def LastLeadChangeBias(sport): if sport == 'NBA': scope = 2880 bins = arcs.NBAbins() else: scope = 3600 if sport == 'NHL': bins = arcs.NHLbins() else: bins = arcs.NFLbins() data = lt.getData(sport) lead = lt.Lead(data, sport) top1, top2, maxLead = calcTertiles(lead) lead1, lead2, lead3 = getTertiles(lead, top1, top2) hcorr1, b1 = getLastLeadFreq(lead1, bins) hcorr2, b2 = getLastLeadFreq(lead2, bins) hcorr3, b3 = getLastLeadFreq(lead3, bins) plt.scatter(b1[:len(b1)-1],hcorr1,facecolors='none', edgecolors='red',marker='s',\ label=sport+' data, final lead diff: 0-'+str(int(top1))) plt.scatter(b2[:len(b2)-1], hcorr2, facecolors='none', edgecolors='blue', marker='o', \ label=sport+' data, final lead diff: '+str(int(top1))+"-"+str(int(top2))) plt.scatter(b3[:len(b3)-1],hcorr3,facecolors='none', edgecolors='green',marker='D',\ label=sport+' data, final lead diff: '+str(int(top2))+'-'+str(int(maxLead))) plt.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=scope) plt.ylim(ymin=0, ymax=0.0025) plt.xlabel('Clock time, seconds') plt.ylabel('Probability of last lead change') plt.legend()
def NumLeadChanges(sport): scope, N = rw.getScope(sport) data = lt.getData(sport) lead = lt.Lead(data, sport) hcorr, b = getNumFreq(lead) maxc = b[-1] rw_lead = rw.Lead(sport) hcorr1, b1 = getNumFreq(rw_lead) #(b[:b[-1]]).tofile('../Results/'+sport+'numLeadChangesX.csv', sep=',') #hcorr.tofile('../Results/'+sport+'numLeadChangesY.csv', sep=',') fontSize = 18 ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(labelsize=fontSize) plt.plot(b[:b[-1]], hcorr, 'r^-', lw=2, ms=8, label=sport + ' data') plt.plot(b1[:b1[-1]], hcorr1, 'bo-', lw=2, ms=8, label='Poisson process') #sqrt{2 / ( pi*N) }*exp(-(m^2) / (2N)) x = np.arange(0, maxc + 0.1, 0.1) y = ((2 / (np.pi * N))**0.5) * np.exp(-(x**2) / (2 * N)) plt.plot(x, y, c='black', linewidth=2, label='Eq.(3)') plt.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=maxc) plt.ylim(ymin=0, ymax=0.5) plt.xlabel('Number of lead changes', fontsize=fontSize) plt.ylabel('Relative frequency', fontsize=fontSize) plt.legend(prop={'size': fontSize})
def plotMaxLeadSmoothed(sport, step): data = lt.getData(sport) lead = lt.Lead(data, sport) scope = len(lead[0]) m, t = lt.maxLeadTime(lead) df = pd.DataFrame(m, index=t) gr = df.groupby(df.index) avgm = gr.aggregate(np.mean) bins = np.arange(min(avgm.index), max(avgm.index) + 1, step) groups = np.digitize(avgm.index.values.astype(int), bins) grouped = avgm.groupby(groups) groupAv = grouped.mean() groupAv.dropna() x = [bins[i - 1] for i in groupAv.index] plt.scatter(x, groupAv) plt.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=scope) plt.ylim(ymin=0) plt.xlabel('Elapsed time, t') plt.ylabel('Maximum lead in a game')
def NumLeadChangesBias(sport): data = lt.getData(sport) lead = lt.Lead(data, sport) top1, top2, maxLead = calcTertiles(lead) lead1, lead2, lead3 = getTertiles(lead, top1, top2) hcorr1, b1 = getNumFreq(lead1) hcorr2, b2 = getNumFreq(lead2) hcorr3, b3 = getNumFreq(lead3) maxc = b1[-1] plt.scatter(b1[:b1[-1]],hcorr1,facecolors='none', edgecolors='red',marker='s',\ label=sport+' data, final lead diff: 0-'+str(int(top1))) plt.scatter(b2[:b2[-1]], hcorr2, facecolors='none', edgecolors='blue', marker='o', \ label=sport+' data, final lead diff: '+str(int(top1))+"-"+str(int(top2))) plt.scatter(b3[:b3[-1]],hcorr3,facecolors='none', edgecolors='green',marker='D',\ label=sport+' data, final lead diff: '+str(int(top2))+'-'+str(int(maxLead))) plt.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=maxc) plt.ylim(ymin=0) plt.xlabel('Number of lead changes') plt.ylabel('Relative frequency') plt.legend()
