class LeapSettingsTest(BaseLeapTest): """Tests for LeapSettings""" def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_get_configured_providers(self): """ Test that the config file IS NOT stored under the CWD. """ self._leapsettings = LeapSettings() with mock.patch('os.listdir') as os_listdir: # use this method only to spy where LeapSettings is looking for self._leapsettings.get_configured_providers() args, kwargs = os_listdir.call_args config_dir = args[0] self.assertFalse(config_dir.startswith(os.getcwd())) self.assertFalse(config_dir.endswith('config')) def test_get_configured_providers_in_bundle(self): """ Test that the config file IS stored under the CWD. """ self._leapsettings = LeapSettings(standalone=True) with mock.patch('os.listdir') as os_listdir: # use this method only to spy where LeapSettings is looking for self._leapsettings.get_configured_providers() args, kwargs = os_listdir.call_args config_dir = args[0] self.assertTrue(config_dir.startswith(os.getcwd())) self.assertFalse(config_dir.endswith('config'))
def _load_configured_providers(self): """ Loads the configured providers into the wizard providers combo box. """ ls = LeapSettings() providers = ls.get_configured_providers() if not providers: self.ui.rbExistingProvider.setEnabled(False) self.ui.label_8.setEnabled(False) # 'https://' label self.ui.cbProviders.setEnabled(False) return pinned = [] user_added = [] # separate pinned providers from user added ones for p in providers: if ls.is_pinned_provider(p): pinned.append(p) else: user_added.append(p) if user_added: self.ui.cbProviders.addItems(user_added) if user_added and pinned: self.ui.cbProviders.addItem('---') if pinned: random.shuffle(pinned) # don't prioritize alphabetically self.ui.cbProviders.addItems(pinned) # We have configured providers, so by default we select the # 'Use existing provider' option. self.ui.rbExistingProvider.setChecked(True)
class LeapSettingsTest(BaseLeapTest): """Tests for LeapSettings""" def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_get_configured_providers(self): """ Test that the config file IS NOT stored under the CWD. """ flags.STANDALONE = False self._leapsettings = LeapSettings() with mock.patch('os.listdir') as os_listdir: # use this method only to spy where LeapSettings is looking for self._leapsettings.get_configured_providers() args, kwargs = os_listdir.call_args config_dir = args[0] self.assertFalse(config_dir.startswith(os.getcwd())) self.assertFalse(config_dir.endswith('config')) def test_get_configured_providers_in_bundle(self): """ Test that the config file IS stored under the CWD. """ flags.STANDALONE = True self._leapsettings = LeapSettings() with mock.patch('os.listdir') as os_listdir: # use this method only to spy where LeapSettings is looking for self._leapsettings.get_configured_providers() args, kwargs = os_listdir.call_args config_dir = args[0] self.assertTrue(config_dir.startswith(os.getcwd())) self.assertFalse(config_dir.endswith('config'))
def _load_configured_providers_with_pinned(self, pinned): """ Once we have the pinned providers from the backend, we continue setting everything up :param pinned: list of pinned providers :type pinned: list of str """ ls = LeapSettings() providers = ls.get_configured_providers() if not providers and not pinned: self.ui.rbExistingProvider.setEnabled(False) self.ui.label_8.setEnabled(False) # 'https://' label self.ui.cbProviders.setEnabled(False) return user_added = [] # separate pinned providers from user added ones for p in providers: if p not in pinned: user_added.append(p) if user_added: self.ui.cbProviders.addItems(user_added) if user_added and pinned: self.ui.cbProviders.addItem('---') if pinned: random.shuffle(pinned) # don't prioritize alphabetically self.ui.cbProviders.addItems(pinned) # We have configured providers, so by default we select the # 'Use existing provider' option. self.ui.rbExistingProvider.setChecked(True) # We need to set it as complete explicitly
def _load_configured_providers_with_pinned(self, pinned): """ Once we have the pinned providers from the backend, we continue setting everything up :param pinned: list of pinned providers :type pinned: list of str How the combobox items are arranged: ----------------------------------- First run: -- After some usage: --- In other words: * There are two sections. * Section one consists of all the providers that the user has used. If this is empty, than use for this section. This list is sorted alphabetically. * Section two consists of all the pinned or 'pre seeded' providers, minus any providers that are now in section one. This last list is in random order. """ ls = LeapSettings() user_added = ls.get_configured_providers() if not user_added and not pinned: self.ui.rbExistingProvider.setEnabled(False) self.ui.label_8.setEnabled(False) # 'https://' label self.ui.cbProviders.setEnabled(False) return user_added.sort() if not user_added: user_added = [pinned.pop(0)] # separate unused pinned providers from user added ones for p in user_added: if p in pinned: pinned.remove(p) if user_added: self.ui.cbProviders.addItems(user_added) if user_added and pinned: self.ui.cbProviders.addItem('---') if pinned: random.shuffle(pinned) # don't prioritize alphabetically self.ui.cbProviders.addItems(pinned) # We have configured providers, so by default we select the # 'Use existing provider' option. self.ui.rbExistingProvider.setChecked(True) # We need to set it as complete explicitly
class PreferencesWindow(QtGui.QDialog): """ Window that displays the preferences. """ def __init__(self, parent, srp_auth): """ :param parent: parent object of the PreferencesWindow. :parent type: QWidget :param srp_auth: SRPAuth object configured in the main app. :type srp_auth: SRPAuth """ QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL ="Automatic") self._srp_auth = srp_auth self._settings = LeapSettings() self._soledad = None # Load UI self.ui = Ui_Preferences() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setVisible(False) self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(False) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False) self._selected_services = set() # Connections self.ui.pbChangePassword.clicked.connect(self._change_password) self.ui.cbProvidersServices.currentIndexChanged[unicode].connect( self._populate_services) self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.currentIndexChanged[unicode].connect( self._populate_gateways) self.ui.cbGateways.currentIndexChanged[unicode].connect( lambda x: self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False)) if not self._settings.get_configured_providers(): self.ui.gbEnabledServices.setEnabled(False) else: self._add_configured_providers() def set_soledad_ready(self, soledad): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: parent.soledad_ready It sets the soledad object as ready to use. :param soledad: Soledad object configured in the main app. :type soledad: Soledad """ self._soledad = soledad self.ui.gbPasswordChange.setEnabled(True) def _set_password_change_status(self, status, error=False, success=False): """ Sets the status label for the password change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str """ if error: status = "<font color='red'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) elif success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setText(status) def _set_changing_password(self, disable): """ Enables or disables the widgets in the password change group box. :param disable: True if the widgets should be disabled and it displays the status label that shows that is changing the password. False if they should be enabled. :type disable: