def _transferData(self, roi, array_data, read): """ Read or write data from/to the fileset. :param roi: The region of interest. :param array_data: If ``read`` is True, ``array_data`` is the destination array for the read data. If ``read`` is False, array_data contains the data to write to disk. :param read: If True, read data from the fileset into ``array_data``. Otherwise, write data from ``array_data`` into the fileset on disk. :type read: bool """ entire_dataset_roi = ([0] * len(self._description.view_shape), self._description.view_shape) clipped_roi = getIntersection(roi, entire_dataset_roi) assert ( numpy.array(clipped_roi) == numpy.array(roi) ).all(), "Roi {} does not fit within dataset bounds: {}".format(roi, self._description.view_shape) block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks(self._description.block_shape, roi) # TODO: Parallelize this loop? for block_start in block_starts: entire_block_roi = self.getEntireBlockRoi(block_start) # Roi of this whole block within the whole dataset transfer_block_roi = getIntersection( entire_block_roi, roi ) # Roi of data needed from this block within the whole dataset block_relative_roi = ( transfer_block_roi[0] - block_start, transfer_block_roi[1] - block_start, ) # Roi of needed data from this block, relative to the block itself array_data_roi = ( transfer_block_roi[0] - roi[0], transfer_block_roi[1] - roi[0], ) # Roi of data needed from this block within array_data array_slicing = roiToSlice(*array_data_roi) self._transferBlockData(entire_block_roi, block_relative_roi, array_data, array_slicing, read)
def _copyData(self, roi, destination, block_starts): """ Copy data from each block into the destination array. For blocks that aren't currently stored, just write zeros. """ # (Parallelism not needed here: h5py will serialize these requests anyway) block_starts = map( tuple, block_starts ) for block_start in block_starts: entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start ) # This block's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection( (roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi ) # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this block destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi.start) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, block_start) destination_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection) block_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice(*block_relative_intersection) if block_start in self._cacheFiles: # Copy from block to destination dataset = self._getBlockDataset( entire_block_roi ) if self.Output.meta.has_mask: destination[ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = dataset["data"][ block_relative_intersection_slicing ] destination.mask[ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = dataset["mask"][ block_relative_intersection_slicing ] destination.fill_value = dataset["fill_value"][()] else: destination[ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = dataset[ block_relative_intersection_slicing ] else: # Not stored yet. Overwrite with zeros. destination[ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = 0
def _executePredictionImage(self, roi, destination): # Determine intersecting blocks block_shape = self._getFullShape( self.BlockShape3dDict.value ) block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( block_shape, (roi.start, roi.stop) ) block_starts = map( tuple, block_starts ) # Ensure that block pipelines exist (create first if necessary) for block_start in block_starts: self._ensurePipelineExists(block_start) # Retrieve result from each block, and write into the approprate region of the destination # TODO: Parallelize this loop for block_start in block_starts: opBlockPipeline = self._blockPipelines[block_start] block_roi = opBlockPipeline.block_roi block_intersection = getIntersection( block_roi, (roi.start, roi.stop) ) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(block_intersection, block_roi[0]) destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(block_intersection, roi.start) destination_slice = roiToSlice( *destination_relative_intersection ) req = opBlockPipeline.PredictionImage( *block_relative_intersection ) req.writeInto( destination[destination_slice] ) req.wait() return destination
def _copyData(self, roi, destination, block_starts): # Copy data from each block # (Parallelism not needed here: h5py will serialize these requests anyway) logger.debug( "Copying data from {} blocks...".format( len(block_starts) ) ) for block_start in block_starts: entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start ) # This block's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection( (roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi ) # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this block destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi.start) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, block_start) destination_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection) block_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice( *block_relative_intersection ) # Copy from block to destination dataset = self._getBlockDataset( entire_block_roi ) if self.Output.meta.has_mask:[ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = dataset["data"][ block_relative_intersection_slicing ] destination.mask[ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = dataset["mask"][ block_relative_intersection_slicing ] destination.fill_value = dataset["fill_value"][()] else: destination[ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = dataset[ block_relative_intersection_slicing ] self._last_access_times[block_start] = time.time()
def _calculate_probabilities(self, roi): classifier = self.Classifier.value assert isinstance( classifier, LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierABC ), f"Classifier {classifier} must be sublcass of {LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierABC}" upstream_roi = (roi.start, roi.stop) # Ask for the halo needed by the classifier axiskeys = self.Image.meta.getAxisKeys() halo_shape = classifier.get_halo_shape(axiskeys) assert len(halo_shape) == len(upstream_roi[0]) assert halo_shape[-1] == 0, "Didn't expect a non-zero halo for channel dimension." # Expand block by halo, then clip to image bounds upstream_roi = numpy.array(upstream_roi) upstream_roi[0] -= halo_shape upstream_roi[1] += halo_shape upstream_roi = getIntersection(upstream_roi, roiFromShape(self.Image.meta.shape)) upstream_roi = numpy.asarray(upstream_roi) # Determine how to extract the data from the result (without the halo) downstream_roi = numpy.array((roi.start, roi.stop)) predictions_roi = downstream_roi[:, :-1] - upstream_roi[0, :-1] # Request all upstream channels input_channels = self.Image.meta.shape[-1] upstream_roi[:, -1] = [0, input_channels] input_data = self.Image(*upstream_roi).wait() axistags = self.Image.meta.axistags probabilities = classifier.predict_probabilities_pixelwise(input_data, predictions_roi, axistags) return probabilities
def _copyData(self, roi, destination, block_starts): """ Copy data from each block into the destination array. For blocks that aren't currently stored, just write zeros. """ # (Parallelism not needed here: h5py will serialize these requests anyway) block_starts = map(tuple, block_starts) for block_start in block_starts: entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds(self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start) # This block's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection((roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi) # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this block destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract( intersecting_roi, roi.start) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract( intersecting_roi, block_start) if block_start in self._cacheFiles: # Copy from block to destination dataset = self._getBlockDataset(entire_block_roi) destination[roiToSlice( *destination_relative_intersection)] = dataset[roiToSlice( *block_relative_intersection)] else: # Not stored yet. Overwrite with zeros. destination[roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection)] = 0