def ProbLeadSafe(sport): data = lt.getData(sport) lead = lt.Lead(data, sport) z, ave_q = getSafeAvg(lead, sport) sm_lead = sm.Lead(sport) sm_z, sm_q = getSafeAvg(sm_lead, sport) #BJsafe=lt.BJ(lead) #BJz_tuples=lt.getZ(lead, BJsafe, sport) #BJdf=pd.DataFrame(BJz_tuples) #BJz,BJq=binAverage(BJdf) plt.scatter(z, ave_q, color='red', marker='s', label=sport + ' data') plt.plot(sm_z, sm_q, color='black', linewidth=2.5, label='theory (unbiased rw)') #plt.plot(BJz, BJq, 'b--', linewidth=2.5,label='Bill James\' rule') plt.legend() plt.xlim(0, 2) plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.xlabel('Effective lead, z') plt.ylabel('Probability that effective lead is safe')
def plotWScoringRate(sport): if sport == 'NBA': scope = 2880 seasons = '2002-2010' bins = arcs.NBAbins() else: scope = 3600 seasons = '2000-2009' if sport == 'NHL': bins = arcs.NHLbins() elif sport == 'CFB': bins = arcs.NFLbins() elif sport == 'NFL': bins = arcs.NFLbins() binw = arcs.getBinWidth(bins) step = 120.0 data = lt.getData(sport) lead = lt.Lead(data, sport) inLead = lt.inLead(lead) s = lt.lastChange(inLead) #m,s=lt.maxLeadTime(lead) '''rw_lead=rwk.Lead(sport) rw_inLead=rwk.inLead(rw_lead) rw=rwk.lastChange(rw_inLead)''' sm_lead = sm.Lead(sport) sm_inLead = sm.inLead(sm_lead) sr = sm.lastChange(sm_inLead) #msr,sr=lt.maxLeadTime(sm_lead) ev_prob=pd.DataFrame.from_csv('/Users/Ish/Documents/SafeLeads/Results/'+sport+'_res/'+sport+'_eventProb.csv',\ header=None) fontSize = 18 window = 10 #f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True) f = plt.figure() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[2, 3]) #1 used to be 3 ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0, :]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1:, :], sharex=ax1) smoothEvProb = movingaverage(ev_prob[1], window) avg = np.mean(smoothEvProb) #y_formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=-100) #ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) ax1.plot(smoothEvProb, linewidth=1.3) ax1.hlines(avg, 0, scope, colors='red', linewidth=2) yticks = ax1.yaxis.get_major_ticks() yticks[0].label1.set_visible(False) ax1.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=max(smoothEvProb) + 0.005) ax1.set_ylabel('Pr(scoring event)', fontsize=fontSize, labelpad=25) #25 for NBA ax1.tick_params(labelsize=fontSize) ax2.tick_params(labelsize=fontSize) h, b = np.histogram(s, bins) hcorr = h / (binw * len(s)) ax2.scatter(b[:len(bins) - 1], hcorr, c='blue', marker='o', label=sport + ' games') hr, br = np.histogram(sr, bins) hrcorr = hr / (binw * len(sr)) ax2.plot(br[:len(bins) - 1], hrcorr, color='DarkTurquoise', linewidth=2, label='Inhomogeneous Poisson process') #ubiased RW '''rwstep=20.0 rwbins=scope/rwstep h,b=np.histogram(rw, rwbins) hcorr=h/(rwstep*len(rw)) plt.plot(b[:rwbins], hcorr, c='purple',linewidth=2.5,label='Homogenous Poisson process') ''' x = np.array(range(scope)) #arcsine law y = 1 / (np.pi * (x * (scope + 1 - x))**(0.5)) ax2.plot(x, y, color='FireBrick', linewidth=2, label='Arcsine law') ax2.set_xlim(xmin=0, xmax=scope) ax2.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=0.0027) ax2.legend(prop={'size': fontSize}) ax2.set_xlabel('Game clock time, t (seconds)', fontsize=fontSize) ax2.set_ylabel('Pr(last lead change)', fontsize=fontSize) f.subplots_adjust(left=0.16, right=0.95, top=0.95, bottom=0.11, hspace=0.00001) #16,13 # Fine-tune figure; make subplots close to each other and hide x ticks for # all but bottom plot. plt.setp([a.get_xticklabels() for a in f.axes[:-1]], visible=False)