bool """ if disable: self._set_password_change_status("Changing password...")) self.ui.leCurrentPassword.setEnabled(not disable) self.ui.leNewPassword.setEnabled(not disable) self.ui.leNewPassword2.setEnabled(not disable) self.ui.pbChangePassword.setEnabled(not disable) def _change_password(self): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.pbChangePassword.clicked Changes the user's password if the inputboxes are correctly filled. """ username = self._srp_auth.get_username() current_password = self.ui.leCurrentPassword.text() new_password = self.ui.leNewPassword.text() new_password2 = self.ui.leNewPassword2.text() ok, msg = basic_password_checks(username, new_password, new_password2) if not ok: self._set_changing_password(False) self._set_password_change_status(msg, error=True) self.ui.leNewPassword.setFocus() return self._set_changing_password(True) d = self._srp_auth.change_password(current_password, new_password) d.addCallback(partial(self._change_password_success, new_password)) d.addErrback(self._change_password_problem) def _change_password_success(self, new_password, _): """ Callback used to display a successfully performed action. :param new_password: the new password for the user. :type new_password: str. :param _: the returned data from self._srp_auth.change_password Ignored """ logger.debug("SRP password changed successfully.") try: self._soledad.change_passphrase(str(new_password)) logger.debug("Soledad password changed successfully.") except NoStorageSecret: logger.debug( "No storage secret for password change in Soledad.") self._set_password_change_status("Password changed successfully."), success=True) self._clear_password_inputs() self._set_changing_password(False) def _change_password_problem(self, failure): """ Errback called if there was a problem with the deferred. Also is used to display an error message. :param failure: the cause of the method failed. :type failure: twisted.python.Failure """ logger.error("Error changing password: %s", (failure, )) problem ="There was a problem changing the password.") if failure.check(SRPAuthBadPassword): problem ="You did not enter a correct current password.") self._set_password_change_status(problem, error=True) self._set_changing_password(False) failure.trap(Exception) def _clear_password_inputs(self): """ Clear the contents of the inputs. """ self.ui.leCurrentPassword.setText("") self.ui.leNewPassword.setText("") self.ui.leNewPassword2.setText("") def _set_providers_services_status(self, status, success=False): """ Sets the status label for the password change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str :param success: is set to True if we should display the message as green :type success: bool """ if success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setText(status) def _set_providers_gateway_status(self, status, success=False, error=False): """ Sets the status label for the gateway change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str :param success: is set to True if we should display the message as green :type success: bool :param error: is set to True if we should display the message as red :type error: bool """ if success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) elif error: status = "<font color='red'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setText(status) def _add_configured_providers(self): """ Add the client's configured providers to the providers combo boxes. """ self.ui.cbProvidersServices.clear() self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.clear() for provider in self._settings.get_configured_providers(): self.ui.cbProvidersServices.addItem(provider) self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.addItem(provider) def _service_selection_changed(self, service, state): """ SLOT TRIGGER: service_checkbox.stateChanged Adds the service to the state if the state is checked, removes it otherwise :param service: service to handle :type service: str :param state: state of the checkbox :type state: int """ if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self._selected_services = \ self._selected_services.union(set([service])) else: self._selected_services = \ self._selected_services.difference(set([service])) # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(False) def _populate_services(self, domain): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.cbProvidersServices.currentIndexChanged[unicode] Loads the services that the provider provides into the UI for the user to enable or disable. :param domain: the domain of the provider to load services from. :type domain: str """ # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(False) if not domain: return provider_config = self._get_provider_config(domain) if provider_config is None: return # set the proper connection for the 'save' button try: self.ui.pbSaveServices.clicked.disconnect() except RuntimeError: pass # Signal was not connected save_services = partial(self._save_enabled_services, domain) self.ui.pbSaveServices.clicked.connect(save_services) services = get_supported(provider_config.get_services()) services_conf = self._settings.get_enabled_services(domain) # discard changes if other provider is selected self._selected_services = set() # from: # remove existing checkboxes layout = self.ui.vlServices for i in reversed(range(layout.count())): layout.itemAt(i).widget().setParent(None) # add one checkbox per service and set the current configured value for service in services: try: checkbox = QtGui.QCheckBox(self) service_label = get_service_display_name(service) checkbox.setText(service_label) self.ui.vlServices.addWidget(checkbox) checkbox.stateChanged.connect( partial(self._service_selection_changed, service)) checkbox.setChecked(service in services_conf) except ValueError: logger.error("Something went wrong while trying to " "load service %s" % (service,)) def _save_enabled_services(self, provider): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.pbSaveServices.clicked Saves the new enabled services settings to the configuration file. :param provider: the provider config that we need to save. :type provider: str """ services = list(self._selected_services) self._settings.set_enabled_services(provider, services) msg = "Services settings for provider '{0}' saved.".format(provider)) logger.debug(msg) self._set_providers_services_status(msg, success=True) def _get_provider_config(self, domain): """ Helper to return a valid Provider Config from the domain name. :param domain: the domain name of the provider. :type domain: str :rtype: ProviderConfig or None if there is a problem loading the config """ provider_config = ProviderConfig() provider_config_path = os.path.join( "leap", "providers", domain, "provider.json") if not provider_config.load(provider_config_path): provider_config = None return provider_config def _save_selected_gateway(self, provider): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked Saves the new gateway setting to the configuration file. :param provider: the provider config that we need to save. :type provider: str """ gateway = self.ui.cbGateways.currentText() if gateway == self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL: gateway = self._settings.GATEWAY_AUTOMATIC else: idx = self.ui.cbGateways.currentIndex() gateway = self.ui.cbGateways.itemData(idx) self._settings.set_selected_gateway(provider, gateway) msg = "Gateway settings for provider '{0}' saved.".format(provider)) logger.debug(msg) self._set_providers_gateway_status(msg, success=True) def _populate_gateways(self, domain): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.currentIndexChanged[unicode] Loads