def _executeOutput(self, roi, destination): assert len(roi.stop) == len(self.Input.meta.shape), "roi: {} has the wrong number of dimensions for Input shape: {}".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape ) assert numpy.less_equal(roi.stop, self.Input.meta.shape).all(), "roi: {} is out-of-bounds for Input shape: {}".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape ) block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( self._blockshape, (roi.start, roi.stop) ) block_starts = map( tuple, block_starts ) # Ensure all block cache files are up-to-date reqPool = RequestPool() # (Do the work in parallel.) for block_start in block_starts: entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Input.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start ) f = partial( self._ensureCached, entire_block_roi) reqPool.add( Request(f) ) logger.debug( "Waiting for {} blocks...".format( len(block_starts) ) ) reqPool.wait() # Copy data from each block # (Parallelism not needed here: h5py will serialize these requests anyway) logger.debug( "Copying data from {} blocks...".format( len(block_starts) ) ) for block_start in block_starts: entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Input.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start ) # This block's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection( (roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi ) # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this block destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi.start) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, block_start) # Copy from block to destination dataset = self._getBlockDataset( entire_block_roi ) destination[ roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection) ] = dataset[ roiToSlice( *block_relative_intersection ) ] return destination
def _setInSlotInput(self, slot, subindex, roi, value): assert len(roi.stop) == len(self.Input.meta.shape), "roi: {} has the wrong number of dimensions for Input shape: {}".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape ) assert numpy.less_equal(roi.stop, self.Input.meta.shape).all(), "roi: {} is out-of-bounds for Input shape: {}".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape ) block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( self._blockshape, (roi.start, roi.stop) ) block_starts = map( tuple, block_starts ) # Copy data to each block logger.debug( "Copying data INTO {} blocks...".format( len(block_starts) ) ) for block_start in block_starts: entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Input.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start ) # This block's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection( (roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi ) # Compute slicing within source array and slicing within this block source_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi.start) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, block_start) # Copy from source to block dataset = self._getBlockDataset( entire_block_roi ) dataset[ roiToSlice( *block_relative_intersection ) ] = value[ roiToSlice(*source_relative_intersection) ] # Here, we assume that if this function is used to update ANY PART of a # block, he is responsible for updating the ENTIRE block. # Therefore, this block is no longer 'dirty' self._dirtyBlocks.discard( block_start )
def _executePredictionImage(self, roi, destination): # Determine intersecting blocks block_shape = self._getFullShape(self.BlockShape3dDict.value) block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks(block_shape, (roi.start, roi.stop)) block_starts = map(tuple, block_starts) # Ensure that block pipelines exist (create first if necessary) for block_start in block_starts: self._ensurePipelineExists(block_start) # Retrieve result from each block, and write into the appropriate region of the destination # TODO: Parallelize this loop for block_start in block_starts: opBlockPipeline = self._blockPipelines[block_start] block_roi = opBlockPipeline.block_roi block_intersection = getIntersection(block_roi, (roi.start, roi.stop)) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract( block_intersection, block_roi[0]) destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract( block_intersection, roi.start) destination_slice = roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection) req = opBlockPipeline.PredictionImage(*block_relative_intersection) req.writeInto(destination[destination_slice]) req.wait() return destination
def propagateDirty(self, dirtySlot, subindex, input_dirty_roi): input_dirty_roi = (input_dirty_roi.start, input_dirty_roi.stop) intersection = getIntersection(input_dirty_roi, self._roi, False) if intersection: output_dirty_roi = numpy.array(intersection) output_dirty_roi -= self._roi[0] output_dirty_roi = map(tuple, output_dirty_roi) self.Output.setDirty(*output_dirty_roi)
def propagateDirty(self, dirtySlot, subindex, input_dirty_roi): input_dirty_roi = ( input_dirty_roi.start, input_dirty_roi.stop ) intersection = getIntersection( input_dirty_roi, self._roi, False ) if intersection: output_dirty_roi = numpy.array(intersection) output_dirty_roi -= self._roi[0] output_dirty_roi = map( tuple, output_dirty_roi ) self.Output.setDirty( *output_dirty_roi )
def read(self, view_roi, result_out): """ roi: (start, stop) tuples, ordered according to description.output_axes roi should be relative to the view """ output_axes = self.description.output_axes roi_transposed = zip(*view_roi) roi_dict = dict( zip(output_axes, roi_transposed) ) view_roi = zip( *(roi_dict['z'], roi_dict['y'], roi_dict['x']) ) # First, normalize roi and result to zyx order result_out = vigra.taggedView(result_out, output_axes) result_out = result_out.withAxes(*'zyx') assert numpy.array(view_roi).shape == (2,3), "Invalid roi for 3D volume: {}".format( view_roi ) view_roi = numpy.array(view_roi) assert (result_out.shape == (view_roi[1] - view_roi[0])).all() # User gave roi according to the view output. # Now offset it find global roi. roi = view_roi + self.description.view_origin_zyx tile_blockshape = (1,) + tuple(self.description.tile_shape_2d_yx) tile_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( tile_blockshape, roi ) pool = RequestPool() for tile_start in tile_starts: tile_roi_in = getBlockBounds( self.description.bounds_zyx, tile_blockshape, tile_start ) tile_roi_in = numpy.array(tile_roi_in) # This tile's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection( roi, tile_roi_in ) intersecting_roi = numpy.array( intersecting_roi ) # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this tile destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi[0]) tile_relative_intersection = intersecting_roi - tile_roi_in[0] # Get a view to the output slice result_region = result_out[roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection)] rest_args = self._get_rest_args(tile_blockshape, tile_roi_in) if self.description.tile_url_format.startswith('http'): retrieval_fn = partial( self._retrieve_remote_tile, rest_args, tile_relative_intersection, result_region ) else: retrieval_fn = partial( self._retrieve_local_tile, rest_args, tile_relative_intersection, result_region ) PARALLEL_REQ = True if PARALLEL_REQ: pool.add( Request( retrieval_fn ) ) else: # execute serially (leave the pool empty) retrieval_fn() if PARALLEL_REQ: with Timer() as timer: pool.wait()"Loading {} tiles took a total of {}".format( len(tile_starts), timer.seconds() ))
def read(self, view_roi, result_out): """ roi: (start, stop) tuples, ordered according to description.output_axes roi should be relative to the view """ output_axes = self.description.output_axes roi_transposed = list(zip(*view_roi)) roi_dict = dict(list(zip(output_axes, roi_transposed))) view_roi = list(zip(*(roi_dict["z"], roi_dict["y"], roi_dict["x"]))) # First, normalize roi and result to zyx order result_out = vigra.taggedView(result_out, output_axes) result_out = result_out.withAxes(*"zyx") assert numpy.array(view_roi).shape == (2, 3), "Invalid roi for 3D volume: {}".format(view_roi) view_roi = numpy.array(view_roi) assert (result_out.shape == (view_roi[1] - view_roi[0])).all() # User gave roi according to the view output. # Now offset it find global roi. roi = view_roi + self.description.view_origin_zyx tile_blockshape = (1,) + tuple(self.description.tile_shape_2d_yx) tile_starts = getIntersectingBlocks(tile_blockshape, roi) pool = RequestPool() for tile_start in tile_starts: tile_roi_in = getBlockBounds(self.description.bounds_zyx, tile_blockshape, tile_start) tile_roi_in = numpy.array(tile_roi_in) # This tile's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection(roi, tile_roi_in) intersecting_roi = numpy.array(intersecting_roi) # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this tile destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi[0]) tile_relative_intersection = intersecting_roi - tile_roi_in[0] # Get a view to the output slice result_region = result_out[roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection)] rest_args = self._get_rest_args(tile_blockshape, tile_roi_in) if self.description.tile_url_format.startswith("http"): retrieval_fn = partial(self._retrieve_remote_tile, rest_args, tile_relative_intersection, result_region) else: retrieval_fn = partial(self._retrieve_local_tile, rest_args, tile_relative_intersection, result_region) PARALLEL_REQ = True if PARALLEL_REQ: pool.add(Request(retrieval_fn)) else: # execute serially (leave the pool empty) retrieval_fn() if PARALLEL_REQ: with Timer() as timer: pool.wait()"Loading {} tiles took a total of {}".format(len(tile_starts), timer.seconds()))
def testAssertNonIntersect(self): roiA = [(10,10,10), (20,20,20)] roiB = [(15,26,27), (16,30,30)] try: intersection = getIntersection( roiA, roiB ) except AssertionError: pass else: assert False, "getIntersection() was supposed to assert because the parameters don't intersect!"
