예제 #1
def test_created_modules(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'get_actor_folder_path', _files_get_folder_path)
    path = os.path.abspath(api.get_actor_folder_path('dracut'))
    required_modules = ['sys-upgrade', 'sys-upgrade-redhat']
    for mod in modscan._create_dracut_modules():
        index = required_modules.index(mod.name)

        # Ensures that this actor only includes known modules
        assert index != -1


        # Ensures that the path is valid
        assert mod.module_path
        assert mod.module_path == os.path.abspath(mod.module_path)

        # Ensure it's a directory
        assert os.path.isdir(mod.module_path)

        # Ensure it's located within the actors files path
        assert mod.module_path.startswith(path)

        # Ensure the directory name ends with the module name
        assert os.path.basename(mod.module_path).endswith(mod.name)
        assert not re.sub(r'^(85|90){}$'.format(mod.name), '',
    assert not required_modules
def test_created_modules(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'get_actor_folder_path', _files_get_folder_path)
    path = os.path.abspath(api.get_actor_folder_path('dracut'))
    required_modules = {'sys-upgrade', 'sys-upgrade-redhat'}
    # _old is for deprecated stuff, _new is ...
    # we want to test that the new and original solution produce 'equivalent' output
    produced_required_modules_old = set()
    produced_required_modules_new = set()

    def check_module(mod):
        # Ensures that this actor only includes known modules
        assert mod.name in required_modules

        # Ensures that the path is valid
        assert mod.module_path
        assert mod.module_path == os.path.abspath(mod.module_path)

        # Ensure it's a directory
        assert os.path.isdir(mod.module_path)

        # Ensure it's located within the actors files path
        assert mod.module_path.startswith(path)

        # Ensure the directory name ends with the module name
        assert os.path.basename(mod.module_path).endswith(mod.name)
        assert not re.sub(r'^(85|90){}$'.format(mod.name), '',

    for msg in modscan._create_dracut_modules():
        if isinstance(msg, UpgradeDracutModule):
            for mod in msg.include_dracut_modules:

    # ensure that old and new solution produce equivalent (expected) output
    assert produced_required_modules_new == produced_required_modules_old == required_modules