the gateways that the provider provides into the UI for the user to select. :param domain: the domain of the provider to load gateways from. :type domain: str """ # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False) if not domain: return try: # disconnect prevoiusly connected save method self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked.disconnect() except RuntimeError: pass # Signal was not connected # set the proper connection for the 'save' button save_gateway = partial(self._save_selected_gateway, domain) self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked.connect(save_gateway) eip_config = EIPConfig() provider_config = self._get_provider_config(domain) eip_config_path = os.path.join("leap", "providers", domain, "eip-service.json") api_version = provider_config.get_api_version() eip_config.set_api_version(api_version) eip_loaded = eip_config.load(eip_config_path) if not eip_loaded or provider_config is None: self._set_providers_gateway_status("There was a problem with configuration files."), error=True) return gateways = VPNGatewaySelector(eip_config).get_gateways_list() logger.debug(gateways) self.ui.cbGateways.clear() self.ui.cbGateways.addItem(self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL) # Add the available gateways and # select the one stored in configuration file. selected_gateway = self._settings.get_selected_gateway(domain) index = 0 for idx, (gw_name, gw_ip) in enumerate(gateways): gateway = "{0} ({1})".format(gw_name, gw_ip) self.ui.cbGateways.addItem(gateway, gw_ip) if gw_ip == selected_gateway: index = idx + 1 self.ui.cbGateways.setCurrentIndex(index)
class PreferencesWindow(QtGui.QDialog): """ Window that displays the preferences. """ preferences_saved = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, parent, username, domain, backend, soledad_started, mx, leap_signaler): """ :param parent: parent object of the PreferencesWindow. :parent type: QWidget :param username: the user set in the login widget :type username: unicode :param domain: the selected domain in the login widget :type domain: unicode :param backend: Backend being used :type backend: Backend :param soledad_started: whether soledad has started or not :type soledad_started: bool :param mx: whether the current provider provides mx or not. :type mx: bool """ QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL ="Automatic") self._username = username self._domain = domain self._leap_signaler = leap_signaler self._backend = backend self._soledad_started = soledad_started self._mx_provided = mx self._settings = LeapSettings() self._backend_connect() # Load UI self.ui = Ui_Preferences() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setVisible(False) self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(False) self._selected_services = set() # Connections self.ui.pbChangePassword.clicked.connect(self._change_password) self.ui.cbProvidersServices.currentIndexChanged[unicode].connect( self._populate_services) if not self._settings.get_configured_providers(): self.ui.gbEnabledServices.setEnabled(False) else: self._add_configured_providers() if self._username is None: self._not_logged_in() else: self.ui.gbPasswordChange.setEnabled(True) if self._mx_provided: self._provides_mx() self._select_provider_by_name(domain) def _not_logged_in(self): """ Actions to perform if the user is not logged in. """ msg = "In order to change your password you need to be logged in.") self._set_password_change_status(msg) self.ui.gbPasswordChange.setEnabled(False) def _provides_mx(self): """ Actions to perform if the provider provides MX. """ pw_enabled = True enabled_services = self._settings.get_enabled_services(self._domain) mx_name = get_service_display_name(MX_SERVICE) if MX_SERVICE not in enabled_services: msg ="You need to enable {0} in order to change " "the password.".format(mx_name)) self._set_password_change_status(msg, error=True) pw_enabled = False else: # check if Soledad is bootstrapped if not self._soledad_started: msg = "You need to wait until {0} is ready in " "order to change the password.".format(mx_name)) self._set_password_change_status(msg) pw_enabled = False self.ui.gbPasswordChange.setEnabled(pw_enabled) @QtCore.Slot() def set_soledad_ready(self): """ TRIGGERS: parent.soledad_ready It notifies when the soledad object as ready to use. """ self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setVisible(False) self.ui.gbPasswordChange.setEnabled(True) def _set_password_change_status(self, status, error=False, success=False): """ Sets the status label for the password change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str """ if error: status = "<font color='red'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) elif success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) if not self.ui.gbPasswordChange.isEnabled(): status = "<font color='black'>%s</font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setText(status) def _set_changing_password(self, disable): """ Enables or disables the widgets in the password change group box. :param disable: True if the widgets should be disabled and it displays the status label that shows that is changing the password. False if they should be enabled. :type disable: bool """ if disable: self._set_password_change_status("Changing password...")) self.ui.leCurrentPassword.setEnabled(not disable) self.ui.leNewPassword.setEnabled(not disable) self.ui.leNewPassword2.setEnabled(not disable) self.ui.pbChangePassword.setEnabled(not disable) @QtCore.Slot() def _change_password(self): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.pbChangePassword.clicked Changes the user's password if the inputboxes are correctly filled. """ username = self._username current_password = self.ui.leCurrentPassword.text() new_password = self.ui.leNewPassword.text() new_password2 = self.ui.leNewPassword2.text() ok, msg = password_checks(username, new_password, new_password2) if not ok: self._set_changing_password(False) self._set_password_change_status(msg, error=True) self.ui.leNewPassword.setFocus() return self._set_changing_password(True) self._backend.user_change_password(current_password=current_password, new_password=new_password) @QtCore.Slot() def _srp_change_password_ok(self): """ TRIGGERS: self._backend.signaler.srp_password_change_ok Callback used to display a successfully changed password. """ new_password = self.ui.leNewPassword.text() logger.debug("SRP password changed successfully.") if self._mx_provided: self._backend.soledad_change_password(new_password=new_password) else: self._change_password_success() @QtCore.Slot(unicode) def _srp_change_password_problem(self, msg): """ TRIGGERS: self._backend.signaler.srp_password_change_error self._backend.signaler.srp_password_change_badpw Callback used to display an error on changing password. :param msg: the message to show to the user. :type msg: unicode """ logger.error("Error changing password") self._set_password_change_status(msg, error=True) self._set_changing_password(False) @QtCore.Slot() def _soledad_change_password_ok(self): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.soledad_password_change_ok Soledad password change went OK. """ logger.debug("Soledad password changed successfully.") self._change_password_success() def _change_password_success(self): """ Callback used to display a successfully changed password. """ logger.debug("Soledad password changed successfully.") self._set_password_change_status("Password changed successfully."), success=True) self._clear_password_inputs() self._set_changing_password(False) @QtCore.Slot(unicode) def _soledad_change_password_problem(self, msg): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.soledad_password_change_error Callback used to display an error on changing password. :param msg: the message to show to the user. :type msg: unicode """ logger.error("Error changing soledad password") self._set_password_change_status(msg, error=True) self._set_changing_password(False) def _clear_password_inputs(self): """ Clear the contents of the inputs. """ self.ui.leCurrentPassword.setText("") self.ui.leNewPassword.setText("") self.ui.leNewPassword2.setText("") def _set_providers_services_status(self, status, success=False): """ Sets the status label for the password change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str :param success: is set to True if we should display the message as green :type success: bool """ if success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setText(status) def _add_configured_providers(self): """ Add the client's configured providers to the providers combo boxes. """ self.ui.cbProvidersServices.clear() for provider in self._settings.get_configured_providers(): self.ui.cbProvidersServices.addItem(provider) def _select_provider_by_name(self, name): """ Given a provider name/domain, selects it in the combobox. :param name: name or domain for the provider :type name: str """ provider_index = self.ui.cbProvidersServices.findText(name) self.ui.cbProvidersServices.setCurrentIndex(provider_index) @QtCore.Slot(str, int) def _service_selection_changed(self, service, state): """ TRIGGERS: service_checkbox.stateChanged Adds the service to the state if the state is checked, removes it otherwise :param service: service to handle :type service: str :param state: state of the checkbox :type state: int """ if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self._selected_services = \ self._selected_services.union(set([service])) else: self._selected_services = \ self._selected_services.difference(set([service])) # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(False) @QtCore.Slot(str) def _populate_services(self, domain): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.cbProvidersServices.currentIndexChanged[unicode] Fill the services list with the selected provider's services. :param domain: the domain of the provider to load services from. :type domain: str """ # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(False) if not domain: return # set the proper connection for the 'save' button try: self.ui.pbSaveServices.clicked.disconnect() except RuntimeError: pass # Signal was not connected save_services = partial(self._save_enabled_services, domain) self.ui.pbSaveServices.clicked.connect(save_services) self._backend.provider_get_supported_services(domain=domain) @QtCore.Slot(str) def _load_services(self, services): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.cbProvidersServices.currentIndexChanged[unicode] Loads the services that the provider provides into the UI for the user to enable or disable. :param domain: the domain of the provider to load services from. :type domain: str """ domain = self.ui.cbProvidersServices.currentText() services_conf = self._settings.get_enabled_services(domain) # discard changes if other provider is selected self._selected_services = set() # from: # remove existing checkboxes layout = self.ui.vlServices for i in reversed(range(layout.count())): layout.itemAt(i).widget().setParent(None) # add one checkbox per service and set the current configured value for service in services: try: checkbox = QtGui.QCheckBox(self) service_label = get_service_display_name(service) checkbox.setText(service_label) self.ui.vlServices.addWidget(checkbox) checkbox.stateChanged.connect( partial(self._service_selection_changed, service)) checkbox.setChecked(service in services_conf) except ValueError: logger.error("Something went wrong while trying to " "load service %s" % (service,)) @QtCore.Slot(str) def _save_enabled_services(self, provider): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.pbSaveServices.clicked Saves the new enabled services settings to the configuration file. :param provider: the provider config that we need to save. :type provider: str """ services = list(self._selected_services) self._settings.set_enabled_services(provider, services) msg = "Services settings for provider '{0}' saved.".format(provider)) logger.debug(msg) self._set_providers_services_status(msg, success=True) self.preferences_saved.emit() def _backend_connect(self): """ Helper to connect to backend signals """ sig = self._leap_signaler sig.prov_get_supported_services.connect(self._load_services) sig.srp_password_change_ok.connect(self._srp_change_password_ok) pwd_change_error = lambda: self._srp_change_password_problem("There was a problem changing the password.")) sig.srp_password_change_error.connect(pwd_change_error) pwd_change_badpw = lambda: self._srp_change_password_problem("You did not enter a correct current password.")) sig.srp_password_change_badpw.connect(pwd_change_badpw) sig.soledad_password_change_ok.connect( self._soledad_change_password_ok) sig.soledad_password_change_error.connect( self._soledad_change_password_problem)
class EIPPreferencesWindow(QtGui.QDialog): """ Window that displays the EIP preferences. """ def __init__(self, parent): """ :param parent: parent object of the EIPPreferencesWindow. :parent type: QWidget """ QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL ="Automatic") self._settings = LeapSettings() # Load UI self.ui = Ui_EIPPreferences() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False) self.ui.lblAutoStartEIPStatus.setVisible(False) # Connections self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.currentIndexChanged[unicode].connect( self._populate_gateways) self.ui.cbGateways.currentIndexChanged[unicode].connect( lambda x: self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False)) self.ui.cbProvidersEIP.currentIndexChanged[unicode].connect( lambda x: self.ui.lblAutoStartEIPStatus.setVisible(False)) self.ui.cbAutoStartEIP.toggled.connect( lambda x: self.ui.lblAutoStartEIPStatus.setVisible(False)) self.ui.pbSaveAutoStartEIP.clicked.connect(self._save_auto_start_eip) self._add_configured_providers() # Load auto start EIP settings self.ui.cbAutoStartEIP.setChecked(self._settings.get_autostart_eip()) default_provider = self._settings.get_defaultprovider() idx = self.ui.cbProvidersEIP.findText(default_provider) self.ui.cbProvidersEIP.setCurrentIndex(idx) def _save_auto_start_eip(self): """ SLOT TRIGGER: self.ui.cbAutoStartEIP.toggled Saves the automatic start of EIP user preference. """ default_provider = self.ui.cbProvidersEIP.currentText() enabled = self.ui.cbAutoStartEIP.isChecked() self._settings.set_autostart_eip(enabled) self._settings.set_defaultprovider(default_provider) logger.debug('Auto start EIP saved: {0} {1}.'