def roiGen(): block_iter = block_starts.__iter__() while True: block_start = block_bounds = getBlockBounds( outputSlot.meta.shape, blockshape, block_start ) block_intersecting_portion = getIntersection( block_bounds, roi ) logger.debug( "Requesting Roi: {}".format( block_bounds ) ) yield block_intersecting_portion
def testAssertNonIntersect(self): roiA = [(10, 10, 10), (20, 20, 20)] roiB = [(15, 26, 27), (16, 30, 30)] try: intersection = getIntersection(roiA, roiB) except AssertionError: pass else: assert False, "getIntersection() was supposed to assert because the parameters don't intersect!"
def _setInSlotInput(self, slot, subindex, roi, value, store_zero_blocks=True): """ Write the data in the array 'value' into the cache. If the optional store_zero_blocks param is False, then don't bother creating cache blocks for blocks that are totally zero. """ assert len(roi.stop) == len(self.Input.meta.shape), \ "roi: {} has the wrong number of dimensions for Input shape: {}"\ "".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape ) assert numpy.less_equal(roi.stop, self.Input.meta.shape).all(), \ "roi: {} is out-of-bounds for Input shape: {}"\ "".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape ) block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks(self._blockshape, (roi.start, roi.stop)) block_starts = map(tuple, block_starts) # Copy data to each block logger.debug("Copying data INTO {} blocks...".format( len(block_starts))) for block_start in block_starts: entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds(self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start) # This block's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection((roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi) # Compute slicing within source array and slicing within this block source_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract( intersecting_roi, roi.start) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract( intersecting_roi, block_start) new_block_data = value[roiToSlice(*source_relative_intersection)] if not store_zero_blocks and new_block_data.sum( ) == 0 and block_start not in self._cacheFiles: # Special fast-path: If this block doesn't exist yet, # don't bother creating if we're just going to fill it with zeros # (Used by the OpCompressedUserLabelArray) pass else: # Copy from source to block dataset = self._getBlockDataset(entire_block_roi) dataset[roiToSlice( *block_relative_intersection)] = new_block_data # Here, we assume that if this function is used to update ANY PART of a # block, he is responsible for updating the ENTIRE block. # Therefore, this block is no longer 'dirty' self._dirtyBlocks.discard(block_start)
def normalize_synapse_ids(current_slice, current_roi, previous_slice, previous_roi, maxLabel): current_roi = numpy.array(current_roi) intersection_roi = None if previous_roi is not None: previous_roi = numpy.array(previous_roi) current_roi_2d = current_roi[:, :-1] previous_roi_2d = previous_roi[:, :-1] intersection_roi = getIntersection( current_roi_2d, previous_roi_2d, assertIntersect=False ) if intersection_roi is None or previous_slice is None or abs(int(current_roi[0,2]) - int(previous_roi[0,2])) > 1: # We want our synapse ids to be consecutive, so we do a proper relabeling. # If we could guarantee that the input slice was already consecutive, we could do this: # relabeled_current = numpy.where( current_slice, current_slice+maxLabel, 0 ) # ... but that's not the case. current_unique_labels = numpy.unique(current_slice) assert current_unique_labels[0] == 0, "This function assumes that not all pixels belong to detections." if len(current_unique_labels) == 1: # No objects in this slice. return current_slice, maxLabel max_current_label = current_unique_labels[-1] relabel = numpy.zeros( (max_current_label+1,), dtype=numpy.uint32 ) new_max = maxLabel + len(current_unique_labels)-1 relabel[(current_unique_labels[1:],)] = numpy.arange( maxLabel+1, new_max+1, dtype=numpy.uint32 ) return relabel[current_slice], new_max # Extract the intersecting region from the current/prev slices, # so its easy to compare corresponding pixels current_intersection_roi = numpy.subtract(intersection_roi, current_roi_2d[0]) prev_intersection_roi = numpy.subtract(intersection_roi, previous_roi_2d[0]) current_intersection_slice = current_slice[roiToSlice(*current_intersection_roi)] prev_intersection_slice = previous_slice[roiToSlice(*prev_intersection_roi)] # omit label 0 previous_slice_objects = numpy.unique(previous_slice)[1:] current_slice_objects = numpy.unique(current_slice)[1:] max_current_object = max(0, *current_slice_objects) relabel = numpy.zeros((max_current_object+1,), dtype=numpy.uint32) for cc in previous_slice_objects: current_labels = numpy.unique(current_intersection_slice[prev_intersection_slice==cc].flat) for cur_label in current_labels: relabel[cur_label] = cc for cur_object in current_slice_objects: if relabel[cur_object]==0: relabel[cur_object] = maxLabel+1 maxLabel=maxLabel+1 relabel[0] = 0 # Relabel the entire current slice relabeled_slice_objects = relabel[current_slice] return relabeled_slice_objects, maxLabel
def _handleDirtyPrediction(self, slot, roi): """ Foward dirty notifications from our internal output slot to the external one, but first discard the halo and offset the roi to compensate for the halo. """ # Discard halo. dirtyRoi is in internal coordinates (i.e. relative to halo start) dirtyRoi = getIntersection( (roi.start, roi.stop), self._output_roi, assertIntersect=False ) if dirtyRoi is not None: halo_offset = numpy.subtract(self.block_roi[0], self._halo_roi[0]) adjusted_roi = dirtyRoi - halo_offset # adjusted_roi is in output coordinates (relative to output block start) self.PredictionImage.setDirty( *adjusted_roi )
def propagateDirty(self, dirtySlot, subindex, input_dirty_roi): input_dirty_roi = (input_dirty_roi.start, input_dirty_roi.stop) if len(input_dirty_roi[0]) != len(self._roi[0]): # The dimensionality of the data is changing. # The whole workflow must be updating, so don't bother with dirty notifications. return intersection = getIntersection(input_dirty_roi, self._roi, False) if intersection: output_dirty_roi = numpy.array(intersection) output_dirty_roi -= self._roi[0] output_dirty_roi = map(tuple, output_dirty_roi) self.Output.setDirty(*output_dirty_roi)
def roiGen(): block_iter = block_starts.__iter__() while True: try: block_start = next(block_iter) except StopIteration: # As of Python 3.7, not allowed to let StopIteration exceptions escape a generator # break else: block_bounds = getBlockBounds(outputSlot.meta.shape, blockshape, block_start) block_intersecting_portion = getIntersection(block_bounds, roi) logger.debug("Requesting Roi: {}".format(block_bounds)) yield block_intersecting_portion
def _copyData(self, roi, destination, block_starts): # Copy data from each block # (Parallelism not needed here: h5py will serialize these requests anyway) logger.debug( "Copying data from {} blocks...".format( len(block_starts) ) ) for block_start in block_starts: entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start ) # This block's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection( (roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi ) # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this block destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi.start) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, block_start) # Copy from block to destination dataset = self._getBlockDataset( entire_block_roi ) destination[ roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection) ] = dataset[ roiToSlice( *block_relative_intersection ) ]
