshape = determineBlockShape( input_shape, available_ram/(num_threads*ram_usage_per_requested_pixel) )
            if 'c' in outputSlot.meta.getAxisKeys():
                blockshape = blockshape[:channel_index] + (num_channels,) + blockshape[channel_index:]
            warnings.warn( "Chose an arbitrary request blockshape {}".format( blockshape ) )
            logger.info("determining blockshape assuming available_ram is {}"
                        ", split between {} threads"
                        .format(Memory.format(available_ram), num_threads))
            # By convention, ram_usage_per_requested_pixel refers to the ram used when requesting ALL channels of a 'pixel'
            # Therefore, we do not include the channel dimension in the blockshapes here.
            blockshape = determine_optimal_request_blockshape( max_blockshape,
                                                               available_ram )
            if 'c' in outputSlot.meta.getAxisKeys():
                blockshape = blockshape[:channel_index] + (num_channels,) + blockshape[channel_index:]
            logger.info( "Chose blockshape: {}".format( blockshape ) )
            fmt = Memory.format(ram_usage_per_requested_pixel *
            logger.info("Estimated RAM usage per block is {}".format(fmt))

        return blockshape
예제 #6
    def _determine_blockshape(self, outputSlot):
        Choose a blockshape using the slot metadata (if available) or an arbitrary guess otherwise.
        input_shape = outputSlot.meta.shape
        ideal_blockshape = outputSlot.meta.ideal_blockshape
        ram_usage_per_requested_pixel = outputSlot.meta.ram_usage_per_requested_pixel
        max_blockshape = outputSlot.meta.max_blockshape or input_shape

        num_channels = 1
        tagged_shape = outputSlot.meta.getTaggedShape()

        available_ram = Memory.getAvailableRamComputation()

        # Generally, we don't want to split requests across channels.
        if "c" in list(tagged_shape.keys()):
            num_channels = tagged_shape["c"]
            channel_index = list(tagged_shape.keys()).index("c")
            input_shape = input_shape[:channel_index] + input_shape[
                channel_index + 1:]
            max_blockshape = max_blockshape[:channel_index] + max_blockshape[
                channel_index + 1:]
            if ideal_blockshape:
                # Never enlarge 'ideal' in the channel dimension.
                num_channels = ideal_blockshape[channel_index]
                ideal_blockshape = ideal_blockshape[:
                                                    channel_index] + ideal_blockshape[
                                                        channel_index + 1:]
            del tagged_shape["c"]

        # Generally, we don't want to join time slices
        if "t" in tagged_shape.keys():
            blockshape_time_steps = 1
            time_index = list(tagged_shape.keys()).index("t")
            input_shape = input_shape[:time_index] + input_shape[time_index +
            max_blockshape = max_blockshape[:time_index] + max_blockshape[
                time_index + 1:]
            if ideal_blockshape:
                # Never enlarge 'ideal' in the time dimension.
                blockshape_time_steps = ideal_blockshape[time_index]
                ideal_blockshape = ideal_blockshape[:
                                                    time_index] + ideal_blockshape[
                                                        time_index + 1:]
                available_ram /= blockshape_time_steps
            del tagged_shape["t"]

        if ram_usage_per_requested_pixel is None:
            # Make a conservative guess: 2*(bytes for dtype) * (num channels) + (fudge factor=4)
            ram_usage_per_requested_pixel = 2 * outputSlot.meta.dtype(
            ).nbytes * num_channels + 4
                "Unknown per-pixel RAM requirement.  Making a guess.")

        # Safety factor (fudge factor): Double the estimated RAM usage per pixel
        safety_factor = 2.0
            "Estimated RAM usage per pixel is {} * safety factor ({})".format(
                Memory.format(ram_usage_per_requested_pixel), safety_factor))
        ram_usage_per_requested_pixel *= safety_factor

        if ideal_blockshape is None:
            blockshape = determineBlockShape(
                (available_ram //
                 (self._num_threads * ram_usage_per_requested_pixel)))
            blockshape = tuple(numpy.minimum(max_blockshape, blockshape))
            warnings.warn("Chose an arbitrary request blockshape")
            logger.info("determining blockshape assuming available_ram is {}"
                        ", split between {} threads".format(
                            Memory.format(available_ram), self._num_threads))