.format( default_provider, enabled)) def _set_providers_gateway_status(self, status, success=False, error=False): """ Sets the status label for the gateway change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str :param success: is set to True if we should display the message as green :type success: bool :param error: is set to True if we should display the message as red :type error: bool """ if success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) elif error: status = "<font color='red'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setText(status) def _add_configured_providers(self): """ Add the client's configured providers to the providers combo boxes. """ self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.clear() self.ui.cbProvidersEIP.clear() providers = self._settings.get_configured_providers() if not providers: self.ui.gbAutomaticEIP.setEnabled(False) self.ui.gbGatewaySelector.setEnabled(False) return for provider in providers: self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.addItem(provider) self.ui.cbProvidersEIP.addItem(provider) def _save_selected_gateway(self, provider): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked Saves the new gateway setting to the configuration file. :param provider: the provider config that we need to save. :type provider: str """ gateway = self.ui.cbGateways.currentText() if gateway == self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL: gateway = self._settings.GATEWAY_AUTOMATIC else: idx = self.ui.cbGateways.currentIndex() gateway = self.ui.cbGateways.itemData(idx) self._settings.set_selected_gateway(provider, gateway) msg = "Gateway settings for provider '{0}' saved.").format(provider) self._set_providers_gateway_status(msg, success=True) def _populate_gateways(self, domain): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.currentIndexChanged[unicode] Loads the gateways that the provider provides into the UI for the user to select. :param domain: the domain of the provider to load gateways from. :type domain: str """ # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False) if not domain: return try: # disconnect previously connected save method self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked.disconnect() except RuntimeError: pass # Signal was not connected # set the proper connection for the 'save' button save_gateway = partial(self._save_selected_gateway, domain) self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked.connect(save_gateway) eip_config = EIPConfig() provider_config = ProviderConfig.get_provider_config(domain) eip_config_path = os.path.join("leap", "providers", domain, "eip-service.json") api_version = provider_config.get_api_version() eip_config.set_api_version(api_version) eip_loaded = eip_config.load(eip_config_path) if not eip_loaded or provider_config is None: self._set_providers_gateway_status("There was a problem with configuration files."), error=True) return gateways = VPNGatewaySelector(eip_config).get_gateways_list() logger.debug(gateways) self.ui.cbGateways.clear() self.ui.cbGateways.addItem(self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL) # Add the available gateways and # select the one stored in configuration file. selected_gateway = self._settings.get_selected_gateway(domain) index = 0 for idx, (gw_name, gw_ip) in enumerate(gateways): gateway = "{0} ({1})".format(gw_name, gw_ip) self.ui.cbGateways.addItem(gateway, gw_ip) if gw_ip == selected_gateway: index = idx + 1 self.ui.cbGateways.setCurrentIndex(index)
class EIPPreferencesWindow(QtGui.QDialog): """ Window that displays the EIP preferences. """ def __init__(self, parent, domain, backend, leap_signaler): """ :param parent: parent object of the EIPPreferencesWindow. :type parent: QWidget :param domain: the selected by default domain. :type domain: unicode :param backend: Backend being used :type backend: Backend """ QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL ="Automatic") self._settings = LeapSettings() self._leap_signaler = leap_signaler self._backend = backend # Load UI self.ui = Ui_EIPPreferences() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False) # Connections self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.currentIndexChanged[int].connect( self._populate_gateways) self.ui.cbGateways.currentIndexChanged[unicode].connect( lambda x: self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False)) self._selected_domain = domain self._configured_providers = [] self._backend_connect() self._add_configured_providers() def _set_providers_gateway_status(self, status, success=False, error=False): """ Sets the status label for the gateway change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str :param success: is set to True if we should display the message as green :type success: bool :param error: is set to True if we should display the message as red :type error: bool """ if success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) elif error: status = "<font color='red'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setText(status) def _add_configured_providers(self): """ Add the client's configured providers to the providers combo boxes. """ providers = self._settings.get_configured_providers() if not providers: return self._backend.eip_get_initialized_providers(domains=providers) @QtCore.Slot(list) def _load_providers_in_combo(self, providers): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_get_initialized_providers Add the client's configured providers to the providers combo boxes. :param providers: the list of providers to add and whether each one is initialized or not. :type providers: list of tuples (str, bool) """ self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.clear() if not providers: self.ui.gbGatewaySelector.setEnabled(False) return # block signals so the currentIndexChanged slot doesn't get triggered self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.blockSignals(True) for provider, is_initialized in providers: label = provider if not is_initialized: label +=" (uninitialized)") self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.addItem(label, userData=provider) self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.blockSignals(False) # Select provider by name domain = self._selected_domain if domain is not None: provider_index = self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.findText( domain, QtCore.Qt.MatchStartsWith) self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.setCurrentIndex(provider_index) @QtCore.Slot(str) def _save_selected_gateway(self, provider): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked Saves the new gateway setting to the configuration file. :param provider: the provider config that we need to save. :type provider: str """ gateway = self.ui.cbGateways.currentText() if gateway == self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL: gateway = self._settings.GATEWAY_AUTOMATIC else: idx = self.ui.cbGateways.currentIndex() gateway = self.ui.cbGateways.itemData(idx) self._settings.set_selected_gateway(provider, gateway) self._backend.settings_set_selected_gateway(provider=provider, gateway=gateway) msg = "Gateway settings for provider '{0}' saved.").format(provider) self._set_providers_gateway_status(msg, success=True) @QtCore.Slot(int) def _populate_gateways(self, domain_idx): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.currentIndexChanged[unicode] Loads the gateways that the provider provides into the UI for the user to select. :param domain: the domain index of the provider to load gateways from. :type domain: int """ # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False) if domain_idx == -1: return domain = self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.itemData(domain_idx) self._selected_domain = domain self._backend.eip_get_gateways_list(domain=domain) @QtCore.Slot(list) def _update_gateways_list(self, gateways): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_get_gateways_list :param gateways: a list of gateways :type gateways: list of unicode Add the available gateways and select the one stored in configuration file. """ self.ui.pbSaveGateway.setEnabled(True) self.ui.cbGateways.setEnabled(True) self.ui.cbGateways.clear() self.ui.cbGateways.addItem(self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL) try: # disconnect previously connected save method self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked.disconnect() except RuntimeError: pass # Signal was not connected # set the proper connection for the 'save' button domain = self._selected_domain save_gateway = partial(self._save_selected_gateway, domain) self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked.connect(save_gateway) selected_gateway = self._settings.get_selected_gateway( self._selected_domain) index = 0 for idx, (gw_name, gw_ip) in enumerate(gateways): gateway = "{0} ({1})".format(gw_name, gw_ip) self.ui.cbGateways.addItem(gateway, gw_ip) if gw_ip == selected_gateway: index = idx + 1 self.ui.cbGateways.setCurrentIndex(index) @QtCore.Slot() def _gateways_list_error(self): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_get_gateways_list_error An error has occurred retrieving the gateway list so we inform the user. """ self._set_providers_gateway_status("There was a problem with configuration files."), error=True) self.ui.pbSaveGateway.setEnabled(False) self.ui.cbGateways.setEnabled(False) @QtCore.Slot() def _gateways_list_uninitialized(self): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_uninitialized_provider The requested provider in not initialized yet, so we give the user an error msg. """ self._set_providers_gateway_status("This is an uninitialized provider, please log in first."), error=True) self.ui.pbSaveGateway.setEnabled(False) self.ui.cbGateways.setEnabled(False) def _backend_connect(self): sig = self._leap_signaler sig.eip_get_gateways_list.connect(self._update_gateways_list) sig.eip_get_gateways_list_error.connect(self._gateways_list_error) sig.eip_uninitialized_provider.connect( self._gateways_list_uninitialized) sig.eip_get_initialized_providers.connect( self._load_providers_in_combo)
class PreferencesWindow(QtGui.QDialog): """ Window that displays the preferences. """ def __init__(self, parent, srp_auth, provider_config, soledad, domain): """ :param parent: parent object of the PreferencesWindow. :parent type: QWidget :param srp_auth: SRPAuth object configured in the main app. :type srp_auth: SRPAuth :param provider_config: ProviderConfig object. :type provider_config: ProviderConfig :param soledad: Soledad instance :type soledad: Soledad :param domain: the selected domain in the login widget :type domain: unicode """ QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL ="Automatic") self._srp_auth = srp_auth self._settings = LeapSettings() self._soledad = soledad # Load UI self.ui = Ui_Preferences() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setVisible(False) self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(False) self._selected_services = set() # Connections self.ui.pbChangePassword.clicked.connect(self._change_password) self.ui.cbProvidersServices.currentIndexChanged[unicode].connect( self._populate_services) if not self._settings.get_configured_providers(): self.ui.gbEnabledServices.setEnabled(False) else: self._add_configured_providers() pw_enabled = False # check if the user is logged in if srp_auth is not None and srp_auth.get_token() is not None: # check if provider has 'mx' ... if provider_config.provides_mx(): enabled_services = self._settings.get_enabled_services(domain) mx_name = get_service_display_name(MX_SERVICE) # ... and if the user have it enabled if MX_SERVICE not in enabled_services: msg ="You need to enable {0} in order to change " "the password.".format(mx_name)) self._set_password_change_status(msg, error=True) else: if sameProxiedObjects(self._soledad, None): msg = "You need to wait until {0} is ready in " "order to change the password.".format(mx_name)) self._set_password_change_status(msg) else: # Soledad is bootstrapped pw_enabled = True else: pw_enabled = True else: msg = "In order to change your password you need to be logged in.") self._set_password_change_status(msg) self._select_provider_by_name(domain) self.ui.gbPasswordChange.setEnabled(pw_enabled) def set_soledad_ready(self): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: parent.soledad_ready It notifies when the soledad object as ready to use. """ self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setVisible(False) self.ui.gbPasswordChange.setEnabled(True) def _set_password_change_status(self, status, error=False, success=False): """ Sets the status label for the password change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str """ if error: status = "<font color='red'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) elif success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) if not self.ui.gbPasswordChange.isEnabled(): status = "<font color='black'>%s</font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setText(status) def _set_changing_password(self, disable): """ Enables or disables the widgets in the password change group box. :param disable: True if the widgets should be disabled and it displays the status label that shows that is changing the password. False if they should be enabled. :type disable: bool """ if disable: self._set_password_change_status("Changing password...")) self.ui.leCurrentPassword.setEnabled(not disable) self.ui.leNewPassword.setEnabled(not disable) self.ui.leNewPassword2.setEnabled(not disable) self.ui.pbChangePassword.setEnabled(not disable) def _change_password(self): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.pbChangePassword.clicked Changes the user's password if the inputboxes are correctly filled. """ username = self._srp_auth.get_username() current_password = self.ui.leCurrentPassword.text() new_password = self.ui.leNewPassword.text() new_password2 = self.ui.leNewPassword2.text() ok, msg = basic_password_checks(username, new_password, new_password2) if not ok: self._set_changing_password(False) self._set_password_change_status(msg, error=True) self.ui.leNewPassword.setFocus() return self._set_changing_password(True) d = self._srp_auth.change_password(current_password, new_password) d.addCallback(partial(self._change_password_success, new_password)) d.addErrback(self._change_password_problem) def _change_password_success(self, new_password, _): """ Callback used to display a successfully performed action. :param new_password: the new password for the user. :type new_password: str. :param _: the returned data from self._srp_auth.change_password Ignored """ logger.debug("SRP password changed successfully.") try: self._soledad.change_passphrase(new_password) logger.debug("Soledad password changed successfully.") except NoStorageSecret: logger.debug( "No storage secret for password change in Soledad.") self._set_password_change_status("Password changed successfully."), success=True) self._clear_password_inputs() self._set_changing_password(False) def _change_password_problem(self, failure): """ Errback called if there was a problem with the deferred. Also is used to display an error message. :param failure: the cause of the method failed. :type failure: twisted.python.Failure """ logger.error("Error changing password: %s", (failure, )) problem ="There was a problem changing the password.") if failure.check(SRPAuthBadUserOrPassword): problem ="You did not enter a correct current password.") self._set_password_change_status(problem, error=True) self._set_changing_password(False) failure.trap(Exception) def _clear_password_inputs(self): """ Clear the contents of the inputs. """ self.ui.leCurrentPassword.setText("") self.ui.leNewPassword.setText("") self.ui.leNewPassword2.setText("") def _set_providers_services_status(self, status, success=False): """ Sets the status label for the password change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str :param success: is set to True if we should display the message as green :type success: bool """ if success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setText(status) def _add_configured_providers(self): """ Add the client's configured providers to the providers combo boxes. """ self.ui.cbProvidersServices.clear() for provider in self._settings.get_configured_providers(): self.ui.cbProvidersServices.addItem(provider) def _select_provider_by_name(self, name): """ Given a provider name/domain, selects it in the combobox. :param name: name or domain for the provider :type name: str """ provider_index = self.ui.cbProvidersServices.findText(name) self.ui.cbProvidersServices.setCurrentIndex(provider_index) def _service_selection_changed(self, service, state): """ SLOT TRIGGER: service_checkbox.stateChanged Adds the service to the state if the state is checked, removes it otherwise :param service: service to handle :type service: str :param state: state of the checkbox :type state: int """ if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self._selected_services = \ self._selected_services.union(set([service])) else: self._selected_services = \ self._selected_services.difference(set([service])) # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(False) def _populate_services(self, domain): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.cbProvidersServices.currentIndexChanged[unicode] Loads the services that the provider provides into the UI for the user to enable or disable. :param domain: the domain of the provider to load services from. :type domain: str """ # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(False) if not domain: return provider_config = self._get_provider_config(domain) if provider_config is None: return # set the proper connection for the 'save' button try: self.ui.pbSaveServices.clicked.disconnect() except RuntimeError: pass # Signal was not connected save_services = partial(self._save_enabled_services, domain) self.ui.pbSaveServices.clicked.connect(save_services) services = get_supported(provider_config.get_services()) services_conf = self._settings.get_enabled_services(domain) # discard changes if other provider is selected self._selected_services = set() # from: # remove existing checkboxes layout = self.ui.vlServices for i in reversed(range(layout.count())): layout.itemAt(i).widget().setParent(None) # add one checkbox per service and set the current configured value for service in services: try: checkbox = QtGui.QCheckBox(self) service_label = get_service_display_name(service) checkbox.setText(service_label) self.ui.vlServices.addWidget(checkbox) checkbox.stateChanged.connect( partial(self._service_selection_changed, service)) checkbox.setChecked(service in services_conf) except ValueError: logger.error("Something went wrong while trying to " "load service %s" % (service,)) def _save_enabled_services(self, provider): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.pbSaveServices.clicked Saves the new enabled services settings to the configuration file. :param provider: the provider config that we need to save. :type provider: str """ services = list(self._selected_services) self._settings.set_enabled_services(provider, services) msg = "Services settings for provider '{0}' saved.".format(provider)) logger.debug(msg) self._set_providers_services_status(msg, success=True) def _get_provider_config(self, domain): """ Helper to return a valid Provider Config from the domain name. :param domain: the domain name of the provider. :type domain: str :rtype: ProviderConfig or None if there is a problem loading the config """ provider_config = ProviderConfig() provider_config_path = os.path.join( "leap", "providers", domain, "provider.json") if not provider_config.load(provider_config_path): provider_config = None return provider_config
class EIPPreferencesWindow(QtGui.QDialog): """ Window that displays the EIP preferences. """ def __init__(self, parent, domain): """ :param parent: parent object of the EIPPreferencesWindow. :type parent: QWidget :param domain: the selected by default domain. :type domain: unicode """ QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL ="Automatic") self._settings = LeapSettings() # Load UI self.ui = Ui_EIPPreferences() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False) # Connections self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.currentIndexChanged[int].connect( self._populate_gateways) self.ui.cbGateways.currentIndexChanged[unicode].connect( lambda x: self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False)) self._add_configured_providers(domain) def _set_providers_gateway_status(self, status, success=False, error=False): """ Sets the status label for the gateway change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str :param success: is set to True if we should display the message as green :type success: bool :param error: is set to True if we should display the message as red :type error: bool """ if success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) elif error: status = "<font color='red'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setText(status) def _add_configured_providers(self, domain=None): """ Add the client's configured providers to the providers combo boxes. :param domain: the domain to be selected by default. :type domain: unicode """ self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.clear() providers = self._settings.get_configured_providers() if not providers: self.ui.gbGatewaySelector.setEnabled(False) return for provider in providers: label = provider eip_config_path = get_eipconfig_path(provider, relative=False) if not os.path.isfile(eip_config_path): label = provider +" (uninitialized)") self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.addItem(label, userData=provider) # Select provider by name if domain is not None: provider_index = self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.findText( domain, QtCore.Qt.MatchStartsWith) self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.setCurrentIndex(provider_index) def _save_selected_gateway(self, provider): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked Saves the new gateway setting to the configuration file. :param provider: the provider config that we need to save. :type provider: str """ gateway = self.ui.cbGateways.currentText() if gateway == self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL: gateway = self._settings.GATEWAY_AUTOMATIC else: idx = self.ui.cbGateways.currentIndex() gateway = self.ui.cbGateways.itemData(idx) self._settings.set_selected_gateway(provider, gateway) msg = "Gateway settings for provider '{0}' saved.").format(provider) self._set_providers_gateway_status(msg, success=True) def _populate_gateways(self, domain_idx): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.currentIndexChanged[unicode] Loads the gateways that the provider provides into the UI for the user to select. :param domain: the domain index of the provider to load gateways from. :type domain: int """ # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False) if domain_idx == -1: return domain = self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.itemData(domain_idx) if not os.path.isfile(get_eipconfig_path(domain, relative=False)): self._set_providers_gateway_status("This is an uninitialized provider, " "please log in first."), error=True) self.ui.pbSaveGateway.setEnabled(False) self.ui.cbGateways.setEnabled(False) return else: self.ui.pbSaveGateway.setEnabled(True) self.ui.cbGateways.setEnabled(True) try: # disconnect previously connected save method self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked.disconnect() except RuntimeError: pass # Signal was not connected # set the proper connection for the 'save' button save_gateway = partial(self._save_selected_gateway, domain) self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked.connect(save_gateway) eip_config = EIPConfig() provider_config = ProviderConfig.get_provider_config(domain) api_version = provider_config.get_api_version() eip_config.set_api_version(api_version) eip_loaded = eip_config.load(get_eipconfig_path(domain)) if not eip_loaded or provider_config is None: self._set_providers_gateway_status("There was a problem with configuration files."), error=True) return gateways = VPNGatewaySelector(eip_config).get_gateways_list() logger.debug(gateways) self.ui.cbGateways.clear() self.ui.cbGateways.addItem(self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL) # Add the available gateways and # select the one stored in configuration file. selected_gateway = self._settings.get_selected_gateway(domain) index = 0 for idx, (gw_name, gw_ip) in enumerate(gateways): gateway = "{0} ({1})".format(gw_name, gw_ip) self.ui.cbGateways.addItem(gateway, gw_ip) if gw_ip == selected_gateway: index = idx + 1 self.ui.cbGateways.setCurrentIndex(index)