def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): classifier_factory = self.ClassifierFactory.value assert issubclass(type(classifier_factory), LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierFactoryABC), \ "Factory is of type {}, which does not satisfy the LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierFactoryABC interface."\ "".format( type(classifier_factory) ) # Accumulate all non-zero blocks of each image into lists label_data_blocks = [] image_data_blocks = [] for image_slot, label_slot, nonzero_block_slot in zip(self.Images, self.Labels, self.nonzeroLabelBlocks): block_slicings = nonzero_block_slot.value for block_slicing in block_slicings: block_label_roi = sliceToRoi( block_slicing, image_slot.meta.shape ) # Ask for the halo needed by the classifier axiskeys = image_slot.meta.getAxisKeys() halo_shape = classifier_factory.get_halo_shape(axiskeys) assert len(halo_shape) == len( block_label_roi[0] ) assert halo_shape[-1] == 0, "Didn't expect a non-zero halo for channel dimension." # Expand block by halo, then clip to image bounds block_label_roi = numpy.array( block_label_roi ) block_label_roi[0] -= halo_shape block_label_roi[1] += halo_shape block_label_roi = getIntersection( block_label_roi, roiFromShape(image_slot.meta.shape) ) block_image_roi = numpy.array( block_label_roi ) assert (block_image_roi[:, -1] == [0,1]).all() num_channels = image_slot.meta.shape[-1] block_image_roi[:, -1] = [0, num_channels] # Ensure the results are plain ndarray, not VigraArray, # which some classifiers might have trouble with. block_label_data = numpy.asarray( label_slot(*block_label_roi).wait() ) block_image_data = numpy.asarray( image_slot(*block_image_roi).wait() ) label_data_blocks.append( block_label_data ) image_data_blocks.append( block_image_data ) logger.debug("Training new classifier: {}".format( classifier_factory.description )) classifier = classifier_factory.create_and_train_pixelwise( image_data_blocks, label_data_blocks ) assert issubclass(type(classifier), LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierABC), \ "Classifier is of type {}, which does not satisfy the LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierABC interface."\ "".format( type(classifier) ) result[0] = classifier return result
def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi): dirty_roi = self._standardize_roi( roi.start, roi.stop ) maximum_roi = roiFromShape(self.Input.meta.shape) maximum_roi = self._standardize_roi( *maximum_roi ) if dirty_roi == maximum_roi: # Optimize the common case: # Everything is dirty, so no need to loop self._resetBlocks() else: # FIXME: This is O(N) for now. # We should speed this up by maintaining a bookkeeping data structure in execute(). for block_roi in self._block_data.keys(): if getIntersection(block_roi, dirty_roi, assertIntersect=False): self.freeBlock(block_roi) self.Output.setDirty( roi.start, roi.stop )
def roiGen(): block_iter = block_starts.__iter__() while True: try: block_start = next(block_iter) except StopIteration: # As of Python 3.7, not allowed to let StopIteration exceptions escape a generator # break else: block_bounds = getBlockBounds(outputSlot.meta.shape, blockshape, block_start) block_intersecting_portion = getIntersection( block_bounds, roi) logger.debug("Requesting Roi: {}".format(block_bounds)) yield block_intersecting_portion
def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi): dirty_roi = self._standardize_roi(roi.start, roi.stop) maximum_roi = roiFromShape(self.Input.meta.shape) maximum_roi = self._standardize_roi(*maximum_roi) if dirty_roi == maximum_roi: # Optimize the common case: # Everything is dirty, so no need to loop self._resetBlocks() else: # FIXME: This is O(N) for now. # We should speed this up by maintaining a bookkeeping data structure in execute(). for block_roi in self._block_data.keys(): if getIntersection(block_roi, dirty_roi, assertIntersect=False): self.freeBlock(block_roi) self.Output.setDirty(roi.start, roi.stop)
def _setInSlotInput(self, slot, subindex, roi, value, store_zero_blocks=True): """ Write the data in the array 'value' into the cache. If the optional store_zero_blocks param is False, then don't bother creating cache blocks for blocks that are totally zero. """ assert len(roi.stop) == len(self.Input.meta.shape), \ "roi: {} has the wrong number of dimensions for Input shape: {}"\ "".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape ) assert numpy.less_equal(roi.stop, self.Input.meta.shape).all(), \ "roi: {} is out-of-bounds for Input shape: {}"\ "".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape ) block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( self._blockshape, (roi.start, roi.stop) ) block_starts = map( tuple, block_starts ) # Copy data to each block logger.debug( "Copying data INTO {} blocks...".format( len(block_starts) ) ) for block_start in block_starts: entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start ) # This block's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection( (roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi ) # Compute slicing within source array and slicing within this block source_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi.start) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, block_start) new_block_data = value[ roiToSlice(*source_relative_intersection) ] if not store_zero_blocks and new_block_data.sum() == 0 and block_start not in self._cacheFiles: # Special fast-path: If this block doesn't exist yet, # don't bother creating if we're just going to fill it with zeros # (Used by the OpCompressedUserLabelArray) pass else: # Copy from source to block dataset = self._getBlockDataset( entire_block_roi ) dataset[ roiToSlice( *block_relative_intersection ) ] = new_block_data # Here, we assume that if this function is used to update ANY PART of a # block, he is responsible for updating the ENTIRE block. # Therefore, this block is no longer 'dirty' self._dirtyBlocks.discard( block_start )
def _executePredictionImage(self, slot, roi, destination): roi_one_channel = numpy.array((roi.start, roi.stop)) roi_one_channel[..., -1] = (0, 1) # Determine intersecting blocks block_shape = self._getFullShape(self.BlockShape3dDict.value) block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks(block_shape, roi_one_channel) block_starts = map(tuple, block_starts) # Ensure that block pipelines exist (create first if necessary) for block_start in block_starts: self._ensurePipelineExists(block_start) # Retrieve result from each block, and write into the appropriate region of the destination pool = RequestPool() for block_start in block_starts: opBlockPipeline = self._blockPipelines[block_start] block_roi = opBlockPipeline.block_roi block_intersection = getIntersection(block_roi, roi_one_channel) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract( block_intersection, block_roi[0]) destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract( block_intersection, roi_one_channel[0]) block_slot = opBlockPipeline.PredictionImage if slot == self.ProbabilityChannelImage: block_slot = opBlockPipeline.ProbabilityChannelImage # Add channels back to roi # request all channels block_relative_intersection[..., -1] = ( 0, opBlockPipeline.ProbabilityChannelImage.meta.shape[-1]) # But only write the ones that were specified in the original roi destination_relative_intersection[..., -1] = (roi.start[-1], roi.stop[-1]) # Request the data destination_slice = roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection) req = block_slot(*block_relative_intersection) req.writeInto(destination[destination_slice]) pool.add(req) pool.wait() return destination
