예제 #1
def save_plots(target_state, best_state, cost_progress, *, modes, offset=-0.11, l=5,
        out_dir='sim_results', ID='state_learner', **kwargs):
    """Generate and save plots"""

    if modes == 1:
        # generate a wigner function plot of the target state
        fig1, ax1 = wigner_3D_plot(target_state, offset=offset, l=l)
        fig1.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID+'_targetWigner.png'))

        # generate a wigner function plot of the learnt state
        fig2, ax2 = wigner_3D_plot(best_state, offset=offset, l=l)
        fig2.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID+'_learntWigner.png'))

        # generate a wavefunction plot of the target state
        figW1, axW1 = wavefunction_plot(target_state, l=l)
        figW1.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID+'_targetWavefunction.png'))

        # generate a wavefunction plot of the learnt state
        figW2, axW2 = wavefunction_plot(best_state, l=l)
        figW2.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID+'_learntWavefunction.png'))
    elif modes == 2:
        # generate a 3D wavefunction plot of the target state
        figW1, axW1 = two_mode_wavefunction_plot(target_state, l=l)
        figW1.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID+'_targetWavefunction.png'))

        # generate a 3D wavefunction plot of the learnt state
        figW2, axW2 = two_mode_wavefunction_plot(best_state, l=l)
        figW2.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID+'_learntWavefunction.png'))

    # generate a cost function plot
    figC, axC = plot_cost(cost_progress)
    figC.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID+'_cost.png'))
예제 #2
def save_plots(target_unitary,
    """Generate and save plots"""

    square = not kwargs.get('maps_outside', True)

    if modes == 1:
        # generate a wigner function plot of the target state
        fig1, ax1 = wigner_3D_plot(eq_state_target, offset=offset, l=l)
        fig1.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID + '_targetWigner.png'))

        # generate a wigner function plot of the learnt state
        fig2, ax2 = wigner_3D_plot(eq_state_learnt, offset=offset, l=l)
        fig2.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID + '_learntWigner.png'))

        # generate a matrix plot of the target and learnt unitaries
        figW1, axW1 = one_mode_unitary_plots(target_unitary,
        figW1.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID + '_unitaryPlot.png'))
    elif modes == 2:
        # generate a 3D wavefunction plot of the target state
        figW1, axW1 = two_mode_wavefunction_plot(eq_state_target, l=l)
        figW1.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID + '_targetWavefunction.png'))

        # generate a 3D wavefunction plot of the learnt state
        figW2, axW2 = two_mode_wavefunction_plot(eq_state_learnt, l=l)
        figW2.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID + '_learntWavefunction.png'))

        # generate a matrix plot of the target and learnt unitaries
        figM1, axM1 = two_mode_unitary_plots(target_unitary,
        figM1.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID + '_unitaryPlot.png'))

    # generate a cost function plot
    figC, axC = plot_cost(cost_progress)
    figC.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ID + '_cost.png'))
예제 #3
def optimize(ket, target_state, parameters, cutoff, reps=1000, penalty_strength=0,
        out_dir='sim_results', ID='state_learning', board_name='TensorBoard',
        dump_reps=100, **kwargs):
    """The optimization routine.

        ket (tensor): tensorflow tensor representing the output state vector of the circuit.
        target_state (array): the target state.
        parameters (list): list of the tensorflow variables representing the gate
            parameters to be optimized in the variational quantum circuit.
        cutoff (int): the simulation Fock basis truncation.
        reps (int): the number of optimization repititions.
        penalty_strength (float): the strength of the penalty to apply to optimized states
            deviating from a norm of 1.
        out_dir (str): directory to store saved output.
        ID (str): the ID of the simulation. The optimization output is saved in the directory
        board_name (str): the folder to store data for TensorBoard.
        dump_reps (int): the repitition frequency at which to save output.

        dict: a dictionary containing the hyperparameters and results of the optimization.

    # ===============================================================================
    # Loss function
    # ===============================================================================

    fidelity = state_fidelity(ket, target_state)
    tf.summary.scalar('fidelity', fidelity)

    # loss function to minimise
    loss = 1-fidelity #tf.abs(tf.reduce_sum(tf.conj(ket) * target_state) - 1)
    tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss)

    # ===============================================================================
    # Regularisation
    # ===============================================================================

    # calculate the norm of the state
    state_norm = tf.abs(tf.reduce_sum(tf.conj(ket) * ket)) ** 2
    tf.summary.scalar('norm', state_norm)

    # penalty
    penalty = penalty_strength * (state_norm - 1)**2
    tf.summary.scalar('penalty', penalty)

    # Overall cost function
    cost = loss + penalty
    tf.summary.scalar('cost', cost)

    # ===============================================================================
    # Set up the tensorflow session
    # ===============================================================================

    # Using Adam algorithm for optimization
    optimiser = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
    minimize_cost = optimiser.minimize(cost)

    # Begin Tensorflow session
    session = tf.Session()

    writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(board_name)
    merge = tf.summary.merge_all()

    # ===============================================================================
    # Run the optimization
    # ===============================================================================

    # Keeps track of fidelity to target state
    fid_progress = []
    # keep track of the cost function
    cost_progress = []

    # Keeps track of best state and fidelity during optimization
    best_state = np.zeros(cutoff)
    best_fid = 0

    start = time.time()

    # Run optimization
    for i in range(reps):

        _, cost_val, fid_val, ket_val, norm_val, penalty_val, params_val = session.run(
            [minimize_cost, cost, fidelity, ket, state_norm, penalty, parameters])
        # Stores fidelity at each step

        fig2, ax2 = wigner_3D_plot(ket_val, offset=-0.155, l=5)
        # ax2.set_xlim3d(-5, 5)
        # ax2.set_ylim3d(-5, 5)
        ax2.set_zlim3d(-0.2, None)
        fig2.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, '{}.png'.format(i).zfill(4)))

        if i % dump_reps == 0:
            # print progress
            print("Rep: {} Cost: {:.4f} Fidelity: {:.4f} Norm: {:.4f}".format(
                i, cost_val, fid_val, norm_val))

            if i > 0:
                # save results file
                np.savez(os.path.join(out_dir, ID+'.npz'),

        if i > 0 and fid_val > best_fid:
            best_fid = fid_val
            min_cost = cost_val
            best_state = correct_global_phase(ket_val)

            end = time.time()

            sim_results = {
                # sim details
                'name': HP['name'],
                'target_state': target_state,
                'state_params': HP['state_params'],
                'cutoff': cutoff,
                'depth': HP['depth'],
                'reps': reps,
                'penalty_strength': penalty_strength,
                'best_runtime': end-start,
                # optimization results
                'best_rep': i,
                'min_cost': cost_val,
                'fidelity': best_fid,
                'cost_progress': np.array(cost_progress),
                'fid_progress': np.array(fid_progress),
                'penalty': penalty_val,
                # optimization output
                'learnt_state': best_state,
                'params': params_val,
                'd_r': params_val[0],
                'd_phi': params_val[1],
                'r1': params_val[2],
                'sq_r': params_val[3],
                'sq_phi': params_val[4],
                'r2': params_val[5],
                'kappa': params_val[6]

    end = time.time()
    print("Elapsed time is {} seconds".format(np.round(end - start)))
    print("Final cost = ", cost_val)
    print("Minimum cost = ", min_cost)
    print("Optimum fidelity = ", best_fid)

    sim_results['runtime'] = end-start
    sim_results['cost_progress'] = np.array(cost_progress)
    sim_results['fid_progress'] = np.array(fid_progress)

    np.savez(os.path.join(out_dir, ID+'.npz'), **sim_results)

    return sim_results