class EIPPreferencesWindow(QtGui.QDialog): """ Window that displays the EIP preferences. """ def __init__(self, parent, domain, backend, leap_signaler): """ :param parent: parent object of the EIPPreferencesWindow. :type parent: QWidget :param domain: the selected by default domain. :type domain: unicode :param backend: Backend being used :type backend: Backend """ QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL ="Automatic") self._settings = LeapSettings() self._leap_signaler = leap_signaler self._backend = backend # Load UI self.ui = Ui_EIPPreferences() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False) # Connections self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.currentIndexChanged[int].connect( self._populate_gateways) self.ui.cbGateways.currentIndexChanged[unicode].connect( lambda x: self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False)) self._selected_domain = domain self._configured_providers = [] self._backend_connect() self._add_configured_providers() def _set_providers_gateway_status(self, status, success=False, error=False): """ Sets the status label for the gateway change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str :param success: is set to True if we should display the message as green :type success: bool :param error: is set to True if we should display the message as red :type error: bool """ if success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status, ) elif error: status = "<font color='red'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status, ) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setText(status) def _add_configured_providers(self): """ Add the client's configured providers to the providers combo boxes. """ providers = self._settings.get_configured_providers() if not providers: return self._backend.eip_get_initialized_providers(domains=providers) def _load_providers_in_combo(self, providers): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_get_initialized_providers Add the client's configured providers to the providers combo boxes. :param providers: the list of providers to add and whether each one is initialized or not. :type providers: list of tuples (str, bool) """ self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.clear() if not providers: self.ui.gbGatewaySelector.setEnabled(False) return # block signals so the currentIndexChanged slot doesn't get triggered self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.blockSignals(True) for provider, is_initialized in providers: label = provider if not is_initialized: label +=" (uninitialized)") self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.addItem(label, userData=provider) self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.blockSignals(False) # Select provider by name domain = self._selected_domain if domain is not None: provider_index = self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.findText( domain, QtCore.Qt.MatchStartsWith) self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.setCurrentIndex(provider_index) def _save_selected_gateway(self, provider): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked Saves the new gateway setting to the configuration file. :param provider: the provider config that we need to save. :type provider: str """ gateway = self.ui.cbGateways.currentText() if gateway == self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL: gateway = self._settings.GATEWAY_AUTOMATIC else: idx = self.ui.cbGateways.currentIndex() gateway = self.ui.cbGateways.itemData(idx) self._settings.set_selected_gateway(provider, gateway) self._backend.settings_set_selected_gateway(provider=provider, gateway=gateway) msg ="Gateway settings for provider '{0}' saved.").format( provider) self._set_providers_gateway_status(msg, success=True) def _populate_gateways(self, domain_idx): """ TRIGGERS: self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.currentIndexChanged[unicode] Loads the gateways that the provider provides into the UI for the user to select. :param domain: the domain index of the provider to load gateways from. :type domain: int """ # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersGatewayStatus.setVisible(False) if domain_idx == -1: return domain = self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.itemData(domain_idx) self._selected_domain = domain self._backend.eip_get_gateways_list(domain=domain) def _update_gateways_list(self, gateways): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_get_gateways_list :param gateways: a list of gateways :type gateways: list of unicode Add the available gateways and select the one stored in configuration file. """ self.ui.pbSaveGateway.setEnabled(True) self.ui.cbGateways.setEnabled(True) self.ui.cbGateways.clear() self.ui.cbGateways.addItem(self.AUTOMATIC_GATEWAY_LABEL) try: # disconnect previously connected save method self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked.disconnect() except RuntimeError: pass # Signal was not connected # set the proper connection for the 'save' button domain = self._selected_domain save_gateway = partial(self._save_selected_gateway, domain) self.ui.pbSaveGateway.clicked.connect(save_gateway) selected_gateway = self._settings.get_selected_gateway( self._selected_domain) index = 0 for idx, (gw_name, gw_ip) in enumerate(gateways): gateway = "{0} ({1})".format(gw_name, gw_ip) self.ui.cbGateways.addItem(gateway, gw_ip) if gw_ip == selected_gateway: index = idx + 1 self.ui.cbGateways.setCurrentIndex(index) def _gateways_list_error(self): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_get_gateways_list_error An error has occurred retrieving the gateway list so we inform the user. """ self._set_providers_gateway_status("There was a problem with configuration files."), error=True) self.ui.pbSaveGateway.setEnabled(False) self.ui.cbGateways.setEnabled(False) def _gateways_list_uninitialized(self): """ TRIGGERS: Signaler.eip_uninitialized_provider The requested provider in not initialized yet, so we give the user an error msg. """ self._set_providers_gateway_status("This is an uninitialized provider, please log in first."), error=True) self.ui.pbSaveGateway.setEnabled(False) self.ui.cbGateways.setEnabled(False) def _backend_connect(self): sig = self._leap_signaler sig.eip_get_gateways_list.connect(self._update_gateways_list) sig.eip_get_gateways_list_error.connect(self._gateways_list_error) sig.eip_uninitialized_provider.connect( self._gateways_list_uninitialized) sig.eip_get_initialized_providers.connect( self._load_providers_in_combo)