def PropInLead(sport): #portion of time first team to score is in the lead data = lt.getData(sport) lead = lt.Lead(data, sport) inLead = lt.inLead(lead) rands = np.random.rand(len(inLead)) mult = -1 + 2 * (rands < 0.5) matr = (np.tile(mult, (len(inLead[0]), 1))).T rand_inLead = np.multiply(matr, inLead) props = np.sum(rand_inLead < 0, axis=1) sm_lead = sm.Lead(sport) sm_inLead = sm.inLead(sm_lead) rands = np.random.rand(len(sm_inLead)) mult = -1 + 2 * (rands < 0.5) matr = (np.tile(mult, (len(sm_inLead[0]), 1))).T sm_randInLead = np.multiply(matr, sm_inLead) sm_props = np.sum(sm_randInLead < 0, axis=1) rw_lead = rw.Lead(sport) rw_inLead = rw.inLead(rw_lead) rands = np.random.rand(len(rw_inLead)) mult = -1 + 2 * (rands < 0.5) matr = (np.tile(mult, (len(rw_inLead[0]), 1))).T rw_randInLead = np.multiply(matr, rw_inLead) rw_props = np.sum(rw_randInLead < 0, axis=1) if sport == 'NBA': scope = 2880 bins = arcs.NBAbins() else: scope = 3600 if sport == 'NHL': bins = arcs.NHLbins() else: bins = arcs.NFLbins() binw = arcs.getBinWidth(bins) fontSize = 18 ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(labelsize=fontSize) h, b = np.histogram(props, bins) hcorr = h / (binw * len(props)) plt.scatter(b[:len(bins) - 1], hcorr, c='blue', marker='o', label=sport + ' games') hr, br = np.histogram(sm_props, bins) hrcorr = hr / (binw * len(sm_props)) plt.plot(br[:len(bins) - 1], hrcorr, color='DarkTurquoise', linewidth=2, label='Inhomogeneous Poisson process') #Unbiased rw #rwstep=20.0 #rwbins=scope/rwstep #hw,bw=np.histogram(rw_props,rwbins) #hwcorr=hw/(rwstep*len(rw_props)) #plt.plot(bw[:rwbins],hwcorr,color='DarkSalmon', linewidth=2,label='Homogeneous Poisson process') #arcsine law x = np.array(range(scope)) y = 1 / (np.pi * (x * (scope + 1 - x))**(0.5)) plt.plot(x, y, color='FireBrick', linewidth=2, label='Arcsine law') plt.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=scope) plt.ylim(ymin=0, ymax=0.0027) plt.legend(prop={'size': fontSize}) plt.xlabel('Number of seconds a team is in the lead', fontsize=fontSize) plt.ylabel('Relative frequency', fontsize=fontSize) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.16, right=0.95, top=0.95, bottom=0.13) #plt.savefig(sport+'varBinnedUpdate.pdf') #plt.close()
def plotBathtub(sport): if sport == 'NBA': scope = 2880 seasons = '2002-2010' bins = NBAbins() else: scope = 3600 seasons = '2000-2009' if sport == 'NHL': bins = NHLbins() elif sport == 'CFB': bins = NFLbins() elif sport == 'NFL': bins = NFLbins() binw = getBinWidth(bins) step = 120.0 data = lt.getData(sport) lead = lt.Lead(data, sport) inLead = lt.inLead(lead) s = lt.lastChange(inLead) #m,s=lt.maxLeadTime(lead) '''rw_lead=rwk.Lead(sport) rw_inLead=rwk.inLead(rw_lead) rw=rwk.lastChange(rw_inLead)''' sm_lead = sm.Lead(sport) sm_inLead = sm.inLead(sm_lead) sr = sm.lastChange(sm_inLead) msr, sr = lt.maxLeadTime(sm_lead) fontSize = 18 ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(labelsize=fontSize) h, b = np.histogram(s, bins) hcorr = h / (binw * len(s)) plt.scatter(b[:len(bins) - 1], hcorr, c='blue', marker='o', label=sport + ' games') hr, br = np.histogram(sr, bins) hrcorr = hr / (binw * len(sr)) plt.plot(br[:len(bins) - 1], hrcorr, color='DarkTurquoise', linewidth=2, label='Inhomogeneous Poisson process') #ubiased RW '''rwstep=20.0 rwbins=scope/rwstep h,b=np.histogram(rw, rwbins) hcorr=h/(rwstep*len(rw)) plt.plot(b[:rwbins], hcorr, c='purple',linewidth=2.5,label='Homogenous Poisson process') ''' x = np.array(range(scope)) #arcsine law y = 1 / (np.pi * (x * (scope + 1 - x))**(0.5)) plt.plot(x, y, color='FireBrick', linewidth=2, label='Arcsine law') plt.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=scope) plt.ylim(ymin=0, ymax=0.0027) plt.legend(prop={'size': fontSize}) plt.xlabel('Game clock time, t (seconds)', fontsize=fontSize) plt.ylabel('Probability of maximum lead change', fontsize=fontSize) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.16, right=0.95, top=0.95, bottom=0.13) #plt.savefig(sport+'varBinnedUpdate.pdf') #plt.close()