def _executePredictionImage(self, slot, roi, destination): roi_one_channel = numpy.array( (roi.start, roi.stop) ) roi_one_channel[...,-1] = (0,1) # Determine intersecting blocks block_shape = self._getFullShape( self.BlockShape3dDict.value ) block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( block_shape, roi_one_channel ) block_starts = map( tuple, block_starts ) # Ensure that block pipelines exist (create first if necessary) for block_start in block_starts: self._ensurePipelineExists(block_start) # Retrieve result from each block, and write into the appropriate region of the destination pool = RequestPool() for block_start in block_starts: opBlockPipeline = self._blockPipelines[block_start] block_roi = opBlockPipeline.block_roi block_intersection = getIntersection( block_roi, roi_one_channel ) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(block_intersection, block_roi[0]) destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(block_intersection, roi_one_channel[0]) block_slot = opBlockPipeline.PredictionImage if slot == self.ProbabilityChannelImage: block_slot = opBlockPipeline.ProbabilityChannelImage # Add channels back to roi # request all channels block_relative_intersection[...,-1] = (0, opBlockPipeline.ProbabilityChannelImage.meta.shape[-1]) # But only write the ones that were specified in the original roi destination_relative_intersection[...,-1] = ( roi.start[-1], roi.stop[-1] ) # Request the data destination_slice = roiToSlice( *destination_relative_intersection ) req = block_slot( *block_relative_intersection ) req.writeInto( destination[destination_slice] ) pool.add( req ) pool.wait() return destination
def _copyData(self, roi, destination, block_starts): # Copy data from each block # (Parallelism not needed here: h5py will serialize these requests anyway) logger.debug("Copying data from {} blocks...".format( len(block_starts))) for block_start in block_starts: entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds(self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start) # This block's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection((roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi) # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this block destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract( intersecting_roi, roi.start) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract( intersecting_roi, block_start) # Copy from block to destination dataset = self._getBlockDataset(entire_block_roi) destination[roiToSlice( *destination_relative_intersection)] = dataset[roiToSlice( *block_relative_intersection)]
def _setInSlotInput(self, slot, subindex, roi, value, store_zero_blocks=True): """ Write the data in the array 'value' into the cache. If the optional store_zero_blocks param is False, then don't bother creating cache blocks for blocks that are totally zero. """ assert len(roi.stop) == len( self.Input.meta.shape ), "roi: {} has the wrong number of dimensions for Input shape: {}".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape) assert numpy.less_equal(roi.stop, self.Input.meta.shape).all( ), "roi: {} is out-of-bounds for Input shape: {}".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape) block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks(self._blockshape, (roi.start, roi.stop)) block_starts = list(map(tuple, block_starts)) # Copy data to each block logger.debug("Copying data INTO {} blocks...".format( len(block_starts))) for block_start in block_starts: entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds(self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start) # This block's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection((roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi) # Compute slicing within source array and slicing within this block source_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract( intersecting_roi, roi.start) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract( intersecting_roi, block_start) source_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice( *source_relative_intersection) block_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice( *block_relative_intersection) new_block_data = value[source_relative_intersection_slicing] new_block_sum = new_block_data.sum() if not store_zero_blocks and new_block_sum == 0 and block_start not in self._cacheFiles: # Special fast-path: If this block doesn't exist yet, # don't bother creating if we're just going to fill it with zeros. # (This feature is used by the OpCompressedUserLabelArray) pass else: # Copy from source to block dataset = self._getBlockDataset(entire_block_roi) if self.Output.meta.has_mask: dataset["data"][ block_relative_intersection_slicing] = dataset["mask"][ block_relative_intersection_slicing] = new_block_data.mask dataset["fill_value"][()] = new_block_data.fill_value # Untested. Write a test to use this. # # If we can, remove this block entirely. # if not store_zero_blocks and new_block_sum == 0 and (dataset["data"][:] == 0).all() and (dataset["mask"]).any() and (dataset["fill_value"] == 0).all(): # with self._lock: # with self._blockLocks[block_start]: # self._cacheFiles[block_start].close() # del self._cacheFiles[block_start] # del self._blockLocks[block_start] else: dataset[ block_relative_intersection_slicing] = new_block_data # If we can, remove this block entirely. if not store_zero_blocks and new_block_sum == 0 and ( dataset[:] == 0).all(): with self._lock: with self._blockLocks[block_start]: self._cacheFiles[block_start].close() del self._cacheFiles[block_start] del self._blockLocks[block_start] # Here, we assume that if this function is used to update ANY PART of a # block, he is responsible for updating the ENTIRE block. # Therefore, this block is no longer 'dirty' self._dirtyBlocks.discard(block_start)