            # By convention, ram_usage_per_requested_pixel refers to the ram used when requesting ALL channels of a 'pixel'
            # Therefore, we do not include the channel dimension in the blockshapes here.
            # Also, it rarely makes sense to request more than one time slice, so we omit that, too. (See above.)
            blockshape = determine_optimal_request_blockshape(
                max_blockshape, ideal_blockshape,
                ram_usage_per_requested_pixel, self._num_threads,
        # compute the RAM size of the block before adding back t anc c dimensions
        fmt = Memory.format(ram_usage_per_requested_pixel *
        # If we removed time and channel from consideration, add them back now before returning
        if "t" in outputSlot.meta.getAxisKeys():
            blockshape = blockshape[:time_index] + (
                blockshape_time_steps, ) + blockshape[time_index:]

        if "c" in outputSlot.meta.getAxisKeys():
            blockshape = blockshape[:channel_index] + (
                num_channels, ) + blockshape[channel_index:]

        logger.info("Chose blockshape: {}".format(blockshape))
        logger.info("Estimated RAM usage per block is {}".format(fmt))

        return blockshape
예제 #7
    def _determine_blockshape(self, outputSlot):
        Choose a blockshape using the slot metadata (if available) or an arbitrary guess otherwise.
        input_shape = outputSlot.meta.shape
        ideal_blockshape = outputSlot.meta.ideal_blockshape
        ram_usage_per_requested_pixel = outputSlot.meta.ram_usage_per_requested_pixel
        max_blockshape = outputSlot.meta.max_blockshape or input_shape

        num_channels = 1
        tagged_shape = outputSlot.meta.getTaggedShape()

        available_ram = Memory.getAvailableRamComputation()

        # Generally, we don't want to split requests across channels.
        if "c" in list(tagged_shape.keys()):
            num_channels = tagged_shape["c"]
            channel_index = list(tagged_shape.keys()).index("c")
            input_shape = input_shape[:channel_index] + input_shape[channel_index + 1 :]
            max_blockshape = max_blockshape[:channel_index] + max_blockshape[channel_index + 1 :]
            if ideal_blockshape:
                # Never enlarge 'ideal' in the channel dimension.
                num_channels = ideal_blockshape[channel_index]
                ideal_blockshape = ideal_blockshape[:channel_index] + ideal_blockshape[channel_index + 1 :]
            del tagged_shape["c"]

        # Generally, we don't want to join time slices
        if "t" in tagged_shape.keys():
            blockshape_time_steps = 1
            time_index = list(tagged_shape.keys()).index("t")
            input_shape = input_shape[:time_index] + input_shape[time_index + 1 :]
            max_blockshape = max_blockshape[:time_index] + max_blockshape[time_index + 1 :]
            if ideal_blockshape:
                # Never enlarge 'ideal' in the time dimension.
                blockshape_time_steps = ideal_blockshape[time_index]
                ideal_blockshape = ideal_blockshape[:time_index] + ideal_blockshape[time_index + 1 :]
                available_ram /= blockshape_time_steps
            del tagged_shape["t"]

        if ram_usage_per_requested_pixel is None:
            # Make a conservative guess: 2*(bytes for dtype) * (num channels) + (fudge factor=4)
            ram_usage_per_requested_pixel = 2 * outputSlot.meta.dtype().nbytes * num_channels + 4
            warnings.warn("Unknown per-pixel RAM requirement.  Making a guess.")

        # Safety factor (fudge factor): Double the estimated RAM usage per pixel
        safety_factor = 2.0
            "Estimated RAM usage per pixel is {} * safety factor ({})".format(
                Memory.format(ram_usage_per_requested_pixel), safety_factor
        ram_usage_per_requested_pixel *= safety_factor

        if ideal_blockshape is None:
            blockshape = determineBlockShape(
                input_shape, (available_ram // (self._num_threads * ram_usage_per_requested_pixel))
            blockshape = tuple(numpy.minimum(max_blockshape, blockshape))
            warnings.warn("Chose an arbitrary request blockshape")
                "determining blockshape assuming available_ram is {}"
                ", split between {} threads".format(Memory.format(available_ram), self._num_threads)

            # By convention, ram_usage_per_requested_pixel refers to the ram used when requesting ALL channels of a 'pixel'
            # Therefore, we do not include the channel dimension in the blockshapes here.
            # Also, it rarely makes sense to request more than one time slice, so we omit that, too. (See above.)
            blockshape = determine_optimal_request_blockshape(
                max_blockshape, ideal_blockshape, ram_usage_per_requested_pixel, self._num_threads, available_ram

        # If we removed time and channel from consideration, add them back now before returning
        if "t" in outputSlot.meta.getAxisKeys():
            blockshape = blockshape[:time_index] + (blockshape_time_steps,) + blockshape[time_index:]

        if "c" in outputSlot.meta.getAxisKeys():
            blockshape = blockshape[:channel_index] + (num_channels,) + blockshape[channel_index:]

        logger.info("Chose blockshape: {}".format(blockshape))
        fmt = Memory.format(ram_usage_per_requested_pixel * numpy.prod(blockshape[:-1]))
        logger.info("Estimated RAM usage per block is {}".format(fmt))

        return blockshape