def read(self, roi, result_out): """ roi: (start, stop) tuples, ordered according to description.output_axes """ output_axes = self.description.output_axes roi_transposed = zip(*roi) roi_dict = dict(zip(output_axes, roi_transposed)) roi = zip(*(roi_dict['z'], roi_dict['y'], roi_dict['x'])) # First, normalize roi and result to zyx order result_out = vigra.taggedView(result_out, output_axes) result_out = result_out.withAxes(*'zyx') assert numpy.array(roi).shape == ( 2, 3), "Invalid roi for 3D volume: {}".format(roi) roi = numpy.array(roi) assert (result_out.shape == (roi[1] - roi[0])).all() tile_blockshape = (1, ) + tuple(self.description.tile_shape_2d_yx) tile_starts = getIntersectingBlocks(tile_blockshape, roi) # We use a fresh tmp dir for each read to avoid conflicts between parallel reads tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() pool = RequestPool() for tile_start in tile_starts: tile_roi_in = getBlockBounds(self.description.shape_zyx, tile_blockshape, tile_start) tile_roi_in = numpy.array(tile_roi_in) # This tile's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection(roi, tile_roi_in) intersecting_roi = numpy.array(intersecting_roi) # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this tile destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract( intersecting_roi, roi[0]) tile_relative_intersection = intersecting_roi - tile_roi_in[0] # Get a view to the output slice result_region = result_out[roiToSlice( *destination_relative_intersection)] # Special feature: # Some slices are missing, in which case we provide fake data from a different slice. # Overwrite the rest args to pull data from an alternate source tile. z_start = tile_roi_in[0][0] if z_start in self._slice_remapping: new_source_slice = self._slice_remapping[z_start] tile_roi_in[0][0] = new_source_slice tile_roi_in[1][0] = new_source_slice + 1 tile_index = numpy.array(tile_roi_in[0]) / tile_blockshape rest_args = { 'z_start': tile_roi_in[0][0], 'z_stop': tile_roi_in[1][0], 'y_start': tile_roi_in[0][1], 'y_stop': tile_roi_in[1][1], 'x_start': tile_roi_in[0][2], 'x_stop': tile_roi_in[1][2], 'z_index': tile_index[0], 'y_index': tile_index[1], 'x_index': tile_index[2] } # Quick sanity check assert rest_args['z_index'] == rest_args['z_start'] retrieval_fn = partial(self._retrieve_tile, tmpdir, rest_args, tile_relative_intersection, result_region) PARALLEL_REQ = True if PARALLEL_REQ: pool.add(Request(retrieval_fn)) else: # execute serially (leave the pool empty) retrieval_fn() pool.wait() # Clean up our temp files. shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def is_in_block(self, block_start, coord): block_roi = self.get_block_roi(block_start) coord_roi = (coord, TinyVector(coord) + 1) intersection = getIntersection(block_roi, coord_roi, False) return (intersection is not None)
def is_in_block(self, block_start, coord): block_roi = self.get_block_roi(block_start) coord_roi = (coord, TinyVector( coord ) + 1) intersection = getIntersection(block_roi, coord_roi, False) return (intersection is not None)
def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): classifier = self.Classifier.value # Training operator may return 'None' if there was no data to train with skip_prediction = (classifier is None) # Shortcut: If the mask is totally zero, skip this request entirely if not skip_prediction and self.PredictionMask.ready(): mask_roi = numpy.array((roi.start, roi.stop)) mask_roi[:, -1:] = [[0], [1]] start, stop = map(tuple, mask_roi) mask = self.PredictionMask(start, stop).wait() skip_prediction = not numpy.any(mask) if skip_prediction: result[:] = 0.0 return result assert issubclass(type(classifier), LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierABC), \ "Classifier is of type {}, which does not satisfy the LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierABC interface."\ "".format( type(classifier) ) upstream_roi = (roi.start, roi.stop) # Ask for the halo needed by the classifier axiskeys = self.Image.meta.getAxisKeys() halo_shape = classifier.get_halo_shape(axiskeys) assert len(halo_shape) == len(upstream_roi[0]) assert halo_shape[ -1] == 0, "Didn't expect a non-zero halo for channel dimension." # Expand block by halo, then clip to image bounds upstream_roi = numpy.array(upstream_roi) upstream_roi[0] -= halo_shape upstream_roi[1] += halo_shape upstream_roi = getIntersection(upstream_roi, roiFromShape(self.Image.meta.shape)) upstream_roi = numpy.asarray(upstream_roi) # Determine how to extract the data from the result (without the halo) downstream_roi = numpy.array((roi.start, roi.stop)) downstream_channels = self.PMaps.meta.shape[-1] roi_within_result = downstream_roi - upstream_roi[0] roi_within_result[:, -1] = [0, downstream_channels] # Request all upstream channels input_channels = self.Image.meta.shape[-1] upstream_roi[:, -1] = [0, input_channels] # Request the data input_data = self.Image(*upstream_roi).wait() axistags = self.Image.meta.axistags probabilities = classifier.predict_probabilities_pixelwise( input_data, axistags) # We're expecting a channel for each label class. # If we didn't provide at least one sample for each label, # we may get back fewer channels. if probabilities.shape[-1] != self.PMaps.meta.shape[-1]: # Copy to an array of the correct shape # This is slow, but it's an unusual case assert probabilities.shape[-1] == len(classifier.known_classes) full_probabilities = numpy.zeros(probabilities.shape[:-1] + (self.PMaps.meta.shape[-1], ), dtype=numpy.float32) for i, label in enumerate(classifier.known_classes): full_probabilities[..., label - 1] = probabilities[..., i] probabilities = full_probabilities # Extract requested region (discard halo) probabilities = probabilities[roiToSlice(*roi_within_result)] # Copy only the prediction channels the client requested. result[...] = probabilities[..., roi.start[-1]:roi.stop[-1]] return result
def _executeProjection2D(self, roi, destination): assert sum(TinyVector(destination.shape) > 1) <= 2, "Projection result must be exactly 2D" # First, we have to determine which axis we are projecting along. # We infer this from the shape of the roi. # For example, if the roi is of shape # zyx = (1,256,256), then we know we're projecting along Z # If more than one axis has a width of 1, then we choose an # axis according to the following priority order: zyxt tagged_input_shape = self.Input.meta.getTaggedShape() tagged_result_shape = collections.OrderedDict( zip( tagged_input_shape.keys(), destination.shape ) ) nonprojection_axes = [] for key in tagged_input_shape.keys(): if (key == 'c' or tagged_input_shape[key] == 1 or tagged_result_shape[key] > 1): nonprojection_axes.append( key ) possible_projection_axes = set(tagged_input_shape) - set(nonprojection_axes) if len(possible_projection_axes) == 0: # If the image is 2D to begin with, # then the projection is simply the same as the normal output, # EXCEPT it is made binary self.Output(roi.start, roi.stop).writeInto(destination).wait() # make binary numpy.greater(destination, 0, out=destination) return for k in 'zyxt': if k in possible_projection_axes: projection_axis_key = k break # Now we know which axis we're projecting along. # Proceed with the projection, working blockwise to avoid unecessary work in unlabeled blocks projection_axis_index = self.Input.meta.getAxisKeys().index(projection_axis_key) projection_length = tagged_input_shape[projection_axis_key] input_roi = roi.copy() input_roi.start[projection_axis_index] = 0 input_roi.stop[projection_axis_index] = projection_length destination[:] = 0.0 # Get the logical blocking. block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( self._blockshape, (input_roi.start, input_roi.stop) ) # (Parallelism wouldn't help here: h5py will serialize these requests anyway) block_starts = map( tuple, block_starts ) for block_start in block_starts: if block_start not in self._cacheFiles: # No label data in this block. Move on. continue entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start ) # This block's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection( (input_roi.start, input_roi.stop), entire_block_roi ) # Compute slicing within the deep array and slicing within this block deep_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, input_roi.start) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, block_start) deep_data = self._getBlockDataset( entire_block_roi )[roiToSlice(*block_relative_intersection)] # make binary and convert to float deep_data_float = numpy.where( deep_data, numpy.float32(1.0), numpy.float32(0.0) ) # multiply by slice-index deep_data_view = numpy.rollaxis(deep_data_float, projection_axis_index, 0) min_deep_slice_index = deep_relative_intersection[0][projection_axis_index] max_deep_slice_index = deep_relative_intersection[1][projection_axis_index] def calc_color_value(slice_index): # Note 1: We assume that the colortable has at least 256 entries in it, # so, we try to ensure that all colors are above 1/256 # (we don't want colors in low slices to be rounded to 0) # Note 2: Ideally, we'd use a min projection in the code below, so that # labels in the "back" slices would appear occluded. But the # min projection would favor 0.0. Instead, we invert the # relationship between color and slice index, do a max projection, # and then re-invert the colors after everything is done. # Hence, this function starts with (1.0 - ...) return (1.0 - (float(slice_index) / projection_length)) * (1.0 - 1.0/255) + 1.0/255.0 min_color_value = calc_color_value(min_deep_slice_index) max_color_value = calc_color_value(max_deep_slice_index) num_slices = max_deep_slice_index - min_deep_slice_index deep_data_view *= numpy.linspace( min_color_value, max_color_value, num=num_slices )\ [ (slice(None),) + (None,)*(deep_data_view.ndim-1) ] # Take the max projection of this block's data. block_max_projection = numpy.amax(deep_data_float, axis=projection_axis_index, keepdims=True) # Merge this block's projection into the overall projection. destination_relative_intersection = numpy.array(deep_relative_intersection) destination_relative_intersection[:, projection_axis_index] = (0,1) destination_subview = destination[roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection)] numpy.maximum(block_max_projection, destination_subview, out=destination_subview) # Invert the nonzero pixels so increasing colors correspond to increasing slices. # See comment in calc_color_value(), above. destination_subview[:] = numpy.where(destination_subview, numpy.float32(1.0) - destination_subview, numpy.float32(0.0)) return
def _setInSlotInput(self, slot, subindex, roi, value, store_zero_blocks=True): """ Write the data in the array 'value' into the cache. If the optional store_zero_blocks param is False, then don't bother creating cache blocks for blocks that are totally zero. """ assert len(roi.stop) == len( self.Input.meta.shape ), "roi: {} has the wrong number of dimensions for Input shape: {}" "".format(roi, self.Input.meta.shape) assert numpy.less_equal( roi.stop, self.Input.meta.shape ).all(), "roi: {} is out-of-bounds for Input shape: {}" "".format(roi, self.Input.meta.shape) block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks(self._blockshape, (roi.start, roi.stop)) block_starts = list(map(tuple, block_starts)) # Copy data to each block logger.debug("Copying data INTO {} blocks...".format(len(block_starts))) for block_start in block_starts: entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds(self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start) # This block's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection((roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi) # Compute slicing within source array and slicing within this block source_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi.start) block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, block_start) source_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice(*source_relative_intersection) block_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice(*block_relative_intersection) new_block_data = value[source_relative_intersection_slicing] new_block_sum = new_block_data.sum() if not store_zero_blocks and new_block_sum == 0 and block_start not in self._cacheFiles: # Special fast-path: If this block doesn't exist yet, # don't bother creating if we're just going to fill it with zeros. # (This feature is used by the OpCompressedUserLabelArray) pass else: # Copy from source to block dataset = self._getBlockDataset(entire_block_roi) if self.Output.meta.has_mask: dataset["data"][block_relative_intersection_slicing] = dataset["mask"][block_relative_intersection_slicing] = new_block_data.mask dataset["fill_value"][()] = new_block_data.fill_value # Untested. Write a test to use this. # # If we can, remove this block entirely. # if not store_zero_blocks and new_block_sum == 0 and (dataset["data"][:] == 0).all() and (dataset["mask"]).any() and (dataset["fill_value"] == 0).all(): # with self._lock: # with self._blockLocks[block_start]: # self._cacheFiles[block_start].close() # del self._cacheFiles[block_start] # del self._blockLocks[block_start] else: dataset[block_relative_intersection_slicing] = new_block_data # If we can, remove this block entirely. if not store_zero_blocks and new_block_sum == 0 and (dataset[:] == 0).all(): with self._lock: with self._blockLocks[block_start]: self._cacheFiles[block_start].close() del self._cacheFiles[block_start] del self._blockLocks[block_start] # Here, we assume that if this function is used to update ANY PART of a # block, he is responsible for updating the ENTIRE block. # Therefore, this block is no longer 'dirty' self._dirtyBlocks.discard(block_start)
def read(self, roi, result_out): """ roi: (start, stop) tuples, ordered according to description.output_axes """ output_axes = self.description.output_axes roi_transposed = zip(*roi) roi_dict = dict( zip(output_axes, roi_transposed) ) roi = zip( *(roi_dict['z'], roi_dict['y'], roi_dict['x']) ) # First, normalize roi and result to zyx order result_out = vigra.taggedView(result_out, output_axes) result_out = result_out.withAxes(*'zyx') assert numpy.array(roi).shape == (2,3), "Invalid roi for 3D volume: {}".format( roi ) roi = numpy.array(roi) assert (result_out.shape == (roi[1] - roi[0])).all() tile_blockshape = (1,) + tuple(self.description.tile_shape_2d_yx) tile_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( tile_blockshape, roi ) # We use a fresh tmp dir for each read to avoid conflicts between parallel reads tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() pool = RequestPool() for tile_start in tile_starts: tile_roi_in = getBlockBounds( self.description.shape_zyx, tile_blockshape, tile_start ) tile_roi_in = numpy.array(tile_roi_in) # This tile's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection( roi, tile_roi_in ) intersecting_roi = numpy.array( intersecting_roi ) # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this tile destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi[0]) tile_relative_intersection = intersecting_roi - tile_roi_in[0] # Get a view to the output slice result_region = result_out[roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection)] # Special feature: # Some slices are missing, in which case we provide fake data from a different slice. # Overwrite the rest args to pull data from an alternate source tile. z_start = tile_roi_in[0][0] if z_start in self._slice_remapping: new_source_slice = self._slice_remapping[z_start] tile_roi_in[0][0] = new_source_slice tile_roi_in[1][0] = new_source_slice+1 tile_index = numpy.array(tile_roi_in[0]) / tile_blockshape rest_args = { 'z_start' : tile_roi_in[0][0], 'z_stop' : tile_roi_in[1][0], 'y_start' : tile_roi_in[0][1], 'y_stop' : tile_roi_in[1][1], 'x_start' : tile_roi_in[0][2], 'x_stop' : tile_roi_in[1][2], 'z_index' : tile_index[0], 'y_index' : tile_index[1], 'x_index' : tile_index[2] } # Quick sanity check assert rest_args['z_index'] == rest_args['z_start'] retrieval_fn = partial( self._retrieve_tile, tmpdir, rest_args, tile_relative_intersection, result_region ) PARALLEL_REQ = True if PARALLEL_REQ: pool.add( Request( retrieval_fn ) ) else: # execute serially (leave the pool empty) retrieval_fn() pool.wait() # Clean up our temp files. shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): classifier = self.Classifier.value # Training operator may return 'None' if there was no data to train with skip_prediction = (classifier is None) # Shortcut: If the mask is totally zero, skip this request entirely if not skip_prediction and self.PredictionMask.ready(): mask_roi = numpy.array((roi.start, roi.stop)) mask_roi[:,-1:] = [[0],[1]] start, stop = map(tuple, mask_roi) mask = self.PredictionMask( start, stop ).wait() skip_prediction = not numpy.any(mask) if skip_prediction: result[:] = 0.0 return result assert issubclass(type(classifier), LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierABC), \ "Classifier is of type {}, which does not satisfy the LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierABC interface."\ "".format( type(classifier) ) upstream_roi = (roi.start, roi.stop) # Ask for the halo needed by the classifier axiskeys = self.Image.meta.getAxisKeys() halo_shape = classifier.get_halo_shape(axiskeys) assert len(halo_shape) == len( upstream_roi[0] ) assert halo_shape[-1] == 0, "Didn't expect a non-zero halo for channel dimension." # Expand block by halo, then clip to image bounds upstream_roi = numpy.array( upstream_roi ) upstream_roi[0] -= halo_shape upstream_roi[1] += halo_shape upstream_roi = getIntersection( upstream_roi, roiFromShape(self.Image.meta.shape) ) upstream_roi = numpy.asarray( upstream_roi ) # Determine how to extract the data from the result (without the halo) downstream_roi = numpy.array((roi.start, roi.stop)) predictions_roi = downstream_roi[:,:-1] - upstream_roi[0,:-1] # Request all upstream channels input_channels = self.Image.meta.shape[-1] upstream_roi[:,-1] = [0, input_channels] # Request the data input_data = self.Image(*upstream_roi).wait() axistags = self.Image.meta.axistags probabilities = classifier.predict_probabilities_pixelwise( input_data, predictions_roi, axistags ) # We're expecting a channel for each label class. # If we didn't provide at least one sample for each label, # we may get back fewer channels. if probabilities.shape[-1] != self.PMaps.meta.shape[-1]: # Copy to an array of the correct shape # This is slow, but it's an unusual case assert probabilities.shape[-1] == len(classifier.known_classes) full_probabilities = numpy.zeros( probabilities.shape[:-1] + (self.PMaps.meta.shape[-1],), dtype=numpy.float32 ) for i, label in enumerate(classifier.known_classes): full_probabilities[..., label-1] = probabilities[..., i] probabilities = full_probabilities # Copy only the prediction channels the client requested. result[...] = probabilities[..., roi.start[-1]:roi.stop[-1]] return result
def read(self, view_roi, result_out): """ roi: (start, stop) tuples, ordered according to description.output_axes roi should be relative to the view """ output_axes = self.description.output_axes roi_transposed = zip(*view_roi) roi_dict = dict( zip(output_axes, roi_transposed) ) view_roi = zip( *(roi_dict['z'], roi_dict['y'], roi_dict['x']) ) # First, normalize roi and result to zyx order result_out = vigra.taggedView(result_out, output_axes) result_out = result_out.withAxes(*'zyx') assert numpy.array(view_roi).shape == (2,3), "Invalid roi for 3D volume: {}".format( view_roi ) view_roi = numpy.array(view_roi) assert (result_out.shape == (view_roi[1] - view_roi[0])).all() # User gave roi according to the view output. # Now offset it find global roi. roi = view_roi + self.description.view_origin_zyx tile_blockshape = (1,) + tuple(self.description.tile_shape_2d_yx) tile_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( tile_blockshape, roi ) pool = RequestPool() for tile_start in tile_starts: tile_roi_in = getBlockBounds( self.description.bounds_zyx, tile_blockshape, tile_start ) tile_roi_in = numpy.array(tile_roi_in) # This tile's portion of the roi intersecting_roi = getIntersection( roi, tile_roi_in ) intersecting_roi = numpy.array( intersecting_roi ) # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this tile destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi[0]) tile_relative_intersection = intersecting_roi - tile_roi_in[0] # Get a view to the output slice result_region = result_out[roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection)] # Special feature: # Some slices are missing, in which case we provide fake data from a different slice. # Overwrite the rest args to pull data from an alternate source tile. z_start = tile_roi_in[0][0] if z_start in self._slice_remapping: new_source_slice = self._slice_remapping[z_start] tile_roi_in[0][0] = new_source_slice tile_roi_in[1][0] = new_source_slice+1 tile_index = numpy.array(tile_roi_in[0]) / tile_blockshape rest_args = { 'z_start' : tile_roi_in[0][0], 'z_stop' : tile_roi_in[1][0], 'y_start' : tile_roi_in[0][1], 'y_stop' : tile_roi_in[1][1], 'x_start' : tile_roi_in[0][2], 'x_stop' : tile_roi_in[1][2], 'z_index' : tile_index[0], 'y_index' : tile_index[1], 'x_index' : tile_index[2] } # Apply special z_translation_function if self.description.z_translation_function is not None: z_update_func = eval(self.description.z_translation_function) rest_args['z_index'] = rest_args['z_start'] = z_update_func(rest_args['z_index']) rest_args['z_stop'] = 1 + rest_args['z_start'] # Quick sanity check assert rest_args['z_index'] == rest_args['z_start'] if self.description.tile_url_format.startswith('http'): retrieval_fn = partial( self._retrieve_remote_tile, rest_args, tile_relative_intersection, result_region ) else: retrieval_fn = partial( self._retrieve_local_tile, rest_args, tile_relative_intersection, result_region ) PARALLEL_REQ = True if PARALLEL_REQ: pool.add( Request( retrieval_fn ) ) else: # execute serially (leave the pool empty) retrieval_fn() if PARALLEL_REQ: with Timer() as timer: pool.wait()"Loading {} tiles took a total of {}".format( len(tile_starts), timer.seconds() ))
def testNoAssertNonIntersect(self): roiA = [(10, 10, 10), (20, 20, 20)] roiB = [(15, 26, 27), (16, 30, 30)] intersection = getIntersection(roiA, roiB, assertIntersect=False) assert intersection is None, "Expected None because {} doesn't intersect with {}".format( )
def testNoAssertNonIntersect(self): roiA = [(10,10,10), (20,20,20)] roiB = [(15,26,27), (16,30,30)] intersection = getIntersection( roiA, roiB , assertIntersect=False) assert intersection is None, "Expected None because {} doesn't intersect with {}".format( )
def testBasic(self): roiA = [(10, 10, 10), (20, 20, 20)] roiB = [(15, 16, 17), (25, 25, 25)] intersection = getIntersection(roiA, roiB) assert (numpy.array(intersection) == ([15, 16, 17], [20, 20, 20])).all()
def testBasic(self): roiA = [(10,10,10), (20,20,20)] roiB = [(15,16,17), (25,25,25)] intersection = getIntersection( roiA, roiB ) assert (numpy.array(intersection) == ( [15,16,17], [20,20,20] )).all()